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De Pere Education Association

,Constitution& Bylaws Update 3/13/06

Bylaws Approved 1126106 Constitution Aaproved 316106


The name of this organization skull be the De Pere Education Association, hereafter referred to as the Association.


Section 1 - l%e Association shall aflliate with the National Education Association (NEA) under its rules and fhie WisconsinEducation Association Council (WEAC) under its rules andpay such dues as are uniformly required ofall members.

Section 2 - The Association shall hold menaberxhip in the United Northeast Educators UniSew CounciZ W E ) under the rules ofsaid Council andpay such dues as are uniformly required of all members.

ARTICLE 111-MMEMBERSHIP Section 1 - Active members


A. Active membership is open to any person actively engaged in educational work in De Pere and is eligible to be an active member of the MA, WEAC, and UNE. B. Active membership shall be copztinuous until the member leaves the school system, resignsfiona the Association, orfails to pay membership dues. C, Active members of the Rrsociatian shall also be members of the National Education Association, the

Fiscansi~Education Association Council, and the United Northeast Educators UniSew Council.

D. Thejscal membership year shall befiom September I through Augzlst 31. Any membersjoining the Association during the year shall p q entire local dues. Section 2 - Revocation of Membership - According to procedures adopted by the Representative Council, the Representative Council,afrer due notiee and hearing, may suspendfiorn membership or expel any member who shall have violated the ethics ofthe education professwn may cancel the membership ofany member convicted in a court learned in the law of0 crime involving moral turpitude; and may reinstate a member who has previowlj, been suspended or expekdedffom the Association. Section 3 - Teachers in the status of dismissal or nodrenewal shall be allowed to retain membership in the De Pere Education Association until such time as their status is clar@ed. ARTICLE IV-OFFICERS

Section 1 - The oflcers of the Association shall consist of a president, a vice-president, a secretary and a treasurer.


Section 2 Each candidatefor oflce shall be an active member ofthe Association. ARTICLE V- EXECUTWE COhhMIlTEE

The Executive Committee ofthis Association shall consisf of the elected oficers, the immediatepast' president for one year, the chairperson ofthe Committeefor Economic and Professional Welf!are and a head building representative Porn each building in the district. This head building representative is to be determined by the building representatives of each building. The Executive Committee shall be the executive authoriw of the Association. ARTICLE Tc?- REPRESENTATIVE COUNCIL, Section I - IPse legislative and policy-forming bo& of the Association s h l l be the Representative Council. Section 2 - The Representative Council shall consist of the Executive Committee, appointed committee chairpersons of the standing committees, and the building representatives. "C

Section 3 -Any member ofthe Association who is mt a member of the Representative Council may attend its meetings ond muy receive permission to speak, but shall sit apartfiom the v o ~ n gboa). ARTICLE VII - AMENDMENTS The Representative Council may adopt amendments to this Comtitufion by a two-thirds major@ of those voting at any regular meeting provided t k t fhe amendments have been introduced at the preceding regular meeting ofthe Representative Council and that copies ofproposed amendments have been promptly dist~.ibutedto members of the Councilfor faculw discussion.

ARTICLE T/III - DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS ON DISSOLUTION Upon rhe liquidation, dissolution or termination ofthe De Pei-e EducafionAssociaiion, none of the assets which remain after the satisfaction of all outstanding claims shall be made available to any individual, nor to any corpo~ationor other organization, except those which qualifi as exemptfiomfederal income tax under Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 and the amendments thereto.

ARTICLE LX - DELEGATES The delegates to the NEA, W U C , and UNE Assemblies shall be elected by secret ballot caccording to





BYLAW I - PURPOSE Section 1 - To promote within the teaching profession the highest type of professional practices; to encourage active participation of all teachers in the solution of school problems; to promote a friendly relationship and unity among the entire professionai staff; to urge every member of the profession to be a continuing student of education; arid to arouse allegiance to a genuine spirit of professional ethics. Section 2 - To aid and assist members in obtaining and extending the benefits of mutual assistance and collective bargaining.

Section 3 - To develop among the profession and the public a better understanding of the issues and problems in the area of teachers' rights. Section 4 - To advance the civil and academic rights of the teaching profession.

Section 5 - To encourage all teachers, without regard to race, creed, sex, color, or national origin, to share equally in the full benefits of this organization, the UniServ Unit, the Wisconsin Education Association Council, and the National Education Association.. Section 6 - To work for legislation which will safeguard and promote the principle of free collective bargaining and the rights of teacher, and oppose legislation hostile to these objectives.


