Dissertation Poster Pdf

  • June 2020
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The concept of the Humanistic approach to Education has been around for years and the work of the renowned educational theorist Carl Rogers has arguably left a legacy for education today. Rogers’ person-centered approach is one that is used world wide in education, Rogers’s belief that every human being strives for and has the capacity

‘’The good life is a process not a state of being, It is a direction, not a destination’’ - Carl Rogers -

Course Title: BSc in Education (Design Graphics & Construction) Name: John Keegan- G00332426 Supervisor: Dr. Marie English

Recommendations Proposed Teaching Strategy; ▪ Students given material by the teacher along with a brief. ▪ Students use their creativity to design a project from what they have been

to fulfill his or her own potential. Literature shows that the humanistic approach

given ( development of the mind).

considers at the ‘holistic’ or ‘whole person’ experience in teaching and learning, this

▪ The students create a goal for what they want to create.

is important today as the key skills outlined in the framework for the Irish Junior Cert

▪ The students will them use their own initiative to make the project with the

Research Findings

reform require the development of the whole person. It is reasonable to argue that

assistance from the class teacher. ▪ Students will be asked to present their workings to the class to improve their

Technical Education has a strong overlap with the humanistic approach as they have a resembling development of the person as a whole. The research methodology adopted for this dissertation is secondary research.

✓ The Humanistic approach to Education is one of the Psychology’s of Education. The humanistic approach

oracy skills.

to teaching arguably is one that is admirable as it portrays the development of a person as a whole


person and looks at the character of the person. ✓ Arguably, the nature of Technical Subjects is one that has Humanism at the core, the subject areas

Introduction The new Junior Cert Reform in Ireland has brought about emphasis of the development of a student as a whole. This is something that all educators need to take into account when planning lessons on an ongoing basis. Carl Rogers was among

consist of practical work with incorporates hand-eye coordination along with critical thinking in the

The Humanistic approach to education is one of the leading ones in education

process of project-based learning.

and is the direction in which education is moving in the technical classroom.

✓ The word ‘Phenomenology’ is one that is associated with Rogers belief and theory. It means the reality

Arguably the humanistic approach is the approach that aligns best with the Key

of our environment depends on our perception of it (Thorne & Sanders, 2012).

Skills outlined in the Framework for Junior Cert Reform by the NCCA, (NCCA,

✓ Carl Rogers had the belief that humans had two basic needs 1. Self-Actualization: the need to fulfill all of

2016). The author indicates that the humanistic approach is important as it is

one’s potential, 2. Positive Regard.

the founders of the humanistic approach to psychology and his theory has had a

crucial to develop the whole person.

huge impact on the education system that we have today. It is arguably directly linked with technical education the humanistic approach is one that we use in our


classrooms on an ongoing fashion.

I would like to thank the following people:

Aims and Objectives

▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪

➢ Establish a concise definition of the humanist approach to teaching and learning, and how it relates to the technical subjects;

Dr. Marie English for her supervision throughout. Dr. Susan Rogers for support during dissertation module sessions. Dr Pauline Logue Collins Mr. Anthony Clare Library Staff at GMIT Dublin Rd Campus for their assistance throughout the research process of the project.

➢ Outline the humanistic model of education based on the holistic approach by showcasing a holistic model of education to technical education; ➢ Identify the contribution left by Carl Rogers theory on education and the impact it


has on today’s education; ➢ Design a strategy that supports student meta-cognition based on the investigation of Rogers’s theory.

Fig 2.

Fig 3. Rogers Core Conditions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Fig 1: https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/here-there-and-everywhere/201101/6-amazing-things-carl-rogers-gave-us Thorne, B. & Sanders, P., 2012. Carl Rogers. New York: Sage. Heppner, P. P., Rogers, M. E. & Lee, L. A., 1984. Carl Rogers: Reflections on his Life. Journal of Counseling and Development, pp. 14-20. Fig 2: http://www.wordsalive.org/blog/2016/10/10/whole-person-development Fig 3: https://ferntreecounselling.co.uk/what-is-person-centred-therapy/ NCCA, 2016. Framework for Junior Cert Reform, Dublin: Dept. of Education and Skills.

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