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Ark Angel Zachary / Jesus Christ - Channeled Material

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Channeled Material Ark Angel Zachary / Jesus Christ "DRAG-ON THE RED TAIL LIGHT” Prosperity Unleashed, United Cycles May 2002 through Lisa Smith If you look into the eyes of a Tiger, the imprint would remain forever. It is that same strength and ferocity held in the eyes of a human master. Yet it is that very strength that produces the blossoming fragrance of delicate Rose IN-ESSENCE. The same rings true of communities that gather in vibrational matches. You will find sources of flowing information as each individuation of God-Spark releases its last hold of old physical patterning, and lives once again in the Freedom of eternal life through perfected biological realignments. You have the uncanny ability to reach higher than a mountain, and ground deep into the established regions of spiritual societies. These societies will not anchor based upon one masters ideals, or even a small group of masters ideals, but will anchor upon that which is source in united understanding of how it shall serve the whole. In this light a WEALTH of information is manifested. Humanity is up against itself these days, not a false pretense of dark and light, which is simply a justification of old patterning. Truly the human KINGDOM must place itself on the platter of Golden Roots, which lead to pathways undetermined, but in its incubation state of its birthing process. Because of such intensity of construction each commitment made with ones source self will be the determining factor of when and where Sparks of light congregate. You may find it surprising that directly underneath your feet many completions are at hand when one lives in the reality of spirit. They will Focus on the Temple of Light in all its floors of expansion. A movement has been choreographed through higher harmonics in the home established termed Shambhalla where many will find themselves disconnected from earthly relationships and focusing on master to master communications. We refer to this as team spirit, Building on a foundation formatting itself to the earth-based master. Group energy will then connect many earth masters, each one solid in their own source connection first. A struggle, which appears to be a fight hanging on to old avenues is nearly finished, for the victor in spirit, will become apparent. It produces earth masters unafraid of self-empowerment. Power in love of self directly connected to Source is the Foundation one requires. On this solidified trademark of spirit one finds the magnetics flow with the ever-evolving tides of Home Improvement. Once Power of Source has been claimed within the individuation the undertaking of spiritual assignments drastically shift. Usually an entity will find themselves first in denial, still holding on to the accepted parameters of earth. These days of silence with oneself are important because the decisions are recognized within. With natural laws of universal proportions life changes in one instant flash as a master always chooses to trust in self and source vibration. That is the beauty and eloquence of the times you are living. For many masters on earth the energy of Taurus, which we call the Harvest Blossom, will bring forth ascension that quickly. You will simply know it has transpired. The symptoms include Freedom, Trust, Spiritual Growth, Everything aligning without having to integrate for long periods, Remembrance, Dialogue with Master Guides or Brothers and Sisters on the path, and becoming untouched or uninhibited by earth density. You will find the demarcation line being crossed and will never look back. Usually during the evening sleep ones Christ-self becomes integrated in the physical. This places one in a unique position to carry off, and move forward the universal harmonics being grounded undeterred. A master will hold a different perception then once understood in previous learned situations, and see the quality of love within source. You have all tested yourselves through the level of God consciousness based in the Cerebellum of the brain. Therefore God-Cel dynamics become the driving force of body strength in the Solar Plexus mid-point of equilibrium; with the I AM Presence balancing the Source light over the crown. A team of qualified light beings born of earth this go round will then manifest the cycle of completion through the Red Ray Gate of Prosperity. As the Ancient of Days becomes the sparkle of rejuvenation and not the old biological avenues, his mistress in disguise stands ever near his side, for it is truly the age of Passion as Twin Ray partners become one. El-RA-IS and IS-RA-EL, male and female marital couplings beckons the heart to reclaim its divine origin. The willingness to become ALL THERE IS, and accepting the many gifts bestowed upon such gracious servers of the ME’SI/MESSIAH summons up the courage to be a major team player in the game of Prosperity. You will find Magic happening to you ascended ones this month in large Prosperous Avenues flowing in your daily activity. It will seem as if

