Drm The Future Of Global Digital Media

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  • Words: 1,397
  • Pages: 28
Digital Rights Management – The Future of Global Digital Media (数字权益管理 – 全球数字媒体未来)

Dr. Xin Wang Chief Scientist ContentGuard, Inc. December 21, 2003

Outline 报告内容  DRM Concepts  DRM Purposes  Why DRM is so important now  DRM Technologies, Applications and Standards  MPEG REL (Rights Expression Language)  Future of Digital Media


DRM Concepts DRM 概念  Digital Assets 数字资源 { Any contents, resources and services in digital

domain  Digital Rights 数字权益 { Privileges for creating, distributing, using and managing digital assets  Digital Rights Management (DRM) 数字权益管理 { A unified approach to specifying, interpreting, enforcing and managing digital rights throughout the entire life cycle of the assets 统筹方式来说明,解 释,监督和管理在资源的整个生命周期中的数字权益


A DRM System: Home Theatre 家庭影院 Multi-media content Internet Satellite

Set-top box



End-to-End DRM Process 端到端的DRM 过程


Package & Protect


Original content

Author / Artist


Rights & Conditions

Protected content





Prices & Business models

Clear Rights & Permissions

Rights & Conditions

s& Price models ness Busi ts & Righ ions dit Con

Protected content

Protected content

eTailer / Clearinghouse


Purposes of DRM DRM的目的  Not just prevent dishonest people from illegal

accessing and sharing digital assets  But, more importantly, allow honest people to access more, high quality assets in more convenient fashions  And, at the same time, create more markets for creating, distributing and consuming digital assets


Key to Digital Media 数字媒体的关键  “Digital media IS NOT about { Capture/delivery/presentation

technologies or { Compression technologies  Digital media IS about Managing and Protecting Intellectual Property (IPMP), also called Digital Rights Management (DRM) so as to enable meaningful businesses.” 


(Source: The Digital Media Project – DMP)

Why Time is Now 为何时间是现在  Economic 经济方面 { Digital media market is huge – digital content, delivery services,

consumer devices { Consumer demand – whenever, wherever, & whatever  Politic 政治方面 { China’s participation of WTO { 2008 Olympic is around the corner { Need to change China’s image of not respecting IP { Advance World’s and Chinese IT standards  Technical 技术方面 { Networking channels – fast, cheap, wireless { Media storage – cheap and high capacity { Standards (e.g., MPEG, AVS) provide high content compression  Marketing 市场方面 { Lack of effective DRM systems results in less high-quality content { User experience is not as good as expected 8

DRM Related Technologies 有关DRM的技术  Rights Expression Language  Asset and Entity Identification  Asset Declaration { Metadata { Structure  Asset Security and Protection { Encryption, digital Signature, watermarking, etc.  Trust management  Secure hardware { Processor, storage, communication, smart cards


Consumer-Side DRM Dataflow 用户端的 数据流


capability presentation

user interaction


“play, save, email …”

“I want to play”

“who are you?”

usage tracking & reporting

content rendering

“you’ve played …”

“playing …”

REL-based authorization “do you have right to play?”

watermark detection

content decryption

“Watermark presents?” “decrypt using AES…”

event reporting

exception handling

“playing is authorized …”

“player crashed …”

DRM Applications DRM的应用             


Digital Entertainment 数码娱乐 Electronic Commerce 电子商务 Electronic Books and Publications 电子书籍和出版 Digital Libraries 数字图书馆 Distance Learning 远距离学习 Health Record Management 病历管理 Secure Web Services 安全网络服务 Enterprise management 企业管理 Secure Database Management 安全数据库管理 Trusted Computing 可信任计算 Privacy Protection 隐私保护 … Anything that needs permission, authorization, and access control

Landscape of Standards 与DRM有关的技术标准组织


Horizontal standards(水平技术标准 ) { MPEG (移动图像专家组 ): 数字音视频编解码,多媒体检索,多媒体平台 { W3C(万为网 ): XML,签名,加密,语义网 { OASIS(结构式信息促进协会 ): 网际服务,安全保密,商业模式 { IETF(国际工程工作组 ): 确认,授权,记载

Vertical standards(垂直技术标准 ) { OeBF, PRISM: 电子书籍,数字图书馆 { ISMA: 流媒体 { TVAnyTime: 数字家庭娱乐 { SMPTE: 数字影院 { IEEE e-Learning:电子教学 { DVB:数字广播 { OMA: 移动通讯 (OMA) { Content Reference Forum (CRForum): 内容分享和超级传播 { TCPA:可信计算平台

