Domain Specific Language Implementation With Dependent Types

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  • Words: 2,472
  • Pages: 34
Domain Specific Language Implementation with Dependent Types Edwin Brady [email protected]

University of St Andrews FFLunch, October 26th 2009

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.1/28

Introduction This talk will be in two parts:  An introduction to functional programming with

dependent types, using the language Idris.  Data types and functions  Techniques: Dependent pairs, with rule, views, theorem proving  Domain Specific Language (DSL) implementation.  A type safe interpreter  Code generation via specialisation  Verification of resource usage  Preliminary results

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.2/28

Idris Idris is an experimental purely functional language with dependent types (http://www. .uk/~eb/Idris).  Compiled, via C, with reasonable performance

(more on this later).  Loosely based on Haskell, similarities with Agda,

Epigram.  Some features:  Primitive types (Int, String, Char, . . . )  Interaction with the outside world via a C FFI.  Integration with a theorem prover, Ivor.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.3/28

What are Dependent Types? Dependent types allow types to be parameterised by values, giving a more precise description of data. Some data types in Idris:

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.4/28

What are Dependent Types? Dependent types allow types to be parameterised by values, giving a more precise description of data. Some data types in Idris: data ListInt = Nil | Cons Int ListInt; -- Monomorphi list.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.4/28

What are Dependent Types? Dependent types allow types to be parameterised by values, giving a more precise description of data. Some data types in Idris: data List a = Nil | Cons a (List a); -- Polymorphi list.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.4/28

What are Dependent Types? Dependent types allow types to be parameterised by values, giving a more precise description of data. Some data types in Idris: data List : # -> # where -- Alternative syntax. -- # is the type of types. Nil : List a | Cons : a -> List a -> List a;

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.4/28

What are Dependent Types? Dependent types allow types to be parameterised by values, giving a more precise description of data. Some data types in Idris: data Nat = O | S Nat;

data Ve t : # -> Nat -> # where -- List with size (ve tor). VNil : Ve t a O | VCons : a -> Ve t a k -> Ve t a (S k);

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.4/28

What are Dependent Types? Dependent types allow types to be parameterised by values, giving a more precise description of data. Some data types in Idris: data Nat = O | S Nat; infixr 5 :: ; -- Define an infix operator data Ve t : # -> Nat -> # where -- List with size (ve tor). VNil : Ve t a O | (::) : a -> Ve t a k -> Ve t a (S k);

We say that Ve t is parameterised by the element type and indexed by its length.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.4/28

Functions The type of a function over vectors describes invariants of the input/output lengths. e.g. the type of vAdd expresses that the output length is the same as the input length: vAdd : Ve t Int n -> Ve t Int n -> Ve t Int n; vAdd VNil VNil = VNil; vAdd (x :: xs) (y :: ys) = x + y :: vAdd xs ys;

The type checker works out the type of n implicitly, from the type of Ve t.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.5/28

Dependent Pairs Sometimes, we don’t know what the index of a return type should be — especially if it is read from user input. readVe reads user input and adds to an accumulator: readVe : Ve t Int n -> IO ( p | Ve t Int p ); readVe xs = do { putStr "Number: "; val <- getInt; if val == -1 then return << _, xs >> else (readVe (val :: xs)); };

Dependent pairs pair a value with a predicate on that value.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.6/28

Dependent Pairs Syntax:  (p : T | P) — dependent pair type, where p, of type T

is in scope in P. Type annotation T is optional.

<< x , y >> — dependent pair value.

Examples: x : (n : Nat | LT (S (S O)) n); -- a number greater than 2 x = << (S (S (S O))), ltO >>;

y : (n:Nat)->(p | LE (mult n n) p /\ LT p (mult (S n) (S n))); -- approximate square root fun tion -- (good lu k writing this...)

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.7/28

The with Rule The with rule allows dependent pattern matching on intermediate values: vfilter : (a -> Bool) -> Ve t a n -> (p | Ve t a p); vfilter f VNil = << _, VNil >>; vfilter f (x :: xs) with (f x, vfilter xs f) { | (True, << _, xs' >>) = << _, x :: xs' >>; | (False, << _, xs' >>) = << _, xs' >>; }

The underscore _ means either match anything (on the left of a clause) or infer a value (on the right).

