Dossier 6e

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  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

DOSSIER DE RÉVISION ANGLAIS 6e à remettre avant le 15 septembre 2006 au secrétariat du Lycée Aline Mayrisch

Nom de l’élève :____________________________ Nom de l’enseignant : ____________________________



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e DOSSIER DE RéVISION ANGLAIS 6e GRAMMAR: Mixed exercises l. Present tenses

1. Present Simple or Present Continuous? 1) Today (be) Saturday. Kevin (still/sleep) because it (be) nine o'clock in the morning. 2) Timmy (always/play) in the evening. 3) Kate (have) a new bike. She (ride) it now. 4) I (sometimes/take) the train to work. 5) Look at Kate and Barbara! They (run) to the beach. 6) Ronny (never/drive) his father's van. 7) Kevin (not like) his sister. 8) Kate (do) her homework at this moment. 9) Timmy (love) toy cars. 10) The Bennetts (usually/work) in the evening. 11) The Pearsons (live) in York. 12) The Kleins (come) from Germany. 13) That's Elke. She (speak) English and German. 14) It (be) 9 o'clock now. Mr Pearson (open) his shop. 15) In the morning Mrs Klein (usually/go) for a walk. 16) We (always/read) comics. 17) Kevin (usually/not eat) in the restaurant. 18) Look at the children! They (ride) on their bikes. 19) The Pearsons (not drive) their van every day. 20) Ronny (write) his exercises now. 21) Kevin and Ronny (not like) hopscotch. 22) Kate (never/drive) a van. 23) Ronny (not sleep) now. 24) Mr Pearson (often/work) in his shop. 25) Mr Bennett (be) a taxi-driver. 26) Mr and Mrs Pearson (have) a shop. 27) Look at Ronny! He (play) with the ducks. 28) The Bennetts (not be) at home today. 29) Elke (never/play) with toy cars. 30) Kate (not have) a car.



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

2. Present Simple/ Present Continuous: Find the Question 1) Kevin takes the bus to school because it is too far. 2) Elke goes to bed at half past nine. 3) The train leaves at 10.30. 4) Yes, she does. 5) No, we don't. 6) We live in an old house. 7) I have breakfast at half past seven. 8) I read two comics every day. 9) Kevin likes kites and football. 10) The train is stopping at Grosmont. 11) Yes, they are. 12) I often drink water. 13) They are going to the seaside this Sunday. 3. Present Continuous or Present Simple. Fill in the correct verb form. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Cuckoos (not to build) nests, they (to use) the nests of other birds. You (not can, to talk) to Tommy now, he (to have) a bath. She usually (to drink) coffee for breakfast, but today he (to drink) tea. John (to hate) cakes and he normally (not to eat) any, but today, he (to eat) a piece of cake because it (to be) his daughter's birthday. 5. Ann (to love) her husband, that's why she (to organise) a romantic dinner for him. 6. Liverpool (to lie) on the banks of the river Mersey. 7. Peter (to like) staying at home, but this evening but he (to meet) a friend at a restaurant. 8. Mark (can, to speak) Russian, but he (not can, to speak) Spanish. 9. Sport (to play) a big part in English school life. 10. (Paul/ to have got) a Ferrari? No, he __________, he (to have got) a lovely old MG. 11. Look! Somebody (to leave) our neighbour's house by the back door. 12. On Saturdays afternoons Sheila (to wash) the car while Peter (to do) the shopping. 13. I got a letter from Mary. She (to enjoy) her trip immensely.



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e ll. The Past Tenses

1. Write the questions: Use the words in brackets in the correct order, using was/ were. 1. ( difficult/ your exam?)

No, it was easy.

2. 3. 4. 5.

They were on holiday. Sixty pounds. Because you were late. Yes, it was beautiful.

(last week/ Anne and Chris/ where?) (your new camera/ how much?) ( angry/ you / yesterday/ why?) (nice/ the weather/ last week?)

