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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 1 1.

Jordan Dunfield-1. He was born 1802 in VA. He died on 01 Aug 1862 in Sperryville VA, Typhoid Fever. Fact 2 in Page #: 227 [1]. Fact 3 in Year: 1840 [1]. Fact 4 in State: Mason Co., VA (County) [1]. Fact 5 in Year: 1840. Fact 10 in State: Mason Co., VA (County) [2]. Fact 12 in Year: 1830 [2]. Notes for Jordan Dunfield: General Notes: Adjutant General's Office, Washington DC Oct. 15, 1863 Sir: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt from your Office of application for Pension No. 31931, and to return it herewith, with such information as is furnished by the files of this Office. It appears from the Rolls on file in this Office, that Jordan Dunfield was enrolled on the 26th day of Oct., 1861, at Buffalo in Co. "D" 8th Regiment of VA. Volunteers, to serve Three years, or during the war, and mustered into service as a Private on the10th day of Nov. 1861, at Charleston VA in Co. "D", 8th Regiment of Va. Volunteers, to serve Three years, or duing the war. On the Muster Roll of Co. "D" of that Regiment, for the months of July & August 1862, he is reported "Died in Regt. Hospital at Sperryville Va. August 1, 1862. Cause of death not stated. I am, Sir, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, __________________ The Commissioner of Pensions Washington, D.C. Memoranda. Name of Applicant William Burch Address, Buffalo, Putnam Co., Va. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Capm near Beverly Randolph County, West Virginia October the 1st, 1863 I, John Reynolds, Capt. commanding company "D" of the Eighth Regiment of Virginia Volunteers. Commanded by Col. Lucien Loesndo do certify on Honor, that Jordon Dunfield who was a Private in my said company died at Sperryville in the State of Virginia. In the first day of August 1862 of Typhoid Fever. Which said decease contracted while he was such soldier in the service of the United States and in the line of his duty. John Reynolds, Capt. Commanding Company "D" 8th Regt Va. Vols. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Pension claim No. 31-931. Additional evidence to be filed in the claim of Wm. Burch Guardian of the heirs of Jordon Dunfield Co. "D" 8th Regt Va. Vols. Inft. Address Mollohan Gallipolis, Ohio Page 1 of 11

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 1 (con't) Address Mollohan Gallipolis, Ohio -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Civil War Division Min. Ctf. 18,642 Minors of Jordan Dunfield Co. D 8 Va. Inf. April 20, 1915. The Postmaster Buffalo, West Virginia Sir: Inclosed herewith is a letter by a patron of your office who claims to be a son of Jordan Dunfield, the above named soldier, who died while in the service, stating that he now lives on the old homestead where he was born, but he fails to sign his name, and therefore, this Bureau cannot reply to his letter. If you can locate the writer, kindly return to him his letter with this letter to inform him that if he desires to continue the correspondence he should return both letters to this Bureau with his name and state definitely for what purpose he writes as he apparently has no title to pension. Very respectfully, Commissioner. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Virginia At a term of the County Court of Putnam County began and held at the Court House thereof on Monday the 25th day of May 1863. The Court doth assign William Burch guardian to Alphonso Dunfield and Matilda Dunfield orphans of Jorden Dunfield deceased; and thereupon the said William Burch with William H. Shaw his security entered into and acknowledged a bond in the penalty of $300 with condition according to law and thereupon he took the oath prescribed by law. Witnessed my signature & seal of said Court. Geo. R. Montague Clerk May the 26th 1863. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------State of Virginia County of Putnam SS On this 26th day of May AD 1863 personally appeared before me George R. Montague Clerk of the County Court in and for the County and State above named, William Burch aged 57 years who being first duly sworn according to law Page 2 of 11

