Doltch Basic Sight Words

  • November 2019
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Dolch Basic Sight Words

Oral and written test

What are Dolch Words • The Dolch words are the 220 most frequently found words in books that children read. These words are usually learned in first and second grade; students who learn these words have a good base for beginning reading. Many of these words cannot be sounded out because they do not follow decoding rules, so they must be learned as sight words.

• The Dolch Basic Sight Vocabulary Test of 220 words contributes 50-75% of all school reading matters. This test determines the child’s degree of reading efficiency in terms of sight word recognition. It can be easily given to any class or subgroups with in the class that seem to lack the ability to recognize common words quickly at sight.

How is it used ? • One way of estimating a primary student’s reading level is by having the student identify the 220 Dolch Basic Sight Words. The number of words recognized is the basis for assigning his/her equivalent reading level.

The scale is as follows: # OF DOLCH WORDS RECOGNIZED 0 - 75


76 - 120


121 - 170

1st Year / First reader

171 - 210

2nd Year /second reader

Above 210

3rd Year + / third reader

This passage contains all of the 220 Dolch Basic Sight Words

• The Best Thing In The World

Principles to follow in oral testing of the Basic Sight Words: • 1. Each child must be tested individually, far enough from the others so that he/she will not be disturbed by others. • 2. If the child shows fatigue , he/she may be given the test at two settings. • 3. Each child is told to say the words he knows. As the correct response is given , the examiner draws a line through the word on his own test sheet, not on the child’s.

Principle……. • 4. The time allowed for pronouncing each word should be 10-15 seconds. At the end of the 15 seconds the teacher will point to or present the next word.. For children who have had no phonics, 10 seconds is long enough since at one look a child either knows a word or doesn’t know it . Children who have had little phonics may take a few seconds to sound a word, but the word is counted wrong if they can’t get within 15 seconds.

Principle…. • 5. Give Credit• a. if the child could pronounce the word at once. • b. if he could sound it out and pronounce it on first trial • c. If he corrected himself immediately after miscalling it and then pronounce it correctly.

Principle… Do not give credit: • a. if he miscalled it and then after correctly pronouncing one or several others on the list, came back to that word and read it correctly. • b. if he took more than one trial of sounding to get It • c. if he miscalled it and gave more than one original mistaken word before getting the right one. e.g. if the word could a child said called, cold, could he is given no credit.

Do not give credit…. • d. if he omitted the word then later came back and gave it correctly. • e. If he hesitated longer than the fifteen seconds, before giving the word.

Dolch Basic Score Scale Dolch Word Known SCORE

Reading Level




















Equivalent reader level





First reader

Reading Level

Dolch Word Known SCORE








2.3 171-210












2.9 211-220



Equivalent reader level

2nd reader

3rd reader

Directions for Testing on the Dolch list (Oral Reading) • 1. Give one copy of the Dolch list to the child. Let him fill the necessary data called for. • 2. Get this copy for scoring and give another copy to the child from which to read the following directions: “These words are found in books in school and in newspapers, magazines and other reading materials. Now, this is what you are going to do. When I say “Begin” you are to look sharply at each word and read each clearly as fast as you can from top to bottom.”

Directions.. Oral test • 3. start the test when you think that the child has established rapport. • 4. Mark with a (/ )check all words said correctly. • 5. Give approximately 15 seconds maximum per word. Go much faster if possible. • 6. Indicate by writing in the word what a child says when he gives wrong pronunciation. • 7. Do not count poor enunciation as mispronunciation: agin for again, wan for when, git for get. However, indicate the child’s pronunciation.

Directions.. Oral test • 8. Put no marks at all on words which a child does not try or says he doesn’t know. • 9. Mark every word which a child says wrong. If he later corrects himself and pronounces the word correctly indicate this by putting( ) beside the word.

Directions.. Oral test • 10. Add comments on the side of the sheet whenever possible which will give clues to the child’s reaction, such as: “He knows much of his phonics. ”He is inclined to spell out the words ;He evidently depends upon context clues” • 11. The score is the number of words marked with (/)

Testing the Dolch Basic Sight Word Auditory-Visual: Written • The test is presented in part I and II so that the pupils may do one side of the sheet and then, after a short period or at a later time, do the other side. Older children may take both parts together. • The test is given by asking the pupils to circle one word on each line. The first time it is done is called “First Trial” and covers ½ of the 220 Basic Sight Words .Later on a new sheet is given out and the children are asked to circle one word on each line as the “second trial”

Written Test • Complete coverage of all the words on both parts is desirable, so that the teacher may know just how far the children have gone in mastering such essential set of sight words. The teacher may make up a class record by checking the individual papers on the class record sheet and can see which words are known and which are not.her further teaching can be guided accordingly.

Directions for Giving The Basic Sight Words (Written) • 1. See that the pupil has a sharpened pencil. It is sometimes advisable also for each to have a marker so that his attention will be kept on the line he is working with. • 2. Then distribute the papers and have the names and date put on each paper. The date is important because sight word knowledge grows day by day, and the teacher will wish to know later at just what time the test was given.

Direction… written • 3. Tell each pupil to look up the first line forwards. Tell the word to be circled (use the word list in the scoring sheet.) Then move about the room to make sure the circles are made correctly. • 4. Then tell the children to look at the second line of words , and circle the next test word. Give enough time for the pupil to look carefully at each word, but remember that if a child knows the word by sight, he will recognize it very quickly. Don’t allow him to puzzle over the word.

Direction… written • 5. Tell the pupils s, if they do not find the word on the line, not to mind but to go on to the next line. Do not encourage guessing. • 6. Watch to prevent copying. Change the seating of pupils who look on the papers of others.

Mastery of Dolch Basic Sight Words • 1. Keep a record of words that the children misses in daily lessons. Work with them in small sets concentrating on 15-20 until fairly well mastered. • 2. Use the sequence on Dolch Basic Sight Word Test Sheet. Those were arranged from easiest to hardest. • 3. Give sufficient oral reading to be sure accuracy is improving.

4. Let pupils read phrases alone or in sentences where phrase is underlined, and write or select the word that classifies the phrase. • • • • • •

Phrase The lazy boy Long sticks Over the gate After the rain Because you know

• • • • • •

Word Who What Where When Why

5. Guide them to phrase words into classifications • • • • • • • •

Things we can do run play come walk go ride wish read eat hold jump write wash clean

• • • • • • • •

Things we did ate run came read saw said went

Teaching the Basic Sight Words • Strategies: – Use of meaningful association – Use of pictures – Providing exercises in categorizing or grouping words according to their meanings – Introducing and reviewing words in meaningful phrases – E.g. the function words are best practiced in meaningful phrases , as to the store, near my house ,for the boy.

Sample test result • Case A; The result of Carlito’s basic sight word test showed that he read… • no for on • was for saw • top for pot • dear for read • era for are • tub for but • What will help overcome this defect?

b. Teach phrasing c. Name first letter of each word d. Allow finger pointing e. Re teach left to right movement f. Sound first letter of each word g. Allow oral spelling of the words

Case B: Lily’s test result. The words to be read are in the first column • • • • • •

walk walking wash washing take takes pull pulls pick picks run runs

• Which will help correct the defect • • • •

Read slowly Spell words orally Name the first letter Sound the last letter

Case C: Roberto read the following words in this way… • • • • • •

big like eat fast many could

bag bike cat far money would

• Which should be done to overcome substitution? • Careful reading • Use in sentence • Write each word many times • Spell aloud

Games and Devices

























Thank you for listening. Regina R. Albay

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