Did Jesus Rise From The Dead

  • November 2019
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CLICK HERE to see other articles from Y-Jesus Magazine at www.y-zine.com

Chief Editor: Larry Chapman Project Coordinator: Helmut Teichert Editorial Director: Rick James Design: Hydragraphik ® Studio ( www.hydragraphik.com ) Sun Mountain Productions Article Editors: Rick James, Eric Stanford Copy Editor: Eric Stanford Writers: Larry Chapman, Rick James, Eric Stanford

Y-ZINE PO Box 6017 Great Falls, MT 59405 Copyright 2006 by Bright Media Foundation and B & L Publications. All rights reserved. ISBN 0-9717422-3-5


Body Count


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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to Dr. Bill Bright, who passed away before this project was finished. Dr. Bright enthusiastically endorsed and contributed to the development of the material presented in this endeavor. Special thanks are also due to Rick James and Eric Stanford, who have both spent countless hours clarifying some of the concepts presented. Several others have contributed greatly to the writing of these articles, including Dr. Henry Brandt, Dave Chapman, Dr. Bert Harned, and New Testament scholar, Dr. Ron Heine. The valuable input from Brian Ricci, ‘Jamin Latvala, and the Campus Crusade staff at the University of Washington were especially helpful and constructive. Special thanks also are due Helmut Teichert of Bright Media, who has been the overall director of the project. Finally I would like to thank my wife, Marianne, for inspiring me to undertake this effort.

Larry Chapman




Atheist Bertrand Russell, who doubted

ment, Jesus’ resurrection has given us

Let’s look at the evidence.

Jesus’ very existence, assumed that the

hope for eternal life beyond the grave. All of

resurrection of the body was impossible. In

Christianity hinges on that one promise.


die I shall rot, and nothing of my own ego

Theologian R. C. Sproul has stated, “The

But not everyone is willing to fairly examine

will survive.”1 Well, that’s cheerful. Russell

claim of resurrection is vital to Christianity. If

the evidence. Bertrand Russell admits

clearly bordered on the morose, but we’ve

Christ has been raised from the dead by God,

his take on Jesus was “not concerned”

all wondered, with perhaps more optimism,

then He has the credentials and certification

with historical facts.4 Historian Joseph

what will happen to us when we die.

that no other religious leader possesses. Bud-

Campbell, without citing evidence, calmly

dha is dead. Mohammad is dead. Moses is

told his PBS television audience that the

dead. Confucius is dead. But, according to …

resurrection of Jesus is not a factual event.5

Christianity, Christ is alive.”2

Other scholars, such as John Dominic

1926, Russell wrote, “I believe that when I

ead. d s i a “Buddh dead. s i d a m Moham . s dead ad. i s e s Mo s is de u i c u f o Con ding t r o c c But a ity... n a i t s Chri live.” a s i t s Chri

Crossan of the Jesus Seminar, agree with So different and so abnormal is all this that

him.6 None of these skeptics present any

a part of us would like to dismiss it as myth.

evidence for their views.

But is the resurrection to be relegated to a Sunday school story—or is there evidence?

To be honest, the thought that anyone could be dead for three days, and then

Researcher Josh McDowell said, “After

come back to life is cause for a strong

more than seven hundred hours of studying

dose of skepticism. But whereas cynics

this subject and thoroughly investigating

are closed minded to the facts, according

called “the great equalizer.” Thousands

its foundation, I have come to the conclu-

to Skeptic magazine, true skeptics always

of stone markers surrounded by spacious

sion that the resurrection of Jesus Christ is

keep their minds open to the evidence. An

green lawns tell the stories. Nobel Prize

one of the most wicked, vicious, heartless

editorial in the magazine states, “When we

winners. Beauty queens. Billionaires.

hoaxes ever foisted upon the minds of men,

say we are ‘skeptical,’ we mean that we

Presidents. All die. Someday it will be our

OR it is the most fantastic fact of history.”3

must see compelling evidence before we

turn. Are we to despair with Russell, or is

Right. So which is it?



R. C. Sp

Death has been

there hope? According to the New Testa-






As our cold case of Jesus’ resurrection gets

religion known to men ever dared

convicted of treason and condemned to die

underway, let’s put ourselves in the role of

say a thing like that.8

on a wooden cross. Prior to being nailed to

a skeptic who needs compelling evidence

the cross, Jesus was brutally beaten with

before we will believe such an incredible

In other words, since Jesus had clearly

a Roman cat-o’-nine-tails, a whip with bits

event really occurred.

told his disciples that he would rise again

of bone and metal that would rip flesh. He

after his death, failure to keep that promise

was punched repeatedly, kicked, and spit

would expose him as a fraud.