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 1 (con't) above named, William Burch aged 57 years who being first duly sworn according to law doth on his oath make the following declaration as guardian of the minor children of Jordan Dunfield deceased in order to obtain the benefit of the provision made by the Act of Congress approved July 14, 1862, granting Pensions to minor children under sixteen years of age of deceased officers and soldiers, that he is guardian of Alphonso Dunfield & Matilda Dunfield whose father was a private in Company "D" commanded by Captain Rucker--------in the Eighth Regiment of Virginia Volunteers in the war of 1861, and that the said Jordan Dunfield died at Camp Sperryville Virginia on the first day of August 1862 of disease contracted while in the service of the United States and in the line of his duty that the mother of the said children died on the day of 18 and that the date of the birth of the said children are as followeth: 1. Alphonso Dunfield born October 13th 1846 2. Matilda Dunfield Born December 5, 1848 that they are all of the children of the said Jordon Dunfield and Rachel E. Dunfield, father and mother as aforesaid who are under the age of sixteen years. He further declares that the parents of the said children were married in the County of Jackson, in the State of Virginia on or about the 10th of April in the year 1828, that he has not been engaged in or or abetted the rebellion in the United States, that his Post Office, is Buffalow Putnam County Virginia, that Charles Mollohein is appointed his attorney to prosecute this claim and receive the certificate when it issues. William Burch Also personally appeared John W. Harrison and A.G. Montague residents of the County of Putnam and State of Virginia. Persons whom I certify to be respectable and entitled to credit, and who being by me duly sworn say they were present and saw William Burch sign the foregoing declaration, that they reside as above stated and are disinterested in this claim John W. Harrison A.G. Montague Sworn to and subscribed before me this 26th day of May A.D. 1863, and I hereby certify that I have no interest; direct or indirect in the presecution of this claim, that the declarant is the person he represents himself to be, In Testimony whereof I have here unto subscribed my name and affixed the sear of said Court on this 26th day of May 1863 Geo. R. Montague Clerk Seal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Page 3 of 11

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 1 (con't) Seal ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------State of West Virginia County of Putnam SS On this 10 day of September A.D. 1863 before the under signed authority personally came William Burch and B.S. Oldaker residents of the said County and State persons to me well known to be respectable and entitled to credit, who being by me duly sworn as the law directs upon them doth say that they were well acquainted with Jordan Dunfield late of this County who was a soldier in the service of the United States in Co. D, 8th Regt, Va. Vols. Inft. and who died in the service, we were also well acquainted with Rachel E. Dunfield his wife who died in this said County on or about the month of January A.D. 1859. That we were also acquainted with their children born of them during their marriage whose names are as follows-Elizabeth, Mary A., Catherine, Amanda F, John, Susan A., Carolina, Riley L., Alphonso & Matilda Dunfield, and that all of the said children are now living except, John, Susan A & Caroline, who departed this life in this said County with out issue, and the said Elizabeth, Mary A., Catherine, Amanda F., Riley L., Alphonso, & Matilda re all and the only living children & heirs of the said Jordon Dunfield dec.'d & that Alphonso and Mathilda are minors under sixteen years old. That Elizabeth married a man by the name of Summers, Mary A. married Bird, Catherine, married Blake, Amanada married Blake, all these facts we state of our own knowledge having been well acquainted with the family, for at least twenty eight years lived their neighbors and often been at their house was at the burying of Mrs. Rachel E. Dunfield, and their children, and that we have no interest in the claim in which this deposition is to be filed. They further say that the said Jordon Dunfield and Rachel E. Dunfield cohabited together as husband and wife down to the death of the said Rachel E. Dunfield and were respected as such by all who knew them and that ____ _ _______________of under sixten years were made before signing. William Burch B.S. Oldaker Sworn to and subscribed before me in my said County on this 10th day of September 1863 that the said deposition was read and its contents fully explained to them before they were sworn to and subscribed by them, and that I have no interest in this claim. Zachariah Priddy J.P. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------' State of West Virginia Putnam County SS I George R. Montague Clerk of the County Court within & for the County and State above named do certify that Page 4 of 11

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 1 (con't) I George R. Montague Clerk of the County Court within & for the County and State above named do certify that Zachariah Priddy, Esq before whom the foregoing affidavits were made and who has signed his name to the above certificate was at the tim eof so doing a Justice of the Peace within and for said County duly Commissioned and sworn and that full faith and credit is due to all his official acts as such. In witness whreof I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Court at the Court House of said County on this 30th day of September 1863. Geo. R. Montague Clerk

Rachel Flesher is the daughter of Andrew S. Flesher and Elizabeth Bibbee. She was born 1809. She died Jan 1859 in Putnam Co., WV. Notes for Rachel Flesher: General Notes: Rachel is said to have drowned in the Kanawha River while trying to rescue a girl who was helping her wash some clothes. "The Descendants of John and Susanna Bibbee of WV and Ohio 1736-1996" by Clark Blake, p258 Jordan Dunfield and Rachel Flesher. They were married on 10 Apr 1828 in Mason Co. WV. They had 11 children.



