Discussions of Rabbi Meir & Rabbi Yehudah ()לקוטי שיחות חלק טז פרשת כי תישא
Rabbi Meir
Rabbi Yehudah
Procedure for making the anointing oil
Roots of the spices are boiled in the oil
Requires “professional mixing” and “pure oil”
Compromise on the pure oil in order to do proper mixing
Soak the roots in water (so as to prevent absorption of the oil), pour oil on the roots (to absorb the scent)
Like a ( שומר חנםunpaid guardian)
Like a ( שומר שכרpaid guardian
Current state of regular guarding has priority
Priority to return the whole object in the future
What circumstances does a ( שומר שכירrenter) pay?
How much does one need to עד כזית – אכילה eat to be obligated for Currently involved in eating Zimun Compromise made in the present to achieve a future perfect result
עד כביצה – שביעה Purpose of eating to be satisfied at the end