So let’s begin our skeptical inquiry of the res-

Then, using mallets, the Roman execution-

urrection with the events surrounding Jesus’

ers pounded the heavy wrought-iron nails

death and burial.

into Jesus’ wrists and feet. Finally they

SELF-PROPHECY In advance of his death, Jesus told his disciples that he would be betrayed, arrested, and crucified and that he would come back to life three days later. That’s a strange plan! What was behind it? Jesus was no en-


tertainer willing to perform for others on de-

dropped the cross in a hole in the ground between two other crosses bearing convicted thieves. Jesus hung there for approximately six

mand; instead, he promised that his death

You know what Jesus’ last hours of earthly

hours. Then, at 3:00 in the afternoon—that

and resurrection would prove to people (if

life were like if you watched the movie by

is, at exactly the same time the Passover

their minds and hearts were open) that he

road warrior/braveheart Mel Gibson. If you

lamb was being sacrificed as a sin offer-

was indeed the Messiah.

missed parts of The Passion of the Christ

ing—Jesus cried out, “It is finished” (in

because you were shielding your eyes (it

Aramaic), and died. Suddenly the sky went

would have been easier to simply shoot

dark and an earthquake shook the land.9

Bible scholar Wilbur Smith remarked about Jesus,

the movie with a red filter on the camera), When he said that He himself

just flip to the back pages of any Gospel in

Pilate wanted verification that Jesus was

would rise again from the dead, the

your New Testament to find out what you

dead before allowing his crucified body to

third day after He was crucified,


be buried. So a Roman guard thrust a spear

He said something that only a fool

into Jesus’ side. The mixture of blood and

would dare say, if He expected lon-

As Jesus predicted, he was betrayed by

water that flowed out was a clear indica-

ger the devotion of any disciples—

one of his own disciples, Judas Iscariot,

tion that Jesus was dead. Jesus’ body was

unless He was sure He was going

and was arrested. In a mock trial under

then taken down from the cross and buried

to rise. No founder of any world

the Roman governor Pontius Pilate, he was

in Joseph of Arimathea’s tomb. Roman

“The silence of history is deafening when it comes to the testimony against the resurrection.” Tom Anderson former president, California Trial Lawyers Association


guards next sealed the tomb and secured it

4. The account is legendary.

One place to find that is in the reports of

with a 24-hour watch.

5. It really happened.

non-Christian historians from around the time when Jesus lived. Three of these histo-

Meanwhile, Jesus’ disciples were in shock.

Let’s work our way through these options

Dr. J. P. Moreland writes of their mental state.

and see which one best fits the facts.

“They no longer had confidence that Jesus had been sent by God. They also had been


taught that God would not let his Messiah

rians mentioned the death of Jesus. • Lucian (c.120–after 180 A.D.) referred to Jesus as a crucified sophist (philosopher).13

suffer death. So they dispersed. The Jesus

“Marley was deader than a doornail, of that

movement was all but stopped in its tracks.”10

there was no doubt.” So begins Charles

“At this time there appeared

Dickens’s A Christmas Carol, the author

Jesus, a wise man, for he was

not wanting anyone to be mistaken as to

a doer of amazing deeds. When

the supernatural character of what is soon

Pilate condemned him to the

But it wasn’t the end. The Jesus movement

to take place. In the same way, before we

cross, the leading men among

did not disappear (obviously), and in fact

take on the role of CSI and piece together

us, having accused him, those

Christianity exists today as the world’s larg-

evidence for a resurrection, we must first

who loved him did not cease to

est religion. Therefore, we’ve got to know

establish that there was, in fact, a corpse.

do so.”14

what happened after Jesus’ body was taken

After all, occasionally the newspapers will

down from the cross and laid in the tomb.

report on some “corpse” in a morgue who

“Christus, from whom the name

was found stirring and recovered. Could

had its origin, suffered the ex-

In a New York Times article, Peter Stein-

something like that have happened with

treme penalty … at the hands of

fels cites the startling events that occurred


our procurator Pontius Pilate.”15


• Josephus (c.37–c.100A.D.) wrote,

• Tacitus (c. 56–c.120 A.D.) wrote,

three days after Jesus’ death: “Shortly after Jesus was executed, his followers were

