Divine Discourse By Swami

  • November 2019
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DIVINE DISCOURSE ON 26.04.2008 By Swami I heard that somebody refused the propagation of My divine knowledge based on the reason that this knowledge is the personal version of My self. Gita was told by Krishna only. Bible was told by Jesus only. Q’ran was told by Mohammad only. Buddhism was preached by Buddha alone. All the Brahma Sutras and Puranas were the personal version of sage Vyasa only. Shankara, Ramanuja and Madhva preached the three schools of philosophy as their personal versions only. Each Sukta in Veda was told by a single sage only and thus the entire Veda is a bundle of personal versions only. God told the scripture through several prophets. Since, God is only one, all the scriptures are the personal version of God. Even in science, each theory invented is a personal version of a single scientist only. The point is not that whether a concept is told by a person or a group of persons. You must examine the point logically and find its validity. If the point is right, it should be accepted even if it is told by a single person. If the point is wrong, it should not accepted even if it is told by a group of people. Generally, we accept a concept propagated by our old tradition. We give validity to the author, who is ancient. We neglect the author if he is existing in the present time. The ancient author was also modern in his time of existence. The present author becomes ancient after some time. Therefore, the validity of the ancient and modern terms is meaningless. When Shankara condemned all the atheistic arguments of Sankhya told by a sage called Kapila, the opponents opposed Shankara, at last by saying that Kapila is omniscient. Actually Kapila, the incarnation of Lord Vishnu, was really omniscient. Sage Kapila, who proposed atheism, was quite a different person. But, people have exploited the similarity of name. Then Shankara asked a question “If we have to agree the point of Kapila based on the omniscience conferred on Kapila, why not we should accept Kanada or Charvaka, who is also an atheist since their followers confer the same title on them also?” (Kapiloyadisarvajnah…). Our ancient tradition contains the merits established by our ancient sages. There is no doubt in this. But, their knowledge was mixed with the wrong concepts of some selfish followers, who branded their concepts in the name of the ancient sages. Hence, our present tradition is

a mixture of merits and defects. The blind follower of our tradition contains both right and wrong knowledge. A scholar or an ignorant person can be easily convinced by argument. A person, who is half known and half ignorant, can never be convinced even by God in human form (Brahmaapinaranjayati…)! The follower of our old tradition is a scholar due to the meritorious knowledge of sages and is also ignorant due to the wrong concepts of the followers. Hence, the follower of our tradition can never be convinced. The scripture alone cannot be the authority because the correct interpretation of the scripture is unknown due to existence of various interpretations. Hence, a logical debate is necessary to establish the correct interpretation of the scripture. The advocates debate in the court giving their own interpretations of the constitution. The Judge comes to a conclusion after a patient hearing of this logical debate. Similarly, you should come to the conclusion of the truth after a patient discussion with logical analysis. Then only the scripture is confined to the correct interpretation. By following the true concept of the scripture, one can get the correct experience of the fruit. Therefore, the authority consists of scripture (Shruti and Smruti), logic (Yukti) and experience (Anubhava). If the logic is not followed, the wrong interpretation of the scripture propagated by certain selfish people catches over your brain and you will be in the wrong track to loose the true experience. Based on such impartial logic only, one should filter the defects from the tradition and follow the merits. The uniformity in all the religions of the world is the uniform opinion of the single God for the entire world. The differences in the religions are the wrong interpretations of the followers, which were branded in the name of God. If you can filter these misinterpretations of the followers from all the religions, you will find the single concept of God that unifies the entire humanity to bring world peace. If one follows the wrong concepts of the ancient followers because they were his ancestors, he is no more different from the person, who drinks salt water from the well since it was dug by his father (Tatasya kupoyamiti…)! DIVINE DISCOURSE ON 27.04.2008 By Swami (In the inauguration function of Montessori Engineering college and college of Pharmacy, Vijayawada)

Today several people speak about the various ways to develop our country. All are forgetting one basic concept. The progress of a country is like the improvement of strength of a normal healthy person by giving various tonics. But, if the person is a patient of cancer, what is the use of talking about strengthening him without looking into the treatment of the cancer? Any number of tonics given to such patient becomes useless. Similarly, our country is not a normal healthy person, so that we can plan about the improvement of progress through several schemes. Our country is a patient suffering with the incurable decease of corruption. Unless this decease is cured, the country cannot progress by any number of schemes of education. The treatment for this decease lies only in the propagation of spiritual knowledge in the system of education. Corruption is another form of selfishness. There is no dearth of dynamism in education and in practical implementation of scientific concepts. The only concept that is lacking is spiritual knowledge. It is the most unfortunate issue because this country is said to be the king of spiritual knowledge in ancient times. In such country, even the practical implementation of fundamental spiritual concepts is not seen today! West was looking to East for the spiritual knowledge. But, the bridge constructed by a western like Arthur Cotton is strong due to lack of corruption, where as the bridges constructed by Indians, the so called most sacred Eastern people, are disappearing in days! The process of eradication of corruption is based on the concept of the existence of hell. Today our Indian brothers are so much educated in science to ask “Can you show me the hell in this cosmic space?” My reply to them is “Yes. I agree that I am incapable of showing the existence of hell in this space. But, can you show Me the boundary of this infinite space to prove the non-existence of hell in this infinite cosmic space? No. Now in this situation, the justified conclusion is the acceptance of fifty-fifty probability of the existence and non-existence of hell in this infinite space. This situation resembles to another situation, where a blind person is standing because one says that there is fire ahead and another person says that there is no fire before him. Now, if the blind person is wise, what shall be his choice? Assuming the existence of fire, the wise blind man will go back. By going back, there is no loss to him, even if the fire does not exist. But if the fire exists, there will be terrible loss to him.

Similarly, assuming the existence of hell, it is better not to do the sin of corruption or any other sin for that matter. If corruption is not done, there is no loss to you. Infact, there is an additional advantage of peace and courageous living of life in this world, which is good for your health, which is the best wealth! If the corruption is practiced, you will have to live with tension of its exposure and punishment in this world. Latter on, the torture in the hell is inevitable, if the hell exists in the context of fifty- fifty probability”. Such spiritual knowledge must be stressed every where in the system of education, so that a citizen with normal moral health is produced without the cancerous corruption. Then, all the plans of education will be successful tonics to improve the strength day by day. Today, everybody is neglecting the spiritual education everywhere in the system of education. They are concentrating only on the tonics and not thinking about the eradication of cancerous corruption that is induced into every future citizen. Today, people are thinking that the stress on the spiritual education in the ancient education system given by the kings was a foolish unnecessary activity. This missing point in the education is the source of all the present social chaos and injustice. The Government should be wise to identify this missing significance of the burning point. Activity (karma) is certainly appreciable than inactivity. But, the inactivity is better than being active in wrong direction. The process of learning and earning is important. But to learn the art of stealing and to earn the sin is worse than not learning anything and not earning anything. The object is more important than the process of activity. The founder of these institutions, Smt. Koteswaramma has shown tremendous progress. The source of success in her activity is the blessing of Shri Bhagavan Satya Sai Baba, who said to her “As long as you are selfless, nothing will stop you and you will receive the strength from God. Go ahead”. Such activity exists in several places in this country. But the activity, which is devoid of selflessness or corruption is always blessed by God here as well as there after the death of the human being. The life after death is again a matter of controversy with fifty – fifty probability because neither life after death is experienced nor the absence of life after death is experienced. Hence, one should be careful about the life here as well as there.

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