Diploma In Investment Analysis

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DIPLOMA IN INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Written by :*Administrator*: Thursday, 23 March 2006

PROGRAMME STRUCTURE An understanding of the importance of managing the financial capital and investment opportunities is crucial to the success of a business entity or an investor. Realizing the growing need for professionals in the field of investment and finance, this programme is becoming a highly demanded programme among diploma students of the faculty. The programme which started in June 1981, is designed to develop and equip students with a good knowledge and understanding of investment and finance upon which they build a career. This programme also prepares students for the Bachelor programme in the field of finance and investment. This 3– year programme of 6 semesters covers a wide range of courses. It includes the study of finance, investment, accounting, economics, marketing, management, mathematics and statistics, language and communications, information technology and legal foundations. This wide range of courses provides students with the basis needed in facing the challenges in the future. RECOGNITION Holders of this diploma can proceed directly into the third semester of the Bachelor of Business Administration programme at the Faculty of Business Management, UiTM. Graduates can also further their studies at any local or foreign universities. PROGRAMME DURATION Three years (full time). CAREER OPPORTUNITIES Holders of this diploma will have the opportunity to work at stock broking firms, merchant banks, commercial banks, investment banks and the commodity share market. They can also choose to work at the finance department of various corporations.

ASSESSMENT Candidates are continuously assessed based on tests, assignments, term papers, class participation and final examination. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS SPM/SPVM or its equivalent with credits in English, Mathematics, Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia and two (2) other subjects.


The programme is offered at various UiTM campuses: Dungun, Arau and Segamat. Student Intake Admission of students is twice a year. Applications may be made:

1. Through the Unit Pusat Universiti (UPU) – June 2. Direct to Universiti Teknologi MARA – November

Year One and Year Two (Semester 1 to Semester 4) The first two years provide a foundation to various business related disciplines. Students are introduced to several foundation courses, which comprise: • 3 fundamental business courses: Management, Marketing and Finance • 3 economics courses: Microeconomics, Macroeconomics and Malaysian Economics • 2 accounting courses: Financial Accounting and Cost Accounting • 2 quantitative courses: Business Mathematics and Introduction to Statistics • 1 legal course: Business Law Students are also required to equip themselves with other knowledge and skills to further enhance their quality. These include taking courses in: • Computer & Information Processing • Business Communication • English and another foreign language • Islamic studies • Co–Curricular activities Year Three (Semester 5 and Semester 6) In the final year, courses related to investment and finance are introduced to the students. They are required to take two core investment courses: • Analysis and evaluation of equities • Analysis and Evaluation of Fixed Income Securities Other than these, students are also given the flexibility of selecting 6 elective courses from a range of 10 courses. For the first three electives, students are to choose either Investment Management, Behavior of Stock Prices, Administration of Stock Broking Firms, Fundamentals of Insurance or Asas Ekonomi Islam/Pemikiran and Tamadun Ekonomi Islam. As for the other three electives, choices include Portfolio Investment, Options and Futures, Law relating to Investment, Perniagaan Islam and Company Analysis. This wide range of investment and finance courses provides students with a strong foundation in facing the various challenges in the financial market. Other than taking these main investment courses, students are also required to take three other business related courses, which comprises of Human Resource Management, Information Technology in Business and Business Development. Last Updated ( Tuesday, 23 January 2007 )

DIPLOMA IN INVESTMENT ANALYSIS Ja’affar bin Mohamad Ketua Kursus DIIA ADBS (Fin.)ITM (1992) MBA, USM (1995) Ext: 2624

PENGENALAN Universiti Teknologi MARA merupakan satu-satunya Institusi Pengajian Tinggi tempatan yang menawarkan program Diploma Analisis Pelaburan. Program ini mula diperkenalkan pada bulan Julai 1981, bertujuan untuk melatih dan mengeluarkan lebih ramai professional bumiputera dalam bidang pelaburan dan sekuriti.Tempoh program DIIA ialah tiga tahun (6 semester) dan hanya ditawarkan di UiTM Kampus Segamat. Ianya di bawah kendalian Jabatan Kewangan dan Insuran, Fakulti Perniagaan dan Pengurusan, UiTM Kampus Segamat dan pada masa ini program ini dijalankan sepenuh masa.

KAEDAH PEMBELAJARAN Sepanjang tempoh pengajian, pelajar-pelajar dididik untuk menjadi seorang penganalisis pelaburan yang mahir dan berketerampilan. Kebanyakan subjek yang diajar adalah berkaitan dengan pelaburan sekuriti. Terdapat beberapa kemudahan yang disediakan bagi memantapkan ilmu pengetahuan pelajar-pelajar seperti Perpustakaan, Metastocks, AIQ, Pusat Komputer & Internet dan lain-lain.Disamping itu juga pelajar-pelajar digalakkan menganjurkan lawatan akademik ke Bursa Saham Kuala Lumpur, Bursa Komoditi, Firma-firma sekuriti dan sebagainya. Beberapa tokoh korporat dan penganalisis-penganalisis sekuriti terkenal dijemput untuk memberi ceramah dan bengkel kepada pelajar-pelajar.

PENGIKTIRAFAN Program DIIA telah diiktiraf oleh Jabatan Perkhidmatan Am pada 8 Mei 1986. Universitiuniversiti tempatan dan luar negara seperti Amerika Syarikat, United Kingdom, Australia & New Zealand juga mengiktiraf program ini.

SYARAT KEMASUKAN Lulus Sijil Persekolahan Malaysia (SPM/SPMV) atau kelayakan yang diiktiraf setaraf dengannya oleh Senat dengan mendapat kelulusan berikut: Kepujian dalam Bahasa Melayu/Malaysia Kepujian dalam Bahasa Inggeris kepujian dalam Matematik Kepujian dalam dua mata pelajaran yang lain

PENGAMBILAN Dua kali setahun iaitu pada bulan Disember dan Jun.

PELUANG KERJAYA Graduan DIIA mempunyai peluang yang pelbagai bidang tidak tertumpu di dalam bidang pelaburan semata-mata. Pelbagai organisasi dan syarikat menyediakan peluang pekerjaan. Para lulusan DIIA mendapat perhatian daripada firma-firma sekuriti, bank saudagar, tabung amanah syarikat perunding pelaburan dan sebagainya. Kebanyakan mereka terlibat di dalam bidang penyelidikan dan penganalisaan sekuriti tempatan dan antarabangsa.Para lulusan DIIA juga mempunyai peluang untuk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat Ijazah. Ini kerana program DIIA mendapat pengiktirafan dari universiti tempatan dan luar negara. Jika anda berminat atau ingin maklumat lanjut sila hubungi: E-mail:Pertanyaan DIIA atau menulis kepada: Ketua Kursus DIIA UiTM Kampus Segamat Beg Berkunci 527 85009 Segamat Johor Darul Ta'zim Tel:07 932 5527 Fax:07 932 5517

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