Section 7 To promote and use dl appropriate media to advance and protect the teaching profession and the individual rights of the members of the teaching profession through education and other lawful means. Section.8 - To safeguard the democratic character of the teachers' Association for protection of the rights of the teaching profession and its individual members through this Association and the organizations with which it affiliates. Section 9 - To encourage teachers to register and vote and to exercise their full rights and responsibilities of citizenship and perform their rightful part in the political life of focal, state, and national communities.

Section 10 - To promote the human and civil rights and educational welfare of all students. Section 11 - To promote the improvement of instruction. Section 12 - To work toward the improvement of teacher education and professional development.

Section 13 - To develop and promote the adoption of such ethical practices, personnel policies, and standards of preparation and participation as mark a profession. Section 14 - To unify and strengthen the teaching profession and to secure and maintain t h e salaries, retirement, tenure, professional and sick leave, and other working conditions necessary to support teaching as a profession. Section 15 - To enable members to speak with a common voice on matters pertaining to the teaching

DE PERE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BYLAWS profession and to present their individual and common interests before the Board of Education and other legal authorities. Section 16 - To carry out all functions necessary and proper for the fulfillment of the other purposes.

BYLAW I1 - MEETINGS Section I - Executive Committee - The Executive Committee shall meet during the first full week of each school month. They may also meet at the call of the president or at the request of two members of the committee. Section 2 - Representative CounciI - The Representative Council shall meet during the second full week of each of the following months: September, November, January, March and May. The May meeting of the Associatioil will be a dinner meeting. The Association shall pay $20.00 to each member of the Representative Council attending the May meeting to defray the expenses of ihe dinner. The president, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall prepare the agenda for each meeting and circulate it to all members of the Council so that representatives have time to discuss it with their faculty members in advance of the Council meeting. Section 3 - Special Meetings - Special meetings of the Representative council may be held a the call of the president, upon written request to the Executive Committee from five of its members, or upon petition of 10% of the members of the Association. Business to come before special meetings must be stated in the call, whch shall be sent in writing to each representative. Section 4 - General Membership Meeting - The Executive Committee shall arrange at least two meetings of the general membership each school year.

BYLAW I11 - QUORUM A quorurn for the Representative Council, the Executive Committee, and the Committee for Economic and Professional Welfare shall be a majority of their respective members. A quorum for all other committees shall consist of those members present at the meeting. BYLAW IV - POWERS OF OFFICERS Section 1 - President - The president shall preside over meetings of the Executive Committee, the Representative Council, and the general membership. The president shall prepare advanced written agendas for the Executive Committee and Representative Council meetings. Helshe shall appoint the chairpersons and members of the standing committees with the approval of the Executive Committee. Be/she shall be an ex-officio member of all standing committees and be the executive officer of tl~eAssociation. The president shdl attend state meetings as called by WEAC and attend lobby day activities when scheduled. The president shall represent the Association before the public either personally or through delegates, and perform all other functions usually attributed to this office. Section 2 - Vice-President - The vice-president shall assume all duties of the president in case of resignation, removal or prolonged absence of the president. He/she shall preside over meetings in the absence of the president. The vice-president shall serve as a liaison to UNE and WEAC. Helshe shaIl inform the president, the Executive Committee, the Representative Council and the general membership of all information concerning these organizations. The vice-president shall keep abreast of the teacher certification and licensing requirements arid procedures as they affect the working conditions of the 2.

DE PERE EDUCATION ASSOClATION BYLAWS Association members. The vice-president shall also act as a liaison on behalf of the Association in the District mentoring program. The vice-president shall exercise professional concern in programs involving student teachers or relating to the concept of professional autonomy, Section 3 - Secretary - The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all meetings of the Executive Committee, the Representative Council, and the general membership and distribute copies to the president, the treasurer, and each head building representative. Helshe shall maintain the files and assist the president with Association correspondence. Section 4 - Treasurer - The treasurer shall hold the funds of the Association and disburse amounts up to and including $20.00 upon authorization by the president and amounts in excess of $20.00 upon authorization by the Executive Committee. The treasurer shall collect the dues for the Association and transmit the amounts due to WEAC and UNE. The treasurer shall maintain a roll of the members. The treasurer shall keep accurate accounts of receipts and disbursements, report to each meeting of the Representative Council, and prepare an annual financial statement for publication and distribution to Association members as directed by the Executive Committee. The treasurer shall keep the president and the Executive Committee informed of the financial condition of the Association and assist the Budget Committee in the initial drafting of the annual budget. Membership dues payable shall include dues to NEA, WEAC, UNE and DPEA. Helshe shall be responsible for filling out any government forms or reports. The treasurer shall be a standing member of the Scholarship Committee.

