Different Types Of Climate In The Phil.docx

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Subject SCIENCE (4th Quarter, Week 3)




JANUARY 30, 2019

I. OBJECTIVES A. CONTENT STANDARDS (whole grading) The learners demonstrate understanding of weather pattern in the Philippines. B. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS (whole grading) The learners should design an emergency and preparedness plan and kit. C. LEARNING COMPETENCY (per lesson) Describe the different seasons in the Philippines. (S6ES-IVc-3) D. UNPACKED COMPETENCY Discuss the different types of climate in the Philippines and its effect to the country and the people E. Integrated Subject/s Technology and Livelihood education 4.3 Explains the process and the importance of recycling. (TLE6IA0j-13) English 2.6 Distinguish text-types according to purpose and language features -Cause and effect EN6RC-IVa3. II. CONTENT Types of climate in the Philippines III. LEARNING RESOURCES REFERENCES - Curriculum Guide in Science 6, P.101 of 203 OTHER LEARNING RESOURCES - Technology I: Integrated Science Textbook for First Year. Villamil, Aurora M., Ed.D. 1998. pp. 209-210. MATERIALS - PowerPoint presentation, videos, and audio speaker. IV. PROCEDURE Engagement Drill: Group the pupils into four, let them stay by group. Let them do the guessing game through drawing. (Read the standards to follow when doing an activity.) Before the activity proper, each group will chose a representative that will be given 15 seconds to draw the thing that he/she picked from the box on the board while the other members of the group guess the name of the thing that he/she is drawing. Jacket Umbrella

T-shirt Pants


Short pants

Gloves Slippers





B. Exploration 1. Presentation of the new lesson 2. Today we will Discuss the different types of climate in the Philippines and its effect to the country and the people. 3. Group the pupils into four and distribute the activity cards to each group and perform the assigned activity. (Literacy)

Group 1 Illustrate and Label the Types of Weather that you experience in our locality

Group 2 Illustrate the things that contribute to the climate change.

Group 3 Illustrate the actions to be done to avoid or control climate change.

Group 4 Illustrate a world that is progressive and free from the hazardous effect of climate change.

Explanation: 1. Reporting of the groups outputs. 2. Analyzing and discussions of pupils answers. 3. The teacher asks questions to develop critical thinking. Ask questions according to the pupils output. (English Integration and Literacy) Present a situation about climate change and let the pupils identify the cause and effect. Elaboration: 1. Teaching part: The teacher will discuss through PowerPoint Presentation. Background information for teachers WEATHER refers to the condition of a place in a short period of time. WEATHER can change anytime. WEATHER refers to the condition of a place in a short period of time. CLIMATE is an average condition of a place over long period of time. Wet season is characterized by pronounced rainy season with thunderstorms . Wet seasons starts at June and peaks in July to September. Daytime temperature ranges from 30-36 degrees Celsius. Night temperature ranges from. 21-28 degrees Celsius. The air is hot and humid , which brings heavy rains and typhoon. During the wettest month, rain is almost in daily occurrence. Precipitation (rainfall) is highest in the area where Southwest Monsoon (Habagat) strikes. During rainy season it is advisable to carry an umbrella especially in the late afternoon. In this season, farmers are able to plant crops. Dry season is characterized by hot and cloudless days. Between January and May the climate is usually dry with occasional rain showers. During January and February, the air is cold and dry. The peak of the Dry Season is in April with less or no rain shower throughout the month. The Dry Season is influenced by the Seasonal Wind and the Northeast Monsoon (Amihan). The Northeast breeze from Siberia and Northern China is cool and dry, it brings

cold winds and cloudless days. Daytime temperature ranges from 25-32 degrees Celsius. Night temperature is 22 degrees Celsius. During dry season, from March to June temperature can reach up to 32 degrees Celsius. Critical thinking What are the activities that we can do during dry season? How about wet season? If you are going to choose between dry season and wet season, which one will you choose? why? What do you think will happen if there is only one season? Why do you think so? Creative thinking what kinds of illnesses can be experienced during wet season? How are you going to prevent this type of illnesses? Who causes pollution? Can pollution affect the climate to change? How? What will you do in order to control climate change? (Integration of TLE and Numeracy) We can control climate change by simply helping in proper waste segregation, proper waste disposal, educational campaign, and by using the Three R’s. One of the R stands for Recycling. Recycling is one way to prevent pollution which causes global warming and climate change. With recycling we can create new materials from wastes depending on how creative are we. We can gain profit by selling our recycled materials. For instance, a basket made out of papers. Maybe our expenses would total to 30.00 pesos because of the materials we have used like glue and glitters but we can dispose it with 100.00 pesos as a selling prize. So if we will create 10 baskets how much will be our total profit less the expenses? We should care for our environment because it is our life and the life of the next generation after us. Generalization The Philippine climate is warm and humid, it is considered as one of the world’s healthiest tropical climates. There are two pronounced seasons – wet and dry. Application: Answer orally. Tell whether the season is during Wet season or Dry Season. IV. Evaluation IDENTIFY THE FOLLOWING. Read the ff. situations and answer questions 1-3 I. Mang Gerry dries his crops under the sun II. The streets are flooded III. Farmlands and other areas are dry with few grasses and plants IV. Farmers prepare the field ready for planting 1. Which tells you that it is dry season in the country? a.1-2 b. 2-3 c. 3-4 d. 1-3 2. Which tells you that wet or rainy season has come? a. 1-2 b1-3 c 2-4 d3-4 3. What is an advantage of the wet season? a. 1 b.2 c. 3 d. 4 4. What phenomenon is characterized by excessive rainfall and floods? a. EL NINO b. LA NINA c. tropical cyclone d. both a and b Give at least two activities that can be done during wet season and dry season. 5. Activity during wet season. 6. Activity during dry season

V. Assignment: Make your own toy cart from empty box of soap, lids, barbecue sticks, yarn, scotch tape. VI. REMARKS ______Re-teaching _____Transfer of lesson to the following day ______Lack of Time

_____No class ______Achieved

VII. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers? Prepared By:

HENRY C. BALABAL JR. Teacher I Observed By: FRANCISCA N. MADAPIN Master Teacher II


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