Doctors Befooled In Pay Fixation In 6th Cpc

  • October 2019
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  • Pages: 2
Modality of Calculation of a Doctor’s Pay before the 6th CPC has been Basic = Basic scale as for everybody DP = DP has two components 1.DP on basic; say we name it ‘BASIC DP’( received by all employees) 2. + DP on 25% of basic ( because medical officers were getting that much additional DA on account of NPA on the date when 50% of DA was made DP and thus part of Pay) let’s call it ‘NPA – DP’ DA = DA has four components a. 24 % of Basic b. + 24% of ‘Basic DP’ (a & b components are received by all employees) c. + 24 % of ‘NPA-DP’ d. + 24 % of NPA Let’s see an actual illustration (the same as given in notification as well) A non MO pay

Old Scale

Non MO An is MO getting pay

Old scale

medical officer is getting

Basic DP

10000 50%

10000 5000

10000 50% (Basic DP) + 12.5% (NPA DP )

10000 5000 + 1250


24% of Basic + DP

2400 + 1200






Basic DP


Non MO gets now -

an MO gets now -

= 6250 2400 + 1200 + 300 + 975

24% ( on Basic) + Basic DP + 24% (of NPA DP) + 24% DA on NPA = 4875 Additional benefit in lieu of NPA- DP( 1250), 24% of NPA – DP( 300), and 24% of NPA (976) 21125 18600

976 19580

This has happened because of a trick that has been played on us “Like everybody multiplication factor for us also has been kept 1.86 and while it would be quite different for us as I show below” Basic Pay = 10000 DP = 5000 + 1250 (Contribution of NPA) {Our DP is not 50% of basic pay, it is actually 50% X 1.25(0.25 the factor due to NPA on basic pay) = 62.5 %} And our 24 % DA is therefore not 1.5 times 24% i.e. 36% ( that is how the 1.86 factor is arrived at) but 1.625X 24 + 24 % of ¼ of 1.625= 39 % + 9.75 % = 48.75% So therefore the multiplication factor for medical officers should be = 1.625 + 0.4875 = 2.1125 And not 1.86 + 24% of NPA DA on NPA which is given as 24% of 4063 = 974

Is actually 24% of ¼ of 1.625 i.e. 24 % of = 0.40625 i.e. equal to 0.0975 And therefore what we have been given is 1.9575 A good 2.1125 – 1.9575 = 0.155 times basic less; at the lowest of scale of 8000 it is equal to 1240 less in fixation It is therefore clear that while everybody who receives Basic + DP + (DA on BASIC + DA on DP) gets fixed at the same Basic + DP + DA on BASIC + DA on DP a medical officer who gets Basic + (Basic DP + NPA –DP) + (DA on BASIC + DA on DP + DA on NPA DP + DA on NPA) gets fixed on Basic + DP + (DA on BASIC + DA on DP + DA on NPA) and has lost two components  NPA - DP  DA on NPA –DP

The Illustration in the notification shows increased emoluments because of a jugglery which is as follows –  All other illustrations for employees other than medical officer do not show the existing emoluments nor does it compare the existing emoluments with revised basic pay.  They chose to show the net emoluments in case of medical officer along with grade pay ( revised basic pay) which definitely will make it higher because grade pay is roughly 40% of the start of the revised scale and actually more than 60 % of the original corresponding prerevised scale  While what the doctors have lost is 25% + 24% of 25% = 31% of the corresponding pre-revised scale making the loss not easily noticeable the net emoluments now still 29% higher than the ones in pre-revised scale. In later stages the loss becomes even less discernible because of increments which now are given as 3% of fixation and not any fixed increment. When seen with increased HRA, increased TA, Con A, RPA, PGA you almost are contented but beware! You are still being robbed of a just claim.  Mind you! Grade pay is awarded as fixation benefit on your previous emoluments and not as compensation to some previous emoluments which were to be taken away and therefore showing net emoluments along with grade pay is mischievous  But jugglery is obvious if you see it without the grade pay

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