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  • Pages: 25
Pallikonda is a very small village located about 24 kms from Vellore on the Bangalore Highway. Situated on the banks of Palar river, it houses a very beautiful and one of the most ancient Sri Uthara Ranganathar Temple

As Lord Ranganathar is in the Palli Konda (பள்ளி ொொொண்ட means reclining) posture, the place itself was called as Pallikondaan which later got shortened as Pallikonda. Here Sri Uthara Ranganathar gives Dharshan along with Sri Ranganayaki

According to the Sthala History, there lived a king called Amba Raja who was ruling this part of the country called Thiruvedhimangalam (today’s Pallikonda). He has been highly victorious and was enjoying all the worldly pleasures as a king. Having fed up with materialistic life, he one day realized that the purpose of his birth is only to get the Dharshan of Sri Maha Vishnu. He started worshipping Maha Vishnu for years together and was eagerly waiting to have his Dharshan. Years rolled by. But there was no sign of God appearing to him. He got frustrated and attempted suicide. While he was trying to commit suicide, a heavenly voice from the sky told him to be patient and to continue his prayers so that he will soon get the dharshan of God

The king became happy and continued his worships.

During the same time a debate came up in the Lord Brahma’s court hall (Brahma Sabha). It was about, who is the greatest among Durga (for courage), Lakshmi (for wealth) and Saraswathi (for wisdom). After a long debate, Lord Brahma gave a conclusion that Lakshmi is the supreme. Hearing this, Saraswathi got angry and walked away, leaving Brahma. Brahma tried convincing her and failed. Brahma went and prayed Lord Vishnu asking for a solution as he cannot live without Saraswathi. Lord Vishnu assured that he will try to bring down her anger Saraswathi took the form of a river named Vegavathi and started flowing through. Trying to stop her, Lord Vishnu lied in a reclining pose (Ranganathar) at Thiruvedhimangalam (Pallikonda). Knowing this, Saraswathi bypassed him adjacent to his feet and moved further

Lord Vishnu again went to another place along her route and stayed again in a reclining posture. This time Saraswathi cleverly bypassed him again above his head and went on Lord Vishnu decided to stop her some how and went and rested in another place again in the same posture obstructing her way. This time Saraswathi had to face Lord Vishnu obstructing her and was not able to move further beyond Him, as he is the supreme. Saraswathi’s anger subsided and she went into the earth at this third place where Lord Ranganatha reclined. After this event, as Amba Raja was worshipping eagerly to have His Dharshan, Lord Vishnu came back to Pallikonda and gave Dharshan to Amba Raja.

The first place where Lord Ranganatha tried stopping Saraswathi who was flowing as river Vegavathi (today’s Palar) is today’s Pallikonda. Here Palar flows at the down side of the Lord’s feet. The second place where he attempted to stop her is called Thiruppaarkadal now, near Kaverippaakkam on the Bangalore highway. Here there is a Lord Ranganathar temple where Palar passes on the head side of the lord. The third place where he finally stopped the river is called Thiruvekka, which is in Kanchipuram. There’s another Lord Ranganathar temple here again. In all the three places Lord Vishnu is seen in the reclined posture as Lord Ranganathar.

In Pallikonda Lord, Ranganathar gives Dharshan with Sri Ranganayaki on the banks of the river Vegavathi (today’s Palar). Also seen are Sri Devi and Bhu Devi This temple is said to have built by Vijayanagara Kings during 5th Century. Other deities of the temple like Lord Rama, Garuda, etc., have been built at various stages by many kings who ruled here. But Lord Ranganathar is said to be the Aadhi Moolavar which was excavated from the banks of the river and built by Vijayanagara Kings and Sambuvarayars. Situated on the river bank, in an ancient village with serene atmosphere, Sri Ranganathar temple stands tall, blessing many generations.

Pallikonda Sri Uthara Ranganathar



Pallikonda is a very small village located about 24 kms from Vellore on the Bangalore Highway. Situated on the banks of Palar river, it houses a very beautiful and one of the most ancient Sri Uthara Ranganathar Temple

As Lord Ranganathar is in the Palli Konda (பள்ளி ொொொண்ட means reclining) posture, the place itself was called as Pallikondaan which later got shortened as Pallikonda. Here Sri Uthara Ranganathar gives Dharshan along with Sri Ranganayaki



Pallikonda is a very small village located about 24 kms from Vellore on the Bangalore Highway. Situated on the banks of Palar river, it houses a very beautiful and one of the most ancient Sri Uthara Ranganathar Temple