Section 5 - Terms and Succession A. The officers shall serve for one year and may be re-elected without an intervening term.

B. Whenever the offices of both president and vice-president shall become vacant between elections, the remaining members of the Executive Committee shall choose one of their number to serve as president pro tempore until a special election to fill both unexpired terms shall be conducted under procedures developed by the Election Committee and approved by the Representative Council.

C. If the office of vice-president becomes vacant between elections, a special election to fill the unexpired term shall be conducted under the procedures developed by the Election Committee and approved by the Representative Council. D. If the office of secretary or treasurer becomes vacant between elections, the unexpired term shall be filled by appointment of the president with approval of the Representative Council. Section 6 - Removal of Officers - An officer can be removed only by a recall election petitioned by 30% of the active members of the Association. The procedures for the recall election shall be established by the Representative Council.

BYLAW V - POWER OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Section 1 - The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the management of the Association, approve all expenditures over $20.00, carry out policies established by the Representative Council, report its transactions and those of the Council to the Association members, and make policy suggestions for consideration by the Council. 3

DE P E E EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BYLAWS Section 2 - The Executive Committee shall represent the Association in negotiating personneI policies and contract issues with the governing and appropriating bodies of the school system. The president shall sign all binding agreements between the Association and the District. Within policies established by the Representative Council: it may make decisions binding the Association in these matters. The Committee shdl delegate its power to negotiate to the Committee for Economic and Professional Welfare and the bargaining team. The Executive Committee may delegate the head negotiator or welfare chairperson to act in its stead. Section 3 - The Executive Committee shall decide which, if any, grievances shall be arbitrated. Each grievance shall be considered on its individual merits. In making its decision, the Executive Committee shall take into consideration the following factors: 1. The merits of the grievance. 2. The monetary value of the claim. 3. The effect of the breach on the employee and Association. 4. The likelihood of success in arbitration based on the advice of the UniServ andlor WEAC representative(s). The voting procedure used will be a simple majority of those present at the meeting.

Section 4 - Executive Committee Funding Guidelines - The DPEA annually receives numerous requests for monetary donations to fund various programs and activities. These requests come from both inside and outside of the organization. In order to more adequately assess the validity of such solicitations and to determine the benefits to its members andlor students, the following DPEA guidelines are to be followed: 1. All monetary requests from within the organization andlor district must be submitted in writing to the Executive Committee. This must occur two (2) weeks prior to the Executive committee meeting where action on the request will be taken. An explanation of how this activity will benefit DPEA members andor students must accompany the request. Additionally, the requesting party should include the total cost of the project and a list of other contributing parties. The Executive Committee, at its discretion, may ask that a representative be present at the meeting to answer m y questions which may arise. 2. Monetary solicitations from outside the organization or district must be received in written form at least two (2) weeks prior to the Executive Committee meeting where action on the request will be taken. The Executive Committee shall review the merits of each request and act accordingly. Member andlor student benefit shall be the primary factor in determining whether such a request will be granted. The Executive Committee reserves the right to ask a representative of the requesting organization to be in attendance to answer any questions which may arise. 3. The Executive Committee shall use a sliding donation scale of $0 - $500 when determining the amount, if any, that the DPEA may contribute under 1 and 2 above.

4. The Executive Committee may consider and /or grant requests in excess of $500 if it is determined that such a donation has the potential for extraordinary benefits to DPEA members and/or students (i.e. referenda, survey, etc.) 5 . The DPEA will not consider solicitations fiom individuals unless extraordinary circumstances are present.




