Drugs And The Law

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 890
  • Pages: 7
DRUGS AND THE LAW 1. Do you think that cannabis is less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol? Choice % Yes 23.76 No 51.22 Not Sure 25.02

2. Do you think tobacco and alcohol should be made illegal? Choice % No 66.55 Yes - Tobacco 23.37 Yes - Alcohol 2.05 Yes - Both 8.04

3. What do you think the legality of cannabis should be? Choice % Completely Legal 18.66 Legal for medicinal purposes 46.95 Class C (2 years max sentence for possesion) 15.87 Class B (5 years max sentence for possesion) 10.73 Class A (7 Years max sentence for posession) 7.79

4. Do you think that ecstacy is less dangerous than tobacco and alcohol? Choice % Yes 9.73

No 77.78 Maybe 12.49 5. What do you think the legality of ecstacy should be? Choice % Completely Legal 6.93 Legal for medicinal purposes 9.01 Class C (2 years max sentence for possesion) 20.60 Class B (5 years max sentence for possesion) 21.93 Class A (7 Years max sentence for posession) 41.53

6. Do you smoke cannabis? Choice % Yes - Regularly 2.12 Yes - Occasionally 7.72 I have tried it a couple of times 34.57 Never 55.60

7. If you have never tried cannabis, would you be more likely to try it if it was legal? Choice % Yes 14.84 No 85.16

8. Have you taken ecstacy? Choice % Yes - Regularly 1.22 Yes - Occasionally 5.31 I have tried it a couple of times 9.51 Never 83.96

9. If you have never tried ecstacy, would you be more likely to if it was legal? Choice % Yes 7.83 No 92.17

10. What do you think the legality of LSD should be? Choice % Completely Legal 5.24 Legal for medicinal purposes 10.77 Class C (2 years max sentence for possesion) 14.14 Class B (5 years max sentence for possesion) 26.13 Class A (7 Years max sentence for posession) 43.72

11. Have you taken LSD? Choice % Yes - Regularly 0.75 Yes - Occasionally 2.69 I have tried it a couple of times 6.64 Never 89.91

12. If you have never taken LSD, would you be more likely to take it if it was legal? Choice % Yes 7.21 No 92.79

13. Do you think the tax benefits from legalising drugs is a strong incentive to legalisation, especially considering the recent recession? Choice % Yes 34.67 No 65.33

14. What effect on antisocial behaviour do you think legalisation of ecstacy and cannabis would have? Choice % It would decrease the amount of anti social behaviour 16.69 It would remain unchanged 39.16 It would increase the amount of ant social behaviour 44.15

15. David Cameron has stated that he intends to fix our "broken society", do you think legalisation of drugs would help or hinder this? Choice % Help 33.85 Hinder 66.15

16. Would you agree that if drugs were legal, then we would see a significant drop in the crime rate? Choice % Yes 37.51 No 62.49

17. Do you think it is ridiculous how dangerous and addictive drugs like alcohol and tobacco can be legal whilst less dangerous ones are not? Choice % Yes 58.44 No 41.56

18. Do you think that if a drug is proved to be non-addictive then it should be legalised? Choice % Yes 27.93 No 72.07

19. Would you say government drugs policy is more shaped by scientific or political considerations? Choice % Political 58.33 Scientific 4.81 Equal 16.19 Don't Know 20.67

20. Do you think our current drug laws are out of date and in need of a change? Choice % Yes - a radical change 23.33 Yes - amendments are needed 46.70 No - governments should impose stricter penalties on drug use 23.91 No - I think the government should keep it as it is 6.07

21. Cannabis has medicinal benefits in helping with nausea, premenstral syndrome, lack of appetite, asthma, pain, migraines, tourettes, obsessive compulsive disorder and many more illnesses. Do you think the benefits of this medical application should override any political decision to keep drugs illegal? Choice % Yes, the government should be led by the scientific community on this issue 69.63 No, the government should allow other concerns to affect their decision 30.37

22. If you would consider drugs to be legalised medicinally, are you worried that any prescription system would be abused? Choice % Yes 68.46 No 31.54

23. Would you agree that if drugs were legalised and properly controlled then it would be harder for children to get hold of them? Choice % Yes 43.18 No 56.82

24. Do you think the current legal status of drugs is an attack on our liberty and freedom? Choice % Yes 24.62 No 75.38

25. Half of the medical panel that advises the Government on the dangers of drugs have expressed their "horror and disgust" over the sacking. Do you share their views? Choice % Yes 60.16 No 39.84

26. Do you think that a government advisor should be able to publically criticise government policy? Choice % Yes 81.51 No 18.49

27. What action do you think the Government should take now? Choice % Apologise and ask David Nutt to return 58.51 Stick to thier decision 41.49

28. Would you say that the sacking of David Nutt is an attack on our freedom of speech? Choice % Yes 66.15 No 33.85

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