Drug Use

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  • Words: 568
  • Pages: 27
Escola E.B. 2,3 de S.Lourenço - Ermesinde

Work made by : -Ana Soares, nº4 -Andreia Brandão, nº7 -Daniela Paiva, nº10 -Joana Loureiro, nº13

A drug, broadly speaking, is any substance that, when absorbed into the body of a living organism, alters normal bodily function. There is no single, precise definition, as there are different meanings in drug control law, government regulations, medicine, and colloquial usage.

The term drug involves the analgesic drugs, hallucinogens and tranquilizers in addition to alcohol and volatile substances.

Examples: The nicotine (present in tobacco)

Nicotine is an organic compound, and is the principal alkaloid of tobacco. The nicotine is present throughout the tobacco plant, but mainly in the leaves, corresponding to 5% by weight of the plant.

The nicotine changes the way your brain and your body work. The results of this are somewhat paradoxical: Nicotine can both stimulate the relaxation as a smoker, depending on how much and how often they smoke.

The opium

The opium is extracted from Papaver Somniferum poppy that grows in the Middle and Far East and more recently in the United States. Are required, on average, 3000 for plants and half a kilo of opium.

The opium reduces work capacity and causes physical impairment, the drug is lazy and without ambition, meager, weak, have no sexual desire.

THC tetrahydrocannabinol (of cannabis)

Cannabis is the botanical genus of some plants, the most famous is the Cannabis sativa, from which it produces hashish and marijuana. Besides this, they are also known to ruderal Cannabis and Cannabis indica, the latter with much smaller amounts of THC.

The consumption of cannabis can trigger acute cerebral adverse effects, including psychotic, in the control of cognition and psychomotor.

The methamphetamine

The methamphetamine (MA) is a drug stimulating the central nervous system very powerful and highly addictive, whose effects are felt at both central and peripheral.

The effects of this drug are apparently pleasant, such as the intense euphoria, increased state of alert, self-esteem, sexual appetite, the perception of sensations and the intensification of emotions. On the other hand, decreases the appetite, fatigue and the need for sleep.

There are some indications for the MA, including narcolepsy, attention deficit of hyperactive children and in morbid obesity.

These drugs can be absorbed in various ways: by injection, inhalation, oral or intravenous injection.

The drugs are classified into three categories: stimulants, depressants and the disruptive activities of mental ...


The stimulant drugs are the most popular amphetamine, cocaine and its derivatives. Amphetamines can be swallowed, inhaled or injected.

Its action lasts for about four hours and the main effects are a feeling of great strength and initiative, excitement, euphoria and insomnia. Soon, the body becomes tolerant to the substance, requiring ever larger doses.

In the medium term, the drug may produce tremors, restlessness, dehydration of the mucosa (mouth and nose above), tachycardia, psychotic effects and psychological dependence.


Of all drugs depressants, the best known are the alcohol, the sleeping pils, heroin, morphine, the tail of shoemaker, the anxiolytic drugs and anti depressants (barbiturates) and its derivatives.


The drugs produce disruptive changes in the level of consciousness and can lead to delusions and hallucinations.

Consequences of drug use It affects the mind and memory; Mental illness; It damages the liver, pancreas, stomach, nerves and other organs; It is addictive and leads to alcoholism; It often leads to prostitution to get money. … sometimes … death!!

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