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  • Words: 3,925
  • Pages: 31
Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Business Plan The Table of Contents

Executive Summary




Company Overview


Proucts an Services


The Mar"et


Market Definition


Market Segment








Distribution Channels


Advertising and Promotion






Mana'ement Team


Capital %e(uirements


)inancial Plan




!inancial Statements


Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Bussiness Plan

Executive Summary

"hether one is aiming an elegant# energ$ efficient# or a secure home amidst the rapidl$ changing outlook for taste in fanc$ accessories for their respective homes# the rising issues in energ$ consumption the %orsening challenges being given b$ the environment# families have  been having a great problem in addressing these things simultaneousl$& simultaneousl$& 't %ould then not be surprising that s$nergisticall$ addressing these things has long been a dream for man$# but# b$ introducing the products and services being offered b$ our compan$# Luntian  Luntian Doors Doors and Windows# such dreams that seemed ne(t to impossible turns them into a realit$& Doors and Windows Windows# have been providing our customers %ith the utmost "e# at Luntian Doors

)ualit$ products superior to others# use onl$ the finest products and cutting*edge technolog$ in our field# to meet the undoubting high e(pectations being set b$ the customers and the respective circumstances& +ur outstanding and e(emplar$ staff has been thoroughl$ trained to help the customers select the t$pe of door or %indo% the $ need# %hether it be interior or e(terior# e( terior# metal# glass or %ood# having been elegantl$ e legantl$ garnished or simpl$ decorated# among others& +ur %indo%s and doors are speciall$ set up to meet all of the challenges being be ing offered b$ the environment# such as harsh %inds# raining conditions# and e(treme heat& ,e have been licensed and insured compan$ %ith a seemingl$ uncountable $ears of e(perience- our proven )ualit$ %orkmanship and our %ide variet$ of selections hav e continuall$ set us apart from the competition being set b$ other companies& +n the other hand# if one is looking for%ard for high


Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Bussiness Plan

Executive Summary

"hether one is aiming an elegant# energ$ efficient# or a secure home amidst the rapidl$ changing outlook for taste in fanc$ accessories for their respective homes# the rising issues in energ$ consumption the %orsening challenges being given b$ the environment# families have  been having a great problem in addressing these things simultaneousl$& simultaneousl$& 't %ould then not be surprising that s$nergisticall$ addressing these things has long been a dream for man$# but# b$ introducing the products and services being offered b$ our compan$# Luntian  Luntian Doors Doors and Windows# such dreams that seemed ne(t to impossible turns them into a realit$& Doors and Windows Windows# have been providing our customers %ith the utmost "e# at Luntian Doors

)ualit$ products superior to others# use onl$ the finest products and cutting*edge technolog$ in our field# to meet the undoubting high e(pectations being set b$ the customers and the respective circumstances& +ur outstanding and e(emplar$ staff has been thoroughl$ trained to help the customers select the t$pe of door or %indo% the $ need# %hether it be interior or e(terior# e( terior# metal# glass or %ood# having been elegantl$ e legantl$ garnished or simpl$ decorated# among others& +ur %indo%s and doors are speciall$ set up to meet all of the challenges being be ing offered b$ the environment# such as harsh %inds# raining conditions# and e(treme heat& ,e have been licensed and insured compan$ %ith a seemingl$ uncountable $ears of e(perience- our proven )ualit$ %orkmanship and our %ide variet$ of selections hav e continuall$ set us apart from the competition being set b$ other companies& +n the other hand# if one is looking for%ard for high


Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Bussiness Plan

)ualit$ services# especiall$ for those looking for%ard for replacement of doors and %indo%s# %e have been offering a %ide variet$ of brands and st$les to choose from& +ne ma$ ma $ check out the great selection for replacement for doors and %indo%s# and be surprised that a home that seemed degraded ma$ be turned into an elegant one# b$ changing the out*of*st$le doors and %indo%s# %hile simultaneousl$ ma( the efficienc$ being brought&  Luntian Doors Doors and Windows Windows manufactures custom %ooden doors and %indo%s#

