QUNUT NAZILAH Qunut is a recitation of doa in facing difficult times and situation and to ask Allah’s protection from any peril.
WAYS TO PERFORM QUNUT NAZILAH Qunut Nazilah can be done in every obligatory solat: Zohor, Asar, Maghrib, Isyak and Subuh. It is recited after ruku’ while in the position of I’tidal after reciting:
ُ رَبّنَا َوَلكَ الْحَ ْمد، ُسَمِعَ ال ّلهُ لِمَنْ َح ِمدَه. There are 3 ways that an Imam can recite this doa 1. Recite the Qunut for Subuh prayers only. 2. Recite the Qunut Nazilah only. (see attachment) 3. Recite the qunut for Subuh first and continue with the qunut nazilah. Important Reminder: •
Imam who does not memorized the nazilah prayers, they can recite the qunut as in Subuh prayers and the nazilah prayers can be read after solat.
Imam should remind his jemaah that qunut nazilah will be recited during the prayers and the ways of performing it.
Prepared by Office Of the Mufti Majlis Ugama Islam Singapura 2 Ogos 2006