"dream * That * Was Still Alive"

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“DREAM * THAT * WAS STILL ALIVE” steven leyden cochrane

alive.indd 1

9/7/09 4:47:59 PM


I had a dream last night that my grandpa was still alive.

february 5, 2009

alive.indd 2-3

9/7/09 4:48:01 PM

My heart goes out to the Maupin family I too have been living the dream of hope that Matt was still alive, I know I am crushed so I can only imagine how the family is doing PLEASE know we are all out here for you your in our prayers and thoughts.

march 31, 2008

alive.indd 4-5

9/7/09 4:48:01 PM

alive.indd 6-7

9/7/09 4:48:02 PM


But, in the dream I felt that she was still alive; I forgot that she had died. I could see her, clearly, swimming and relaxing on the beach. She looked beautiful. Every now and then she would look over to where I was, and then continue swimming. Nana Teo ignored the fortune teller. The fortune teller then told me that my grandmother was “still around”, that she came “back and fourth” and spent her time in the other realm “with Nostradamus”. I understood that Nana Teo was looking over me, maybe even protecting me. june 15, 2009

alive.indd 8-9

I think i had a dream last ngiht that Nat King Cole was still alive, a little crazy, and really a woman. I’m totally not kidding. it was really weird.

august 16, 2006

9/7/09 4:48:03 PM

alive.indd 10-11

9/7/09 4:48:05 PM

I had a dream last night that Faraday was still alive. Not really sure what kinda dream I was having, but Faraday was there. It was a good dream, no doubt.

july 29, 2009

alive.indd 12-13

9/7/09 4:48:06 PM


Had a Wierd dream about #MichaelJackson that he was still alive and it was the week before his death, i had to hide him in my work wtf?

august 1, 2009

alive.indd 14-15

About a week ago I had this weird dream about Billy Mays, that he was still alive. I was never a fan of his commercials or anything either.

august 23, 2009

9/7/09 4:48:06 PM

finally, Michael Jackson laid to rest...now the man really rest in peace...oh dear, somehow I’m just glad that happened... god bless MJ...and a couple days ago, i had a weird dream bout MJ...i dreamed that he was still alive...so weird and confusing, why would i dream about him?strange.... august 29, 2009

alive.indd 16-17

9/7/09 4:48:07 PM


I had a dream last night that Lindsey was still alive and we had a great time together

january 18, 2009

alive.indd 18-19

9/7/09 4:48:07 PM


That’s Funny, Because I Had A Dream A Few Weeks Ago That Tupac Was Still Alive & Only 50 Knew. I Think He Really Is Dead Though (Unfortunatly)

march 2, 2008

alive.indd 20-21

9/7/09 4:48:08 PM


I had a dream last night that she was still alive and that for some reason she really didn’t die. She was still in the hospital. In my dream I never went to the hospital to see her and for some reason she couldn’t be released yet. Also, in the dream I couldn’t understand why I hadn’t went to see her yet. I was planning a visit to go see her and see when she could come home but then I woke up. august 13, 2007

alive.indd 22-23

Mum came to Lesley in her dream, and told her that everything was okay. That she was still alive, she told us that Jeff was in trouble (ha ha), whenever he goes to the other side.

july 7, 2008

9/7/09 4:48:08 PM

His inconsolable parents left the town and Dad had a dream. He dreamt that his son was still alive...that St. James...yes, that handy dead guy...was busy holding their son up so he wouldn’t asphyxiate. Very thoughtful of James, don’t you think? Especially because he had that whole errand list of Moors to decapitate. november 28, 2007

alive.indd 24-25

9/7/09 4:48:09 PM


Last’s night’s dream is even sketchier. I dreamt that Chris Farley was still alive and David Spade recently died from drugs. As soon as I woke up I forgot every other detail, but that part stuck.

july 26, 2009

alive.indd 26-27

9/7/09 4:48:09 PM

alive.indd 28-29

9/7/09 4:48:10 PM


I had a dream once that A.H was still alive when she crashed but Then taken ......man I can’t remember but I think I had a quick prayer with her before she was eaten?

july 27, 2009

alive.indd 30-31

I had a dream last night that Einstein was still alive, and I was attending the university at which he was residing.

august 12, 2009

9/7/09 4:48:10 PM

alive.indd 32-33

9/7/09 4:48:11 PM


I too had a dream about Maddy, that she was still alive. It was sort of a ‘Elizabeth Smart’ situation where she came back but she was 10 yrs old. She seemed very quiet but eager to keep contact with the other kids that were in my dream.

may 25, 2007

alive.indd 34-35

Okay, so I had this dream last night that elvis was still alive, but he was like...in his 40s, and LOVED to wear leather jackets. Anywho. He was doing this thing where he would listen to his music with his fans and would explain the music to them while listening to it. Well, he sat next to me... and WAY TO CLOSE. He was smothering me with his leather jacket! And he kept on looking at me, like up and down, it was odd. Then I left for a smoke, and remember going in and out of peoples’ apartments trying to run from Elvis haha. I have the strangest dreams sometimes lol. december 7, 2008