Elizabeth B. Dunfield. She was born 1829 in Putnam Co., WV. She married Harvey E. Summers. They were married on 09 Jul 1846 in Mason Co. WV.



Mary A. Dunfield. She was born on 05 Mar 1831 in VA. She married Hillary Bird. They were married on 27 Dec 1854 in Putnam Co WV, Jordan Dunfield's. She died on 30 Sep 1878 in Mason Co. WV.


Catherine Dunfield. She was born 1833.


Amanda Dunfield. She was born on 03 Feb 1835 in Mason Co., WV. She married Jackson Blake. They were married on 15 Jun 1855 in Putnam Co., WV.


John Dunfield. He was born 1838 in Putnam Co., WV.


Susan Dunfield. She was born 1840.


Riley Dunfield. He was born 1843.


Alfonzo Dunfield. He was born on 13 Oct 1846 in Mason Co., VA. He died 1919 in Cross Creek Cemetery, Buffalo, WV.


Caroline Dunfield. She was born 1848 in Putnam Co., WV. She died 1899 in Cross Creek Cemetery, Buffalo, WV.


Sarah Dunfield. She married Andrew Hazlett Blake. They were married on 25 Jun 1861.



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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 1 (con't) xi.

Matilda Dunfield. She was born on 05 Dec 1848 in Mason Co. VA. She married Thomas A. Bays. They were married on 22 Apr 1869 in OH.

Generation 2 2.

Elizabeth B. Dunfield-2 (Jordan Dunfield-1). She was born 1829 in Putnam Co., WV. Harvey E. Summers is the son of Francis Summers and Betsy Payne. He was born on 23 Oct 1821 in Mason Co., WV. Notes for Harvey E. Summers: General Notes: During 1883, family was farming near Grimms's Landing, Mason Co., WV. Harvey and Elizabeth are buried near their farm on 16 Mile Creek in Mason Co. Harvey E. Summers and Elizabeth B. Dunfield. They were married on 09 Jul 1846 in Mason Co. WV. They had 12 children.




Elmira Summers. She was born on 27 Dec 1848.


Jordan Summers. He was born on 07 Nov 1855.


Samantha Summers. She was born on 18 Feb 1858. She married George W. Lanham. They were married on 24 May 1891 in Mason Co., WV.


Amanda L. Summers. She was born on 07 Sep 1860 in Mason Co., WV. She married Charles I. Blake. They were married on 24 Dec 1880 in Mason Co., WV.


Clark Summers. He was born on 26 Jan 1863.


Louis Summers. He was born on 26 Jan 1863.


Mary Summers. She was born on 20 May 1866.


Harvey E. Summers. He was born on 07 Feb 1869.


Noah W. Summers. He was born on 08 Aug 1871.


Virginia Summers. She was born on 02 Aug 1847.


Albert L. Summers. He was born on 15 May 1851. He died on 19 Mar 1853 in Buffalo Baptist Cemetery, Putnam Co., WV.


Henry F. Summers. He was born on 19 Oct 1853. He died on 04 Aug 1854.

Mary A. Dunfield-2 (Jordan Dunfield-1). She was born on 05 Mar 1831 in VA. She died on 30 Sep 1878 in Mason Co. WV. Hillary Bird is the son of Elijah Bird and Celia Gordan [3]. He was born on 01 Oct 1821 in Hertford Co. NC. He died on 28 Dec 1892 in Mason Co. WV, Bird Cemetery. Page 6 of 11

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 2 (con't) Notes for Hillary Bird: General Notes: Hardesty's History, WV ..... quoted as saying the walked from North Carolina with one dollar in his pocket. Hillary Bird and Mary A. Dunfield. Death Of One Spouse on 27 Dec 1854. They were married on 27 Dec 1854 in Putnam Co WV, Jordan Dunfield's. They had 8 children.


John T. Bird. He was born on 28 Sep 1855. He died on 28 Jan 1880.


Susan A. Bird. She was born on 15 Jan 1858. She died on 11 Feb 1859.



Elizabeth Bird. She was born on 19 Dec 1859 in Mason Co. WV. She married James Allen Adams. They were married on 27 Sep 1881 in Mason Co. WV. She died 1885 in Mason Co. WV, Bird Cemetery.



Sarah D. Bird. She was born on 14 Feb 1862 in Mason Co. WV. She married Anthony Wayne Asher. They were married on 23 Mar 1890 in Mason Co., WV. She died on 26 Dec 1940 in Beckley WV, Lone Oak Cemetery.


