Drug Classifications

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  • June 2020
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  • Words: 506
  • Pages: 5
Drug Classifications I.

Act on Central Nervous System: Analgesics; Acetaminophen, Codeine Sulfate, Fentanyl, Morphine Sulfate

Relieve pain

Anesthetics; Enflurane, Halothane, Lidocaine, Nitrous Oxide

Depress consciousness; decrease response to sensory stimuli

Sedatives & Hypnotics; Flurazepam, Pentobarbital, Zaleplon

Reduce nervousness, excitability, and irritability, induce sleep

Muscle Relaxants; Baclofen, Cyclobenzaprine

Relieve muscle spasms

Antiepileptic (Anticonvulsants); Carbamazepine, Phenytoin, Zonisamide

Control and prevent seizures

Antiparkinsonian; Amantadine, Benztropic

Decrease symptoms of Parkinson’s Disease

Psychotherapeutic (Psychotropic); Bupropion, Clozapine, Diazepam

Treat emotional and mental disorders

Stimulants (Sympathomimetic); Amphetamines, Phentermine

Elevate mood, increase enegy and alertness, decrease appetite

II. Act on Autonomic Nervous System: Adrenergics; Albuterol Sulfate, Dobutamine

Stimulate the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), many varied uses

Sympatholytics(antagonists); Atenolol, Carvedilol

Block SNS response; divided into alpha and beta blockers

Cholinergic; Donepezil, Bethanezhol

Stimulate parasympathetic nervous system (PSNS)

Anticholinergic; Atropine, Dicyclomine

Block or inhibit action of Acetylcholine (ACH) in the PSNS, various functions

III. Act on Cardiovascular and Renal Systems:

Inotropic (positive); Digoxin, Milrinone

Increase force of myocardial contraction

Antidysrhythmic; Atenolol, Verapamil

Treat cardiac dysrhythmia

Antianginal; Nitroglycerin, Amlodipine

Minimize frequency of angina attacks, increase clients functional capacity, prevent or delay MI

Antihypertensive; Captopril, Prazosin

Reduce high blood pressure

Diuretic; Mannitol, Furosemide

Increase rate of urine formation, therefore removing sodium and water from the body

Electrolytes; Albumin Dextran

Regulation of body water

Anticoagulants; Warfarin

Prevent, promote, or lyse clots Reduce cholesterol

IV. Act on Endocrine System: Treatment of hormone deficiency Replace thyroid hormone, or treat excessive secretion of thyroid hormone Reduce high blood sugar Inhibit inflammatory response, control fluid and water retention Various functions affecting women’s health Development and maintenance of sex characteristics

V. Act on Respiratory System: Reduces effects of histamines Reduces congestion or swelling of

respiratory tract Reduces cough Reduces viscosity of respiratory secretions; facilitating their removal by coughing Relax bronchial smooth muscle; improving air flow Block inflammation in the lungs Decrease inflammation of airway Prevent bronchospasm

VI. Act to decrease Infection or Inflammation: Destroy or prevent development of microorganisms Destroys or prevents replication of viruses Treat infections caused by Mycobacterium Treat fungal infections Destroys or prevents development of the malaria parasite Destroys or prevents development of protozoa Destroys or prevents development of parasitic worm infections Inhibits growth and reproduction of microorganisms without necessarily killing them Kills microorganisms Reduce fevers, inflammation, and pain Treat rheumatic conditions of gout and arthritis

VII.Modify Immune System and/or Treat Cancer Decreases pr prevents an immune response Toxoids or vaccines that target a specific microorganism Used to treat cancer Enhance or restrict the body’s immune response to disease Target human genes to treat or prevent illness

VIII.Affect the Gastrointestinal System: Treats excessive production of gastric acids Treats diarrhea Promotes bowel evacuation by softening stool, increasing the bulk of feces, or lubricating the intestinal walls Treats nausea and vomiting Organic molecules needed in small amounts to carry on metabolism Inorganic compounds needed for many body structures and functions Nutritional support to meet the body’s nutritional needs

IX. Miscellaneous Effects: Promote hematopoesis and treat anemas

Treat reaction or disorders of the skin Treat disorders of the eye Treats disorders of the ear

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