Divergence Project Jthomm

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 808
  • Pages:
The Complete Stories

Will our blind consumption of media lead to a place of chaos?

Q and A with richard Balm about his recent heart attack

Inside story: Looking back at Mr. Koresh

New “Dear Jas” John Hong releases new information on FRS stocks


Table of Contents

Inside story: pg. 8 Dear Jas: pg. 15 Q and A: pg: 23 John Hong: pg: 43

Dear Jas Jas, As a concerned parent I believe that it is important to expose my child to what is happening in the world but can overexposure happen with the multitude of ways to access information? Sincerely, Janice P. Dear Janice, I think you are right in the sense that children need to be exposed to information but the way they go about it should be monitored. The media at times portrays stories, information, and events as though they are the latest fashion which in turn causes a disconnect from viewers. The disconnect comes from the idea that many media sources are just out to get an attention grabbing story when really the facts should be told. It is hard to tell what is fact and what has been fancied up to be fact. Check it, Jas

Dear Jas, As a businessman who is constantly on the go I access my knowledge of the world around me from my Iphone. I don't have time to sit down and read the paper and watch various news stations. I simply RSS feed my news and call it a done deal. Do you think because of the growth technology has also influenced the growth in media coverage as well? Sincerely, Joel Pales Dear Joel, The answer to your question is a no brainer. Of course. The more ways news channels can spew their information out onto the masses the better. The question is when do the masses ever question what the media machine produces? For example if you take the David Koresh situation that happened back in the early 90's and add today's technology that situation would have looked completely different. The difference would have been society's consumption of the information. Understand that because we allow ourselves to be bombarded with maelstroms of media it is hard for everything to be processed. I think the David Koresh situation would have had a much more expansive spectrum of thoughts and opinions had the techonological resources been available at the time to media sources. Jas is a life longer learner who enjoys communicating and reading with a side of mint chocolate chip ice cream. Her advice column and other editorial pieces can be seen in The Complete Stories magazine bi-weekly. For a reflection piece of the Koresh situation read more about it on

page 4.

Treatment of the Unstable James Buck

It has been years since the Waco incident has happened. What if that event had been

treated differently would our current thoughts on media and mentally unstable people change? The question has been posed by an researchers, journalist, and passionate individuals.

One of the biggest opinions that floats around about David Koresh is that the govern-

ment did a poor job of dealing with a man who was clearly unstable and militant. Dr. Scott of John Hopkins University notes that the treatment of Koresh and his followers was poorly planned and inevitably was going to lead down to chaotic rebellion. A journal entry which had been found in the ruins of the compound was an example of just how destructive Koresh had become not only to other individuals but himself as well. The journal entry entailed how the authorities would soon understand the message he was trying to send.

An excerpt from the journal entry "If those bastards only knew what was planned. If they could imagine that we, the Davidians, are well prepared for our battle. We have been prepared and waiting for the right time and it is here. Here is now..."

Although this was found after the incident his action prior to the raid mirrored his

journal entry. It is interesting how insensitive the government has and is in situations dealing with those who are mentally unstable. The bigger question is why do we see this happening over and over again in our society? This same treatment was seen a in recent case of a young man who was hoarding 200 guns and his family in his home. The police in Columbus, Ohio said the house was filled with ammunition for fifty men and the family had not eaten in days. The police chose to deal with this man by surrounding his house and then breaking in from all entrance points. Why the police chose to deal with an unstable individual. As a society how come we have not learned to reflect upon moments in our society that we could learn from the most?

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