As Lord Ranganathar is in the Palli Konda (பள்ளி ொொொண்ட means reclining) posture, the place itself was called as Pallikondaan which later got shortened as Pallikonda. Here Sri Uthara Ranganathar gives Dharshan along with Sri Ranganayaki


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In ancient India, the hero was Manu who survived the globalFlood "pralaya" with the Seven Rishis. In ancient Babylon, the hero's name was Zisudra who spear-headed the survival on the Ark of seven other humans, the Seven Apkallu. click the to advance > In ancient Egypt, the Flood hero was Toth who Please survived Deluge

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Indus Saraswati symbols

Were the Ancient Vedic civilisation of Indus Saraswati valley Please click to advance > Trans-Oceanic seafarers?

The Surya Siddhanta, A textbook on astronomy of ancient India, last compiled in 1000 BC, believed to be handed down from 3000 BC by aid of complex mnemonic recital methods still known today. Showed the Earth's diameter to be 7,840 miles, compared to modern measurements of 7,926.7 miles. Showed the distance between the Earth Please click to advance > and the Moon as 253,000 miles,

The value of "pi" was first calculated by Boudhayana, and he explained the concept of what is known as the Pythagorean Theorem. He discovered this in the 6th century long before the European mathematicians. This was ‘validated’ by British scholars in 1999. Algebra, trigonometry and calculus came from India. Quadratic equations were propounded by Sridharacharya in the 11th century. The largest numbers the Greeks and the Romans used were 106 whereas Hindus used numbers as big as 1053 with specific names as early as 5000 BC

India Maharshi Sushruta is the

father of surgery. 2600 years ago he and health scientists of his time conducted complicated surgeries like caesareans, cataract, artificial limbs, fractures, urinary stones and even plastic surgery. Usage of anaesthesia was well known in ancient India. Over 125 surgical equipments were used. Detailed knowledge of anatomy, physiology, aetiology, embryology, digestion, metabolism, genetics and immunity is also found in many texts. When many cultures were only nomadic forest Please click to advance > dwellers over 5000 years

India Brahmagupta, 630 A.D., said, the following about Gravity, “Bodies fall towards the earth as it is in the nature of the earth to attract bodies, just as it is in the nature of water to flow".

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India 

RigVedas (1.50), a hymn addressed to the Sun, refers quite clearly that the Sun traverses 2,202 yojanas in half a nimesha. This is in fact refers to the speed of light.

The World's First Granite Temple is the Brihadeswara temple at Tanjavur in Tamil Nadu. The shikhara is made from a single '80-tonne' piece of granite.

The world famous and priceless “Kohinoor” diamond, which is set in the Crown of the British monarch (Queen Victoria, and Elizabeth II), was acquired from India.

According to the Gemological Institute of America, up until 1896, India was the only source for diamonds to the world.

Chess (Shataranja or AshtaPada) was reportedly invented in India.

The game of snakes & ladders was created by the 13th century saint> Please clickpoet to advance Gyandev. It was originally

Kalarippayat - Origin of Martial arts – 200 BC

Kerala, South India, guardians of the origins of modern martial-arts, influenced by Yoga and connected to the ancient Indian sciences of war (dhanur-veda) and medicine (ayur-veda). The origin of kung-fu begins with the Please legend clickof to a advance > monk named Bodhidharma (also known as Ta Mo)


Classical Dance forms Mohini Attam

Bharata Natyam Odis si Kathakali Kuchipudi

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The words of Lord Krishna in the Bhagavad Gita. “After many births the wise seek

Lord Krsna counsels Prince Arjuna during the Great Mahabharata War, in Kurukshetra, India, circa

refuge in me, seeing me everywhere and in everything. Such great souls are very rare.” "Your very nature will drive you to fight, the only choice is what to fight against.” “On action alone be your interest, Never on its fruits. Let not the fruits of action be your motive, Nor be thy attachment to inaction. “ “This is how actions were done by the ancient seekers of freedom; follow their example: act, surrendering the fruits of action.” “For certain is death for the born, and certain is birth for the dead; Therefore over the inevitable you should not grieve. “ “For the uncontrolled there is no wisdom. For the uncontrolled there is no concentration, and for him without concentration, there is no peace. And for the unpeaceful how

“AUM” or “OM” The first sound of the Almighty – Infinite Reality - Oneness with the supreme

is the Sanskrit word for; Amen (Christian) Amin (Muslim) Aum (Hindu) Hūm (Bhuddist)

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