Some have proposed that Jesus lived

suddenly galvanized from a baffled and

through the crucifixion and was revived

cowering group into people whose mes-

by the cool, damp air in the tomb–“Whoa,

sage about a living Jesus and a coming

how long was I out for?” But that theory

kingdom, preached at the risk of their lives,

doesn’t seem to square with the medical

eventually changed an empire. Something

evidence. An article in the Journal of the

happened… But exactly what?”11 That’s

American Medical Association explains

the question we have to answer with an

why this so-called “swoon theory” is unten-

investigation into the facts.

able: “Clearly, the weight of historical and medical evidence indicated that Jesus was

There are only five plausible explanations

dead. … The spear, thrust between His

for Jesus’ alleged resurrection, as portrayed

right ribs, probably perforated not only the

in the New Testament:

right lung but also the pericardium and heart and thereby ensured His death.”12

1. Jesus didn’t really die on the cross. 2. The “resurrection” was a conspiracy.

But skepticism of this verdict may be in order, as this case has been cold for 2,000 years. At the very least, we need a second opinion.

3. The disciples were hallucinating.


finding that on one spring day in the first

century The Jerusalem Post ran a front-

page story saying that Jesus was crucified

and dead. Not bad detective work, and

fairly conclusive.

In fact, there is no historical account from

Christians, Romans, or Jews that disputes

either Jesus’ death or his burial. Even Cros-

san, a skeptic of the resurrection, agrees

that Jesus really lived and died: “That he

was crucified is as sure as anything histori-

cal can ever be.”16 In light of such evidence,

we seem to be on good grounds for dismiss-

ing the first of our five options. Jesus was

clearly dead, “of that there was no doubt.”


No serious historian really doubts Jesus

was dead when he was taken down from

the cross. However, many have questioned

how Jesus’ body disappeared from the

tomb. English journalist Dr. Frank Morison

initially thought the resurrection was either

gw fro ing of res sk m the ith ep urr ov na e tic ec Bib t h r t ura em ism We tio le no l la ste an the tow w f dt r On Je n s b a .W he elie rd Eu su Iw ew the rat rop sC ith f th an ho ioEn tha e h a f o ted t r w a glis Je ist un no tn nd as . s d t h to a u h a t gre tur sto he jou ing s tio tak , alis its atl wi no ry rna ca et y o t t s f n ic h list fJ infl h C fai his all arp be hri es ue ry Fra an l s us i las n i e tal , t t di nk ian ce f s c ef ris tp l qu ea db ts Mo ity or ing int ha — r i t y c r r ad c i e k f s e t s se r h u m o o u res ult an Mo e tb n, m ch en of s. t d t wh ris the a i — s d ve the c p k o o k o e u t nd u de o p su g b l c s sa life tic rou eli am str ad pp ec se ps ism tin efs i e ide os n e of y w p do ch gd to thi as of ed it o wa dt a n o b ho fa w no s r r o s l e d a f e o s l a iev ma its les su inv thi gic nti d up s. 17 wo rre ng et ,m es qu ov rem ogm , cti tig ha uld mo erg al an iss i a t o a t y e t B ing n, te the re wr , i l d r wr c u y o tM ful the hu ite tha wt su gre ote ev ly e ma pp ori ab ide ho na fac at cla of xp so os nc oo n f t P his i s m e n p i e e k t c s r e r w , i t u i int on so ex d, ing an mi as rro an en po n “ s d u d T s t , as od t: nd illo he tun sin an dry gic ing gt He isc bo dt ne .” 18 fin al he db ov ok ally Je o r M e c e s my a on a y o r u g s l r as wh s’ et ly iso clu th. tha it w wr tor a n sio Th n t ’s b as itte he yf he ns is ori ull oo n, dis no .H ha gin k— bu tab co di et a t it nte ve Wh lly he le red ha pla n jou nd oM da .H n ed rna n o n ed . ee ve list en dt wa xtire he sl ly d e S ft h ton iffe igh e? ren — te did nd ing

FR EX AN PO K M SÉ OR In the TH ISO ea na AT N rly list 19 mo 00 NE AN Un ve s, ite me Ge VE D T dS n rm ha tw tat an pp R W HE e e s, re en cri ca ca sw tic ap r me i AS e r s art yin m ep a

This is a bit like going into the archives and


a myth or a hoax, and he began research to

The Jewish leaders were stunned and ac-

of his death but the fact that he was widely

write a book refuting it. The book became

cused the disciples of stealing Jesus’ body.

and obstinately believed, by an expanding

famous but for reasons other than its origi-

But the Romans had assigned a 24-hour

circle of people, to have risen again.”22

nal intent, as we’ll see.

