Digital Story Time

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 1,145
  • Pages: 5
Digital Story Time Teacher: Sonya Ann S. Blas Grade: 3 Subject: Language Arts Length: 7 Days

Analyze Learners – General characteristics •

20 students

Ages: 8yrs-9yrs

12 females/ 8 males

Accomodations: 1 student in a wheel chair, 1 ESL student (Chuukese)

Ethnicities: Chamorros, Philipinos, Chuukese, Korean, Chinese

Religions: Catholics, Mormans, and Christians

– Specific entry competencies •

Students understand the different components of a book including the front cover, title page, and bag cover.

Students understand the elements of a story; characters, setting, beginning (introduction of characters), middle (conflict), and end (resolution).

They understand the basics of a computer, including the mouse, keyboard, monitor, and printer.

– Learning styles •

Audio/ Visual


State Objectives – Students will work in groups to create a short story about a day at school, which should include all the story elements. – Students will work in groups to create a digital story book using Microsoft PowerPoint after writing their own short story.

– Students will use digital cameras to take still shots of themselves as pictures for their story book. – Students will present their digital story book to the class in which each member will read a part of the story. – Students will review the different elements of their story during their presentation.

Select instructional methods, media, and materials – Method •

Group learning

– Media •

Computer, Microsoft Power Point, Digital Cameras, Projector, thumb drive (provided by teacher)

– Materials •

Paper, pencils/pens, props, costumes (provided by students)

Utilize media and materials – Preview materials •

Ensure all students have self-provided materials (paper, pencils/pens). Be sure to have extra just in case.

Check all cameras to ensure that the batteries are fully charged and the memory cards are inserted.

Check computers to ensure that they are all working and have Microsoft Power Point.

Check the projector to see if the bulb is working and it is functioning properly.

– Prepare materials •

Ensure that cameras are ready to use for the days when students will be taking pictures.

– Prepare environment •

Ensure the room is clear of any unnecessary materials or distractions.

Reserve the computer lab for days the students will be working on their Digital Story Book.

Be sure that the group with the student in a wheel chair has the computers closest to the door.

– Prepare learners

Explain to the students what they will be doing and what is expected of them.

Explain the rules of the computer lab.

Require learner participation – Practice •

Teacher will read a story to the class using a digital story book made with Microsoft PowerPoint (using a projector) ✔ Review the components of a story book; Cover page, title page, back cover, etc. ✔ Review the elements of a story; characters, setting, beginning, middle, and end. ✔ Remind students that the pictures match with the words.

– Do •

Students will be broken into four 5 groups of 4 (Student in wheel chair will be placed in a group with at least two star students who are very friendly and helpful and the ESL student will be placed in a group with another Chuukese student who speaks fluent Chuukese and English).

Teacher will give students a handout with questions to help them brainstorm and develop their story.

Students will write their story using paper and pencil first.

Teacher will proof-read the story and have students make corrections if needed.

Students will begin their digital story book with text only and add pictures later. They will take turns typing the different pages of the book. They will save their file so that they may continue their work during another session.

Teacher will distribute one digital camera per group so that students can take pictures for their story book. ✔ Students will take turns taking pictures. ✔ Pictures should correlate with the words of the story for each page. ✔ Teacher will assist the group with the student in the wheel chair during times when students are able take pictures outside of the classroom.

Students will upload their pictures onto the computer and insert them into their Power Point onto each respective page.

When the digital story book is complete, teacher will have students save the file to a thumb drive.

– Feedback: tests, quizzes, demonstrations, presentations

They will present their story to the class using the teacher’s laptop and a projector. Each student will read a part of the story to the class.

Students will read their story to the class using the projector. They will discuss the following: ✔ The elements in their story; characters, plot, setting, rising action, climax, falling action, and conclusion. ✔ The front cover, title page, and back cover.

Evaluate and revise – Assessment of learner achievement – Students will be assessed as a group using a simple rubric provided below.

Subject Matter

Group Cooperati on

Digital Story Book Quality

Presentat ion



Needs Improvement

Students showed a great understanding of the subject matter. All elements were evident in their story.

Students showed an understanding of the subject matter. Not all elements were evident in their story. Students worked fairly well with each other. Most members contributed to the project.

Students showed little understanding of the subject matter. Not all elements were evident in the story.

Students worked well as a group. Each member contributed to the project. The digital story book was very neat, organized, and colorful. Font was easy to read and layout was excellent. Pictures correlated with the words on the pages. No grammatical errors.

Digital story book was fairly neat and organized. Font was easy to read. Most pictures correlated with the words on the pages. Few grammatical errors. Most members All members participated. Most participated. All voices voices were loud; some were loud and heard were soft and not easy clearly. to hear.

Students did not work well together. Most members did not contribute to the project. Digital story book was not neat and organized. The colors clashed and the font was not easy to read. Many pictures did not have anything to do with the text of the pages. Many grammatical errors. Most members did not participate. Most voices were soft and not easily heard.

– Evaluation of media and methods •

Did students learn how to use Microsoft PowerPoint presentation?

Did the students learn how to use a digital camera and upload pictures onto the computer?

Did the students learn about the different elements of a story?

Did the students learn how to work and cooperate in a group?

– Evaluation of instructor/instruction •

Did the students receive help from the teacher when needed?

Were the students interested in the topic and the activity?

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