Dissertation Abstract-infro

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  • Pages: 4
The potential teaching methodologies and tools to aid and assist the educational development for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in the technical subjects.


Submitted for the Award of Bachelor of Science (Hons.) in Education (Design, Graphics and Construction) to Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology, Letterfrack

Research Supervisor:

Mr. Anthony Clare


Marie English, Susan Rodgers


B.Sc. (Hons.) in Design and Technology Education

Module Title:


Date Submitted:

April 2019

Abstract This is a study that focuses on the nature and characteristics of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and proposes teaching and learning strategies that will enhance the experiences of pupils who suffer with this condition. In Ireland in 2016 it was recorded that 3.3% or 60,000 of the child population suffer with the condition of ADHD. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a medical/neurobiological condition in which the brain’s neurotransmitter chemicals, noradrenalin and dopamine do not work properly. Core problems that people with ADHD face are problems of attention, distractibility, short-term memory, learning problems, hyperactive impulses and poorly self-monitored behaviour. The teaching of these students is a major part of the differentiation that the teacher needs to provide for in the classroom. However, teaching a student with ADHD in the technical subjects may be challenging. There are several strategies used by teachers to help the teaching of ADHD students, such as the classroom environment, the amount of content given to students and allowing for creativity and revision aids. It can be difficult for a child with ADHD to comprehend cognitive behaviour modification and understand how selfverbalisation, self-observation and self-assessment of their own behaviour can be employed when they are having behavioural impulses. The role that prescribed medications can play on students with ADHD can significantly help the student to concentrate and complete work. The suggestion is that the technical subjects may be more suited to a child with ADHD. The use of technology and inquiry-based learning in the classroom and how it is suggested that this may benefit students with ADHD is highlighted frequently. This dissertation recommends teaching strategies for students with ADHD in the Technical Subjects to enhance a more positive learning environment for students. Secondary research was undertaken throughout.

Key Words: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Technical Subjects, Effective Teaching, Technology-Based Teaching, Inquiry-Based Teaching

Introduction The world we live in today is fast paced where there is constant change. Think about trying to cope with everyday tasks but doing so with an inability. You can find it difficult to focus on certain aspect of your work, distracted by your surroundings and unable to complete your work. This is the case every day for students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). ADHD is a commonly diagnosed mental disorder generally seen in children and teenagers. Children who have ADHD may be hyperactive and may have incontrollable impulses. Another symptom involves an inability to pay attention and this can be seen with home and school life. Worldwide about 3% - 5% of the population suffer with ADHD and about 60,000 or 3.3% of the Irish children suffer with ADHD. This is quite startling and makes it very likely that one of the students in a classroom will have ADHD (IrishHealth.com, 2018). In the context of the technical subjects which is the focus of this dissertation, the likelihood that an ADHD child is going to be in the classroom is much greater. The reason for this is that Schroeder & Ollendick (2012) tell us that boys are four times more likely to have the disorder than girls. According the Chief Examiners Report of Design Communication Graphics (DCG) in 2015 and Construction Studies in 2013, the number of males sitting the subject largely outweighs the number of females, with the females accounting for about 8-10% of the total number of students sitting the subject (Department of Education and Skills, 2013; Department of Education and Skills, 2015). This suggests the likelihood of having a student with ADHD in a technical subject class is quite high. Despite it being common among boys, the public understanding of the condition remains very low, simply being understood as a misbehaviour or frustration condition. For these reasons it is critical that the teacher understands the condition and knows how to manage the students suffering from this to help them to perform to the best of their ability in class. The overall aim of this dissertation to critically examine attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and explore how teachers in the technical subjects can use strategies based on technology-based

teaching and inquiry-based teaching to improve the learning experience of students suffering with ADHD. This dissertation will examine ADHD and will identify how the condition may affect the student’s behaviour, organisation, focusing, memory, emotion and the actions they take in the class. It will also focus on effective teaching strategies that can be used to teach students with ADHD, especially looking at technology-based teaching, inquiry-based teaching and allowing students to be active in the classroom by using resources like computers, mobile devices, tablets and the internet, while giving them freedom to work but with the responsibility of learning for themselves. The research on technology-based teaching and inquiry-based teaching will be used with a view to propose teaching methodologies that can be used by technical subject teachers in a modern classroom situation in teaching students with ADHD. This dissertation will make reference to the role of prescribed drugs for the treatment of ADHD and how they can be used positively towards the behavioural symptoms of inattention, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. The methodology used will be secondary research. This paper is structured in line with three main objectives. It will begin by examining ADHD, gathering an understanding for the condition, looking at how it affects students in the class and explores effective teaching strategies for teaching of students with ADHD. It will then examine and access technologybased teaching and especially the impact that it can have on a student with ADHD. Finally, it will develop a number of teaching strategies in the technical subjects, with the aim of these to be beneficial to students with ADHD and also the teachers who have to teach students suffering from the condition.

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