James H. Bird. He was born on 20 Jul 1864.


Fannie Catherine Bird. She was born on 29 Aug 1868. She married Charles Cera Hill. They were married on 29 Aug 1889 in Mason Co., WV.


William Henry Bird. He was born on 27 Jul 1870. He died on 19 Nov 1892 in Mason Co. WV, Bird Cemetery.


Edward Bird. He was born on 21 Nov 1872. He died on 13 Dec 1872.

David Lewis is the son of William H. Lewis and Sarah Enochs. He was born 1831 in VA. He died 1854 in VA. David Lewis and Mary A. Dunfield. They were married Abt. 1850 in Mason Co., WV. They had 1 child.

i. 4.

David Lewis. He was born 1851.

Amanda Dunfield-2 (Jordan Dunfield-1). She was born on 03 Feb 1835 in Mason Co., WV. Jackson Blake is the son of Robert Blake and Jane Auther. He was born on 17 Dec 1830 in Fayette Co., WV. Notes for Jackson Blake: General Notes: Listed as merchant and cooper in History of Putnam Co., WV Jackson Blake and Amanda Dunfield. They were married on 15 Jun 1855 in Putnam Co., WV. They had no children.

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 2 (con't) Jackson Blake is the son of Robert Blake and Jane Auther. He was born on 17 Dec 1830 in Fayette Co., WV. Notes for Jackson Blake: General Notes: Listed as merchant and cooper in History of Putnam Co., WV Jackson Blake and Amanda Dunfield. They had 8 children.




Albert C. Blake. He was born on 02 Mar 1856.


Charles I. Blake. He was born on 27 Jan 1859. He married Amanda L. Summers. They were married on 24 Dec 1880 in Mason Co., WV.


Rachael Janette Blake. She was born on 31 May 1863.


Octavo C. Blake. She was born on 31 Mar 1867.


Eliza B. Blake. She was born on 14 Aug 1869.


Luella F. Blake. She was born on 04 Dec 1871.


Linnie E. Blake. She was born on 04 Feb 1876.


Alfred C. Blake. He was born on 06 Jan 1857. He died on 11 Aug 1857.

Riley Dunfield-2 (Jordan Dunfield-1). He was born 1843. Mary. Riley Dunfield and Mary. They had 1 child.


William Henry Garnet Dunfield.

Generation 3 6.

Amanda L. Summers-3 (Elizabeth B. Dunfield-2, Jordan Dunfield-1). She was born on 07 Sep 1860 in Mason Co., WV.


Charles I. Blake is the son of Jackson Blake and Amanda Dunfield. He was born on 27 Jan 1859. Notes for Charles I. Blake: General Notes: Listed as wagonmaker in 1883. Charles I. Blake and Amanda L. Summers. They were married on 24 Dec 1880 in Mason Co., WV. They had 1 child.


Eula Myrta Blake. She was born on 07 Oct 1881.

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 3 (con't) 7.

Elizabeth Bird-3 (Mary A. Dunfield-2, Jordan Dunfield-1). She was born on 19 Dec 1859 in Mason Co. WV. She died 1885 in Mason Co. WV, Bird Cemetery. James Allen Adams is the son of Nathaniel Watson Adams and Semysames McCoy. He was born on 24 Oct 1858 in Mason Co. WV. He died on 13 Feb 1913 in Mason Co. WV. James Allen Adams and Elizabeth Bird. They were married on 27 Sep 1881 in Mason Co. WV. Death Of One Spouse 1885. They had 1 child.




Lillian Elsie Adams. She was born on 14 Jan 1883 in Mason Co. WV. She married Julius Ceaser Handley. They were married on 21 May 1909 in Mason Co. WV. She died on 28 Sep 1968 in Sacramento CA, Memorial Lawn Cemetery. Height was 5 ft. 7 in.. Cause Of Death was old age.

Sarah D. Bird-3 (Mary A. Dunfield-2, Jordan Dunfield-1). She was born on 14 Feb 1862 in Mason Co. WV. She died on 26 Dec 1940 in Beckley WV, Lone Oak Cemetery. Notes for Sarah D. Bird: General Notes: Siloam School Teacher, first Bird School 1879. Anthony Wayne Asher. Anthony Wayne Asher and Sarah D. Bird. They were married on 23 Mar 1890 in Mason Co., WV. They had 4 children.



Lillian Asher.


Marguerite Asher.


Leon Asher.


