Calculate the Cost of Downtime for Your Small Business (Please fill in the gray area only with your company data & assumptions) Basic Downtime Scenario Assumptions: Duration of outage No. of people affected by outage Average employee cost Productivity loss during outage Average normal business revenue per day % of revenue which is lost (non-recoverable)
96 25 $60,000 60% $20,000 75%
hours people per year during outage per day during outage
Total Productivity Loss: Average cost per hour worked Average cost per employee day Lost productivity per employee Total Cost in Lost Employee Productivity
$29 $923 $554 $55,385
(based on 40 hours/week) (based on 8 hours/day) per day for duration of outage
Total Revenue Loss: Daily revenue loss Total Revenue Loss During Outage
$15,000 $60,000
per day for duration of outage
Total Tangible Cost of Outage
for duration of outage
Other Less Quantifiable (Intangible) Losses: Reputation/Goodwill Permanent lost business Compliance/reporting penalties Service contract defaults Lost Opportunity Other Total Other Losses
$25,000 $50,000 $0 $0 $10,000 $0 $85,000
Total Cost of Outage