MPEG-21 Framework MPEG-21架构 Digital Item Declaration


Digital Item Identification and Description

Content Management and usage

User A


ÅDigital ItemÆ

ÅAuthorization/Value ExchangeÆ

DID - Digital Item Declaration DII - Digital Item Identification IPMP - Intellectual Property Management and Protection REL - Rights Expression Language

User B

Intellectual Property management and Protection Terminals & Networks


Content Representation 13

Event Reporting

RDD - Rights Data Dictionary DIA – Digital Item Adaptation DIP – Digital Item Processing

Rights Expression Language 权益表达语言  A standard language used to specify rights and their

terms and conditions for distributing and using digital assets  Provide an authorization model to determine if a

principal has the right to perform an action on a resource according to REL expressions  Support many business models in the end-to-end

distribution value chain  Enables trusted systems to exchange digital contents

and interoperate for end-to-end DRM 14

REL Features REL特点  Comprehensive providing a framework to express rights at different stages of the lifecycle

 Generic defining a large body of format and business neutral terms and using therm to specify rights for any digital content and service

 Precise developing a formal grammar, rigorous semantics, and processing rules that enable precise and unambiguous interpretation of the language

 Agnostic To platform, type or format of content or service

Extensible defining a core structure as the basis for extension using the XML Schema extensibility mechanisms


Authorization in DRM DRM中的授权

“Can Alice play this .mp3 file?”

“Under what condition?”

“According to whom?”


REL-Based Authorization 基于REL的授权

“anyone can play mySong.mp3 in Dec 2003”, Bob says.

Authorization Query “Can Alice play mySong .mp3?”

Context Information 17

REL Authorization Engine

“Current time is 2003-12-21T10:00:00”

REL Licenses Authorization Response “Yes, according to Bob.”

REL Data Model REL的数据模型 A license conveys that an issuer authorizes rights in the forms of grants. License







A grant specifies that a principal has a right over a resource under certain conditions. 18

A Simple REL License 一个简单的REL许可证 oRUTUiTQk … AQABAA==

<mx:play/> <mx:diReference> <mx:identifier>urn:PDQRecords:song:WhenTheThistleBlooms.mp3 <notBefore>2003-12-01T00:00:00 <notAfter>2003-12-31T23:59:59
zIRYaxl5EX … /dsig:SignatureValue> yQ== … AQAB==


Alice can play a song in December 2003

REL Predefined Elements REL预定的元素  Principal { keyHolder, allPrincipal  Right { play, print, modify, adapt, … { issue, obtain, revoke  Resource { diReference, digitalResource, …  Condition { validityInterval, exerciseLimit, flatFee, perUseFee, …


Typical REL Licenses REL许可证类型  End-user license { rights to play, print, modify, …  Attribute license (certificate) { right to possessProperty  Distribution license { right to issue other rights  Offer license { right to obtain other rights  Revocation license { right to revoke other rights


REL Advanced Features REL优点  Variable { Flexibility to specify an element instance at the time of exercising

right (i.e., not at the time of specifying a right)  Pattern { Capability of specifying a set of element instances according to some rules  Service Reference { Encapsulation of information necessary to interact with a service. { Usefulness for stateful conditions.  Delegation { Allowance and control on how rights can be delegated and transferred.


Multi-tier Distribution 多层次发行

grant issue grant $x each time Distr. Distr. License License Content Owner


grant play content for 30 days Usage Usage License License



Late Binding in Distribution 发行中的滞后付 值

grant forAll X distributor ABC issue grant X variable is resolved play content Distr. Distr. License License Content Owner


grant Alice play content Usage Usage License License



Standard Standard Extension Extension

Industry Specific


REL Language Architecture REL语言结构

Media Media Extension Extension CORE CORE

XML XMLStandards Standards


Other Other Extension Extension

Vocabulary Grammar XML Dsig XML Encryption XPATH WSDL UDDI XML Schema

REL Supported Business Models 商业模型            26

Unlimited usage Flat fee sale Pay per view Preview Promotion Subscription/Members hip Transfer Gifting Personal lending Library loan Site/volume license


Rent Multi-tier models Territory restricted Component based model User types based model Payment to multiple rights Holders Super-distribution Composite content

Future of Global Digital Media 全球数字 媒体未来

 Content owners decide what,

when, where and how their contents to be released  Consumers decide what, when

and where to watch  CE vendors manufacture

devices with good user interface and features  Service providers provide

digital media infrastructure services like telephone, water and electricity


Thank You 谢谢大家

[email protected] www.contentguard.com 28

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