watch at the tomb with a trained guard

The tomb was indeed empty. But it wasn’t

unit (from 4 to 12 soldiers). Morison asked,

the mere absence of a body that could have

Morison began by attempting to solve

“How could these professionals have let

galvanized Jesus’ followers (especially if they

the case of the empty tomb. The tomb

Jesus’ body be vandalized?” It would have

had been the ones who had stolen it). Some-

belonged to a member of the Sanhedrin

been impossible for anyone to have slipped

thing extraordinary must have happened,

Council, Joseph of Arimathea. In Israel

by the Roman guards and to have moved

for the followers of Jesus ceased mourning,

at that time, to be on the council was to

a two-ton stone. Yet the stone was moved

ceased hiding, and began fearlessly proclaim-

be a rock star. Everyone knew who was

away and the body of Jesus was missing.

ing that they had seen Jesus alive.

real person. Otherwise, the Jewish leaders

If Jesus’ body was anywhere to be found,

Each eyewitness account reports that Jesus

would have exposed the story as a fraud in

his enemies would have quickly exposed

suddenly appeared bodily to his followers,

their attempt to disprove the resurrection.

the resurrection as a fraud. Tom Anderson,

the women first. Morison wondered why

Also, Joseph’s tomb would have been at a

former president of the California Trial Law-

conspirators would make women central

well-known location and easily identifiable,

yers Association, summarizes the strength

to its plot. In the first century, women had

so any thoughts of Jesus being “lost in the

of this argument:

virtually no rights, personhood, or status. If


on the council. Joseph must have been a

graveyard” would need to be dismissed.

the plot was to succeed, Morison reasoned, With an event so well publicized,

the conspirators would have portrayed men,

Morison wondered why Jesus’ enemies

don’t you think that it’s reasonable

not women, as the first to see Jesus alive.

would have allowed the “empty tomb

that one historian, one eye witness,

And yet we hear that women touched him,

myth” to persist if it wasn’t true. The dis-

one antagonist would record for

spoke with him, and were the first to find

covery of Jesus’ body would have instantly

all time that he had seen Christ’s

the empty tomb.

killed the entire plot.

body? … The silence of history is

And what is known historically of Jesus’

deafening when it comes to the tes-

Later, according to the eyewitness ac-

timony against the resurrection.

counts, all the disciples saw Jesus on more


enemies is that they accused Jesus’ dis-

than ten separate occasions. They wrote

ciples of stealing the body, an accusation

So, with no body of evidence, and with a

that he showed them his hands and feet

clearly predicated on a shared belief that

known tomb clearly empty, Morison accept-

and told them to touch him. And he report-

the tomb was empty.

ed the evidence as solid that Jesus’ body

edly ate with them and later appeared alive

had somehow disappeared from the tomb.

to more than 500 followers on one occasion.


Legal scholar John Warwick Montgomery

Dr. Paul L. Maier, professor of ancient history at Western Michigan University, similarly stated, “If all the evidence is weighed

stated, “In 56 A.D. [the apostle] Paul wrote

carefully and fairly, it is indeed justifiable

As Morison continued his investigation,

that over 500 people had seen the risen

… to conclude that the tomb in which Je-

he began to examine the motives of Jesus’

Jesus and that most of them were still alive

sus was buried was actually empty on the

followers. Maybe the supposed resurrection

(1 Corinthians 15:6ff.). It passes the bounds

morning of the first Easter. And no shred of

was actually a stolen body. But if so, how

of credibility that the early Christians could

evidence has yet been discovered … that

does one account for all the reported ap-

have manufactured such a tale and then

would disprove this statement.”

pearances of a resurrected Jesus? Historian

preached it among those who might easily

Paul Johnson, in History of the Jews, wrote,

have refuted it simply by producing the

“What mattered was not the circumstances

body of Jesus.”23




“The appearance s of Jesus are a s well authenticat ed as anything in antiquity....T here can be no rational doubt that they occurr e

Michael Green, Br

itish Bible schola



Bible scholars Geisler and Turek agree. “If

No one has adequately explained why the

cannot be explained away. … This fact is that

the Resurrection had not occurred, why

disciples would have been willing to die for

… a profound conviction came to the little

would the apostle Paul give such a list of

a known lie. But even if they all conspired

group of people—a change that attests to the

supposed eyewitnesses? He would immedi-

to lie about Jesus’ resurrection, how could

fact that Jesus had risen from the grave.”29

ately lose all credibility with his Corinthian

they have kept the conspiracy going for de-

readers by lying so blatantly.”