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everywhere you are, look, breathe source is speaking its magical language of manifestation in Physical Matter, which you have earned. We have stretched the limitations beyond borders even we have deemed a little strong, and the ascended ones have risen to its task in the blink of an eye. HOW CAN WE SERVE, the masters in Shambhalla ask Source. For in our hearts you have gone deeper than the incredible. When we present challenges with the group energy, we notice the brave are few but mighty. When we speak truths and ask all to move into the God-selves, it took a little longer than expected, but you agreed to let go of the astral sphere and become a responsible co-creator. When we offered up no excuses for the earthly trials, you each became a solid core of IN-ESSENCE and for this we serve you with physical tools that will blend successfully. Your home is now a beacon of light majesty. You have accepted responsibility for creating your own patterns, and in a final analysis you each recognized that to serve the whole there is no such energy as blame, justification, or dark and light duality if you so choose. Believe me the final countdown on the clock of team players brought forth a quickening into your vision, and you proved once again that source automatically prevails. With this transition a group of masters have asked to present you with this dedication and meditation. We ask that each of these beautiful masters and brothers on the path join within your Merkivah so that it touches the physical, and when it touches the physical may you let go of all preconceptions and FEEL your inner worthiness and light. May you shiver with excitement and behold the inspiration and quality each brother has prepared especially for you. May the white rose of redemption emote pure bliss, while the pink lotus blossom unravels in detail your next step. I bid you no inhibitions as the LOVE pours into your heart, and may we weep together in joy of family reunion.

SANANDA “RIDING THE RED DRAGON’S TAIL LIGHT” As we set up for this mighty adventure, please remind yourselves why you are seeded here in the first place. The last shall be first, the first shall be last, as expansion flames upon your high heart and essence of chemical change moves in the deepest access of the throat center. Many have found their energy charged as the collaboration between high heart electronics and throat center dynamics marry. This creates within your vehicle a downward/upward spiral. Then it happens, you insert the mighty White Dragon of Freedom and cannot deny what it does to your senses. The Universal Meridian Grids Align with your earthly light vessel, as it does the meridian lines begin to change and realign calling forth physical perfection in every way, including health, wealth, enjoyment, family reunions, forgiveness, whole heartedness, and most of all becoming Sacred Life Forms of Creative expansion, expression and gratitude. As Source Sparks, you begin LIFE UNLIMITED, and you are the last of a Christ generation to fully embody Source Reality. Remember many masters born of earth matter have fully embraced self-mastery many times before. Many of you did not have to come back born of earth parents. There was a call by your Source, and you simply answered. You came to study and observe your earthly seeded behavior, and step out of earth genetics into perfection of your Source Spark. While you feel the energy of your source turn on inside, the meridian grid ley lines fold under the 3rd layer of your epidermis. Each of your 7 layers of skin will provide for biological perfection in different ways. A Master Healer works within the lines of the meridian system and that is why instantaneous healings are beginning to occur through clear channels. Please allow me to draw near, and in your vision I transform into a Modern Day Master, as do you. With this in mind a flash of RED RAY moves through your body in a unique pathway, as it unlocks in the 3rd eye, moves through the root, and grounds inside the earth. With your meridian lines solid you have masterfully crafted the finish line of producing the Red Dragons Tail Light. Upon starting creation from a Universal vantage point, the head of the Dragon seeds the thought-form; the male and female blends carry those thought-forms out with great PASSION. The neck and body of the Red Dragon move into galactic systems, expanding even more through the meridian ley lines, as the feet became anchored into Paradise it is the Tail of the Dragon, which carries the weight of the champion of spirit. The Tail Light completes the gateway full circle. What begins at the Head of the Dragon is realized, as the Red Tail Light becomes the grounding mechanism of SOLID SOURCE STRENGTH. As you ride the meridian lines from earth back through the Universe notice how different your physical body feels. Electrical Currents of untold proportions are embodied, and what you will ground and create with this new Spark of Understanding is the next step. Once an entity steps off the tail, there is only fresh beginnings, new relationships with old friends, and an understanding of what it entails to become a Modern Day Prophet. You are no longer in denial; you have the Dragons Light to assist this process. The first presentation has brought you down into the last earth moment of density, and just as quickly one moves with all scholarly training into the first brigade of planetary change. Vibration will mutate into flow with the meridian alignment of your Source connection. This communication has opened POWER of self-love. As you open into the Red Dragon of PROSPERITY, feel FREE to allow your economic world to upgrade. Ideas flow with ease and grace, services are provided, your team of guides are your monetary planners, and working with them you may find that holding back will no longer serve the universe. Prosperity translates to; May the showers of many blessings be yours this day. Enjoy the ride; Red Dragon is destined to take you for one!


