Dragon Ball

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 2,188
  • Pages: 13
DRAGON BALL By Derek J. Lincoln


FADE IN: EXT. WEST CITY – ESTABLISHING – DAY --is a futuristic city with very tall buildings, and hightech cars and such. There are even moving sidewalks, and people riding on anti-gravity skateboards. INT. THE CAPSULE CORPORATION – LAB 1 – DAY --is a room of high-tech gear, and equipment. Sitting at her desk is BULMA BRIEFS (18). Has an attitude. She seems to be fettling around with a STRANGE DEVICE. WE CIRCLE AROUND HER DESK TO REVEAL HER BEAUTIFUL FACE. SHE CONTINUES TO LOOK DOWNWARD. Bulma holds a screwdriver in hand, and is doing something to the back of the small round device. INSERT DEVICE An engraved sign on the round device tells us the title of its glory -—DRAGON RADAR 1500x GRS-- Bulma suddenly stops messing around with the device and sighs deeply. She puts the screwdriver and device down. BULMA (Exhales deeply) I'm finally done. Only one for step to go – TEST DRIVE! Bulma stands up excited. She picks up the DRAGON RADAR and presses a button on the top. INSERT DRAGON RADAR A SMALL YELLOW ROUND DOT BLINKS ON A GREEN MAP GRAPH. IT IS AT THE TOP RIGHT HAND CORNER OF THE RADAR. Bulma sits back down in her chair and sighs in relief. BULMA (In awe) I did it. I created it. I’ve finally done it. Dad would be so proud of me right now.

3 (Becomes saddened) Dad… INSERT PICTURE OF BULMA’S DAD BULMA’S DAD IS WEARING A LAB’S COAT. HE SEEMS TO BE PRETTY OLD, AND HAS GRAY HAIR, WITH A CIGIRET HANGING FROM HIS MOUTH. A YOUNGE LITTLE BULMA (13 HERE) STANDS NEXT TO HER FATHER. Bulma sighs again, but this time has redness in her eyes, as if about to cry. She CLOSES her eyes and holds back the tears. An ALARM GOES OFF. BAM! GUNSHOTS ARE FIRED. Bulma JUMPS UP out of her chair. The chair falls back and crashes onto the floor. SWOOSH! Bulma bolts out of the lab and the door slams shut. INT. THE CAPSULE CORPORATION – HALLWAY – DAY Bulma runs at FULL SPEED down the small hallway. At the end of the hallway we see a large bolted shut door, with tons of security measures around it. Bulma slides in front of the large door, and presses a few buttons on a control pad, then places her thumb on the thumb pad. CHURCHINK! The door unlatches, and Bulma opens it. She enters INT. THE CAPSULE CORPORATION – LAB 2 – DAY Bulma gasps in front of us. A female dressed in black, covering her face from being revealed, holds something sphere shaped, covered in a black cloth. She lifts a gun in her hands towards the window.

4 BANG! The GUN FIRES, and the window blasts open. SWOOSH! The woman flies out of the window, defying gravity. Bulma stands in shock. She’s pissed. BULMA DAMMIT! CUT TO – EXT. GOHAN’S COTTAGE – ESTABLISHING SHOT – DAY --is a small little hut in the center of some strange forest. It seems to be very quiet here. INT. GOHAN’S COTTAGE – DAY A small round table sits in the center of the room. Upon a red pillow, is the FOUR STAR DRAGON BALL! BLACKOUT OPENING TITLE SEQUENCE DRAGON BALL Seven magic spheres fly out into a black screen, and begin to swirl fast around in a circle. They TURN INTO A BLURED VISION. SUDDENLY, a large serpent-like dragon flies out from the center of the seven magic balls which are too blurry to see. CHOMP! The dragon basically EATS US! END OPENING TITLE SEQUENCE FADE IN EXT. ROCKY ROAD – ANGLE – DAY