The Representative Council shall approve the budget, authorize the participation in W E , set the dues for the Association, act on reports of committees, approve resolutions and other policy statements, and adopt procedures for implementing the Bill of Teachers Rights of the Educational Profession and those to be followed in censuring, suspending and expelling members for cause or for reinstating members. It may adopt such rules governing the employment of staff, the conduct of the Association, and the conduct of meetings as are consistent with this Constitution and Bylaws. It shall be the final judge of the qualification and election of officers and faculty representatives. Powers not delegated to the Executive Committee, the officers, or other groups of the Association shall be reserved for the Representative Council. BYLAW VII - FACULTY REPRESENTATIVES Section 1 - A building representative shall be elected to represent each fifteen members or majority part thereof, of any building operated by the School District for teaching purposes. There shall be at least one representative from each building. Section 2 - In each public school in De Pere, faculty members who are active members of this Association shall nominate and elect faculty representatives to the Representative Council by secret ballot for a term of three years. Where more than one such representative is elected, one shall be elected head building representative by the representatives of that building. Section 3 - Elections shall be held in May and representatives shall assume their duties on the Representative Council as of August I. A third of the representatives of each building shall be elected each year. The first year, those representatives receiving the largest number of votes shaIl serve a term of three years; with the remaining candidates receiving votes in descending order to serve a term of two years and one year. Section 4 - Each faculty representative shall attend the regular meetings of the Representative Council. After two unexcused absences of a representative, the president may declare the seat unfilled and call for a faculty election to fulfill the term. The president may designate a member in good standing to organize this special election. Section 5 - The Council represei~tatives,with the head building representative as chairperson, may call meetings of the Association members of the building to discuss Association business, shall appoint such committees as the Associatioil may require, and shall organize and oversee the subsequent elections of Council representative, and the enrollment of Association members, and two-way communication of Association concerns between the members of the building and the Representative Council. Section 6 - Duties of faculty representatives A.

Each representative shall attend the Representative Council meetings.

6. Dissemination and collection of Association information. C. D.


Represent members in matters of contract issues prior to and during the formal grievance process. Make personal contact with members regarding Association business, upcoming social events, and inservicing the members in understanding how the language of the maszer contract affects them [ i.e. grievance procedures, working conditions, evaluation, etcetera].

DE PERE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BYLAWS E. Assist in the election of building representatives and Association officers. F. Attend building meetings called by the Representative Council, Executive Cormnittee, or head building representative. G. Act as temporary designee at the Executive Committee in the absence of the head building representative. H. First year building representatives shall attend one (1) leadership workshop for building representatives when offered. 1. Act as civic responsibility liaison. J. Assume other duties as determined by the head building representative. Section 7 - Report - Each building representative shall submit an annual report of hislher accomplishment to the Association president no Iater than the third week of April. Should the president determine that the representative's accomplishments are not consistent with the monetary compensation given for such duties, the president may award a lesser amount upon approval by the Executive Committee.

BYLAW VIII - STANDING COMMITTEES Section 1 - Structure - There shall be six standing committees carrying out the specific functions outlined below. Each committee may, with the approval of the Executive Committee, organize special subcommittees and task forces for specific activities for the membership of the Association. Section 2 - Meetings - Each standing committee shall meet regularly according to a calendar developed by the Executive Committee and hold special meetings at the call of the chairperson.

Section 3 - Reports - Each committee shall choose a secretary who shdI keep a continuing record of activities. Chairpersons shall report as necessary to the Representative Council and prepare an annual. written report summarizing objectives, action programs, gains, and unteached goals, which the Executive Committee shall distribute to the Association members. The chairperson shall submit the annual report to the president no later than the third week in April. Should the president determine that the chairperson's report is not consistent with the monetary compensation given for such duties, the president may award a iesser amount upon approval by the Executive Committee. This report which shall become a part of the continuing committee record in the Association files. Chairpersons shaIl submit an annual budget to the Budget Committee. Section 4 - Expenses

A. The Association shall pay a stipend of $5.00 to defray expenses of any Association member who attends a non-dinner meeting of WEAC or UNE. This does not include the Board of Directors meeting of UNE or WEAC. B. The Association will compensate the negotiating team with compensation of $1,500 per bargain. The division of compensation will be determined by the chief negotiator and subject to approval by the DPEA Executive Committee. The head negotiator shall be compensated at a rate of $750 per bargain.

