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University of damascus, english Dept…, drama, second year, 28-5-08 50 question. 75 minutes Who/ what is described as …1-4 1 …"loving his own purpose" a Othello b fortinbras c cloudius d laertes 2 "divided from herself and her true judgement" a Desdemona b Gertrude c Ophelia d hecuba 3 "the unnerved father" a old fortinbras b barbantio c priam d old hamlet 4 "wander-wounded hearers" a darlings of our nation" b stars c Venetians d betrayed fathers Indicate the referent of the underlined 5-8 5 "it is destiny unshunnable like death." A revenge b war c cuckoldry d none 6 "this is th'imposthume of much wealth and peace." A the Turkish campaign b the Norwegian campaign c the Venetian status d none 7 "mere prattle without practice/is all his soldiership." A fortinbras b old hamlet c cassio d othello 8 "to this point I stand/that both the worlds I give to negligence." A norway and denmark b england and denmark c venice and Cyprus d life and after life Identify the speaker 9-18 9 "villainy hath made mocks with love" a Desdemona b Othello c emilia d ghost 10 "these words ,like daggers enter into mine ears" a Ophelia b Gertrude c Desdemona d emilia 11 "rightly to be great/is not to stir with out great argument,/butgreatly to find quarrel in a straw/ when honour's at stake " a hamlet b iago c laertes d Othello 12 "no place indeed,should murder sanctuarize;/ revenge should have no bounds." A othello b laertes c claudius d roderigo 13 "when devils do the blackest sins put on,/ they do suggest at first with heavenly shows." A ghost b polonius c hamlet d iago 14 "our thoughts are ours,their ends none of our own." A desdemona b duke of Venice c horatio d player king 15 "by heaven, thy madness shall be paid by weight / till our scale turn the beam." A laertes b lodovico c brabantio d cloudius 16 "keep up your bright swords, for the dew will rust them." A montano b cassio c othello d roderigo 17 "for if such action may have paddage free/ bondslaves and heathen shall our statesmen be." A hamlet b fortinbras c brabantio d othello 18 "I will work him/ yo an exploit, now ripe in my device,/ under the which he shall not choose but fall." A iago b laertes c roderigo d claudios What is the function of 19-22 19 lucianus a miming the "incestuous" act b suggesting a murderer and an avenger c reenacting pyrrhus revenge d both a and c 20 desdemona's song a underlining her guiltlessness b revealing her bitterness c foreshadowing the coming events d showing that she sings well 21 ophelia'sonly soliloquy in hamlet under lining a her psychological complexity b the discrepancy between past and present c the oppression of women d the seeds of her madness

22 venice and Cyprus a indicative of order and choos respectively b stages upon which othello's jealousy is provoked c representative of racist attitudes d the settings of peace and war respectively What 23-26 23 is desdemona's last request? A while I say one prayer b commend me to my kind lord. O farewell I c but half an hour d prithee shroud me/ in one of those same sheets 24 makes calamity of so long life? A the undiscovered country b the thousand natural shocks that flesh is heir to c the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune d in that sleep of death what dreams may come 25 make Othello more fair than black? A virtue b his marriage c his mind d public services 26 is hire and salary not revenge? A the physic prolonging thy sickly days b the fact that offence's gilded hand may shove by justice c taking Claudius in the purging of his soul d none Why 27-30 27 does fortinbras honour only hamlet with a military funeral? Because a fortinbras is a delicate and tende prince b such a sight as this becomes the field but here shows much amiss c he was likely had he been put on./ to have proved most royally d none 28 was Ophelia buried in the churchyard? Because a she willfully sought her own salvation b her death was doubtful c the great command o'ersways the order d she is allowed her virgin crants 29 is cassio such an easy target for iago? Because he is a an ass b a Florentine c almost damned in a fair wife d a fellow of exceeding honesty 30 does Desdemona insist an accompanying her husband to Cyprus? Because a she saw othello's visage in his mind b she perceives in herself a divided duty c she lover her husband for the danger he passed d unless she does the rites for which I love him are bereft me Indicate the significance of 31-40 31 O , you are well tunned nowl / but I,ll set down the pegs [loosen the strings] that make this music / as honest as I am a disrupting the harmony that prevails between the two lovers b envying the black Othello for his white prize c poisoning othello's ear d none 32 too much of water hast thou poor ofelia and therefore I forbid my tears. But yet/ it is our trick[habit],nature her custom holds,/let shame say what it will. When these are gone the woman will be out ."laertes is underlining a the existence of characteristically female elements in a male b the fact that in elsinore loss has become a deadly habit c his manly resistance of grief d ophelia's natural death 33 this/ like to a murderous –piece, in many places/gives me superfluous death a concern about reputation b cocern about the out come of war c fear of death d hesitation 34 he is loved of the distracted multitude,/ who like not in their judgement, but their eyes is offered a as an excuse for not putting the strong law on him b a justification for not expressing racist attitudes c a distinction between judgement and eyes d none 35 she loved me for the danger I had passed,/ and I loved her that she did pity them "describes a the weakness of the relationship b human emotions at their poetic best c the solidity of the relationship d the interdependence of the couple