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.8/28

Libraries Libraries can be imported via in lude "lib.idr". All programs automatically import prelude.idr which includes, among other things:  Primitive types Int, String and Char, plus Nat, Bool  Tuples, dependent pairs.  Fin, the finite sets.  List, Ve t and related functions.  Maybe and Either  The IO monad, and foreign function interface.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.9/28

An example Consider this problem: Given a natural number, convert it to binary. How can we use the type system to confirm that the binary representation is an accurate representation of the original?

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.10/28

Binary representation We can write a type for binary numbers which expresses its relationship to a natural number: data Binary : Nat -> # where bEnd : Binary O | bO : Binary n -> Binary (plus n n) | bI : Binary n -> Binary (S (plus n n));

The conversion function’s type will guarantee that the result is a representation of the input. . . natToBin : (n:Nat) -> Binary n;

. . . but how do we write it?

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.11/28

Building Binary Numbers Perhaps we could repeatedly halve a number, and record its parity to get each bit in turn: half : (n:Nat) -> (Nat & Bool); half O = (O, False); half (S O) = (O, True); half (S (S k)) with half k { | (j, parity) = (S j, parity); }

But. . .

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.12/28

Building Binary Numbers . . . why does this not type check? natToBin : (n:Nat) -> Binary n; natToBin O = bEnd; natToBin (S k) with half k { | (j, False) = bI (natToBin j); | (j, True) = bO (natToBin (S j)); }

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.13/28

Building Binary Numbers . . . why does this not type check? natToBin : (n:Nat) -> Binary n; natToBin O = bEnd; natToBin (S k) with half k { | (j, False) = bI (natToBin j); | (j, True) = bO (natToBin (S j)); }

Idris reports: Can't unify Binary (S k) and Binary (S (plus j j)) But we know that k=plus j j, because that’s how we wrote half. How can we convince the typechecker?

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.13/28

The Trouble with Bool. . . . . . is that a value of type Bool throws away the knowledge gained in computing it. Instead, we create a more informative type for holding the result of halving a number: data Half : Nat -> # where even : (n:Nat) -> Half (plus n n) | odd : (n:Nat) -> Half (S (plus n n)); half : (n:Nat) -> Half n;

Now whenever we halve a number, the type explains where the result came from.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.14/28

Halving a Nat Half is a view of Nat. Any Nat can be obtained by doubling another Nat, and possibly adding one: half : (n:Nat) -> Half n; half O = even O; half (S O) = odd O; half (S (S k)) with half k { half (S (S (plus j j))) | even j ?= even (S j); [hSe℄ half (S (S (S (plus j j)))) | odd j ?= odd (S j); [hSo℄ }

The ?= indictes that the indices of the left and right are different. [hSe℄ and [hSo℄ are lemmas to be proved.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.15/28

Theorem Proving To complete the definition, we’ll need to prove hSe and hSo. Their types show how the LHS and RHS differ: Idris> :t hSe (j : Nat) -> Half (S (S Idris> :t hSo (j : Nat) -> Half (S (S

(value : Half (S (plus j (S j)))) -> (plus j j))) (value : Half (S (S (plus j (S j))))) -> (S (plus j j))))

We can do these interactively [quick demo], and paste the result into the program.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.16/28

Theorem Proving When we complete the proof, we paste the script into the program. In this case: hSe proof { %intro; %use value; %rewrite plus_nSm {n=j} {m=j}; %refl; %qed; };

I generally put such things at the end — much like an appendix to a paper!

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.17/28

Building Binary Numbers Using the new version of half, we have enough information in the type to build a binary number, and prove it’s the right one: natToBin : (n:Nat) -> Binary n; natToBin O = bEnd; natToBin (S k) with half k { natToBin (S (plus j _)) | even _ = bI (natToBin j); natToBin (S (S (plus j _))) | odd _ ?= bO (natToBin (S j)); [ntbOdd℄ }

[ntbOdd℄ has the same structure as [hSe℄ and [hSo℄.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.18/28

Aside — Termination Many dependently typed languages require that all programs are total (i.e. terminate, with an answer) for good reasons:  Decidability of type checking  Strong correctness proofs

Idris checks for totality (structural recursion, strictly positive data types, coverage), but does not require it.  If it did, natToBin would have been harder to write!