cades without at least one of them selling


out for money or position? Moreland wrote,


British Bible scholar Michael Green remarked,

“Those who lie for personal gain do not

“The appearances of Jesus are as well authen-

stick together very long, especially when

Sometimes certain people can “see” things

ticated as anything in antiquity. … There can

hardship decreases the benefits.”27

they want to, things that aren’t really there. And that’s why some have claimed that the

be no rational doubt that they occurred.”25


Chuck Colson, implicated in the Watergate

disciples were so distraught over the cru-

scandal, pointed out the difficulty of several

cifixion that their desire to see Jesus alive

people maintaining a lie for an extended

caused mass hallucination. Plausible?

period of time. As if the eyewitness reports were not enough

Psychologist Gary Collins, former president

to challenge Morison’s skepticism, he was

I know the resurrection is a fact,

of the American Association of Christian

also baffled by the disciples’ behavior. A

and Watergate proved it to me.

Counselors, was asked about the possibility

fact of history that has stumped historians,

How? Because 12 men testified

that hallucinations were behind the dis-

psychologists, and skeptics alike is that these

they had seen Jesus raised from

ciples’ radically changed behavior. Collins

11 former cowards were suddenly willing to

the dead, then they proclaimed

remarked, “Hallucinations are individual

suffer humiliation, torture, and death. All but

that truth for 40 years, never once

occurrences. By their very nature only one

one of Jesus’ disciples were slain as martyrs.

denying it. Every one was beaten,

person can see a given hallucination at

Would they have done so much for a lie,

tortured, stoned and put in prison.

a time. They certainly aren’t something

knowing they had taken the body?

They would not have endured

which can be seen by a group of people.”30

that if it weren’t true. Watergate The Islamic martyrs on September 11

embroiled 12 of the most power-

Hallucination is not even a remote possibil-

proved that some will die for a false cause

ful men in the world—and they

ity, according to psychologist Thomas J.

they believe in. Yet to be a willing martyr

couldn’t keep a lie for three weeks.

Thorburn. “It is absolutely inconceivable

for a known lie is insanity. As Paul Little

You’re telling me 12 apostles could

that … five hundred persons, of average

wrote, “Men will die for what they believe

keep a lie for 40 years? Absolutely

soundness of mind … should experience

to be true, though it may actually be false.


all kinds of sensuous impressions—visual,

They do not, however, die for what they

auditory, tactual—and that all these …

know is a lie.”26 Jesus’ disciples behaved in

Something happened that changed every-

experiences should rest entirely upon …

a manner consistent with a genuine belief

thing for these men and women. Morison


that their leader was alive.

acknowledged, “Whoever comes to this problem has sooner or later to confront a fact that




Many scholars believe (in the words of an ancient commentator) that “the blood of the martyrs was the seed of the church.”

Morison was bewildered by the fact that

Historian Will Durant observed, “Caesar

Some unconvinced skeptics attribute the

“a tiny insignificant movement was able to

and Christ had met in the arena and Christ

resurrection story to a legend on a par with

prevail over the cunning grip of the Jew-

had won.”37

King Arthur’s round table, or Robin Hood.

ish establishment, as well as the might of those odds against it?


He wrote, “Within twenty years the claim

Morison became convinced that his precon-

of these Galilean peasants had disrupted

ceived bias against Jesus Christ’s resur-

multiple eyewitnesses are alive

the Jewish church. … In less than fifty

rection had been wrong. He began writing

to refute them. One historian of

years it had begun to threaten the peace

a different book—entitled Who Moved the

ancient Rome and Greece, A. N.

of the Roman Empire. When we have said

Stone?—to detail his new conclusions. Mor-

Sherwin-White, argued that the

everything that can be said … we stand

ison simply followed the trail of evidence,

resurrection news spread too soon

confronted with the greatest mystery of all.

clue by clue, until the truth of the case

and too quickly for it to have been

Why did it win?”35

seemed clear to him. His surprise was that

Rome.” Why did it win, in the face of all But there are three major problems with that theory. 1. Legends rarely develop while

the evidence led to a belief in the resurrec-

a legend. 32 By all rights, Christianity should have died

tion. He writes, “It was as though a man set

and don’t come with contempo-

out at the cross when the disciples fled

out to cross a forest by a familiar and well-

rary historical documents that can

for their lives. But the apostles went on to

beaten track and came out suddenly where

be verified. Yet the Gospels were

establish a growing Christian movement.

