Document Soul Centered

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 359
  • Pages: 1
INTRODUCTION TO SOUL CENTRED ASTROLOGY Soul centered Astrology is the connection between the above and the below. Making the connectionbetween the past, the present, and the future by way of the great gift of freedom of choice. Since the Creator speaks in the language of symbols, we can gain insight through the study of symbols, which stimulate the intuition. The signs, Aries through Pisces, can tell us much about the way we are influenced, and why, by bringing issues brought by the Soul to our attention through the medium of the twelve houses, and stimulated by the planets. To me, understanding the Divine plan can greatly help us to move forward in step with the evolutionary plan. It is common knowledge, that to study for a higher education one must have a study plan or curriculum to guide the process. The term education comes from the root eduction, to lead out. (of ignorance ?) Connecting the cyclic motions of the planets with the idea of ongoing life times one can see a wonderful order to the creators mind. We simply resume where we left off. The Soul, being the director in the education process. And what we call death being a temporary experience. As we move forward, and show that we are trustworthy, new knowledge is obtained to further us on the way. Eventually realizing that a great plan was made for our humanity, and that we can become conscious co creators in it by way of what we have become. Experience being the only criteria for measuring each other. Soul centered Astrologers study the symbols through the twelve signs, which are really six signs that need to be balanced. Aries (Mars) and Libra (Venus) are central to the relationship issue as one illustration. By the cyclic moving of the planets, and the twelve houses, which are the arena of activity. By this study the Astrologer interprets these symbols to aid the individual in understanding his part to play ! As the Oracle at Delphi said " Man know thyself, and in all things be moderat." Namaste, Saluting the Spirit in you, as in me . Rich. Di Maggio.

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