Dr Kamal Singh

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  • Words: 1,363
  • Pages: 34
Nanomaterials’ Nanotech Prof. Ms. Kamal Singh Vice-Chancellor Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University, Amravati


NM? 

Nano = 10-9 or one billionth in size One billion nanometers equals one meter

Materials with an average grain size less than 100 nm

Materials with dimensions and tolerances in the range of 100 nm to 0.1 nm

Metals, ceramics, polymeric materials, or composite materials

One nanometer spans 3-5 atoms lined up in a row

Material with unique properties (e.g. electrical, physical, chemical, optical) different than the bulk properties

Size Effect 

Constitute a peculiar and fascinating aspect of nanomaterials.

Size pertains to the evolution of 

structural, thermodynamic, electronic, spectroscopic, electromagnetic and chemical features

Size Effect Millimeters Ball of a ball point pen Thickness of paper Human hair Talcum Powder Fiberglass fibers Carbon fiber Human red blood cell E-coli virus Wavelength of visible light Size of a modern transistor Size of Smallpox virus

0.5 0.1 0.02 - 0.2



100 20 – 200 40 10 5 4–6 1 0.35 – 0.75 0.25 0.2 – 0.3

350 – 750 250 200 – 300

Electron wavelength: Upper limit ~ 10 nm Diameter of Carbon Nanotube Diameter of DNA spiral Diameter of C60 Buckyball Diameter of Benzene ring Size of one Atom

3 2 0.7 0.7 0.1

Properties 

Depend on the type of motion of its electrons can execute, which depends on the space available for them Are characterized by a specific “length scale”, usually on the nm dimension If physical size reduces below this scale, its property changes and becomes sensitive to size and shape


Principles of Physics and Chemistry: Thermodynamics and Kinetics that govern the behavior of Nanomaterials

Nanomaterial Composition 

Comprised of many different elements such as carbons and metals Combinations of elements can make up nanomaterial grains such as titanium carbide and zinc sulfide Allows construction of new materials such as C60 (Bucky Balls or fullerenes) and nanotubes

Their makings 

Clay/polymer nanocomposites can be made by subjecting clay to ion exchange and then mixing it with polymer melts

Fullerenes can be made by vaporizing carbon within a gas medium

Current carbon fullerenes are in the gaseous phase although samples of solid state fullerenes have been found in nature

Nanomaterials Opportunities

offer the potential for unprecedented material performance that could Solve major societal problems  (e.g. energy, medicine, environment, manufacturing, communications, computing, security, and forest management (?)) Energize the economy for decades  Revitalize existing businesses (e.g. forest products)  Boost competitiveness globally  Create entirely new industries

The race for global leadership in nanotechnology is underway




General Atomic and Molecular Electronic Structure System (GAMESS)  

Is a program for ab initio quantum chemistry. GAMESS can compute SCF wavefunctions ranging from RHF, ROHF, UHF, GVB, and MCSCF. Correlation corrections to these SCF wavefunctions include Configuration Interaction, second order perturbation theory, and Coupled-Cluster approaches, as well as the Density Functional Theory approximation.

Nanostructure 

The nanostructured materials based on carbon nanotubes and related carbon structures are of current interest for much of the materials community.

working at the molecular level, atom by atom, to create large structures with fundamentally new molecular organization

Nanotube properties   

 

Superior stiffness and strength to all other materials Extraordinary electric properties Reported to be thermally stable in a vacuum up to 2800 degrees Centigrade (and we fret over CPU temps over 50o C) Capacity to carry an electric current 1000 times better than copper wires Twice the thermal conductivity of diamonds Pressing or stretching nanotubes can change their electrical properties by changing the quantum states of the electrons in the carbon bonds They are either conducting or semi-conducting depending on the their structure

Nanotube uses 

Can be used for containers to hold various materials on the nano-scale level

Due to their exceptional electrical properties, nanotubes have a potential for use in everyday electronics such as televisions and computers to more complex uses like aerospace materials and circuits

Optical Properties of Semiconductor NP

Carbon “nanoparticles” and “nanowires”

Nanotechnology : Frontier 

Lucy Dunne of Cornell University models smart jacket she designed, which automatically heats and lights up in the cold and dark and features a pulse monitor to measure activity level for recreational athletes You’ll be able to change the colors of your clothes to suit yourself, whenever you please Smart Shirt (Stops Bullet)  Come up with super strong, flexible fiber that can conduct heat and electricity, is light as a cotton shirt, and bulletproof.

