P1: Hi
P2: Hi
P1: Put your right foot forward
P2: My right foot?
P1: lean to the (à la) right
P2: Like this?
P1: Lift your right knee
P2: My right knee?
P1: Take your partner’s hand
P2: Take 2 steps forward.
P1: 2 steps backward?
P1: Hi
P2: Hi. Put your right foot backward.
P1: Right foot backward?
P2: Shake it.
P1: Like this,
P2: Lower your right arm
P1: my right arm?
P2: Take 4 steps back.
P1: take your partner’s hand
P2: Bye
P1: Bye
P1: Hi
P2: Hi
P1: put your right foot forward
P2: Like this?
P1: Yes. Move your hips (les hanches)
P2: Move the hips?
P1: shake your right hand.
P2: Like this?
P1: No, your right hand.
P2: The right hand?
P1: That’s (c’est) a leg
P2: Oh.
P2: Like this?
P1: move your right arm, not (pas) foot.
P2: Ok. I should (je devrais) shake my arm?
P1: Non. You shouldn’t dance.
P2: Well, I can ( je peux) nod my head
P1: You shouldn’t dance.
P2: I should move my left leg?
P1: Take 10 steps forward ( He walks out the door)
P1: Bye