9/7/09 4:48:12 PM

i had another weird dream yesterday. that my grandma’s grandpa was still alive. and he had a castle in some european country. and i fell into a lake. cos i didn’t watch where i was going.

august 29, 2009

alive.indd 36-37

9/7/09 4:48:13 PM

I had a strange dream. I dreamt that Odie was still alive, runnig around. But then when I picked him up, his eyes kept turning into white. I was scared and crying, and my mother said “He’s passing over, say goodbye to him now” I told Odie that I loved him so much and I would miss him. Then all of a sudden, his eyes went normal brown again, and he licked me, jumped around and ran around the house. may 6, 2006

alive.indd 38-39

9/7/09 4:48:15 PM

alive.indd 40-41

9/7/09 4:48:16 PM


Yet, from the dream I had been told that “one of the snakes was still alive”

may 22, 2005

alive.indd 42-43

I dreamed that my dead husband (died of suicide 16 months ago) was still alive, being cared for in my grandmother’s spare room. I was trying to find him, and wanted my fiance to help me, but he was busy hanging out with a nasty ex boyfriend of mine, they were acting like best friends and he didn’t have time to help me. may 12, 2009

9/7/09 4:48:16 PM


My grandma died about 12 years ago here in Israel. I was close to her at the time. anyway my dream was that she was still alive and that she was living in the same town where I live with my family. she was old and couldt do anything for her self but everyday she called me at least 4 or 5 times to go to help her to cook, clean, even make her tea. etc in this dream she had money (rich) not that when she was alive she didtnt really have. what the the meaning of the dream as she died 12 years ago like I said thanks waitng for any answer. august 30, 2009

alive.indd 44-45

9/7/09 4:48:17 PM


they’re nightmares, to be sure, and, in some respects, i’ll be happy when i no longer have them. taken another way, they’re the only times we’re able to be together, and i’ll miss them when they’re gone.

july 4, 2009

alive.indd 46-47

9/7/09 4:48:17 PM

03 . . . . . . . . . http://fa-ir.facebook.com/note.php?note_id=48270459604 04 . . . . . . . . . http://thelede.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/03/31/long-missing-soldiers-remains-identified-in-iraq/ 08 . . . . . . . . . http://margaretbryden.blogspot.com/2009/06/i-dream-of-fortune-yesterday-during-my.html 09 . . . . . . . . . http://www.saraleib.com/blog/2006/08/huh-um.html 12 . . . . . . . . . http://forum.lostpedia.com/had-dream-last-night-faraday-t40126.html?p=1816741 14 . . . . . . . . . http://science.hashtags.org/tag/michaeljackson/messages 15 . . . . . . . . . http://feu.answers.fy8.b.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090823141423AAzesYl&show=7 16 . . . . . . . . . http://pji3.blogspot.com/2009/09/another-omg-day.html 19 . . . . . . . . . http://mk-mk.facebook.com/wall.php?id=2239305395 21 . . . . . . . . . http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20080302135639AAff4i3 22 . . . . . . . . . http://en.allexperts.com/q/Dream-Interpretation-2204/dream-mother-alive.htm 23 . . . . . . . . . http://thesmithhudsons.blogspot.com/2008/07/pizza-anyone.html 24 . . . . . . . . . http://peregrinaponderings.blogspot.com/2007/11/cause-im-mennoniteits-what-we-do.html 27 . . . . . . . . . http://www.destructoid.com/forum/showpost.php?p=338254&postcount=42 30 . . . . . . . . . http://forums.ten.com.au/forums/message.jspa?messageID=1393395#1393395 31 . . . . . . . . . http://ultimategourmet.blogspot.com/2009/08/einsteinium.html 34 . . . . . . . . . http://www.anorak.co.uk/tabloids/2007/05/madeleine-mccann-so-you-see-the-light 35 . . . . . . . . . http://www.experienceproject.com/dreams.php?did=27029 36 . . . . . . . . . http://callitwhateveruwant.blogspot.com/2009/08/i-said-id-be-back-at-5-6ish-didnt-i-its.html 38 . . . . . . . . . http://theshadowlands.net/ghost/ghost380.html 42 . . . . . . . . . http://www.christian-faith.com/html/page/overcoming_witchcraft 43 . . . . . . . . . http://www.experienceproject.com/dreams.php?did=51763 44 . . . . . . . . . http://www.stars.co.il/community/forum_view.php?ForumID=16&msgID=156620 47 . . . . . . . . . http://firedoor.livejournal.com/544813.html

alive.indd 48

9/7/09 4:48:18 PM

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