2.Write the past simple form of these verbs stay help carry want play rain

walk wash stop ask open look

study cry work start live like

3.Complete these sentence using the past simple I. II. III. IV. V. VI.

I stayed at home all weekend. ( to stay) She ……….all night. ( to cry) We…………… her carefully. ( to listen) He ……………her very much. ( to love) The shop…….…at 5 o’clock. ( to close) My friends…………to stay in all weekend. ( to want)

4.Write questions with did….? 1. I watched TV last night. ……………………………………….? 2. I enjoyed the party. And you? ………………………………..? 3. I had a good holiday. And you? ………………………………..? 4. I finished work early yesterday. And you? ………………………….?



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

5. Make questions with the following words. Use the Present Simple if no other tense is indicated. 1 (work/where/you) 2 (why/you/to be (past simple)/late) 3 (see/who/you) 4 (hair/is/or/Tara's/black/brown) 5 (she/how/feel) 6 (Moscow/Russia/is/in) 7 (Josef/prefer/tennis/football/o) 8 (it/has/been/snowing) 9 (children/many/how/got/you/have) 6. Complete these sentences with the verb in the negative 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

They worked on Monday, but they………………………….on Tuesday. We went to the post office but we………………………… the bank. I recognized Barbara, but I ……………………..Jane. The children did their homework yesterday, but they……………….it today. Last week, I was very tired, but yesterday I ……………… .

7. Put the verb in the correct form- positive, negative, question form 1. We (to decide) to go to the cinema but the film (not to be) very good. We …… ……………… . (not to enjoy) 2. …………………yesterday? ‘ No it was a nice day.’ ( rain) 3. The party wasn’t very good, so we……….………..long. ( not to stay). 4. ‘I (to miss) ………..the bus this morning.’’ Oh, how……………………that?’ (to do) 5. ‘Did you go to the bank this morning?’ ‘No I ......., I ………………..the time.’ ( not to have)



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

lll. Mixed tenses 1.Fill in the correct tense and form 1. (She/ to listen)_______________ to the radio a lot when she (to be)__________ ill last week. 2. (He/ not can, to ski)___________________ when (he/ to be)___________ five, but (he/can)____________ now. 3. (People /to wear) _________________jeans a hundred years ago? Yes, they _____. 4. Darren (always /to have) _________________a shower before breakfast, but (he /not to have) ________________one last Monday, because (he/to go)_________ to a picnic with the pupils of class 2A. "Who (to carry)________________ the basket of food?"- David and Darren. 5. At the picnic last week, (they/ not to go )__________________ far away. (They/ to see)_____________ a nice place near the river and (to stop)_____________ there and (to have) ________________their sandwiches. (Darren/ to take)__________________ a photo of Rachel the girl (he /to be)_____________ in love with. 2. Fill in the correct tense (Present Simple and Continuous, Going to future, Past Simple, Present Perfect) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Jim (to phone) his parents often, but he (not to phone) them every day. You (always/to listen) to CDs in the evening? How often you (to go) to the cinema last week? (to have got) James a Porsche? No, he __________, he (to have got) a CV2. I (to get) a phone call from Mary. She (to enjoy) her stay in America very much. 6. The Englishman over there (to speak) very fast, I (not to understand) everything he (to say). 7. Last week, I (to fly) to London. You (to see) everything? No, I _________. I (to go) back next year. 8. In 1938, the psychiatrist (to study) in Moscow, two years later, he (to move) to Vienna and (to marry) an Austrian woman. 9. Oh no! I (to lose) my keys, I (can not/ to find) them anywhere. 10. Jenny and Jim are (to get married) next week. You (to buy) them a present yet? 6