36 laertes was your father dear to you /or are you like the pointing of asorrow./ aface with out a heart ? the duality that Claudius is playing upon is one of a appearance/reality b father/sun c pagan concept of revenge/chrestian concept of revenge d head/heart 37 are we turned turks and to ourselves do that/ which heaven hath forbid the ottomites? Othello's question is uttered from the standpoint of a a moor b a Christian c a general d both b and c 38 and is't not to be damned/ tolet this canker of our nature come/ in further evil? A the role of minister b the role of scourge c passive surrender to providence d none 39 god me such uses send/not to pick bad from good but by bad mend" Desdemona 's words can be interpreted as a woe is me b thus bad begins and worse remain behinds c chaos is come again d oh heavenly powers ,restore him 40 let me not name it to you ,you chaste stars. It is the cause ."it" cannot be named because a it is indefinable b it is tragic c to name it would be to break a verbal taboo d it is unjust Answer 41-45 pertaining to the following extract by hamlet to horatio Since my dear soul was mistress of her choice And could of men distinguish, her election Hath seal’d [chosen]thee for herself; for thou hast been As one, in suffering all, that suffers nothing, A man that fortune’s buffets[blow]] and rewards Hast ta’en with equal thanks: and blest are those Whose blood and judgment are so well commingled, That they are not a pipe for fortune’s finger To sound what stop[hole] she please. Give me that man That is not passion’s slave, and I will wear him In my heart’s core, ay, in my heart of heart, As I do thee 41 hamlet admire horatio for a being a confidant b suffering c experiencing inner harmony d being in my [hamlet's]heart's core 42 hamlet refers to his soul as a female to a emphasize her being a strumpet b present a personification of unpredictability c imply his weakness d none 43 fortinbras finger will play upon a slaves b the mentally imbalanced c the psychologically imbalanced d those who use their mind to control their emotions 44 fortinbras is personified as awoman to suggest that she is a a reminder of Gertrude b whimsical c tender d blind 45 in the light of hamlet's above-stated opinion,Othello a would be blessed b can be seen figuratively as a pipe c is beyond description d suffers nothing 46 tragedy is a collision of forces . the tragic hero must perish but he will perich sublimely is a truth evidenced by a the tragic loadings at the end of hamlet and Othello b the attempt at restoring order made by hamlet and Othello before perishing c the expanding consciousness of the self experienced by hamlet and oyhello d the triumph of good over evil in both plays 47 hamlet is a radically transitional figure strung out between a traditional social order to which he is marginal and a future epoch which will surpass it defines hamlet's dilemma in terms of a cultural development b social alienation c a psychological conflict d a father-sun conflict

48 it is necessary that the trgic protagonist should have so much greatness that in his error and fall we may vividly conscious of the possibilities of human nature . the possibilities within Othello are revealed by a ol ol ol b smoting the Turkish dog thus c his wounding of iago d whip me ye devils 49 in Othello we are involved in an emotional havoc and suffering out of which , despite it all is meant to emerge some hope . the hoperesides in a lodovico b cassio c Desdemona d emilia 50 "shakespeare's tragic protagonists are over powered by the prevailing cultural tides which sweep them unaware" is a true of both hamlet and Othello b true of hamlet only c true of Othello only d true of neither

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