A.L. Asher.

Charles I. Blake-3 (Amanda Dunfield-2, Jordan Dunfield-1). He was born on 27 Jan 1859. Notes for Charles I. Blake: General Notes: Listed as wagonmaker in 1883.


Amanda L. Summers is the daughter of Harvey E. Summers and Elizabeth B. Dunfield. She was born on 07 Sep 1860 in Mason Co., WV. Charles I. Blake and Amanda L. Summers. They were married on 24 Dec 1880 in Mason Co., WV. They had 1 child.


Eula Myrta Blake. She was born on 07 Oct 1881.

Generation 4

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 4 (con't) 10.

Lillian Elsie Adams-4 (Elizabeth Bird-3, Mary A. Dunfield-2, Jordan Dunfield-1). She was born on 14 Jan 1883 in Mason Co. WV. She died on 28 Sep 1968 in Sacramento CA, Memorial Lawn Cemetery. Height was 5 ft. 7 in.. Cause Of Death was old age. Notes for Lillian Elsie Adams: General Notes: Lillian Adams Handley moved to Columbus, Ohio in 1913 where she operated a boarding house (for men only). I'm not sure if she owned the building. She lived close to her sister-in-law Jennie Handley Thomerson. My Mother, Virginia Bird Handley Pettett, remembered living there and remembered Aunt Jennie. Mother was 8 years old when her Mother, Lillian, married Chester Davis of Chesapeake, Ohio. He had three children by a previous marriage, Oral, Harold and Verta.

Julius Ceaser Handley is the son of Samuel Chase Handley and Mary Jane Jordan. He was born on 07 Jul 1871 in Putnam Co. WV. He died on 04 Sep 1910 in Putnam, Co. WV, Methodist Church Cemetery, Frazier's Bottom, WV. Will in Will of Mary Jane Handley, listing granddaughter (Virginia) of Jule Handley, her son. Height was 6 ft. 4 in.. Cause Of Death was Killed by gunshot wound. Notes for Julius Ceaser Handley: General Notes: "Jule" Handley was shot and killed by Lillie Chapman on September 4, 1910. Two trials were held, convicted of involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to two years at Women's prison in Moundsville WV. He is buried in Frazier's Bottom, Putnam County, WV.

Julius Ceaser Handley and Lillian Elsie Adams. They were married on 21 May 1909 in Mason Co. WV. Death Of One Spouse on 04 Sep 1910 in Putnam Co WV. They had 1 child.


Virginia Bird Handley [4, 5, 6]. She was born on 03 Mar 1910 in Pliny WV [7]. She married Philip Wayne Pettett. They were married on 22 Oct 1929 in Cincinnati, Oh [5]. She died on 20 Jul 1992 in Peebles, Oh. Will in Peebles OH. Height was 5 ft. 7 in.. Cause Of Death was Congestive Heart Failure. Medical Condition was Arthritis, allergies to many medicines. Macular degeneration, legally blind, developed in 1970s.. Notes for Virginia Bird Handley: General Notes: Will of Mary Jane Handley, listing granddaughter (Virginia) of Jule Handley, her son

Chester Aubrey Davis. He was born on 18 Mar 1881 in Chesapeak, OH. He died on 20 Feb 1962 in Sacramento CA, Memorial Lawn Cemetery. Chester Aubrey Davis and Lillian Elsie Adams. They were married on 23 Apr 1918 in Columbus, Oh. They had 1 child.

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Register Report for Jordan Dunfield Generation 4 (con't) i.

Hazel Irene Davis. She was born on 02 Mar 1918 in Cincinnati, Oh. She married Elton William Davis. They were married on 30 Jul 1935 in Cincinnati, Oh. She died in Sacramento CA, Memorial Lawn Cemetery.

Sources 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Brøderbund Family Archive #316, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1840, Date of Import: Jul 16, 1997, Internal Ref. #1.316.1.3448.20 Brøderbund Family Archive #315, Ed. 1, Census Index: U.S. Selected Counties, 1830, Date of Import: Sep 19, 1997, Internal Ref. #1.315.1.2696.124 Hardesty's History, Walked to West Virginia from North Carolina with one dollar in pocket. Birth Certificate. Marriage Certificate. Death Certificate. Brøderbund Family Archive #110, Vol. 2, Ed. 3, Social Security Records: U.S., SS Death Benefit Records, Surnames Beginning with P, Date of Import: Apr 11, 1996, Internal Ref. #

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