MAN ARRESTED FOR STARTING 5 BULIDINGS ON FIRE! Dna Fingerprinting DNA fingerprinting is used in crime-scenes by finding potential suspects using traces of their DNA such as hair, blood, skin,and saliva. It was Alec Jeffreys who invented the technique in 1984, in Leincester University, UK. It works by gathering a smallsample of cells to test. Then an electric current separates the strands into DNA pieces, which are then transferred to a nylon membrane soaked with a radioactive solution. The radioactive chemicals bind with the DNA. Then suspects give a smaple of DNA, probably from a shot. Photos of the criminal's DNA and suspect's DNA are compared. If it's a match, you have your guy.
"DNA technolgoy could be the greatest single advance in the search for truth, convction of the guilty, and aqquital ot the innocent since the advent of crossexamination." said by Judge Joseph Harris, 1988.