Dragon Bones

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 912
  • Pages: 2
wrote this a few months back, fragment of the middle of a story I'm writing here and there. Whatever, tell me what you think. It may not make sense right now only because it doesn't explain their backgrounds. I have to find that part. Criticism please...

"No one had right to that memory," Triska said quietly, his voice hoarse, strangled. He stared off into the vacant lot. Everything had been devoured by yellow weeds and curls of barbed wire sprung up from the ground. On broken beer bottles lingered the faint stenchof the alcoholic bevareges each one once held. Thin patches of greenery struggled to break free of from beneath the litter. Prudence heard the vague crunching of dried grass behind her. She turned instantly on her heels, spreading her arms out in front of Triska defensively, cautious of anything that could've been said or done to further hurt him. She growled instinctively after failing to think of a threat. the growl had been enough, she thought, a nice easy way to say " I'm sorry but could you pleas get the hell out of here". "Easy,Tiger," Puck said casually, holding his hands up in front of him innocently. That explains why I didn't smell anyone, Prudence reviewed, easing her posture slightly. Puck shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans. He rolled his eyes, releasing a sigh of frustration "I'm not going to fondle him," he snickered, letting his gaze drift back to Prudence. She charged forward with inhuman speed, within a milisecond she had hold of his collar, pulling him down to her level. Puck's face turned to stone, mirroring hers perfectly. She beared her tiny fangs. "Wrong choice of words," he said slowly nodding. "But as far as haunting as it may be, he cannot let a past nightmare crawl beneath his skin just because he had to remember what once was buried. Only dead bodies stay in the ground buried. And you cannot permanatly erase the past, no matter how much you may want to. That is nothing to you, though. Your mortal life is gone. You should've have let the pain of that memory go with it. That little boy in the rain-drenched cemetary died along time ago. Remeber what you are now." "Where have these little bits of wisdom stemmed from?" Prudence inquired, her black eyes as cold as her voice "What do you know about being a vampire, anyways? Because as far as I'm concerned, all this crappy teen vampire romance novels have uncovered very little as to what it trully means to be one of the lifeless creatures. Don't offer advice on subjects you lack the slightest hint of experience in." Puck's lips curled into a bitter smile. His vouiice grew harsh now as it rose into a frustrated yell."He's pathetic! Stop turning your back on everything when someone reveals the most painful scar you own, you can't bear to part with it. This sorrow. It's that dear to you? Stop defending him! Let him get up off his ass. C'mon, show everyone just how much of a vampire you really are!" Triska did not budge, his back remained turned to them. A frightened breeze blew between the three of them. Silence hung in the moonless sky, few stars dared to linger. Streaks of orange drifted from nearby street lights. Puck privately shuddered from the lack of reaction. He knew there was only one thing left he could say. It wouldn't only hurt Triska, it would also deal a hard blow to Prudence, too. He moaned silently, his lips parted carefully, flattened into a hard line. His eyebrows narrowed, his glassy-green eyes grew thin. "You're this weak that a science project has to defend you?" Puck said coldly, his face emotionless. Prudence's heart stopped beating,her eyes narrowed to two thin slits. "Right," she muttered, releasing his collar. Puck did not rise, though. He waited for the two seconds to pass. two seconds, enough time for Prudence to turn away from him, nod to herself, then slide on the balls of her feet , quick enough to

out stretch her arm, planting a metal fist in his jaw. Puck's head reeled sideways, he fell back from his crouching position, his palms sinking ito the ground. His face remained stiff. Her eyes widened, she stared down at her fist where her knuckles had turned red. "You slfish bastard," Puck grumbled, scrambling to his feet. His gaze cut through Prudence like a knife through air. "P-puck," she stuttered nervously. Her head shook from side to side, her black hair bounced with the smallest of movement. He clenched his teeth, knowing all too well the pain he had caused her in such a short amount of time. He had rarely ever heard her voice falter. More than anything, he heard the tears in her voice, though none flooded her eyes She crumpled to her knees still lost in a state of shock. He licked his lips, his mind searching for a way out of such a mess. His mind was a blank. Puck's eyes fell to the ground, his head bowed. He kicked a piece of rubble with the tor of his shoe, dust and dirt clouded around his knees. "Forget about it," was all e said. Puck turned away in disgrace, knowing he had only mad things worse. Prudence growled in frustration as his figure became smaller and smaller in the darkness, disappearing from her sight.

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