Dumfries & Galloway Multicultural Association

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  • Pages: 4
Dumfries & Galloway Multicultural Association

Constitution Title Article 1

The name of the organisation shall be Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association, hereinafter called the Association.

Objects Article 2

The objects of the Association shall be a. To support, and educate organisations and individuals on issues relevant to ethnic, religious and cultural minorities. b. The advancement of education and the provision of training relevant to racial equality and diversity. c. To distribute information and advise and educate the general public, relevant organisations and Association members about issues of diversity and discrimination. d. To integrate and enrich member groups into Scottish Society. e. To develop and provide a locally based interpretation and translation service. f. To seek to establish a ‘Multicultural Centre’ in Dumfries and Galloway to support and implement the above objectives and other relevant cultural activities. g. To employ such staff as are considered appropriate for the proper conduct of the association’s activities h. To obtain assets, accept donations and legacies of any kind, generate income and apply for funding in pursuit of achieving the Association’s objectives i. To do anything which may be incidental or conducive to the furtherance of any of the Association’s objects.

Membership Article 3 a.

Full Membership of the Association shall be open to any individual or organisation representative from an ethnic or religious minority group within Dumfries and Galloway who declares their support for the above objectives. (Article 2)


Other individuals and groups who support the objectives (Article 2) may join as Associate members. Associate members have no voting rights.


The Association Full members have the power to reject an application for membership, or to expel a member from the Association for good reason. This shall be done through presenting a motion to that effect at a General Meeting.

Contributions Article 4 Subject to approval at a General Meeting of the Association, an annual membership contribution may be requested. The subscription or membership contribution shall be determined by the Association annually at the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Officers Article 5

The Office Bearers of the Association shall be Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer. At the first Executive Committee meeting following the AGM Office Bearers will be elected. If an Officer Bearer of the Association, or any other member of the Executive Committee, ceases to hold office the Executive Committee shall have the power to elect a successor from the existing Association members. The successor shall remain in office until the next Annual General Meeting. If a member of the Executive Committee does not attend any meetings for six months for good reason or does not explain their absence, the Executive Committee has the power to remove them from the Committee. Other Office Bearers of the Association may be elected as determined by the Association at a General Meeting.

Executive Committee Article 6

The Executive Committee shall consist of not less than four (4), or more than twelve (12) Full members, including the Office Bearers. The Executive Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting and shall serve for a period of 3 years, ⅓ of existing Committee members will retire at each AGM by rotation or a draw if needed. All retiring members are eligible for re-election at the same AGM. Nominations should be submitted in writing to the Secretary prior to the meeting. If insufficient nominations are received prior to the AGM, nominations may be taken at the AGM.

Ref: EQD/3/1 - Constitution

The quorum for an Executive Committee meeting shall be three (3), one of whom must be an Office Bearer of the Association. Voting will be by a simple majority. In the event of a tied vote, the Chairperson will have a casting vote. Executive Committee Powers Article 7

The Executive Committee shall be the governing body of the Association and shall control the management and direction of Dumfries & Galloway Multicultural Association between Annual General Meetings. The Executive Committee shall meet not less than 8 times per year and Minutes of each meeting shall be taken. At least 7 days notice of each meeting shall be given.

Annual General Meeting Article 8

The Annual General Meeting shall be held in June each year or as soon as possible thereafter. The AGM of the Association shall be held for the purposes of; a. To receive and approve the accounts of the Association for the financial year ended 31 March last. b. To receive and approve the Chairperson’s report on the work of the Association. c. To elect members of the Executive Committee in accordance with Article 6. d. To transact such other business as may be notified in the circulated Agenda for the meeting. All Full members as defined in Article 3 shall be entitled to attend the AGM and vote. The quorum of the AGM shall be 5 (five) Full members.

Finance Article 9

Proper financial recording shall be kept by the Treasurer showing: (i) All monies received expended by the Association (ii) All sales and purchases of the Association (iii) All assets and liabilities of the Association The Treasurer shall give a Financial Report at each meeting of the Executive Committee and shall submit a statement of accounts if requested by the Chairperson. The Treasurer shall present to the AGM a copy of the accounts. All cheques issued on behalf of the Association shall be signed by any two of the following officers: Chairperson, Secretary, Treasurer or another designated member of the Executive Committee.

Ref: EQD/3/1 - Constitution

Alternations to Constitution Article 10

No alterations shall be made to the constitution without the same being duly received and voted for by a majority of not less than two-third present at an Annual General Meeting or an Emergency General Meeting.

Extra-ordinary General Meeting Article 11

An Extraordinary General Meeting may be called on written request signed by 5 (five) or more Full members of the Association. An EGM will have the full powers of an ordinary AGM.

Dissolution Article 12

If instructed by resolution supported by two-thirds of the members attending and voting at a General Meeting of the Association, the Executive Committee shall arrange for the Dumfries and Galloway Multicultural Association to be dissolved. Any remaining funds or assets, after settlement of all due debts, shall be transferred to an organisation having similar aims as the Association.



Date :

Ref: EQD/3/1 - Constitution

8 August 2006

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