Doctors Speak For Natural Healing

  • November 2019
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Statements of physicians of the MWF (Medical-Science Group) - - on healing the spiritual way through the teachings of Bruno Groening

Spiritual healing is the only true and real healing. Only when our mind, our soul and our body have returned to the divine order are we well and whole. Anything else is merely the controlling and postponing of symptoms. Bruno Groening - as an instrument of God - helped during his lifetime and still helps us today to attain the goal of this true healing by making it possible for us and by teaching us to receive and absorb the divine healing energy again. Dr. med. R. Aeberhard

It should be every physician’s duty to become acquainted with spiritual healing. My work has taken on profound meaning through the teachings of Bruno Groening. Through them I receive the strength to joyfully practice my profession in a way I never knew before. Everyone should know that there is such a thing as spiritual healing and that it is available to everyone. It needs neither diagnostic nor therapeutic apparatus, nor therapists that have to be paid for their services. The knowledge is freely available to everyone. During my ten years of medical practice I have come across no other form of therapy in traditional or alternative medicine that can be so easily learned and applied by everyone, is free of charge, and has no limitations on its effectiveness. The teachings of Bruno Groening go far beyond that - "Healing is just the beginning!" Dr. med. O. Bonifer

As a general practitioner and veterinarian I became acquainted with the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends nine years ago and have seen that there is no such thing as "incurable" for people and animals. Bruno Groening considers himself a guide who has shown us the path back to God, from which most people have strayed. The motto is, "Trust and believe - the divine power helps and heals." This sentence has proven itself to be true in countless cases. Numerous medically verified reports are available. Dr. med./Dr. med. Vet. C. Braemer

God is salvation - the energy. Everything is energy (healing). Matter is part of the whole (of God) and therefore God is at once in and around us. Disease is a disturbance of inner harmony; that’s why we need the healing energy from without. We open ourselves up to the divine healing force through belief. It’s just that simple - and free of charge as well - to make the connection with God and become well. This is in accordance with the simple teachings of Bruno Groening. Dr. med. N. Brunhart

I came to the Circle of Friends as a young woman in 1995. I was very sick at the time. I had suffered since birth from a systemic neurodermatitis in its severest form, as well as from many allergies-for example, an animal dander allergy. When I then also contracted an autoimmune disease, which caused me to lose all my body hair within a few weeks, it was more than I could bear. Through the teachings of Bruno Groening I have learned to absorb a universal healing energy that I had never heard of before. Within a very short time I became completely well through absorption of this energy and am still well today, seven years later, This healing made it possible for me to fulfil my great wish to study veterinary medicine, and today I am a veterinarian. A few years ago I learned that this healing energy is able to influence even "incurable" diseases in animals just as positively as is seen in the realm of human medicine. Today I work with the veterinarian group of the Medical Scientific Group of the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends, which verifies these animal healings from a medical point of view. Within the framework of this work I am confronted as a veterinarian with inexplicable animal healings that have profoundly impressed me (for example, healing from tumours, epilepsy, irreparable tissue and organ damage and incurable viral infections). The MWF has taken on the task of scientifically processing and documenting these occurrences in order to make this verified information about the healing energy available to the public, and thus to anyone seeking help. As a result of my experiences I lend my name to and stand fully behind this work, experiencing again and again with great joy the truth of Bruno Groening’s words, "There is no such thing as ‘incurable’". Mag. med. vet. R. Friewald, veterinarian

As a general practitioner I became acquainted in the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends with the possibility of the spiritual healing of illnesses declared incurable by traditional medicine. We materially oriented people have lost our connection to the spiritual, the soul and God. Now that we are gradually realizing that we can’t find salvation in the material (countless illnesses declared incurable by traditional medicine exist despite increasing technical progress) we are beginning to seek again the roots of all life - the spiritual, God. We must learn again that spirit rules matter. Bruno Groening, a simple man who nevertheless had a profound belief and knowledge, has brought us closer to the simplicity of spiritual healing and thus to our origins. Anyone who is open and ready for it can utilize this opportunity without charge and completely without obligation. "You don’t have to believe what I say. I’m not asking you to do so. However, you do have the duty to convince yourself." (Bruno Groening) Dr. med. F. Gringinger

The teachings of Bruno Groening make it possible to make contact with the divine energy -the Heilstrom*-- and thus to acquire spiritual help and healing. This contact impressed me so much that after opening my heart and hands a transformation of my emotional world took place which has had a positive effect on all aspects of my life. I have had 20 years experience as a practicing gynaecologist and have been absorbing the energy now for 4½ years. I am so convinced of these teachings of Bruno Groening that I tune in (Einstellen*) for my patients. In doing so I have often seen help and healing occur through the effect of the Heilstrom*. There is no such thing as "incurable". Belief, hope, trustthe divine energy helps and heals. Dr. med. E. Hüttner

Today external values seem to possess too much significance. At the same time, fear of life and helplessness in the face of everyday problems and illnesses are increasing. As Bruno Groening demonstrated, these difficulties can be overcome through strengthening one’s belief and trust in the divine energy. We experience the power and significance of this truth in healing, in liberation from suffering. It is of great concern to me to make interested people aware of this. Dr. med. J. Kaufmann

All my life I had sought a spiritual home, and then found it a few years ago in the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends and the MWF. I have been working for over 20 years as a country doctor and also in alternative medicine with acupuncture, bioresonance, neural therapy and much more, yet I had been unable do much for myself. However, we physicians also have the obligation to keep ourselves strong and healthy, for only in this way can we work joyfully. I obtain the energy I need for that in the Circle of Friends and am grateful with all my heart. Since I have been in the Circle of Friends my whole life has changed completely. Dr. med. W. Kayling