C. Each Teacher Rights representative will be compensated $25 for each meeting beyond Level I.

D. The following Association positions shall be compensated at the May meeting of Representative Council by using the schedule below: 6

DE PERE EDUCATION ASSOCIATlON BYLAWS President: Vice-president Secretary Treasurer Past president Head Building Representatives Building Representatives Welfare Chairperson Welfare Committee Members Teacher RightdGrievance Chairperson Public Relations Chairperson Professional Relations Chairperson Civic Responsibility Chairperson Association Scholarships Chairperson

E.Members of the Executive Committee and Representative Council shall be given a $20 stipend for each regularly scheduled meeting that they attend. The secretary shall give to the treasurer a composite record of all committee members in attendance prior to the May Representative Council meeting. Each member will receive their aggregate stipend for meetings attended throughout the school year, in addition to their base stipend listed above, at the May Representative Council meeting. Section 5 - Contract Agreement - Presentation of the negotiated package will go first to the Representative Council for its approval. Association members wiIl be given a copy of the proposed agreement at least two weeks before the ratification vote. Meetings, conducted by the negotiations team members, will be held in each building to review and discuss the negotiated package. Voting on the contract will tale place on the fxst school day following the last meeting. Section 6 - Titles and Duties A. The Committee on Economic and Professional Welfare shall explore and prepare action programs as necessary in all area of teacher welfare, creating subcommittees with particular responsibility for salaries, leave, fringe benefits, insurance, and general working conditions. The chairperson of this committee shall transmit copies of current master agreements and contracts to WEAC and UNE annually upon compIetion of negotiations. The Weifare Committee shall consist of three (3) representatives elected from each building in the District and the members of the Negotiation Team. Building candidates for the Welfare Committee positions shall be elected at the same time as the building representatives. The exception to this provision is that, if a bargain is in progsess at the time of the above election date, the current Welfare Committee members will see the bargain through to its completion. Upon ratification of a master agreement, the Executive Committee shall set a date to elect building Welfare members. The terms of these elected members shaI1 be two (2) years. In the event of a vacancy of an elected building member, appointment will be made until the next year's election as per Bylaw IV.

The Chairperson of the Welfare Committee may appoint other members or non-members of the Association to the Welfare Committee. These additional appointees would not have voting privileges on the Committee, but serve as a resource. Their appointment would be subject to approval of the Executive Committee. 7

DE PERE EDUCATION ASSOCLATION BYLAWS The Chairperson of the Welfare Committee shall be selected by the President from the building members of the Welfare Committee subject to the approval of the Executive Committee.

The Negotiation Team shdl consist of one person from each building plus the head negotiator. The Head Negotiator shall be elected at a special election held in May or whenever the position becomes vacant. If more than two (2) people choose to run for the position of Head Negotiator, a primary election shall be held. If an individual receives fifty percent (50%) ox more of the ballots cast, that individual shall assume the position of Head Negotiator. If no one person received fifty percent (50%) of the ballots cast, a run-off election between the two (2) top finishers shall be heId. The individual that receives the highest vote total in this final election shall become the Head Negotiator.

The Head Negotiator is elected for one contract negotiation and may succeed hirnself/herself at the end of the term, if re-elected. As with the WeIfare Committee, this Head Negotiator and hisher team shall complete any bargain in progress before a new election will be conducted. The Head negotiator shall appoint one Association member from each building to act as assistants and they will automatically become members of the Welfare Committee. They will automatically become members of the Welfare Committee. Building members of the Welfare Committee andlor additional appointees to the Committee may be invited to join the Negotiating Team at the bargaining table by the head negotiator. If a member of the Negotiating Team is absent at a bargaining session, the Head Negotiator may substitute a building member of the Welfare Committee for the absent member. The Negotiating Team, and only the ~ e a o t i a t i nTeam, ~ shall represent the Association as its duly appointed negotiation representatives and shall have the power to modify or reject proposals within reasonable limits as established by the Welfare Committee andlor make tentative agreements with the School Board subject to the approvd of those agreements by the Association. Should the Association and the District agree to bargain a contract through the Consensus Process, the Consensus Team shall be composed of individuals already on the Welfare Committee and the Negotiating Team. If more individuals are needed to fdl additional positions on the Consensus Team, the Executive Committee shdl select them. 1. Duties of the Welfare Committee Chairperson: a. Keep abreast of trend in contract negotiations. b. Attend local coordinated bargaining meetings. c. Attend local negotiations trainings when offered. d. Attend WEAC Summer Academy andlor WEAC Winter Conference when offerings include bargaining sessions. e. Chair the DPEA insurance committee. f. Appoint the chair of the DPEA calendar committee. g. Set and chair meetings to prepare and review DPEA contract surveys, language proposals, and monetary proposals. h. Participate in building level meetings where information is shared and discussed.

2. 8

Duties of Welfare Committee Members:


b. c.

d. 3.