  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

4. Present Perfect or Past Simple? Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense and form. 1. Aunt Martha (to drive) me to school yesterday. 2. I (to spell) that word wrongly yesterday. 3. Archie (not / to steal) anything for two months! 4. I (not / to eat) pineapple since I was in Asia. 5. The children (to go) (to swim) the pool five days ago. 6. Sally (not / to read) any books from the new library yet. 7. We (not / to see) Lilian for four years. 8. Peter (to break) his arm last Saturday. 9. You (not to send) me any money for the last two months. 10. Mum (to lie) down to relax an hour ago. 11.Billy (to wear) his new jeans last night. 12. We (just / to speak) to the headmaster. 13. Irene (to sing) some lovely songs last night. 14. The sun (already / to set). Let’s go home. 15. Melina (not / to wear) trousers since she was at school. 16. The ship (to hit) a rock and (to sink) many years ago. 5. Complete the dialogue. Use the Present Perfect or the Past Simple. Make all the necessary changes. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Sara: Laurie: Sara: Laurie:

(you / to be / ever / to Morocco) ? Yes, (I / to go / 1997) (how long / you / to stay / there) ? (two months) (you / ever / to be / there)? 5. Sara: No, (not Morocco, but Tunisia) 6. Laurie. (What / to be / like)? 7. Sara: (really interesting) 8. Laurie: (you / to be / there / long)? 9. Sara: No, (I / to be / there / only / two weeks) But I want to go back next year. 10. Laurie: Really? 11. Sara: Yes. I want to speak a bit of the language, too. (I / just / to start / learning Arabic / at night school). (I / to have/ my first class / last Monday) 12. Laurie: Fantastic! 13. Sara: And I (already / to make) couscous for my family! 14. Laurie: Couscous? What’s that? I (never / to hear) of it.




  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

16. Sara: It’s a Tunisian dish. I (to try) it when I (to be) there. It’s delicious! I’ll make it for you sometime. 17. Laurie: Sounds good. (I (to have) a dessert in Morocco called “Mehanncha” which means “snake”. I can try and make that. 18. Sara: Well, yes, OK. Mmmm ... I must go now. See you! 6. Been or gone? Fill the gaps with the correct expression. 1. A. Charlene went out about half an hour ago. B: Oh? Where has she ...? 2. Sorry I’m so late. I have ... to look at a new flat. 3. We haven’t ... to Denmark. What’s it like? 4. He found a note from he which said, “I’ve ... and I’m not coming back.” 5. How many times have you ... to the Lake District? 6. He’s not in. He’s ... to play football. 7. I haven’t ... to Morocco but I’d love to go. 8. They’re having a great time in California. They’ve ... for three months. 9.His mother is annoyed with him. He hasn’t ... to see his grandmother for ages. 10. Have you ... to the Millennium Dome in London? 7. Present Perfect: Fill in these sentences with for or since. 1. I've been a student_____two years. 2. We've lived here _______1989. 3. I haven't seen Sally_______my birthday party. 4. She's been away______ five days. 5. We've already waited_______ a year. 6. We haven't had any visitors_______last March. 7. The TV's been broken ________yesterday. 8. We've only been here ______two minutes. 9. We haven't had any rain________a very long time. 10. That building's been there _______the 19th century. 8. Complete these sentences. Use the words in brackets (…)+ for or ago. 1. 2. 3. 4.

Jill arrived in Ireland____________________. Jill has been in Ireland__________________. Linda and Frank have been married __________________. Linda and Frank got married ___________________.

(three days) (three days) (twenty years) (twenty years) 8


  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

5. Dan arrived __________________.

(ten minutes)

6. Silvia has been learning English __________________ 7. I bought these shoes____________________.

(six months) (a few days)

9. Fill in the correct verb form. Fill in yet, already, just, for, since if needed. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

I (to go) to China last year, but I (to be) never to Japan. Mr and Mrs Gibbs (to see) Buckingham Palace next week. You (to see) Jim? Yes, I (to see) him last week. Peter (to go) to the cinema, he'll be back in an hour. 'Monica (to win)ever any tournaments in her life?' 'Yes, she _____.' 'She (to win) Wimbledon last year?' No, she _________.' 6. 'Why (to cry) the baby now?'' Because the phone (to ring) two minutes ago'. 7. He (to study) English (for/ since) 10 years, but he (not to speak) very well. 8. We (to drive) to the seaside tomorrow. We (to plan) it last week. 9. My neighbour (to practise) the violin. She usually (not to play) on Tuesdays, but tonight she (to play) a concert at the Albert Hall. 10. How long you (to know) Cathy ? I (to know) her (for/ since) we (to begin) University in 1990. 11. What Peter always(to do) after breakfast? He usually (to brush) his teeth. 12. 'You (to finish) your project? (yet)' 'No, I __________. I (to meet) Andrew (just). He (to do) half of his project (already).' 'Yes, he (to work) very hard (for/since) a week!'