As an holistic physician I try to find ways of stimulating the healing energy of the body. Nutrition, regular exercise and nutritional supplements can make a contribution. But through the teachings of Bruno Groening I discovered a much more powerful way to support this capacity for self-cure. Anyone who opens up his heart to the positive, strengthening energies and allows the Heilstrom* to enter in full force can experience spiritual healing. Bruno Groening has provided simple and very appropriate teachings for absorbing the spiritual energy. Many wonderful healings have already taken place through the application of his teachings. Dr. med. A. Matthijssen-Root

With an ever-growing number of people suffering from ever more complex syndromes, our reality today is determined on the one hand by a medical technology that, with its mania for getting things done, seems to regard the human being as nothing more than a body-machine in need of repair, and on the other hand by overall economic constraints. This is creating more and more insoluble conflict and is inevitably driving us doctors toward a new ethical orientation. It is here that Bruno Groening shows us a new beginning. He taught us and gives us through his continuing - and overwhelming -

activity living proof that true healing isn’t just a matter of "technology". Instead, it is made possible through a true "science of the heart" and a readiness for an inner turnabout. I have been able to convince myself of this through my own experience over several years despite - or indeed because of my membership in a typical repair-oriented "trade". Dr. med. dent. U. Meyding

It is extremely important - especially for a doctor - to realize that the human being is more than a mere bundle of bones and muscles weighing a few pounds. On the contrary, the human being is a living unity of body, mind and soul with a divine essence as centre. This divine energy in the centre of the human being not only connects him with the highest principle; it also influences him on all levels, from physical well being to spiritual well being. All-embracing health is impossible without the strengthening of this spiritual connection and without the harmonization of mind and soul. It would be a big mistake to only define the human being on the physical level, forgetting the other important and subtle levels of mind and soul and ignoring the connection with the universal principle. The teachings of Bruno Groening not only remind us of our deep relationship with the universal energy; they also help us to stabilize the harmony in our body, mind and soul. Bruno Groening’s principles can be compared with the Indian Vedic philosophies, which also attached great importance to the strengthening of the subtle inner energies. For me, the teachings of Bruno Groening are actually a systemized and understandable way to build up our inner energies and powers and bring our body, mind and soul in harmony. Dr. med. A. Mhalank

The teachings of Bruno Groening helped me personally to become free from illness. They help people, as proven in the medically verified success reports. There is no such thing as "incurable" - any disease can be healed. Through absorption of the Heilstrom* a person seeking healing experiences connection to God and thus has the possibility to actively participate in his healing. As Bruno Groening said, "God is the greatest physician." Dr. med. B. Schliecker

As a doctor working in holistic medicine I have already become acquainted with many ways of spiritual healing and don’t want to pass any of them up. What I especially like about the Bruno Groening Circle of Friends is that here the healings are documented with such extraordinary care and so completely. For one thing, these healing reports can give a justified hope to people with severe, "incurable" illnesses who would otherwise give up. For another, these documents provide factual data that the scientific world, too, can no longer ignore. The Medical Scientific Group of the Circle of Friends is accomplishing true pioneer work toward public recognition of spiritual healing. I feel compelled to help with this because I have repeatedly experienced spiritual healing through the teachings of Bruno Groening with patients, my family and myself.

Dr. med. V. Schmuckermeier

As an orthopaedic surgeon I often encounter patients with acute and chronic diseases for which we can really find no cure. That led me to the belief that there is a healing system in our body that has its source in a universal spiritual healing energy. The divine path pointed out by Bruno Groening is a glimmer of light for all those desperate people. I firmly believe that the divine power, different from everything else, heals diseases and, more than anything else, makes our lives completely happy. Dr. med. S. Shah

We are living at a time when more and more people are suffering from chronic illnesses and have to be sent home as incurable and beyond further treatment - even though such enormous sums of money have never before been expended for medicine and research. However, we are wrong if we think we can become well through a soulless medicine preoccupied with machines and medication. Not only doctors, but increasing numbers of patients, as well, find themselves at a dead-end. They regard themselves as victims of a misguided health policy and as pawns of a powerful pharmaceutical industry. After a few years of this little remains of their enthusiasm to help others and more and more of them end up completely exhausted. How wonderful it then is to hear of the teachings of a man, Bruno Groening, who has passed on a profound knowledge in such simple words! "There is no such thing as ‘incurable - God is the greatest physician! Bruno Groening showed us humans a completely different way of dealing with illness and worry. By absorbing an energy that Mr. Groening called the Heilstrom* we can restore the connection to our Creator and bring about an inner turnabout. I have been able to convince myself of the wonderful effects this has had on my whole life and I certainly don’t want to miss it anymore. It is so important for everyone, but especially for those in the healing professions, to experience how simple it is to absorb this energy and receive help from it in all aspects of life. Dr. rer. nat. H. Spiegl

"Trust and believe-the divine power helps and heals." Anyone can convince himself of the truth of this statement of Bruno Groening in his own body. Even though he may have previously regarded them as unconventional possibilities, a person sincerely seeking help and healing should give them his unbiased attention--even if in the beginning they seem beyond his imagination. How often one sees here in the success reports of former patients the wonderful effects of this life giving force! One realizes ever more clearly that every healing is a gift of God! Dr. med. A. Ungewitter

Bruno Groening is a guide. He directs me to my path and shows us how we can acquire wellness and thereby also spiritual salvation, as well. His path leads to God, regardless of religion, skin colour or age. Since it costs nothing it is affordable to everyone. Dr. med. dent. R. Wyler

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