Dissociative Disorders Performance Task

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 349
  • Pages: 2
Dissociative Disorders Performance Task

You and your group (of 2 or 3 MAX people TOTAL) are going to come up with a patient, a patient’s story, a doctor, a doctor’s diagnosis and treatment decision & plan. Using the information you received about dissociative disorders, you will need to complete the following:

Create a patient with a story that would lead him or her to a psychologist/psychiatrist (to receive an eventual diagnosis of one of the four dissociative disorders). The story needs to show the appropriate causes of which disorder the patient will be diagnosed with and include symptoms they are experiencing as well.

Create a doctor who has a notebook in which they record key causal factors and symptoms that he or she will use to diagnose the patient. The doctor will also need to research and decide how to treat the patient.

Create a treatment plan that addresses the specifics of your patient’s past AND current symptoms – describe the method AS it will be used by your doctor for your patient. What will the outcomes be? How will EACH symptom be addressed? Each cause?

Materials you will need: ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

These instructions Your “Psychological Disorders” worksheet Your “Methods of Treatment” foldable Your “Methods of Treatment” worksheet packet The informational packet on dissociative disorders

What will be graded: Patient Story: • Past that includes causes for a dissociative disorder (not generic causes of the disorder – personalize it) • Description of specific symptoms currently being experienced (not generic symptoms of the disorder –

Doctor Notes: • Anything from patient’s story that is a cause or symptom of a dissociative disorder (must fit “criteria” of the APA’s DMS). • Doctor’s notes pairing the causes & symptoms to one of the four therapy types.

Treatment Plan: • Detailed plan of method of therapy as it will be used to treat the patient. • Each cause is addressed in therapy plan. • Each symptom is addressed in therapy plan.

personalize it) 33 points

33 points Total of 99 points will earn a 100

33 points

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