The type checker will not unfold non-terminating definitions, and we cannot make total correctness claims. But partial correctness may often be good enough!

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.19/28

A Type Safe Interpreter A common introductory example to dependent types is the type safe interpreter. The pattern is:  Define a data type which represents the language

and its typing rules.  Write an interpreter function which evaluates this

data type directly. [demo: interp.idr]

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.20/28

A Type Safe Interpreter Notice that when we run the interpreter on functions without arguments, we get a translation into Idris: Idris> interp Empty test \ x : Int . \ x0 : Int . x0 + x Idris> interp Empty double \ x : Int . x+x

Idris implements %spe and %freeze annotations which control the amount of evaluation at compile time. [demo: interp.idr again]

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.21/28

A Type Safe Interpreter We have partially evaluated these programs. If we can do this reliably, and have reasonable control over, e.g., inlining, then we have a good recipe for efficient DSL implementation:  Define the language data type  Write the interpreter  Specialise the interpreter w.r.t. real programs

If we trust the host language’s type checker and code generator — admittedly we still have to prove this, but only once! — then we can trust the DSL implementation.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.22/28

Resource Usage Verification We have applied the type safe interpreter approach to a family of domain specific languages with resource usage properties, in their type:  File handling  Memory usage  Concurrency (locks)  Network protocol state

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.23/28

Example — file handling The resource aware DSLs track resource usage in their type: data Lang : (Ve t FileState n) -> (Ve t FileState n') -> Ty -> # where -- ... | OPEN : (p:Purpose) -> (fd:Filepath) -> (Lang ts (sno ts (Open p)) (TyHandle (S n))) | GETLINE : (i:Fin n) -> (p:OpenH i Reading ts) -> (Lang ts ts (TyLift String));

The interpreter tracks an environment of resources: interp : (Env ts) -> (Lang ts ts' T) -> (IO (Env ts' & interpTy T));

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.24/28

Example — file handling For example, here is a program in the file handling DSL which copies the contents of a file:

opy : Filepath -> Filepath -> FileSafe TyUnit;

opy infile outfile = program 2 -- requires 2 handles do { fh1 <- OPEN Reading infile; fh2 <- OPEN Writing outfile; WHILE (do { e <- EOF (handle fh1) ?; return (not e); }) (do { str <- GETLINE (handle fh1) ?; PUTLINE (handle fh2) str ?; }); CLOSE (handle fh1) ?; -- proof obligations CLOSE (handle fh2) ?; }; FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.25/28

Example — file handling By specialising the interpreter for this language, we obtain a version of opy without the interpreter overhead:

opyS = \inf, outf => interp Empty ( opy inf outf) %spe ;

In a later talk (and a paper I’ve nearly started writing) I’ll explain how we can handle. . .  Control structures  Recursive definitions  Code duplication

. . . by following some simple, concrete rules about how to define the interpreter.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.26/28

Preliminary Results . . . are very preliminary. but promising. For the file example, copying a large file (/usr/share/di t/words) ten times: Version Time Idris, specialised 0.571s Idris, interpreted 2.762s C implementation 0.329s Java implementation 1.833s The overhead over the C version appears to be caused by the garbage collector. I’m investigating further. . . More results to come: file processing, parsing, network transport protocol.

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.27/28

Conclusion Dependent types allow us to implement embedded DSLs with rich specification/verification. Also:  We need an evaluator for type checking anyway, so

why not use it for specialisation?  Related to MetaOCaml/Template Haskell, but free!  If (when?) we trust the Idris type checker and code generator, we can trust our DSL.  DSL programs will be as efficient as we can make Idris.  More experimental data needed: what about programs with more computation than IO?

FFLunch, October 26th 2009 – p.28/28

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