5 SIGN: A WEEK LATER The rock road next to a mountain and a forest seems to be very quiet, as if no one had ever been here before. It seems to be abandoned. SUDDENLY, a large truck ZOOMS into us SWOOSH! We FOLLOW AROUND to see the truck SUDDENLY crash right into a large tree. Smoke flows up into the sky from the totaled truck. Oh, poor truck. Bulma climbs out of the truck with a backpack and the DRAGON RADAR in hand. She looks down upon its screen, pressing the top button. INSERT DRAGON RADAR THE YELLOW DOT BLINKS CLOSER TO THE CENTER OF THE GREEN MAP GRAPH. Bulma sighs, and places the Dragon Radar into her side pocket in her sexy tight jeans. She begins to walk into the strange forest. EXT. STRANGE FOREST – DAY Large trees and brushes surround the entire area within this forest. Bulma walks out in front of us, and towards more trees. BULMA (o.c.) It’s somewhere around here… FADE OUT/IN EXT. GOHAN’S COTTAGE – ESTABLISHING – DAY We see: the same picture as before, with Gohan’s Cottage. It sits here in this small meadow somewhere within the forest. Bulma walks out of some brush into the meadow, in front of us. She looks pretty messed up. That’s funny.

6 Bulma stares straight passed us, as if we weren’t here, and smiles. BULMA (Happy) It was closer than I thought. CUT TO – EXT. DEMON TEMPLE – ESTABLISHING – DAY --is the lair of the evil King Piccolo himself. It stands so high that it disappears into the clouds. It looks dark and full of malice, go figure. Several black birds fly from behind us, and towards the DEMON TEMPLE. INT. DEMON TEMPLE – THRONE ROOM – DAY Deep in the way back half of the THRONE ROOM is a throne with King Piccolo sitting in the shadows. We cannot see any part of his face, only the outline. A large table sits in the center of the room. Upon the table are two round spheres, covered with a black silk cloth. Something is glowing from underneath the cloth. Piccolo RAISES A HAND and throws his first two fingers up. SWOOSH! The black silk cloth flies up and off the two spheres revealing them to be –DRAGON BALLS! They are the ONE AND SEVEN STAR BALLS. Piccolo begins his evil psychotic dark laugh that villains always do right about now. DISSOLVE TO – INT. GOHAN’S COTTAGE – DAY Bulma, without even considering what she is about to do, goes towards the DRAGON BALL SITTING ON THE RED PILLOW ON THE SMALL ROUND TABLE, and reaches out to the ball. (More)

7 SUDDENLY, a tail falls and hangs from the ceiling. Bulma gasps. We HEAR: snoring from above, but we don’t dare look up. Bulma slowly, and ever so sneaky-like, backs up with the DRAGON BALL! Yes, she is going to steal it. Wow, a very stupid girl. Bulma slowly turns around and begins to casually walk towards the front door. THUMP! Someone lands in front of us, wearing a purple jump suit. MONKEY-TAILED BOY Give—me—back—my—granpa. Bulma, again, is very stupid. Without thinking, she bolts out the front door. WE GO AROUND AND UP TO REVEAL THE MONKEY-BOY'S IDENTITY. MEET: Goku (16), a SPIKY HAIRED boy, somewhat muscular, with a monkey’s tail, oddly enough, who also wears a strange purple jump suit. Goku sighs, and closes his eyes. He opens them suddenly, and blots out the door, like a speeding rocket, causing us to barely see his movement! EXT. THE STRANGE FOREST – DAY Bulma bolts through the trees and brush of the forest, as if running for her life. SMACK! Bulma has tripped over a large rock, because she wasn’t watching her feet, and is now blacked out. Wow! FADE OUT/IN IN. GOHAN’S COTTAGE – GOKU’S ROOM – DAY

8 Bulma lays down on Goku’s small bed, unconscious. Goku sits on a chair, stroking the FOUR STAR DRAGON BALL as if it were very precious to him. Sort of like the One Ring. EXTREAM CLOSE UP SHOT OF BULMA’S EYES Bulma’s eyes appear to be struggling to regain themselves. Slowly, they begin to open, and see what is happening. Bulma sits up, and rubs her eyes open even more. She yawns, and then gasps. She begins to search her pockets. BULMA (FRANTIC) WHERE THE HELL IS IT?! Goku holds back laughter. Bulma becomes pissed. BULMA (Attitude) Okay, jackass, where is it? Where is the Dragon Ball? Goku tries to hold back the laughter again. BULMA (Completely pissed and irritated) WHAT THE HELL IS SO FUNNY! Goku smiles, and exhales deeply. GOKU (Chuckling) You are what’s funny, ma’am. You tried to steal my granpa, and now you want to know where your little Dragon Ball thingy is? That’s funny! It makes me wanna laugh. BULMA (Extremely pissed) Look dumbass --that thing you’re holding in your hand is a Dragon Ball! Okay?! Now hand it over please, and I’ll be on my way. Goku bursts out laughing.