lV. FUTURE TENSES 1. going to- future: Write the correct form of going to complete the sentences 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

When (you, to phone) her? (they, not to stay) for very long. What (you, to say) to your father? (I, not to pay) anything. (we, to play) tennis tomorrow? (she, to live) in Mexico for a while. (the machine, to work)? (your parents, to have) a holiday this year? (I, not to eat) this again.



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

4. Mixed Tenses: Present Simple & Continuous, Past Simple, Present Perfect, Going to- future. 1. What time (you / to leave) tonight? I planned to leave at 22.00. 2. I (to start) my French course two months ago. 3. Salih (to go) skiing last year and he (to break) his leg. He (not / to go) this year. 4. A: Listen! Why (they / to shout)? 5. They (just / to see) a dolphin. 6. A: Can I help you? What (you / to look) for? 7. I (to lose) my glasses a few minutes ago. 8. (you / to watch) the match on TV last night? 9. I (just / to buy) magazine. It (to cost) £3.50, but last week it (to be) only £3.00. 10. I (to watch) Enya’s concert on TV last night. I (to buy) her CD tomorrow. 11. A: When I (to be) a child, we (to go) to Kemer. B: (you / to return) there this year yet/ aready? 1. A: No, I (not / to be) there for years. 12. This (to be) my cousin, Alice. I (not / to think) you (to meet) her before. 13. Since they (to shake) hands, they (not / to pay) much attention to each other. 14. (you / to know) that Steffi Graf (beat) Martina Hingis last Sunday ? 15. Bruce (not / to have) an accident (since / for) he (to drive) into a tree last summer. Right now he (to wash) his flashy car. (he / usually / not / to ask) Mary to do that for him ? 16. And here comes Johnson with the others at least ten metres behind him. He (to win) the race. 17. A:I (just / to hear) that Michael is in Australia. B: Oh, (you / not / to know) ? He (to fly) there two weeks ago and he (to stay) in Canberra for the rest of the year. A: Really ? And (he / to like) Australia ? B: Well, he (to ring) me up last week, but he (not / to say) much about his new life there. Perhaps it (to be) too early to say if he (to like) Australia or not. He (only / to be) there (for / since) two weeks. 18. Let’s take a rest. I (to get) tired. 19. I (not / to sleep) at all last night because my new neighbours (to have) a party. I (to hear / never) such noisy neighbours since I (to move) here in 1961. Now I (to think) of moving again. 20. Who (to discover) America ? (it / not / to be) Christopher Columbus ? 21. A: Ouch! I (to burn) myself. B: How (you / to do) that ? A: I (to pick) up a hot dish.



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

V. Adverbs and Adjectives 1. Comparatives and superlatives a. Complete these sentences, add than if needed: 1. The weather was _________________than last year. (pleasant) 2. It was by far ___________time of my life. (bad) 3. The train's a lot ______________all the other ways of getting there. (fast) 4. The exam was a bit _________all the other tests. (easy) 5. I think the English spelling is by far __________. (easy) 6. Spanish is _______________language in the world. (difficult) 7. The food isn't nearly ______________last year. (good) 8. She's a bit ____________than her brother. (sensitive) 9. This is easily _________restaurant in town. (good) 10. Ellen was a bit _____________ than she usually is. (cheerful) 11. He's not nearly _______________ his sister. (intelligent) 12. The journey was much ______________ than we expected. (long) b. Transform the following sentences using comparatives and superlatives. Please write full meaningful sentences! 1) Rome is an old city, but Athens is […] in Europe. 2) Our policeman is very friendly. That policeman is friendly. 3) ‘Floccinaucinihilipilification’ is very difficult to spell. ‘Sad’ is easy to spell. 4) Luxembourg is a very small city, but it is […] in Luxembourg. 5) I feel quite bad today. I felt […] yesterday. 6) Richard has £125,859,475.15. Ricky has £20. 7) Prince Charles is very intelligent. In fact, he is […] man I have ever seen. 8) Diamonds are a girl’s […] friends. 9) Cricket is an exciting game. I don’t really like football. 10)New Zealand is a rainy country. Australia has a very dry climate.



