Dupont Analysis

  • June 2020
  • PDF

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  • Words: 138
  • Pages: 1
DuPont Analysis (Cost of Goods Sold ) (+ ) (Selling, General and Administrative Expenses )

(+ ) (Interest Expense )

(Sales )

Total Costs

Net Income 0.00

Net Profit Margin Net Income/Sales #DIV/0!


(+ ) (Tax Expense )

(Cash ) (+ ) (Accounts Recievables ) (+ ) (Inventories ) Total Current Assets (+ ) (Marketable Securities )


(+ ) (Other Current Assets ) Total Assets 0.00

Assets Turnover Sales/Total Assets Ratio #DIV/0!

Return on Common Equity (ROE) #DIV/0!

(Land ) (+ ) (Building )

(+ )

Non-Current Assets

(Machinery )


(+ ) (Intangibles )

(Current Liabilities ) (+ ) (Long Term Debt )

Total Liability = Total Assets 0.00

(Total Assets or Total Liabilities) Total Assets to / (Net Worth or Net Worth Stockholder Equity) #DIV/0!

+ (Stockholder Equity (SE) )

Financial Modeling Guide

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