 primaril$ for residential construction& construction& Doors /solid %ood# %ood0glass or %ood0brass account for 234 of gross sales %hile %ood*frame %indo%s account for 134& +ur products are sold to Southern +ntario retailers %ith an increasing portion going to e(ports& he compan $ started b$ selling to the ne% home market in 1288 but in response to changes chang es in the marketplace is no% a leading supplier for the up*scale renovation market& +ur implementation plan %ill be carried out in t%o parts6 prepare for manufacturing# and marketing and selling the product& 'n preparation for manufacturing# %e plan to hire cheap labor and train them to engage them in full*service sales and installation purposes dedicated to satisf$ the needs for the customers doors and %indo%s& hat is# %e %ill purchase the re)uired materials ** steel# plastic# %ood# and other t$pes of materials depending on the product ** from %holesale companies in bulk# build our o%n protot$pe for a specific product# and thoroughl$ test our  protot$pe before starting mass assembl$& assembl$& "e "e estimate our startup startup time# completion of the first successful protot$pe# to be appro(imatel$ ranging from a %e ek to up to three %eeks& +ur )ualified team has e(pertise in such %orks# %hich %ill ensure successful product development and an unmatched reliabilit$ and )ualit$&


Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Bussiness Plan

'n marketing and selling the product# %e plan to hire kno%ledgeable salespeople# capable of convincing customers to promote the upliftment of their )ualit$ of life& o promote our product %e %ill sponsor $oung surfers# team up %ith companies selling complimentar$ products# and involve the compan$ in surfing communit$ events such as competitions& he total estimated cost for the installation and fabrication of doors and %indo%s shall var$ per piece# %hich shall be influenced mainl$ b$ the specific characteristics of the said product& Markups shall not be initiall$ included&

 Luntian’s Doors and Windows is one of the companies in the gro%ing market eager for

inventive ne% products and upgrades& "e at Luntian’s Doors and Window believe that the  products and services %e provide %ill create a more advanced and more productive e(change of  products to the ever*gro%ing industr$ of doors and %indo%s& "ith our proposal# %e offer $ou the chance to oin an industr$ %ith a strong trend of gro%th&


Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Bussiness Plan

 Mission Statement 

he Luntian Doors and Windows’  mission is to be the recogni.ed and the leading name in the manufacturing of high )ualit$ %indo% and door accessories# parts and services& 9eing a  performance leader means# %e %ill achieve operational e(cellence# industr$*leading customer satisfaction and superior financial performance& "e aspire to carr$ a reputation in the marketplace for developing and delivering our  products# that is# our doors and %indo%s in a time saving and better*%a$ products sold at a fair  price for uses in the market in a professional %a$& "e can achieve such a thing b$ closel$ understanding the market trends and needs of the public# having innovative and profitable merchandising and packaging and b$ having a cutting edge product development& o accomplish our goal# he Luntian Doors and Windows  needs a capital to start %ith# an e(perienced set of managerial staffs to keep the compan $ moving for%ard to%ards its goal# and  b$ having larger and more efficient facilities& 'n such a manner# achieving the said goals %ould be met in no time& 'n pursuit of our goal# %e resolve to treat stakeholders# customers# and the communit$ %ith utmost professionalism# honest$ and obe$ing the rules set b$ the respective parties& hese groups see our compan$ as providing an improved )ualit$ of life that have been derived from our  striving compan$&


Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Bussiness Plan

Company Overview

he Luntian Doors and Windows manufacture custom %ooden doors and %indo%s#  primaril$ for residential construction& Doors /solid %ood# %ood0glass or %ood0brass account for 234 of gross sales %hile %ood*frame %indo%s account for 134& +ur products are sold to retailers %ith an increasing portion going to e(ports& he compan$ %ill start selling to the ne% home market in but %ishes to be a leading supplier for the up*scale renovation market& +ur products fit %ell into overall social and economic trends& :enovation investment has continued to increase as the population ages6 people tend to sta$ more at home and invest in their comfort /cocooning& 'n addition# our market niche is fairl$ %ell protected against fluctuations in the real estate market6 high*)ualit$ doors and %indo%s add both resale value and comfort& 'n 331# renovation and alterations accounted for ;8&74 of household pesos and additions accounted for <&74& !urther# the appeal of %ood# a natural product# remains strong in toda$=s markets& 'ts %armth# solid look and silk$ feel are intangible factors favoring our speciali.ed  products& he manufacturing of custom %ooden doors and %indo%s is ver$ concentrated# %ith a fe% manufacturers occup$ing 754 of the market& ,o%ever# the renovation and construction markets have traditionall$ been ver$ fragmented# %ith a large number of small operators# both for  clients and suppliers&


Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Bussiness Plan

he mill%ork industr$ is stable and mature& Manufacturers produce a %ide range of fabricated mill%ork# including %ood mill%ork commodities %ith metal and plastic overla$s& "ithin the industr$# in terms of value# doors /;34 represent the largest segment follo%ed b$ %indo%s /including %ood# aluminum# metal and vin$l clad# 54& he niche market is significant# representing 54 of all sales& "hile the mill%ork industr$ generall$ follo%s fluctuations in ne% home construction# repair and remodeling investment remains stead$& he market for custom products such as those from he >untian Doors and "indo%s tends to be better protected from fluctuations here are no significant regulations for this industr$&


Luntian Doors and Windows Corp.