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

c) Compare these things and people using the adjectives in the box. cheap


good fat



2) ________________________











3) _______________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________

d) Write the adverb of the following words: quick slow fast careful

dangerous good hard bad




  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e polite

e) Adjective or adverb? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Ann is a ... dancer. She dances ... . (wonderful / good) Sam smokes ... (secret) Ruth can run very ... . She’s a ... runner (fast / fast) Graham and Jane are very ... . They a re a ... married couple. (happy / happy) Wait the game isn’t ... finished yet. (complete) Linda passed her math test ... because she was ... prepared. (easy / good) Is Kate a ... driver? Yes, she is. She drives very ... (careful / slow) I ... understood what to do because she explained everything very ... and .... (quick / calm / clear) 9. We waited ... for the bus, but it didn’t come. (patient) 10. It is ... cold for this season of the year. (unbelievable) 11. Sarah’s English is quite ... . She speaks English quite ... . (good / fluent) 12. His new car was ... expensive. (awful)

Vi. Vocabulary a)

Label the following items of clothing!

1) _________________

4) _______________



5) _________________



Give the opposite of the following words short 13


boring dangerous (driver) loose low

  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

light (colour) interesting poor generous fat asleep noisy to spend money expensive close clean happy c) Describe what your physical appearance (hair, size, built) and what you’re wearing. Vll. PREPOSITIONS 1. Fill in the correct preposition of movement of place 1. My mother came back from her shopping trip and drove _______ to garage last Saturday, but the bikes were still ____ the car, so they fell _____. 2. I don’t like walking ____ the hill, I get very tired. 3. The man just drove_____ the bridge, ______ the hedge and _____ the lake. 4. To go to the café in the Merler Park, you must go ____ the Athénée, _______ the street (die Strasse überqueren) and ________ the park. 2. PREPOSITIONS OF TIME: Fill in in/ at/ on ( 6 marks) 1. 2. 3. 4.

Is the meeting ……. Friday? The meeting is ……. 8.30 a.m. . I can’t come to the shop. I have to go to the dentist……… the afternoon. Is your plane ……… 11 a.m. ……… the morning? 14


  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

No, it’s ………. 11 p.m. ……… night. 5. Thank God! We have our last English Test …….. Wednesday morning! 6. I like to walk my dog …………. the evening. 7. Is the conference …… the weekend?

3. Use the correct preposition (mixed). 1. We live ____ a big house___ a lot____ windows. There is a small shop just______ to our house. My best friend lives _____our street too. 2. The telephone is ____ the small table ___our living room. The sofa is____ the window, and the armchair is____ the fire. The dog always sits____the carpet. 3. There's a chemist's ___here. Take the second street_____the right, it's not far____here. 4. I live_____ my parents, so I usually have dinner____their house_____ the evening._____weekends I don't have breakfast____ seven o'clock. 5. There's a photo_____my family_____the TV. 6. Do you have time ___a drink now? 7. Sven is ____ Sweden but he lives___Luxembourg now. 8. Lisa: "What's ____TV tonight?" 9. Sarah lives____her boyfriend____a small flat____the centre ____London. 10. Mark usually goes____work____bus but today he doesn't. He’s staying_____home today.