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“YOU CAN TEACH AN OLD GOD NEW TRICKS” The first law of the universe is Order, but what is Order without an open door policy, usually a law that is Old and no longer fits in a changing system. Many eons ago as you sense your Cerebellum center in the brain activate all were a breathing body of God-Force. For the Spark of Source had become a changing electronic, and although it is still your root in the Universe, the Temple of Light indicated that all structures on this planet could withstand shifting because of a creation termed I AM. Mighty I AM rallied the forces of nature as the higher mind working in co-habitation with the Great Central Sun allowed a wonderful new concept we called GOD. God-Body was of biological perfection, and where many couples and families fit into a new society or spiritual government we call Shambhalla ruled by the Kumara energy band, yet in direct working with not only the universe but also many entities on this planet. A great home was comfortably established and the laws of the universe provided gateways of great energy, particularly that of the Great Central Sun, which is another term used for God Consciousness. Twin Rays were merged first in the Universe by Source, and with steady commitment were then again merged in one of many Temples of Light, but it was the Temple of Light in Atlantis where many partners lived in bliss. This manifested what we call today as the Garden of Eden, and sexuality was nothing less then a gift from God-Source. I AM held the connection from God to Source. As each of you are a member of God-Family, I bid you take a look inside, many geometric patterns form inside your Solar Plexus, as they continue to expand you may remember that what looked like a Virus moved into the house of Shambhalla. Because the family of One was strong how could a Virus shake the very foundation of which you reside. That answer is quite simple, and yet has taken many spirals off the one united essence. Because we let it happen. The moment one steps out of source alignment, that one is out of Balance, and Shambhalla has no space for Imbalance or mis-alignment of God/I AM/Source. In this geometric/mathematical equation you have it all dear ones. So it is with great pleasure you are called to restore Balance, Order, and by all means become a new God-Cel. It has been an interesting concept to present that one is already God. As you accept this divine activation remember how wonderful it is to know that we have created this together, became imbalanced together, and unified harmony today together. You are not here to clear others or the earth, light Temples are here to become one with your own alignments, and in the process enjoy whatever source requests. There is a template of physical perfection activated between the ears. A wave of spirit moves in, as it harmonizes with the Cerebellum of the brain your participation and creations are vital to the process of becoming part of Bethlehem, or the city of Peace you helped to establish. A lightning bolt of energy will move into the pituitary gland, it sends a resounding message into the nucleus of your physical structures. This holds the key that unlocks your Temple of Light, and as we say in the celestial spheres, you can teach an old God new tricks. What have you got to lose, you have tried it all before! Live abundantly once again and encourage life forces to do the same, for the spiritual cheerleader inspires the masses and is a vital component to the team.

ELIJAH “MUCH A-BREW ABOUT SOMETHING” “THAT WHICH IS HIDDEN SHALL BE REVEALED”. Envision a beautiful beach in the South Pacific Ocean. The water is crystal clear; you smell the surf as the tide rolls in ever so gently these days. It is dusk and night is drawing its magic on the earth. Inside you understand what it means to be connected directly with the creative treasures we call the Great Central Moon. You are sitting in the sand with island apparel. Confident in self as the Dragon of Night enters I walk up to you as a brother. You will sense my energy quite different these days, as I take my place on the Council of Light many ascended ones feel my dialogue, which is usually a thrust forward. I come to offer a gift and as you accept it your eyes gleam into mine, for I wish to assist your vision expand as your source light becomes a beacon of unlimited potentials. You hold the gift of a shell cradling a precious Black Tahitian Pearl. It is one of the highest vibrational gem materials on the planet. The night of the Great Central Moon activates a hormonal balancing in the body, for an endocrine/exocrine system of light must validate a Fountain of Youth, Information and Fresh Beginnings. In the beginning of Earth Star Bethlehem we held a joyful collaboration of Male/Female perfection through the Central Sun Unit. The Central Moon was a bastion of Magic, Creation, and Unlimited Potentials. For most masters it contains the abilities one is seeking and yet still frightened of the Black, the Night and Moon Magic. The hormonal set up will ride 3 programs at this time, and in the future it will shift according to group dynamics. The Endocrine System, which is the first step, the Exocrine System, and Finally the Spiritual Hormone Paths team Christ, has set up already. Many of the spiritual hormones are implemented through the Lymph Node system. Your precious Black Pearl of divine creation will embed in the Pituitary Gland. Together our vision changes as the essence of Central Moon vibrates inside the Sacral Center. Since the moon merges with the sun and they both operate in the Solar Plexus that leaves the Sacral for its original inception to come forth. A treasure of universal source substance holds all creative forms as you the individuation of responsible behavior accept its Prosperous flow. It houses the Ark of the Covenant, and activates as the sacral body washes its old emotional baggage and cleans up its own density. It is pure potential, as the Black Pearl changes your dreams into spiritual reality, waking state into magical transformation, and grandest desires

