Draft Rauf Daftar Pustaka.docx

  • November 2019
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ACOG. 2013. Hypertension in Pregnancy. Obstetrics &Gynecology. Vol 5:122 PerkumpulanObstetridanGinekologi Indonesia. 2014. Pedoman Nasional PelayananKedokteran Indonesia: Diagnosis dan Tata LaksanaPreeklampsia. Cunningham, F., Gary.,et al. 2013. Obstetri Williams Edisi 23 Volume 2. Jakarta: EGC. Duckitt., Harington. 2005. Risk factor for pre-eclampsia at antenatal booking: systematic review of controlled studies.BMJ : 330(7491):549-50

New York State Development of Health. 2013. Hypertensive Disorder in Pregnancy. GuidlineSumary. Prawirohardjo, S. 2011. IlmuKebidanan. Jakarta: Yayasan Bina PustakaSarwonoPrawirohardjo. Rana, S. 2012. Angiogenic factors and risk of preeclamsia related ourcomes in twin prenancies. Journal of Women’s Cardiovaskular Health Vol 1 :273-274 Ramesh, K., Sangeetha, G., wishwas, R. 2013. Socio-Demographic and other risk factors of preeclampsia at a tertiary Care Hospital. Journal of Clinical and diagnostic Research:8(9).:01-04 Yu,Wang., Tom, T., Thomas, A., Tore, H. 2011. The Impact of maternal age and parity on obstetric and perinatal outcome in singleton gestasions. Arch GynecolObstet Vol 284:31-37.


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