Bussiness Plan

 Products and Services

he Luntian Doors and Windows make# provide# install and do related services in various t$pes of %indo%s and doors# %hich include the element in the list# some of %hich are sho%n in the sample picture among others& he price ranges# P733&33*P8333&33 for %indo%s and P7333&33*P18333&33 for doors# are dependent on the dimensions of the specified door or %indo%# on the material used# and other characteristics as specified b$ the customer& 

@ntrance Doors

!rench Doors

Sliding Doors

Alu*Clad "indo%s Sash "indo%s imber "indo%s Sliding Sash "indo%s Alu "ood "indo%s ?:P "ood "indo%s riple ?la.ed

9i*!olding Doors

Patio Doors

"indo%s Double ?la.ed

,alf Doors

Pine Doors

9ack Doors

@(terior Doors

    

   

"indo%s imber Sash "indo%s "ooden "indo%s Alu*Clad Doors imber Doors


WID!W" *Alu-Clad Window Windows

*Timber Windows Sash Windows



*Alu-Wood Windows Windows

*Triple Glazed Windows Windows

*GRP Wood

*Double Glazed

*Wooden Windows

Sliding Windows

Bifolding Windows

D!!#" alf Door 

!ren"h Door 

*Ba"# Doors

*Pine Doors

*Timber Doors

Alternativel$# Luntian Doors and Windows deliver the follo%ing services6

     

Door and "indo% Services Maintenance "orks and :epairs 'nstallation Services :eplacement Services 'nspection Services Services for pgrades

Presentl$# the products and services being offered are in the development stage& "e plan to follo% this t$pe of e(emplar$ service %ith e(tensions to our line# %hich shall include steps that %ill pave the %a$ for a greater )ualit$ products and services& +ur products or services# ho%ever# is uni)ue because of the fle(ibilities it had offered %hich then stood out above the rest# including the innovation in hurricane impact %indo%s# a great leap that redefined products in its o%n respect&

The Mar"et  Market Definition

"e e(pect to compete in the local manufacturing and distribution of high )ualit$ doors and %indo%s# and be an internationall$ recogni.ed distributor& his market %as appro(imatel$ made for large and small scale construction and made order available in %holesale or retail& "e  believe# the maor future trend in the industr$ %ill be to%ards environmentall$ oriented# high )ualit$# and value oriented product offerings&

Market research suggests this market %ill gro% to be having shipments or deliveries around the countr$ b$ having branches nation%ide b$ the $ear 33& "e e(pect the niche in %hich %e compete to gro% more during this time& he maor forces affecting this change %ill be trends# demand# environmental issues and innovations& he area of greatest gro%th %ithin the industr$ %ill be focused on our doors and %indo%s designs# parts# accessories and services b$ setting standards&

Mar"et Se'ment

"e define our market segment as the light and ventilation of the buildings# home and other infrastructures& his segment has been stead$ in the last fe% $ears& 'ndustr$ e(perts like the Santiago doors forecast greater sales for the industr$ in the ne(t fe% $ears& he maor market segments are on production# design# services# etc& >ist# in general# the t$pes of customers %e are likel$ to reach such as retailers# contractors# construction firms# etc& he segment of the market is based on %indo%s that retail in the Php 733&33 B Php 8333&33 depending on the specification of the costumer and doors ranging Php 7333&33 B 18333&33 depending on the materials needed& Most of the sales in the segment are delivered on the specified place using truck& he charge is included on the package the costumer availed&

A t$pical customer for our product is a person %ho current ma$ use o ur products as one of his prospect to make good ventilation and design for his home# building# e tc& he$ are motivated to bu$ our product because of its uni)ueness since %e ensure customer satisfaction# high )ualit$ at reasonable price& "e kno% this from customer responses and feel our customers  perceive our products as good value