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become manifest form. As you relax now the entity known to all as the prophet Abraham unleashes the doorways of all 12 Universal Dragons. For you see Abraham and his divine Sarah hold the energy that is El-RA-IS and IS-RA-EL. Blessed are those that wake upon new source substance and move forward in these fast-paced blueprints. For you shall rule your own world, after all with focus and attention on oneself, and by cleaning up ones own act, you become your world with source and live out the way your alignment travels highest This is obedience unto oneself through source, and with this no-thing moves out of alignment. Trust your inner strength and may the road to the Great Central Moon become the magic you have asked to bring out. Love to all, may you travel deep into these meditations provided, and find all hidden treasures yet to be revealed. Channeled by Lisa Smith Dear Friends, Interesting Transformations to say the least!! Sananda has asked me to make more of an editorial when I bring these channels in so people have a perspective on me Lisa the channel. One reason is to honestly convey through my vision as I work out with Sananda, another is the honest processing I am doing, for my personality is unique just like yours, and although that is not important on one hand, it is on another as we congregate in the house of Shambhalla. I have run the spectrum of personal density to highest of glee all within a month. Last evening as things are coming in clear, and good thing everyone for I am on my way to channel a 3-day Immortal Seminar in Alaska this weekend, Sananda gave me a vision, which cracked me up. He showed me a maze, like the ones scientists put mice in to see if they can find their way from beginning to the end. From January until now I have made it through one quarter of the way, and Sananda came from the other side, and picked me up, took my hand and helped me through all the way. I said a meek, Thanks and in his humor and wisdom he said nothing, but you could tell he wanted me to get a move on through the rest of the way! We just so happened to be building a bridge together, and luckily he does not complain. As you notice we channeled this message a month ago, and it took me from April 22 to May 22, 2002 to get this going. Now I am taught the alignment of 2 means absolute truth and clarity and is a Twin Ray motivator and activator. I also feel extremely blessed because I am no longer given the option of simply channeling through information; I have to wear the garment given to me by Sananda and company. A day before this channel right before waking Abraham (not El Morya or a group energy I am taught, but an individual God-Spark) the father of my personal roots manifested in physical form, and what a reaction that forced from me. It shook me to the core of myself, and yet I knew there was a hidden agenda I had kept from personal training. It also brought up deep seeded anger from the family of Shambhalla and my spiritual roots, which was perfectly natural, so please honor yourselves as there are 12 Ancient of Days and their couplings of male/female perfection draws out the imperfections. Another noted Ancient of Days is the Rama energy, not as brought through Atlantis, but deeper than that. Not everyone will carry anger in their nucleus, however as a personal trainer and healer I have noted emotions and physical imperfections such as cancer and tumors coming to the surface of light workers, that have always had great intent, yet still holding onto old stuff. If not that, then serious viral infections pushing ancient stuff out, or intestinal balancing, or weight fluctuations that are noticeable. Also that old Pisces addictive behavior of alcohol escapism kicks in. This meditation is determined to assist eliminate these emotions in the sacral patterning. Please understand you are on the verge of new horizons, just one more step over the line. I would never adhere to an old lazy excuse of “Whatever God Wants, I am willing”, to me that is a good reason not to kick it up another notch and fight for personal mastery, whatever that shows up to be. As a triple water sign I have had to work my through that old behavior, so I understand emotion well, especially when my Piscean nature is not ignoring it! I have also miraculously noted that vibrational matches which are a natural state of family gatherings will eliminate some people from our lives and new matches coming forward, and yet there is a core essence of those blended together that draw a sacred bonding through the summer solstice. I have been told from the beginning of January until June 21st summer solstice 2002 we will have created everything beyond our deepest desires if we just let go and move through the process. Anything called to release through cellular membranes, which will be necessary will push out. I would just like to take a moment here and encourage all to blend in gratitude with the Ancient of Days you are connected with this Gemini energy which will definitely pull out the hidden, and if we shift focus into the divine it provides changing a challenge into relief, because we can no longer run from our own density, believe me as an exercise gal I’ve tried! It will make the process much easier then I chose to do it. Yet it moved through in a month. Please go back and focus upon the Ancient of Days Chinese Character of Eternity in the 3rd eye center and let that purify the body. I have had great results with that one and so have many others. The Universal Meridian Grid Lines overlaying the human structure is just as important. I know Abraham brings that it. In my healing work with serious illness lately Sananda has had me do this 3 days in a row with people. I felt extremely blessed because I knew it was pushing out my cellular density as well. So it’s a win-win situation, and I know people think they are past some of things densities as did I and you may be, but it would benefit your perfection of physicality. I could write a book on the processing of Lisa Smith, on what I thought and how it changed, and my rebellion, but underneath that is an unwavering passion for my spirit as I strongly sense with all of you, so maybe we invoke a little laughter at ourselves, take an honest observation within instead of without, and move through it.