Nanotechnology   

Small Science with a huge potential Exploits benefit of ultra small size Enabling the use of particles to deliver benefits:  Small particles are invisible 

Transparent coatings/films are attainable

Small particles are very weight efficient 

Surfaces can be modified with minimal material

Nanotechnology : Frontier 

Smart clothes  Electronic textiles: fabrics wired to transfer information within a piece of clothing.  Right now, you can buy jackets with disc players and controls sewn in—but designers envision e-wear  On command, fibers heat and cool textile’s colors, made of inks whose colors respond to

Nanotechnology : Frontier 

Biomaterials 

Providing smaller, efficient, and biocompatible biomaterials for use within the body.  The main goals of biotechnology are to replicate bones, tissues, and organs.  Additional goals include hearing and vision implants that could restore lost senses.  Improve the efficiency of skin production and regeneration in tissue engineering

Nanotechnology : Frontier 

Man-made molecule comparable in size to average protein. Has a branching shape, allowing the attachment of therapeutic devices and biologically active molecules Novel way to detect and treat cancer

Applications of Nanotechnology 

Next-generation computer chips  Ultra-high purity materials, enhanced thermal conductivity and longer lasting nanocrystalline materials Kinetic Energy penetrators (DoD weapon)  Nanocrystalline tungsten heavy alloy to replace radioactive depleted uranium Better insulation materials  Create foam-like structures called ‘aerogels’ from nanocrystalline materials  Porous and extremely lightweight, can hold up to 100 times their weight

Chemists respond: THEY’VE been synthesizing molecules for over a century! First OLED material: tris 8-hydroxyquinoline aluminum (OLED = organic light emitting diode)

Commercial OLED material: Polypyrrole

Most heavily investigated molecular electronic switch: Nitro oligo

And microtechnology has been rolling along for almost half a century! Microelectronics = Integrated circuits, PC's, iPods, iPhones . . .

Intel 4004: The original "computer on a chip" - 1971 (Source: UVA Virtual Lab)


MEMS (Micro-electro-mechanical-systems): Air bag accelerometers, micro-mirror TVs & projectors . .

(Source: Texas Instruments DLP demo - www.dlp.com/tech/what.aspx)

Applications… 

Improved HDTV and LCD monitors  Nanocrystalline selenide, zinc sulfide, cadmium sulfide, and lead telluride to replace current phosphors  Cheaper and more durable Harder and more durable cutting materials  Tungsten carbide, tantalum carbide, and titanium carbide  Much more wear-resistant and corrosionresistant than conventional materials  Reduces time needed to manufacture parts, cheaper manufacturing

Applications… 

High power magnets  Nanocrystalline yttrium-samarium-cobalt grains possess unusually large surface area compared to traditional magnet materials  Allows for much higher magnetization values  Possibility for quieter submarines, ultra-sensitive analyzing devices, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or automobile alternators to name a few Pollution clean up materials  Engineered to be chemically reactive to carbon monoxide and nitrous oxide  More efficient pollution controls and cleanup

Bio-Applications 

Biologists counter that nanocarbon is only a recent discovery

THEY’VE been studying DNA and RNA for much longer

Bio-Applications 

Higher quality medical implants  Current micro-scale implants aren’t porous enough for tissue to penetrate and adapt to  Nano-scale materials not only enhance durability and strength of implants but also allow tissue cells to adapt more readily

Home pregnancy tests  Current tests such as ‘First Response’ use gold nanoparticles in conjunction with micro-meter sized latex particles  Derived with antibodies to the human chorionic gonadotrophin hormone that is released by pregnant women  The antibodies react with the hormone in urine and clump together and show up pink due to the nanoparticles’ plamson resonance absortion qualities

Thank you

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