Duties of the Head Negotiator: a. b. c.

d. e.

f. g. 4.

Keep abreast of trends in contract negotiations. Attend local trainings when offered. Attend committee meetings to prepare and review DPEA contract surveys, language proposals, and monetary proposals. Participate in building level meetings where information is shared and discussed.

Keep abreast of trend in contract negotiations. Attend local coordinated bargaining meetings. Attend local negotiations trainings when offered. Attend WEAC Summer Academy andlor WEAC Winter Conference when offerings include bargaining sessions. Prepare contract proposals with input of the Welfare Committee and Negotiations Team. Assign duties to the members of the Negotiations Team. Conduct informational meetings in each buildkg during the contract ratification process.

Duties of Negotiation Team members:

a. b. c.

d. e. f.

Keep abreast of trend in contract negotiations. Attend locaI negotiations trainings when offered. Attend WEAC Summer Academy aridor WEAC Winter Conference when offerings include bargaining sessions. Prepare and review DPEA contract surveys, language proposals, and monetary proposals with the Welfare Committee. Represent the DPEA at the bargaining table in the roles assigned by the head negotiator. Help the Head Negotiator conduct informational meetings in respective buildings during the contract ratification process.


B. The Committee on Teachers Rights shaIl explore and prepare action programs for securing satisfactory personnel policies and procedures for the redress of grievances. It shdi advise the ' Representative Council on procedures for the implementation of the BiI1 of Teachers Rights. This committee shall defend members against unjust attacks, promote and protect employment rights of teachers, and reinforce the master contract. All grievances shall be filed through the Committee on Teachers Rights. The chairperson shall sign d l grievances . In emergency cases, any Teacher Rights representative or any officer of the De Pere Education Association may sign in the chairperson's stead. AI1 potential resolutions of grievances shall be returned to the Executive Committee for its approval. C. The Committee on Public Relations shall seek to develop public understanding of the purposes and programs of the Association, the values and importance of education, and, in cooperation with the administration, the educational philosophy and programs of the schools. It shall develop procedures by which the Association can work cooperatively with parents and the general public through civic, fraternal, 9

DE PERE EDUCATION ASSOCIATION BYLAWS and social organizations and through all available channels of communication. The committee shall establish procedures to assure that members are informed of the action and programs of the Association.

D. The Committee on Association Scholarships shall have the responsibility of overseeing the application for Association scholarships, evaluation of scholarship candidates, distribution of scholasship monies, and the public relations in promoting the sponsorship of the scholarship program. The Scholarship Committee shall be composed of two high school teachers, members from buildings other than the high school if they so want, one high school guidance counselor, and the Association treasurer. The committee shall elect a chairperson who will oversee the committee's activities and provide an annual report to be given at the May Representative Council meeting. E. The Committee on Professional Relations shall organize and oversee the following subcommittees:


1. Membership and Professional Information to organize and conduct unified local, state and national

membership enrollment among non-members and to inform Association members of the policies, programs, and accomplishments of all education associations; 2. Orientation - to develop and conduct programs for the orientation of new teachers to the community, the school system, and the Association;

3. Social Affairs - to organize such social activities as may serve the needs of members and promote fellowship within the Association; 4. Sunshine - To recognize illness, bereavement, and hospitaIization of members and their immediate famiIies by appropriate action. There shall be at least one member from each building on the committee. In the event of a member's death, the Association shall contribute $50.00 for flowers or a memorial fund. The choice shall be at the discretion of the Sunshine Committee.

5. Retirement celebration - to organize the retirement celebration to recognize retiring Association members.

F. The Committee on Civic Responsibility shall have the general concern for local, state and national legislation affecting the interests of the Association and for the exercise of civic responsibilities by members. The committee shall be diligent in informing members about newly enacted legislation. The duties of the Civic Responsibilities chairperson shall include: 1. Keep abreast of current legislation and issues facing the educational community. 2. Disseminate legislative updates as necessary. 3. Attend local training when offered. 4. Attend meetings of the BaylandKJNE Legislative Committee. 5 . Solicit candidates for school board elections. 6. Run candidate screenings for school board elections when needed. 7 . Act as liaison with the school district in regard to legisIative/eIectoral issues. Section 7 - Relation to the Executive Committee - The Executive committee shall assist the president in appointing members of the standing committees at its first regular meeting and in filling all unexpired terms as vacancies occur. It shall require committees to define their immediate and long-range objectives and assist them in doing so. It shall review committee plans as necessary and decide any jurisdictional argument. 10


Section 8 - Relation to UniServ, State and National Associations - the standing committees shall seek to understand and relate to the objectives and programs of corresponding units of UniServ, state and national associations and shall counsel with them.


