
  • June 2020
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  • Words: 384
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jaOsao itla maoM tola hO, jyaaoM cakmak maoM Aaga tora saaM[- tuJamao hO, tU jaaga sako tao jaaga

duK maoM isamarna saba kro, sauK maoM kro na kaoe jaao sauK maoM isamarna kro, tao duK kaho kao haoe calatI ca@kI doKkr, idyaa kbaIra raoe du[- paTna ko baIca maoM, saabaut bacaa na kaoe baura jaao doKNa maOM calaa, baura na imalayaa kaoe jaao mana Kaojaa AapNaa, tao mauJasao baura na kaoe maalaa tao kr maoM ifro‚ jaIBa ifro mauK maaihM manauAa tao cahuM idSa ifro‚ yah tao isamarna naaihM eOsaI vaaNaI baaolaIe‚ mana ka Aapa Kaoe Apnaa tna SaItla kro‚ AaOrna kao sauK haoe

jaba maOM qaa tba hir nahIM‚ Aba hir hO maOM naaihM saba AMiQayaara imaiT gayaa‚ jaba dIpk do#yaa maaMih kbaIr mana inama-la Bayaa‚ jaOsao gaMgaa naIr PaaCo PaaCo hir ifro,‚ kht kbaIr kbaIr paoqaI pD, pD, jaga mauAa, pMiDt Bayaao na kaoe Za[ AaKr p`oma ko, jaao pD,o saao pMiDt haoe icaMta eOsaI DaiknaI‚ kaT klaojaa Kae vaOd ibacaara @yaa kro‚ khaM tk dvaa lagaae kbaIra gava- na kIjaIyao }Mcaa doK Aavaasa kala praO BauM[ laoTnaa, }pr jamasaI Gaasa

kbaIr yahu Gar p`oma ka‚ Kalaa ka Gar naaihM saIsa ]tarO haiqa kir‚ saao pOsao Gar maaihM Kabir, this is the abode of love Not the house of an aunt Only that one can enter here Who has relinquished all pride

QaIro QaIro ro manaa, QaIro saba kuC haoe maalaI saIMcao saaO GaZ,a, ?tu Aae fla haoe Slowly slowly O mind, everything in own pace happens Gardner may water a hundred buckets, fruit arrives only in its season

saaM[- i[tnaa dIjaIe‚ jaamaoM kuTumba samaae maOM BaI BauKa na rhUM‚ saaQaU na BaUKa jaae Give so much O God, suffice to envelop my clan I should not suffer cravings, nor the visitor goes unfed

jyaaoM naOnaaoM maoM putlaI‚ %yaaoM maailak GaT maaihM maUrK laaoga na jaanaihM, baaihr ZUMZna jaaihM Like the pupil in the eyes The Lord resides inside Ignorant do not know this fact They search Him outside

kosaaoM kha ibagaaiD,yaa‚ jao maUMDo saaO baar mana kaO kaho na maUMiDe‚ jaamaOM ivaYaO ivakar What harm have the hair done, you shave them hundred times Why not shave the mind, that's filled with poisonous thoughts

jaba tUM Aayaa jagat maoM, laaoga hMsao tU raoe eOsaI krnaI na krI, paCo hMsao saba kaoe

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