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This Summer Solstice in Reno, Sananda and company have created a Master Healer Seminar along with light body dynamics as comes through a fresh take on the sacral center, if you cannot make it to Reno then please tune in the ArkAngel Michael throughout the weekend. Also this will change the course of Master healing, but in alignment with source dynamics. There is a 13-ray system run on Pearl rays that manifest through Pure Source Substance in the Sacral Center. They are manifest color, geometry, sound from the sacral center out. You do not have to be well versed in healing to attend. You can start anew in this course. Every healing course I will run from now on will be at least 2 or 3 days, which cleanses the body to this level. They will be extremely intense, yet glorious in personal and planetary healing. We have created a system which lays a foundation for this course and the individual God-Spark will take it and expand upon it from there. It will be Magic IN-Motion. I have noticed that in the past several months Sananda and Elijah have become extremely straightforward in presentations and channeling, and are not taking people through easily, but direct and that love is so strong. So people are either drawn to the seminars or not. Which is in alignment with what I am asked to do, so there definitely is no safety or comfort zone. I feel that every spiritual presenter is operating on dynamics they are asked to bring in, or understand. One is not higher or lower in vibration, but lie in a realm of equality as we all advance. I have necklaces just created by Sananda and Elijah for the perfected God-Cel body. They are rutilated and smoky quartz crystal spheres with a Montana agate and each one has the Chinese Character of Eternity carved in gold on them. They are powerful and Sananda has asked to channel a personal note card for each one ordered. I just received the first grouping yesterday and nearly fell out because they have such a strong vibration. They are more geared towards the ladies of light, but I have masculine ones being made as well so not to worry. It will be on the web site soon, but they are very reasonable and substantial in strength as well. You can write me for details. I am off to Alaska and gearing for the summer solstice. Sananda promises some great channels before then, for he is coming on strong he tells me with information and energy balancing. Have a great Gemini weekend, and may our lights come together in perfect harmony, if not may they at least congregate with allowance for one another, what a way to live so human and so spirited as the same time. I will never forget Sanandas words of wisdom for me and in the seminars, the greatest thing he says one can be is their own self. This means raw, vulnerable, allowing of personal balancing and holding tight to source self and honoring the process for when we attempt to be some great giant or warrior of the light it does not compute and we are not happy. In that innocent gathering of source light, a Master Resides and that is the Master Residence of Shambhalla on earth. Love and smooth transitions everyone, I will meet with you on the dance floor of the Summer Solstice. Until then may we find the collective humor that is over the top! Love, Lisa

Lisa Smith

© Copyright Warriors of Peace All rights reserved, not open for reposting or distribution. Thank you for your consideration and spiritual integrity. P.O. Box 926, Lancaster CA 93584 USA Phone: 661-942-4484 Email: [email protected] Last modified: 06/20/2005 22:05:40

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