+ur product# does# ho%ever# have the follo%ing %eaknesses- man p o%er if the orders are made at high volume and a possible scarcit$ of ra% materials& "e are %orking to position our  product as a continuous innovation in order to reduce this vulnerabilit$ and hire people to increase man*po%er&


+ur marketing plan is based on the follo%ing fundamentals6 "e e(pect to penetrate the local then international segment of the market and achieve this  b$ using the retail# %holesale# mail order and internet as our primar$ distribution channels& 'n time# %e plan to capture 53*34 share of the market&


"e %ill position our product as good value for price and top )ualit$ %hich is a position not presentl$ being addressed b$ the competition& +ne demographic group in particular# the elderl$ has a particular need for this product# and %e tailor our positioning accordingl$&


"e arrive at our pricing based on market prices& "e revie% this pricing )uarterl$ to ensure that potential profits are not s)uandered& Customers seem %illing to pa $ as much as the specified price for their orders because of )ualit$ since %e can assure it to them&

*istribution channels

he distribution channels %e use for our product are retailers# %holesalers# contractors# etc& hese make sense for delivering our product to the end user because of the reputation of the  products& +ur channel %ill prove more advantageous because it %ill be kno%n and a trend %hen it comes to doors and %indo%s&

+vertisin', promotion, trae shows

 Luntian Doors and Windows have developed a comprehensive advertising and

 promotion strateg$# %hich %ill be implemented b$ the best possible firm %hen fund is completed& "e e(pect to have a presence in several national maga.ines as %ell as the trade press& "e %ill produce our o%n ads and be a part of ad campaigns of our E partners or +@Ms& +ur  publicit$ plan is to remain in constant contact %ith editors and %riters of different medias and seek stories and coverage that %ill introduce us to bu$ers&

"e plan to promote our product through a variet$ of onsite product sampling# give*a%a$s at fund raisers# sponsorship and other high leverage events& he obective of all our promotions is to e(pand the costumers# position our product as a premium brand# and strengthen our ties to the consumers&

 Luntian Doors and Windows participate in the follo%ing trade sho%s- economic green

a%areness and innovations participated b$ the managers and C@+ of the compan$ and talked about the efficienc$ of the products& "e have a regular displa$ booth of knock do%n construction %hich allo%s us to displa$ our e(isting products and introduce ne% ones& he follo%ing factors are taken into account %hen considering a trade sho%- %ill this event help deliver ou r message to our target audienceF Does the location of th e sho% have significanceF 's the time frame convenientF 's it a Gmust*go sho%GF


here are three maor manufacturers in the Philippines %hich is serving appro(imatel$ 754 of the doors and %indo%s segment6 :ockefeller "indo%s and Doors# Luntian Doors and Windows# and E Doors and "indo%s Services# %hose reputation have been established and is

offering different t$pes for the needs of the customers& Several local operations make up the  balance of the local marketplace %ith competition arising from artisan door makers&

Maor strengths of large competitors lie in the economies of scale given b $ their broad*  brush approach to the marketplace& he large si.e of these companies allo%s them better access to retailers across the Philippines&

9oth :ockefeller "indo%s and Doors and E Doors and "indo%s Services concentrate their efforts in aluminum and vin$l %indo%s# and are not positioned to enter the diverse range of  products to be introduced in the market %ithout significant investment and re*tooling# a significant advantage to these companies& he$ also offer doors but onl$ as an add*on to fill orders from their regular customers&

:ockefeller "indo%s and Doors has decided to concentrate on the manufacture of plain interior doors but has also entered into an agreement %ith a foreign compan$ to distribute their

!rench doors in the market in the Philippines& Although their doors are of lo%er )ualit$ and lack our uni)ue glass carvings and brass inla$s# the$ represent a significant threat to our products# especiall$ in the superstore market& >ocal artisans= products are most similar to ours# and %hile the$ generall$ have close relationships %ith architects and local builders# the$ are unable to suppl$ the larger retailers  because of their si.e and more speciali.ed nature of their products&  Luntian Doors and Windows’  advantage reside in its niche6 %e are big enough to suppl$

large retailers# $et offer high*)ualit$ %ood products that respond directl$ to the tastes of the mid to high*end market segment& @ven :ockefeller "indo%s and Doors higher )ualit$ products do not match our custom glass carvings and brass inla$s# and the Gone*si.e*fits*allG approach of the competition allo%s ample room for smaller speciali.ed competitors such as Luntian Doors and Windows to thrive& "e intend to continue positioning our products in the higher end of the

market& 'n superstores# %here our products are at the greatest disadvantage beside E Doors and "indo%s# our point*of*sale marketing efforts /H!eel the DifferenceI series have paid off and our sales remain strong&