BYLAW IX - SPECIAL COMMITTEES Each year the president shall appoint an Elections Committee, an Audit Committee, a Budget Committee and such other special committees as may be necessary and discharge them upon completion of their duties. These committees shall operate according to rules approved by the Representative Council. No officer of the Association shall serve on either the Elections Committee or the Audit Committee. BYLAW X - ELECTIONS Section 1 - Nominations

A. Active members of the Association, during the month before the March Representative Council meeting, may nominate candidates for president, vice-president, secretary, and treasurer by submitting the name(s) and the written approval of the nominated member(s) to the Elections committee. Association members in each building shall be encouraged to nominate candidates from their building.

B, The Elections Committee shall report all nominations to the Representative Council at the March meeting. Members of the Council may nominate other candidates from the floor providing'they have written consent of the norninee(s). Section 2 - Balloting - On a date, in April, to bk determined by the Executive Committee, members

' shall vote for officers by secret ballot, in accordance with procedures developed by the Elections Committee and approved by the Representative Council. The Elections Committee shall report results to the president, who shall be responsible for their publication. Officers shall assume their duties immediately foIlowing the May Representative Council meeting. Section 3 - Names of offlcers of the organization shalI be reported to UNE and WEAC within 30 days after their election or appointment.

Section 4 - Delegates - UNE A. Active members of the Association, before the September meeting of the Representative Council, may nominate delegates to W E assemblies by submitting the narne(s) and the written approval of the nominated member(s) to the Executive Committee.

B. The Executive Committee shall report all nominations to the Representative Council at their September meeting. Members of the Council may nominate candidate(s) from the floor providing they have written consent of the nominee(s).

C. Balloting for UNE delegates shall be on the fust Wednesday after the September meeting of the Representative Council. D. The secretary of the Association shall report the names of the delegates to each of the affiliated

,organizations and report the results of the election at the November meeting of the Representative Council. II


E. Alternate delegates shall be selected in order of decreasing number of votes. Section 5

- Delegates


A. Active members of the Association, before the January meeting of the Representative Council may nominate delegates to WEAC assembhes by submitting the name(s) and the written approval of the nominated member(s) to the Executive Committee. B. The Executive Committee shall report all nominations to the Representative Council at their January meeting. Members of the Council may nominate candidates from the floor providing they have written consent of the nominee(s).

C. Balloting for WEAC delegates shall be on the first Wednesday after the January meeting of the Representative Council. D. The secretary of the Association shall report the names of the delegates to each of the affiliated organizations and report the results of the election at the March meeting of the Representative Council. E. Alternate delegates shall be selected in order of decreasing number of votes.

F. Delegates to WEAC delegate assembly wiil be paid a stipend of $400. 00 to defray expenses. Section 6 - Delegates - NEA A. Active members of the Association, before the March meeting of the Representative Council, may nominate delegates to NEA assemblies by submitting the narne(s) and the written approval of the nominated member(s) to the Executive Committee.

B. The Executive Committee shall report all nominations to the Representative Council at their March meeting. Members of the CounciI may nominate candidates from the floor providing they have written consent of the norninee(s). C. Balloting for NEA delegates shall be on the first Wednesday after the March meeting of the Representative Council. D. The secretary of the Association shall report the names of the delegates to each of the affiliated organizations and report the results of the eIection at the May meeting of the Representative Council. E. Alternate delegates shall be selected in order of decreasing number of votes. F. Delegates to NEA delegate assembly shall be paid a stipend of $200.00 to defray expenses.

BYLAW XI - AUTHORITY Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure shall be the parliamentary authority for the Association on all questions not covered by the Constitu~ionand Bylaws and such standing rules as the Representative Council may adopt. 13


BYLAW XI1 - AMENDMENTS These Bylaws may be amended by a majority vote at any regular meeting of the Representative Council provided that proposed amendments have been previously studied by the Executive Committee and that written copies have been sent to Representative Council members two calendar weeks in advance of the meeting.

NOTE: A copy of the latest revision of these documents shall be submitted to lPME and WEAC annually, with the date of the latest revisions included on the face of the document.