Vlll. PRONOUNS/ WHO’S AND WHOSE/ GENETIVE ‘S 1. Fill in personal pronouns, the possessive articles or genetive ‘s. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Peter can’t come, …….. car is in the garage. The children like Christmas, they can’t wait to open …….. presents. We live in Chicago. …….house is very big. Jeff:' This is my girlfriend. ……. name is Joanna. …… is from Spain. This is a colourful school, ……..doors are yellow.



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

6. 7. 8. 9.

Frank and Maureen go to the zoo with ……… grandchildren. Ben……. hair is fair, but ……….. eyes are dark. I live in the city and ……… parents live in the country. What is ………. favourite team, Jason? ……… favourite team is Manchester United. 10. Paulo is Italian. …….. likes Italian food. …….favourite food is Italian. 2. Make a correct sentence. Use genitive 's/ s'/' if necessary. 1. The boys/ school/ new/ is. _______________________________________________ 2. James/ park/ London/ is/ park/ beautiful/a.___________________________________ 3. Laura/ the/ play/ violin/ can?______________________________________________

3. Whose/ Who's : fill in the correct word and the correct pronoun 1. It's a bad accident when a horse breaks ____ leg. 2. Don't forget _____ passport, tell Eddie to bring _____ too! 3. ________ the man in this picture? _____ is my dad. 4. Margaret and ______brother are waiting for the bus. 5. _______ umbrella is this? This isn't ______umbrella, _______is black! (I) 6. Mr and Mrs Smith have a very big garden. In fact, I think that ________ is bigger than Susie's, but ______ is nicer. (they, she) 7. Did you phone your parents? No, I didn't talk to _________, ________ are at ______neighbour's garden party. (they) 8. Are you going to the cinema with ______? We can take ______ car! (we) 9. ________ gloves are these? I think they belong to Paul, yes they are _______.



  Dossier de révision Anglais 6e

lX. INFINITIVE OF PURPOSE Look at the following words. Why do you go to these places? Make complete sentences.( Do not use 'because') 1. the post office 2. the travel agent's 3. the swimming pool 4. Holland 5. the restaurant


X. COUNTABLES/ UNCOUNTABLES/ OFFERS 1. Fill in A/ AN; SOME/ ANY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Sorry, I haven't got _____matches. I want_________ bread and ____ kilo of cheese please. I bought ___________ books, but I didn't buy ____ pen. At 12 o'clock, we had _______ food. Did you bring ______ money? Would you like ______ water? I've got _______ bananas but I haven't got _____ apple. Are there ____ students here at the moment?

2. Some or Any? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i.

I haven’t got …………. paper. I’ll buy ………… paper when I go to the shops. Is there ……….. petrol in the car? Yes. I put …………… in yesterday. I bought ………fruit, but they didn’t have ………. vegetables. Do you have ……….. change? I need 50p. I saw ……… change on the table a minute ago. I need …….. help with my homework. Are you free? I don’t have ……… free time today. Sorry.

3. Write questions with How much or How many. j. She has a lot of children. How m……………………………………………………….? k. Can you buy some butter? How m……………………………………………………….? l. I went all over Europe last Summer. How m……………………………………… (countries/to go)……… ……….? m. I bought a new house last week. How m……………………………………………………….? n. The house has a lot of bedrooms. How m……………………………………………………….? o. Some people are coming for a meal on Sunday. How m……………………………………………………….? p. Shakespeare wrote a lot of plays. How m……………………………………………………….? q. She earns a fortune! How m……………………………………………………….?

4. Much, many or a lot of?

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h.

The shop has ……………….. bottles of water. The shopkeeper hasn’t got ……………… cheese. I can see ………………….. newspapers. I can’t see ………………….. bread. There isn’t ……………… yoghurt. He hasn’t got ………….. coins to pay the car-park. …………. (to be) there …………. people at the party last night? There …………… (not to be) ……….. poverty in my town.

5. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “like” or “would like” a. b. c. d. e.

She ……….. tea, but she prefers hot chocolate. I………………… some tea, please. Can I help you? Yes, I ……………… the new Star Academy CD. I …………. riding my bike. I …………. some ice-cream. I love ice-cream!

