National Establishment TimeSeries Database© Key Personnel
Donald W. Walls Principal Investigator President and Owner Walls & Associates
[email protected] (510) 763-0641
For more than thirty-two million establishments, the National Establishment Time-Series (NETS) Database© provides time-series information on mobility patterns, employment and sales growth performance, job creation and destruction, business startups and failures, changes in primary markets, corporate affiliations, and historical Dun and Bradstreet ratings, to name a few. Developed through a joint venture with Dun and Bradstreet, it covers more than 250 fields and seventeen years of historical information thoroughly documenting economic activity from 1989 through 2006. This unique business establishment database is the only commercially-available historical database of its kind on the market.
URL www.establishmentdynamics. com (available January 2008)
Type of Data Private, commercial survey and administrative data
Availability of Data Set
On request, fee applies
Researchers may arrange one-time delivery with a two-year national or state/region license. Updates are available annually. Special selection criteria requests, delivered in Microsoft Access® or Excel® (other database formats as requested), also are accepted ($2,500 minimum). Requests for data or cost estimates for unique extracts should be submitted to Don Walls (
[email protected]).
Activity Measured 1989 through 2006
Data Collected 1989 through 2006
Number of Observations 16.2 million active records in 2006; 32.2 million total records
METHODOLOGY The NETS Database, updated annually, has been constructed from Dun & Bradstreet's DUNS Marketing Information (DMI) archives to link establishments longitudinally. This comprehensive, easy-to-use database can be exploited to conduct establishment dynamics research and analysis on topics such as:
The size and performance of specific markets over time and whether we want to invest in them;
How a specific firm’s (or set of firms’) market share has changed over time;
The important employers in a region and who contributes most to the region’s growth;
Who’s likely to move within an industry or geography;
What occupations will be in demand;
What links exist between businesses in a given state;
Impact of tax changes, environmental regulations, and educational performance on business location decisions;
Product line forecasting;
Economic development targeting;
Business startup and failure analysis; and
Job creation and destruction at the industry level by establishment.
Electronic copy available at:
2007 Kauffman Symposium on Entrepreneurship and Innovation Data
BIBLIOGRAPHY Neumark, David, Junfu Zhang, and Brandon Wall. “Employment Dynamics and Business Relocation: New Evidence from the National Establishment Time Series” (October 2005). NBER Working Paper No. W11647. Neumark, David, Junfu Zhang, and Jed Kolko. “Interstate Business Relocation: An Industry-Level Analysis” (June 19, 2006). Public Policy Institute of California. Available at: Wallace, Nancy E., and Donald W. Walls. “Agglomeration Economies and the High-Tech Computer Sector.” Fisher Center for Real Estate & Urban Economics, Working Paper 292. University of California, Berkeley.
Job creation and destruction, and how they vary by industry, type of firm and region Market sizing at very targeted levels (more than 18,700 defined industries) Predicting which establishments are most likely to move over the next three years What “attracts” establishments to metropolitan areas
FUTURE Walls & Associates just released a national summary of the 2006 NETS Database that provides for every year 1990 through 2006: 1. Establishments, jobs, and sales by six-digit SIC and NAICs Codes; 2. Establishment size category summaries by industry divisions; 3. Three-digit establishment, jobs, and sales summaries for the ten federal regions; 4. Metropolitan and non-metropolitan establishment, jobs, and sales summaries by state; 5. Establishment births and deaths by state; 6. Total establishment and job relocations by state, including moves between counties and outside the state of origin; 7. Establishments, jobs, and sales by first and last year of establishment; and 8. Summary of establishment types (headquarters, branch, or stand-alone). The summary subscription is $5,000 ($2,500 for current subscribers to any other NETS Database product).
Electronic copy available at: