Additional Infrastructure Investment Formula Funding Provided Under H.R. ___, the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Total
Highways and Fixed Guideway Bridges Transit Capital Modernization $559,665,637 $39,139,929 N/A $238,322,406 $39,567,693 $25,838,720 $586,554,097 $89,800,880 $5,005,946 $370,302,961 $23,583,150 N/A $2,796,972,002 $950,838,235 $294,322,998 $412,851,201 $94,995,496 $11,269,972 $391,353,941 $68,087,302 $53,456,185 $120,854,048 $11,337,450 N/A $124,531,869 $110,210,148 $112,502,711 $1,461,783,079 $285,430,373 $36,863,622 $1,045,902,643 $121,349,215 $47,841,606 $129,434,787 $41,571,243 $2,835,393 $216,573,325 $15,582,534 N/A $1,001,675,645 $352,823,530 $191,779,080 $746,339,493 $68,990,242 $12,993,189 $353,045,333 $31,522,099 N/A $317,232,125 $26,071,997 N/A $457,309,594 $43,418,140 N/A $470,649,161 $56,797,591 $4,126,535 $138,664,985 $10,957,693 N/A $478,655,397 $115,621,981 $47,377,093 $506,364,328 $193,606,952 $112,359,465 $875,167,353 $120,853,559 $1,110,837 $477,633,398 $83,990,580 $16,346,771 $353,025,359 $20,443,055 N/A $688,319,889 $74,770,021 $11,631,300 $277,452,620 $13,230,865 N/A $230,260,742 $20,215,224 N/A $217,735,801 $45,076,234 N/A $137,525,889 $11,124,539 N/A $777,808,665 $333,970,036 $149,887,005 $281,158,912 $24,066,600 N/A $1,354,887,198 $856,829,229 $537,643,346 $802,258,586 $88,782,941 $358,479 $194,497,761 $9,617,349 N/A $1,036,086,707 $150,853,656 $24,069,335 $464,228,443 $33,244,336 N/A $349,351,566 $68,309,581 $15,128,906 $1,254,266,677 $245,442,862 $134,193,083 $154,292,484 $16,049,102 $227,580 $479,859,162 $34,189,347 N/A $198,688,944 $9,556,709 N/A $613,113,563 $62,494,552 $954,067 $2,420,703,384 $335,964,605 $30,579,385 $221,325,277 $53,615,429 $4,559,030 $129,533,151 $4,595,439 N/A $745,536,628 $100,601,189 $32,650,580 $529,547,455 $162,288,049 $54,296,452 $243,473,459 $15,347,062 $1,901,006 $563,779,408 $72,745,995 $1,782,646 $199,236,775 $7,893,881 N/A $3,867,923 $299,418 N/A $19,339,615 $809,315 N/A $3,867,923 $1,100,069 N/A $107,791,611 $67,550,629 $4,107,677 $19,339,615 $1,274,670 N/A $29,350,000,000 $5,938,500,000 $1,980,000,000
Clean Water Infrastructure SRF Investment Total $64,908,360 $663,713,926 $34,741,377 $338,470,196 $39,206,772 $720,567,695 $37,972,737 $431,858,848 $415,157,589 $4,457,290,824 $46,432,782 $565,549,451 $71,112,789 $584,010,217 $28,496,754 $160,688,252 $28,496,754 $375,741,482 $195,942,087 $1,980,019,161 $98,146,026 $1,313,239,490 $44,957,781 $218,799,204 $28,496,754 $260,652,613 $262,531,962 $1,808,810,217 $139,895,415 $968,218,339 $78,562,737 $463,130,169 $52,396,146 $395,700,268 $73,879,245 $574,606,979 $63,812,133 $595,385,420 $44,934,813 $194,557,491 $140,394,672 $782,049,143 $197,084,547 $1,009,415,292 $249,595,038 $1,246,726,787 $106,692,201 $684,662,950 $52,298,631 $425,767,045 $160,919,352 $935,640,562 $28,496,754 $319,180,239 $29,690,595 $280,166,561 $28,496,754 $291,308,789 $58,009,446 $206,659,874 $237,209,148 $1,498,874,854 $28,496,754 $333,722,266 $640,714,734 $3,390,074,507 $104,763,681 $996,163,687 $28,496,754 $232,611,864 $326,786,229 $1,537,795,927 $46,897,686 $544,370,465 $65,574,135 $498,364,188 $229,937,103 $1,863,839,725 $38,977,191 $209,546,357 $59,467,320 $573,515,829 $28,496,754 $236,742,407 $84,325,230 $760,887,412 $265,316,040 $3,052,563,414 $30,585,852 $310,085,588 $28,496,754 $162,625,344 $118,796,832 $997,585,229 $100,946,934 $847,078,890 $90,489,465 $351,210,992 $156,930,345 $795,238,394 $28,496,754 $235,627,410 $5,164,100 $9,331,441 $3,709,000 $23,857,930 $2,346,500 $7,314,492 $75,710,151 $255,160,068 $2,955,300 $23,569,585 $5,731,845,749 $43,000,345,749
*Prepared by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure majority staff based on technical assistance provided by the Department of Transportation and the Environmental Protection Agency.
Additional Infrastructure Investment Formula Funding Provided Under H.R. ___, the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" Highways and Bridges State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Total
Total Funding $559,665,637 $238,322,406 $586,554,097 $370,302,961 $2,796,972,002 $412,851,201 $391,353,941 $120,854,048 $124,531,869 $1,461,783,079 $1,045,902,643 $129,434,787 $216,573,325 $1,001,675,645 $746,339,493 $353,045,333 $317,232,125 $457,309,594 $470,649,161 $138,664,985 $478,655,397 $506,364,328 $875,167,353 $477,633,398 $353,025,359 $688,319,889 $277,452,620 $230,260,742 $217,735,801 $137,525,889 $777,808,665 $281,158,912 $1,354,887,198 $802,258,586 $194,497,761 $1,036,086,707 $464,228,443 $349,351,566 $1,254,266,677 $154,292,484 $479,859,162 $198,688,944 $613,113,563 $2,420,703,384 $221,325,277 $129,533,151 $745,536,628 $529,547,455 $243,473,459 $563,779,408 $199,236,775 $3,867,923 $19,339,615 $3,867,923 $107,791,611 $19,339,615 $29,350,000,000
*Prepared by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure majority staff based on technical assistance provided by the Federal Highway Administration.
Additional Infrastructure Investment Formula Funding Provided Under H.R. ___, the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" Transit Capital Grants State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Total
Urban Formula $24,219,913 $31,970,673 $79,032,142 $12,166,951 $925,118,666 $85,304,463 $65,078,697 $9,962,250 $110,210,148 $270,517,625 $102,743,898 $39,381,297 $8,751,371 $336,864,405 $53,826,377 $19,958,797 $15,197,287 $29,070,678 $45,118,633 $4,773,550 $110,128,765 $189,708,387 $101,334,022 $69,541,372 $7,405,152 $59,139,343 $4,024,880 $12,499,038 $39,085,786 $7,247,605 $330,364,293 $14,334,619 $837,129,554 $64,770,166 $4,765,107 $128,447,314 $20,379,188 $57,061,724 $222,749,874 $15,400,456 $21,989,883 $3,661,130 $46,841,615 $298,842,151 $47,880,652 $1,627,389 $86,877,178 $151,498,625 $7,716,656 $57,599,409 $2,154,248 $0 $0 $1,053,975 $65,697,953 $1,274,670 $5,359,500,000
Rural Formula $14,920,016 $7,597,020 $10,768,738 $11,416,199 $25,719,569 $9,691,033 $3,008,605 $1,375,200 $0 $14,912,748 $18,605,317 $2,189,946 $6,831,163 $15,959,125 $15,163,865 $11,563,302 $10,874,710 $14,347,462 $11,678,958 $6,184,143 $5,493,216 $3,898,565 $19,519,537 $14,449,208 $13,037,903 $15,630,678 $9,205,985 $7,716,186 $5,990,448 $3,876,934 $3,605,743 $9,731,981 $19,699,675 $24,012,775 $4,852,242 $22,406,342 $12,865,148 $11,247,857 $22,692,988 $648,646 $12,199,464 $5,895,579 $15,652,937 $37,122,454 $5,734,777 $2,968,050 $13,724,011 $10,789,424 $7,630,406 $15,146,586 $5,739,633 $299,418 $809,315 $46,094 $1,852,676 $0 $579,000,000
Total Funding $39,139,929 $39,567,693 $89,800,880 $23,583,150 $950,838,235 $94,995,496 $68,087,302 $11,337,450 $110,210,148 $285,430,373 $121,349,215 $41,571,243 $15,582,534 $352,823,530 $68,990,242 $31,522,099 $26,071,997 $43,418,140 $56,797,591 $10,957,693 $115,621,981 $193,606,952 $120,853,559 $83,990,580 $20,443,055 $74,770,021 $13,230,865 $20,215,224 $45,076,234 $11,124,539 $333,970,036 $24,066,600 $856,829,229 $88,782,941 $9,617,349 $150,853,656 $33,244,336 $68,309,581 $245,442,862 $16,049,102 $34,189,347 $9,556,709 $62,494,552 $335,964,605 $53,615,429 $4,595,439 $100,601,189 $162,288,049 $15,347,062 $72,745,995 $7,893,881 $299,418 $809,315 $1,100,069 $67,550,629 $1,274,670 $5,938,500,000
*Prepared by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure majority staff based on technical assistance provided by the Federal Transit Administration.
Additional Infrastructure Investment Formula Funding Provided Under H.R. ___, the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" Fixed Guideway Modernization State Alaska Arizona California Colorado Connecticut District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Illinois Indiana Louisiana Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Missouri New Jersey New York North Carolina Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island Tennessee Texas Utah Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Total
Total Funding $25,838,720 $5,005,946 $294,322,998 $11,269,972 $53,456,185 $112,502,711 $36,863,622 $47,841,606 $2,835,393 $191,779,080 $12,993,189 $4,126,535 $47,377,093 $112,359,465 $1,110,837 $16,346,771 $11,631,300 $149,887,005 $537,643,346 $358,479 $24,069,335 $15,128,906 $134,193,083 $4,107,677 $227,580 $954,067 $30,579,385 $4,559,030 $32,650,580 $54,296,452 $1,901,006 $1,782,646 $1,980,000,000
*Prepared by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure majority staff based on technical assistance provided by the Federal Transit Administration.
Additional Infrastructure Investment Formula Funding Provided Under H.R. ___, the "American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009" Clean Water State Revolving Fund State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming American Samoa Guam Northern Marianas Puerto Rico Virgin Islands Total
Total Funding $64,908,360 $34,741,377 $39,206,772 $37,972,737 $415,157,589 $46,432,782 $71,112,789 $28,496,754 $28,496,754 $195,942,087 $98,146,026 $44,957,781 $28,496,754 $262,531,962 $139,895,415 $78,562,737 $52,396,146 $73,879,245 $63,812,133 $44,934,813 $140,394,672 $197,084,547 $249,595,038 $106,692,201 $52,298,631 $160,919,352 $28,496,754 $29,690,595 $28,496,754 $58,009,446 $237,209,148 $28,496,754 $640,714,734 $104,763,681 $28,496,754 $326,786,229 $46,897,686 $65,574,135 $229,937,103 $38,977,191 $59,467,320 $28,496,754 $84,325,230 $265,316,040 $30,585,852 $28,496,754 $118,796,832 $100,946,934 $90,489,465 $156,930,345 $28,496,754 $5,164,100 $3,709,000 $2,346,500 $75,710,151 $2,955,300 $5,731,845,749
*Prepared by the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure majority staff based on technical assistance provided by the Environmental Protection Agency.
Table A
Results of December 2008 AASHTO Survey of Ready-to-Go Highway & Bridge Projects State
Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Total
Number of Projects
Dollar Value (in Millions)
16 4 72 130
$877.0 $139.3 $1,091.5 $1,120.5 $5,000.0 $1,154.0 $764.7 $125.0 $56.0 $6,968.3 $1,932.9 $417.9 $805.0 $783.3 $501.2 $221.2 $357.0 $400.0 $423.0 $221.0 $230.0 $220.0 $1,750.0 $950.0 $600.0 $510.0 $350.0 $250.0 $250.0 $230.5 $1,640.0 $1,136.1 $550.0 $5,170.0 $300.0 $2,160.0 $778.0 $564.0 $1,030.0 $1,590.6 $100.0 $850.0 $155.0 $400.0 $6,018.4 $10,800.0 $94.7 $680.4 $1,339.0 $1,134.4 $320.0 $400.3 $65,910.2
113 5 3 92 319 51 126 245 109 41 107 50 58 44 37 208 200 75 34 158 30 40 27 153 49 40 296
95 105 319 132 40 51 29 120 853 136 22 40 60 181 60 105 5,280