9 GOKU (Still laughing) You really did hit your head hard, didn’t ya? (Stops laughing) This (does the quote signs with his fingers) “Dragon Ball” is my granpa, and I ain’t givin’ him to no one. So you can just get up and leave. Bulma calms down, and tries to think this out. Goku twirls his tail around, and is amused with his tail. BULMA (O.C.) Okay. I’ll make you a deal. Bulma stands up from the bed, and walks towards Goku who stops playing around with his tail, to gaze up at Bulma, intrigued. BULMA I’ll leave the Dragon Ball alone, if you will come with me on my journey to find the other six. I need them to help with my plan for more energy for our world. It would really help out, kid. And with that jump suit that you’re wearing, I’m guessing your one of those monks that was trained in the ancient ways of the Martial Arts. GOKU (Smiles playfully) You’re good. BULMA (Excited with her new idea) What do you say? GOKU (Has no clue what’s going on) What? BULMA (Frustrated) Didn’t you hear a word I just said?! Goku is blank. BULMA (Sighs)

10 Okay, fine. Will you help me find the other Dragon Balls, please? Goku appears to be thinking about this. Bulma waits for an answer. Goku lifts his head up to stare back to Bulma. Bulma smiles and waits for his answer. BULMA (Waiting) Well? GOKU (Still thinking) Hold on a sec, would ya?! BULMA (Growls in frustration) Oh my God! Bulma stomps over to the bed, and falls down to lies on her back. Goku jumps up with an answer. GOKU I’VE GOT IT! Bulma sits up, and sighs. BULMA (ANNOYED) It’s about time. GOKU I’ll go. BULMA (Frustrated) It took you that long to come up with that?! GOKU (Smiles playfully) Yep.

11 Bulma growls in frustration. She is very irritated. CUT TO – INT. DEMON TEMPLE – THRONE ROOM – DAY King Piccolo sits in the shadows still. The two Dragon Balls begin to glow, as MAI (25+) walks out from behind us. She is a hot, sexy young girl, wearing a sexy tight blue suit on. It looks a little revealing. Piccolo sits up. PICCOLO did you find it? Mai smiles and pulls out a DRAGON BALL! MAI I did, master Piccolo. PICCOLO You’ve done well, Mai. Now, thanks to your help, I have received three out of the seven magic Dragon Balls. Once I have all seven, I will summon the Eternal Dragon god to fulfill my One Perfect Wish for Immortality. I will not die, then after, and the world will fear my wrath. MAI I hope your plans fall through, my lord. PICCOLO Yes. Yes they shall. DISSOLVE TO – EXT. GOHAN’S COTTAGE – ESTABLISHING –SUNSET Goku and Bulma step out of the cottage, and stand in front of us. Bulma pulls out a Capsule with a number on the side –CC#12- she presses a button on the top, and tosses out to an empty area of grass. SUDDENLY, the Capsule blows up and creates a truck. Goku is in awe.

12 GOKU (In awe) What was that thing? BULMA (BORED) It’s a Capsule. My father used to create them for our family’s company, CAPSULE CORP. (Realizes something) Oh, shit! I’m sorry. Here I am getting ready to go on this journey with you, and we both have forgotten about introducing ourselves. I’m Bulma Briefs, President of Capsule Corps in West City. GOKU (Grins) And I’m Goku! BULMA (Laughs) Wow! GOKU What? BULMA What’s with the funny name? GOKU It’s not funny. My granpa used to tell me that it was a long tradition to pass down the name of our great ancestors. My great granpa’s name was Goku, and he had my granpa Gohan, and then he had me, Goku. BULMA (Not interested) I see. Bulma hops into the truck. She peeks her head out the window to Goku. BULMA You comin’? GOKU (O.C.) Yeah.

13 INT. CAPSULE TRUCK -12- SUNSET Goku climbs into the truck, as Bulma steps on the gas petal making a loud tire screeching sound. SWOOSH! The truck ZOOMS out so fast, that we fall out of the back of the truck. EXT. GOHAN’S COTTAGE – SUNSET We watch as Bulma’s truck drives into the SUNSET. FADE OUT/IN

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