Drew Master Links Document

  • June 2020
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Seimper Fi, 05 June 2009 Drew Raines’ A Marine’s Disquisition information from Patrick Jordan on past two shows . I am not a doctor. This is not medical advice. _____________________________________________ Sound of Silence/Silent Sound civilian patent 5,159,703 as attachment. If, within this Marine Band, we have those adept at electronics, PsyOps, and countermeasures, then I suggest that you familiarize yourselves with the data in this 1992 (ancient by Mil Spec standards) device in order to devise a way to protect against this tech. THIS IS WHAT IS BEING DEPLOYED THROUGH DIGITAL TV AND PROBABLY YOUR I-PODS! Someone might make a discreet inquiry as to why helmets were changed from metal to Kevlar and if there is any Electromagnetic Shielding in a Kevlar helmet to protect against ‘enemy’ signals. You didn’t get this idea from me. _____________________________________________ GAO report link http://www.gao.gov/archive/1999/ns99005.pdf

This report outlines that the DOD ‘experimented’ on soldiers with a substance that was known for close to half a century to be toxic to humans and animals. When you re-read the first sentence you will see that it was NOT an experiment – it was a willful assault and by definition an assault against a citizen of the united states is an Act of War. _____________________________________________ Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars, TM SW 7905.1 as attachment. This is an Operational Procedures Manual that explains EVERYTHING that has and is happening. _____________________________________________ GWS equals MCS link When I came across the Rand Report on Persian Gulf Syndrome and read the boughtand-paid-for propaganda, the pattern emerged that although civies had pesticide exposure in common with military personnel, the SINGLE COMMON THREAD in both populations were VACCINES!

Chapter 11 of the Rand Report makes a link between Gulf War Syndrome and Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. http://www.gulflink.osd.mil/library/randrep/pb_paper/mr1018.2.chap11.html Since Obama was on Veteran’s Affairs before he was inserted into the Agency of the President, I sent him the background on the Rand Report and the VERY DISTURBING literary link I had discovered earlier. Discovering Enzymes (Dressler and Potter), 1991, Scientific American Library, pages 251 – 255. A pesticide applicator killed one of his clients because his brain was permanently damaged by exposure to the same class of pesticides that the Vets were. This, I tried to explain to Obama, would be an answer that could give relief to families of soldiers who had killed their wives or children ‘for no apparent reason’. Needless to say, I got no response for my efforts. The ASTOUNDING THING in the Rand Report was that they said that MCS Multiple Chemical Sensitivity WAS NOT PSYCHOGENIC IN ORIGIN. The Chemical Industry has been marginalizing civilians with MCS since it was first reported as a disease for one SINGLE REASON: If it was demonstrated that chemicals – even in extremely low doses – could cause illness, then the industry would be bankrupt overnight from the lawsuits. (Of course, they would just ask Congress or the President for a Get-Out-Of-Jail-Free Card just like they did with the vaccine manufacturers). Note to the troops: Never let them tell you that you are a Section 8! I have never seen unusual behavior that was not a result of vaccines or chemicals (never forget that prescription drugs are chemicals) or having some cause related to physiological damage to organ systems. MAKE THEM DETERMINE THE UNDERLYING CAUSE OF THE PROBLEM. There is a blood test for low adrenal hormones! (I am not a doctor this is not medical advice. It is a book report) _________________________________________ Ladies and Gentlemen, When I do research I look for patterns. I do not go in with preconceived ideas. I let what is appearing at the time as fact show the direction of the data. With that in mind, I submit the following: WE AREN’T IN IRAQ FOR OIL!

http://will.uiuc.edu/am/focus/archives/08/080421.htm "Contested Cultural Heritage: Religion and Nationalism in a Global World" Donny George Youkhanna, Ph.D., former Director General of the Iraq National Museum and Research Director of the Iraqi State Board of Antiquities and Heritage; Visiting Professor in the Department of Anthropology at the State University of New York in Stony Brook Youkhanna outlines in no uncertain terms that the USA FACILITATED the looting of the Museum and that the Cylinder Seals were stolen from a ROOM WITH A SECRET DOORWAY THAT THE DIRECTOR DIDN’T EVEN KNOW ABOUT!

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