Xl. WRITING (see Headway Student’s Book for examples) 1. Imagine you are in a clothes shop and you want to buy a shirt and some trousers. Write a conversation between you and the shop assistant. Write at least 15 exchanges, also asking for a different size/ colour. Do not forget to pay. 2. Imagine you are in a restaurant with a friend. Ask for the menus, order food and drink. Write at least 15 exchanges between you and the waiter. 3. Write a postcard from your last holiday. Describe where you are, with who, what the weather is like, what activities you did in the last week. Use the correct tense (Present and Past tenses). Write at least 50 words. 4. Describe your best friend and say where you met, what you like about him/ her. Use because/ although/ and/ but/ however/ so.

Xll.TENSES: REVISION WORKSHEET 2 1) Translate the following sentences:

Ich öffne das Fenster. (+)________________________________. (-) ________________________________. _________________________ (?)________________________________. _________________________

 Tense: Present Simple (+) S + V (-)

2) Ich öffnete das Fenster. (+)________________________________. ________________________ (-) ________________________________. _________________________ (?)________________________________. _________________________

 Tense: Past Simple (+)

3) Ich lese gerade die Zeitung. (+)________________________________. ________________________ (-) ________________________________. _________________________ (?)________________________________. _________________________

 Tense: Present Continuous (+)

4) Ich werde die Zeitung lesen. (+)________________________________. ________________________ (-) ________________________________. _________________________ (?)________________________________. _________________________

 Tense: Going-to future (+)


(-) (?)

(-) (?)

(-) (?)

1) Fill in the correct verb form: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

You (to start) work at 7 o'clock. You (to start) work at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning. You (to start) work at 7 o'clock yesterday. She (to listen) to the radio at the moment. We (to go) to the beach now. You (to see) your parents every Sunday? I (not to study) at the moment.

8. They (not to go) to the cinema very often. 9. I (to meet) John yesterday. We (to talk) for hours. 10. Sometimes, Mary (to wash) her clothes by hand. 11. Today they (to play) cricket in town. 12. You (to go) to town now? Yes, _______.

2) Which of the underlined verbs is right? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Most shops usually open/ opens at 8.30 in New York. The banks didn't/ don't usually close at lunchtime. Schoolchildren don't/ doesn't usually wear uniforms. Do/Are you having dinner at the moment? Did/ Are you drink coffee yesterday? What do/did you do when you are/were five years old? I am/was afraid of cars. I still was/ am now. 7. Did Helen worked/work at this bank last year? 8. I'm not work/ working tomorrow. Rewrite the following sentences: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

He goes to the cinema on Fridays. (question) They eat a lot. (negative) He watches television every night. (neg.) He is walking to the shops now. (question) They liked Amsterdam a lot. (question) Does he live in this street? (positive)

Tenses: Revision Worksheet 3 1) Fill in the correct verb form: 1. The car isn't here today because Sheila 9to use) it. She generally (to use) the bus, but the drivers are on strike. 2. I (to stay) with my parents at the moment although I (to have) my own flat. 3. The business usually 9to make) money, but it (to do) badly just now. 4. I (to study) French at the moment, but I (not to speak) it very well. 5. I (to live) in Amsterdam just now, but I(to move) to Paris next month. 6. She paid for the ticket and (to leave). 7. I close the door quietly because he (to try) to sleep. 8. When we warned them about the police they (to leave) the country. 9. 'Oh! You bought a new dress!' 'Yes, I (to go) to a wedding in August.' 10. Look at the dark clouds, it (to rain)! 11. I (to get up) too late yesterday morning, so I (to miss) the bus. 12. Hurry up! We (to miss) the bus. 13. You know why an apple (to fall) down and not up? 14. You (to write) to him tonight? Yes, I always 9to write to him on his birthday. You (to want) to send him a message? 15. Tom and Pitt (to have) a long conversation. I wonder what they (to talk) about.

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