he did not expect to come out.” 38

J. N. D. Anderson wrote, “Think of the

Morison is not alone. Countless other skep-

psychological absurdity of picturing a little

tics have examined the evidence for Jesus’

equately explain either the fact of

band of defeated cowards cowering in an

resurrection, and accepted it as the most

the empty tomb or the historically

upper room one day and a few days later

astounding fact in all of human history.

verified conviction of the apostles

transformed into a company that no perse-

But the resurrection of Jesus Christ brings

that Jesus was alive. 34

cution could silence—and then attempt-

us back to the question: What does the

ing to attribute this dramatic change to

fact that Jesus defeated death have to do

nothing more convincing than a miserable

with my life? The answer to that question

fabrication. … That simply wouldn’t make

is what New Testament Christianity is all


about. (See article 7)

2. Legends develop by oral tradition

written within three decades of the resurrection. 33 3. The legend theory doesn’t ad-

s vement wa o m t n a ic nif g “a tiny insig the cunnin r e v o il a v able to pre lishment b a t s e h is Jew me....we o grip of the R f o t h ig the m greatest e h as well as t h it w fronted stand con did it win?” y h W . l l a mystery of ournalist , English j

on Frank Moris



Paul Edwards, “Great Minds: Bertrand

The Case for the Resurrection of Jesus


(Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2004), 49.

(Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House,


Frank Morison, Who Moved the Stone?

J. P. Moreland, Scaling the Secular City,

2000), 172.

Russell,” Free Inquiry, December 2004/Jan-

(Grand Rapids, MI: Lamplighter, 1958),


uary 2005, 46.

back cover.

Power to Change, www.powertochange.


R. C. Sproul, Reason to Believe (Grand

Rapids, MI: Lamplighter, 1982), 44. 3

Josh McDowell, The New Evidence That

Charles Colson, “The Paradox of Power,”


Morison, preface, 8.



Morison, 9.


Morison, 104.


Quoted in Josh McDowell, The Resur-


Quoted in Strobel, 238.

Demands a Verdict (San Bernardino, CA:

rection Factor (San Bernardino, CA: Here’s


Quoted in McDowell, New Evidence, 274.

Here’s Life, 1999), 203.

Life, 1981), 10.


Quoted in Jesus Under Fire, 154.


Habermas, 85.


Habermas, 87.


Morison, 115.


Quoted in McDowell, 249.


Bertrand Russell, Why I Am Not a Christian

(New York: Simon & Schuster, 1957), 16. 5

Joseph Campbell, an interview with Bill


Quoted in McDowell, The Resurrection

Factor, 66. 22

Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews (New

Moyers, Joseph Campbell and the Power of

York: Harper & Row, 1988), 130.

Myth, PBS TV special, 1988.


Quoted in McDowell, New Evidence, 249.


Durant, 652.


Norman L. Geisler and Frank Turek, I


McDowell, Resurrection Factor, 111.


Michael J. Wilkins and J. P. Moreland,

eds, Jesus Under Fire (Grand Rapids, MI:

Don’t Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist


Quoted in McDowell, 11.

Zondervan, 1995), 2.

(Wheaton, IL: Crossway, 2004), 243.


Quoted in McDowell 9.


“What Is a Skeptic?” editorial in Skeptic,

vol 11, no. 2), 5. 8 9


Michael Green, The Empty Cross of Jesus

(Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity, 1984), 97,

McDowell, New Evidence, 209.

quoted in John Ankerberg and John

Historian Will Durant reported, “About the

Weldon, Knowing the Truth about the Res-

middle of this first century a pagan named

urrection (Eugene, OR: Harvest House), 22.

Thallus … argued that the abnormal dark-


ness alleged to have accompanied the death

(Wheaton, IL: Victor, 1967), 44.

Paul Little, Know Why You Believe

of Christ was a purely natural phenomenon and coincidence; the argument took the existence of Christ for granted. The denial of that existence never seems to have occurred even to the bitterest gentile or Jewish opponents of nascent Christianity.” Will Durant, Caesar and Christ, vol. 3 of The Story of Civilization (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1972), 555. 10

Quoted in Lee Strobel, The Case for Christ

(Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 1998), 246. 11

Peter Steinfels, “Jesus Died—And Then

What Happened?” New York Times, April 3, 1988, E9. 12

Quoted in McDowell, New Evidence, 224.


Quoted in McDowell, Evidence, 82.


McDowell, 82.


McDowell, 81, 82.


Gary R. Habermas and Michael R. Licona,






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