Different Types Of Advertising

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  • Words: 1,439
  • Pages: 8
Unit -3 DIFFERENT TYPES OF ADVERTISING Print Advertising – Newspapers, Magazines, Brochures, Flyers • The print media have always been a popular advertising medium. • Advertising products via newspapers or magazines is a common practice Outdoor Advertising – Billboards, Kiosks, Tradeshows and Events • Outdoor advertising is also a very popular form of advertising, which makes use of several tools and techniques to attract the customers outdoors. • The billboard advertising is very popular however has to be really terse and catchy in order to grab the attention of the passers by. • The kiosks not only provide an easy outlet for the company products but also make for an effective advertising tool to promote the company’s products. Broadcast advertising – Television, Radio and the Internet • Broadcast advertising is a very popular advertising medium that constitutes of several branches like television, radio or the Internet. • Television advertisements have been very popular ever since they have been introduced. The cost of television advertising often depends on the duration of the advertisement, the time of broadcast (prime time/peak time), and of course the popularity of the television channel on which the advertisement is going to be broadcasted. • The radio might have lost its charm owing to the new age media however the radio remains to be the choice of small-scale advertisers. The radio jingles have been very popular advertising media and have a large impact on the audience. Covert Advertising – Advertising in Movies • Covert advertising is a unique kind of advertising in which a product or a particular brand is incorporated in some entertainment and media channels like movies, television shows or even sports. There is no commercial in the entertainment but the brand or the product is subtly( or sometimes evidently) showcased in the entertainment show. • Some of the famous examples for this sort of advertising have to be the appearance of brand Nokia which is displayed on Tom Cruise’s phone in the movie Minority Report, or the use of Cadillac cars in the movie Matrix Reloaded. Surrogate Advertising – Advertising Indirectly • Surrogate advertising is prominently seen in cases where advertising a particular product is banned by law. Advertisement for products like cigarettes or alcohol which are injurious to heath are prohibited by law in several countries and hence these companies have to come up with several other products that might have the same brand name and indirectly remind people. Public Service Advertising – Advertising for Social Causes • Public service advertising is a technique that makes use of advertising as an effective communication medium to convey socially relevant messaged about important matters and social welfare causes. • like , energy conservation, political integrity, deforestation, illiteracy, poverty and so on. Celebrity Advertising • Although the audience is getting smarter and smarter and the modern day consumer getting immune to the exaggerated claims made in a majority of advertisements, there exist a section of advertisers that still bank upon celebrities and their popularity for advertising their products. Using celebrities for advertising involves signing up celebrities for advertising campaigns, which consist of all sorts of advertising including, television ads or even print advertisements.

Developing an advertising campaign

1. Campaign responsibility 2. Target audience

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Campaign objectives Budget setting Media selection Ad development and testing Implementation and scheduling Evaluation


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Unaided Brand Awareness: focuses on what brands are top-of-mind for consumers in a particular category. Aided Brand Awareness: focuses on consumers’ awareness of a brand that is presented to them by name or logo. Ad Recall: focuses on consumers’ ability to recall seeing or hearing an ad for a specific brand. Message Association: focuses on the ability of consumers to accurately link a message or statement to the brand among a competitive set. Brand Favourability: persuasion metric that focuses on consumers’ overall opinion of a brand, using a scale ranging from “very favourable” to “very unfavourable”. Purchase Intent: persuasion metric that focuses on consumers’ stating willingness to consider buying a product/brand when in-market. A variation to this is behaviour intent, a gauge to measure intended behaviour (e.g., likelihood to ask a doctor about a brand).


Defining Advertising Goals for Measured Advertising Results. An advertising objective involves a communication task, intended to create awareness, impart information, develop attitudes or induce action. In the DAGMAR approach, the communication task is based on a specific model of the communication process, as shown below.

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Awareness Awareness of the existence of a product or organization is necessary before the purchase behavior can be expected. Awareness needs to be created, developed, refined or sustained, according to the characteristics of the market and the particular situation facing an organization at any one point of time. Comprehension Awareness on its own may not be sufficient to stimulate a purchase. Knowledge about the product or the organization is necessary. This can be achieved by providing specific information about key brand attributes. Conviction The next step is to establish a sense of conviction. By creating interest and preference, buyers are moved to a position where they are convinced that a particular product in the class should be tried at the next opportunity. To do this, audience’s beliefs about the product have to be moulded and this is often done through messages that demonstrate the product’s superiority over a rival or by talking about the rewards as a result of using the product. Action Communication must finally encourage buyers to engage in purchase activity. Advertising can be directive and guide the buyers into certain behavioural outcomes, Use of toll free numbers, direct mail activities and reply cards and coupons. Tupperware, Aqua Guard, are famous in Indian cities as a result of its personal selling efforts. AIDA MODEL Attention Interest Desire Action

Integrated promotion management (integrated marketing communication) Reasons for growing importance of IMC A shift of marketing dollars from media advertising to other forms of promotion , particularly consumer and trade oriented sales promotions A movement away from relying on advertising A shift in marketplace power A rapid growth and development of database marketing Integrated communication planning model Review of marketing plan Analysis of promotional program situation Analysis of communication process Budget determination Develop integrated marketing communications program Elements of promotion mix

Objectives Strategy Message and media strategy and tactics Integrate and implement marketing communications strategies Monitor ,evaluate, and control integrated marketing communications program

Media Planning Situational analysis(to understand the market problem) Size and share of the total market Sales history, costs and profits Distribution practices Methods of selling Use of advertising Identification of prospects Nature of the product Marketing strategy plan(to plan activities for solving the problem) Marketing objectives Product and spending strategy Distribution strategy Elements of marketing mix Identification of market segment Creative strategy plan(to determine what to communicate through advertisements) How product can meet consumer needs How product will be positioned in advertisements Copy themes Specific objectives of each advertisement Number and size of advertisement Setting media objectives To translate marketing objectives and strategies into goals that media can accomplish Determining media strategy To translate media goals into general guidelines that will control the planner’s selection and use of media . The best strategy alternatives should be selected Selecting broad media classes To compare and select best media with in broad classes again using predetermined criteria . If magazine ,which magazine If television ,which television broadcast or cable television network or spot television radio or newspaper Media use decisions Broad cast

which kind of sponsorship what levels of reach and frequency will be Required Scheduling Placements of Spots Print Number of ads to appear and on which days and months Placements of ads Special treatments Desired reach Other media Bill boards location of markets and plan of distribution kind of outdoor boards to be used Direct mail or other media

PROMOTION MIX Elements of promotion mix Advertising Direct marketing Interactive / internet marketing Sales promotion Publicity/public relations Personal selling Communication and motivational aspects

Understanding and analysing the target audience • Mass markets • Market segment s • Niche markets • Individual and group audience Elaboration likelihood model Persuasive communication Motivated to process Issue involvement Relevance commitment Dissonance arousal Need for cognition

Ability to process Distraction Message comprehensibility Issue familiarity Appropriate schema Fear arousal Nature of cognitive processing Favourable thoughts predominate or Unfavourable thoughts predominate or Neighter or neutral predominate Cognitive structure change Enduring positive change(persuation) or Enduring negative change(boomerang) If no condition Persuation cue present Self presentation motives Demand characteristics Evaluation apprehension Source characteristics If yes Temporary attitude shift If no Retain or regain initial attitude

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