Drug Ana Ga

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 562
  • Pages: 5
General information Generic name: Bisacodyl Brand name: Dulcolax Classification: Laxatives Dose: 1tab Drug form: Tablet Route: PO

Mechanism of action Stimulant laxative that increases peristalsis, probably by direct effect on smooth muscle of the intestine. Thought to either irritate the musculature or stimulate the colonic intramural plexus. Drug also promotes fluid accumulation in colon and small intestines.

Indications Constipation


Adverse Reaction

Ileus, intestinal obstruction, acute surgical abdominal conditions; severe dehydration. Appendicitis & acute inflammatory bowel diseases

CNS: Muscle weakness with the excessive use, dizziness, faintness GI: nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea METABOLIC: fluid and electrolytes imbalance MUSCULOSKELETA L: tetany

Nursing Considerations • Give drug at times that don’t interfere with the scheduled activities or seep • Before giving or constipation , determine whether patient has adequate fluid intake and diet

Patient Teaching •

Advice patient to swallow entericcoated tablet whole to avoid GI irritation. Instruct him not to take within 1 hour of milk Tell patient that drug is for short term treatment only Advise patient to report adverse effects to prescriber Teach patient about the

General information Generic name: Diphenhydramine Chloride Brand name: Benadryl Classification: Antihistamine

Mechanism of action Competes with histamine for H1receptor sites on effector cells. Prevents but doesn’t reverse, histaminemediated responses, particularly the

Indications Allergy symptoms

Contraindications Acute attacks of asthma

Adverse Reaction CNS: drowsiness, headache, fatigue. Seizure CV: palpitations, tachycardia EENT: blurred vision, nasal congestion GI: nausea, vomiting,

Nursing Considerations • Use extreme caution in patients with asthma, COPD, hypertensio n

dietary sources of bulk Tell patient to take drug with full glass of water

Patient Teaching •

Tell patient to take diphenhydr amine with food or milk to reduce GI distress Tell patient that coffee

Dose: 25mg tab TID Drug Form: Tablet Route: PO

effects of histamine on the smooth muscle of GIT tract.

diarrhea, dry mouth GU: dysuria, urine retention, urine frequency

Note for adverse reactions

or tea may reduce drowsiness. Urge caution if palpitations develop Inform patient that sugarless gum, hard candy, ice chiefs may relieve dry mouth Tell patient to notify prescriber if tolerance develops because different antihistami ne drug may need to be prescribe

General information Generic name: Nifedipine Brand name: Adalat Classification: Cardiovascular system drugs Dosage:

Drug form:


Mechanism of action Thought to inhibit calcium ion influx across cardiac and smooth-muscle cells, decreasing contractility and oxygen demand. Dilate coronary arteries and arterioles

Indications Hypertension

Contraindications CV shock

Adverse Reaction CNS: dizziness, light-headedness, headache, weakness CV: peripheral edema, hypotension, palpitations EENT: nasal congestion GIT: nausea, diarrhea, constipation MUSCULOSKELETA L: Muscle cramps RESPIRATORY: dyspnea, cough

Nursing Considerations • Monitor blood pressure • Watch for symptoms of heart failure • Dosage should be reduced slowly under prescriber’s supervision

Patient Teaching

General information Generic name: Paracetamol Brand name: Acetaminophen Classification: Nonnarcotic analgesics Dosage: Drug form: Route:

Mechanism of action Thought to produce analgesia by blocking generation of pain impulses, probably by inhibiting prostaglandin synthesis in CNS

Indications Mild to moderate pain

Contraindications Hypersensitivity

Adverse Reaction HEMATOLOGIC: hemolytic anemia, neutropenia, leucopenia, pancytopenia HEPATIC: liver damage, jaundice METABOLIC: hypoglycemia SKIN: rash

Nursing Considerations • Use cautiously in patient with history of alcohol use because hepato toxicity has ocured after therapeutic dose

Patient Teaching •

Advise patient that drug is only for shortterm use Warn patient that high doses or longterm unsupervise d can cause hepatic damage

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