 Risks and Opportunities

-usiness %is"s

Some of the maor risks facing our development include limited operating hours# limited resources and hence# had passed do%n to production uncertainties& ,aving these problems rooted mainl$ from the limited resources that greatl$ affected the production& "hile the suppl$ of the ra% materials needed is considered to be unlimited to some certain points of time# the )ualit$ of these sources var$& Providing )ualit$ materials is no eas$ task# and hence having a limited resource %ould impl$ a limited product being p roduced& he result of variabilit$ in log )ualit$ is lo% $ield from primar$ breakdo%n& sing a customi.ed production s$stem# that %ill have to be developed# it %ill be difficult to leverage profits from fi(ed costs particularl$ at earl$ stages of the business& ,ence# no%# since the resources being delivered varies from time to time# uncertaint$ issues arise and hence transform the problem itself to the limit in operating hou rs and production uncertainties& Also# it is also an emerging threat to the compan $ the increasing environmental and certification re)uirements for ra% materials that ma$ put do%n%ard pressure onto the industr$& 'nitiall$ profits %ill be lo%# resulting in tight cash flo%s and little fle(ibilit$&


Although our business toda$ has its share of risk# %e feel %e can overcome these risks  because of the skilled professionals and emplo$ees %e have recruited& heir e(pertise and the e(perience in similar instances %ould then be of great help in alleviating or# if possible# eliminating the said problems& "e %ill address the limitations being brought to our compan$ b$ doing a comprehensive stud$ to pave a %a$ in giving certain alternatives to keep the scorching determination of the compan$ to%ards success running# and to further complement the said solution# %e shall also be partnering %ith a larger compan$ %ho kno%s the market# and have had a much broader e(perience in such& ,aving their thoughts and opinions regarding the problems %ould be of great help to our compan$& 'f %e are able to overcome these risks# our compan$ has the opportunit$ to continuall$ dominate a niche in the marketplace# and conse)uentl$# become a maor force in the industr$ in the production of doors and %indo%s# and the services %e render& "e feel our brand# and our compan$ in general# could become kno%n as the premiere supplier of high )ualit$ products and services in the door and %indo% industr$# and being a role model in such an endeavor& "e think %e can achieve this goal in the ne(t fe% $ears# possibl$# b$ 5 $ears&

 Management Team



,i'e President ,i'e President "ales - $ar+eting 0inan'e - (''ounting Produ'tion and


"ales Distri&ution Pur'*asing Produ'tion (''ounts #e'ie)a&le


$anager $anager


$anager $anager

Capita Re!uirements

"e seek a sum of ₱ 1#533#333&33 of additional senior financing to fund our gro%th for the ne(t three $ears& At that time# %e %ill need an additional ₱ ;33#333 to reach a positive cash flo%  position& he initial stage of funding %ill be used to complete development of the business# to

Capita Re!uirements

"e seek a sum of ₱ 1#533#333&33 of additional senior financing to fund our gro%th for the ne(t three $ears& At that time# %e %ill need an additional ₱ ;33#333 to reach a positive cash flo%  position& he initial stage of funding %ill be used to complete development of the business# to  purchase e)uipment# to introduce and market our ne% product line# and to fund %orking& ,ere is a breakdo%n of ho% the funds %ill be spent-

Complete Development 


Complete development includes6 >egal e(pense for obtaining licenses and permits as %ell as •

• •

accounting services totaling ₱ 53#333 'nsurance coverage of ₱ 33#333 Pre*paid rent e(pense for  months for the %arehouse at ₱133#333

Pre*paid rent e(pense for  months for the office at ₱

3#333 Premise remodeling in the amount of ₱ 33#333

Purchase @)uipment


Market our ne% product line


!und %orking capital


!und %orking capital includes6 Start*up e(penses of ₱ 133#333 • Start*up Assets of ₱ 33#333 •

"e can provide and e(it for this investment %ithin 13 $ears b$ the sales earned b $ the compan$& 9ased on our proections# %e feel an investment in our Compan$ is a sound business investment& 'n order to proceed# %e are re)uesting an investment of ₱ 1#333#333 b$ anuar$ 31&

"inancia Pan

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