Dich Viet Anh

  • November 2019
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DÞch ViÖt  Anh 1. ¤ng Êy ®îc tÊt c¶ c¸c sinh viªn quÝ träng bëi v× «ng Êy ®· cèng hiÕn hÕt m×nh cho viÖc gi¶ng d¹y vµ nghiªn cøu.  He is being repected by all students because he contributed all his life to teaching and researching. 2. Bªn c¹nh vµi nhµ m¸y, xÝ nghiÖp ®îc x©y dùng víi c«ng nghÖ tiªn tiÕn, nhiÒu nhµ m¸y xÝ nghiÖp ®· tån t¹i nhiÒu n¨m víi trang thiÕt bÞ l¹c hËu.  Besides some fatories have been built with advance technological. Many factories and enterpries have existed for many years with antiquated and worn out equipment. 3. D©n sè ViÖt Nam lµ h¬n 70 triÖu ngêi, trong ®ã lùc lîng lao ®éng trong tÊt c¶ c¸c lÜnh vùc kinh tÕ chiÕm 33 triÖu ngêi.  VN has a population of over 70 million of which the labour force is over 33 million is engaged in all economic sector. 4. Nh÷ng ®iÒu kiÖn lao ®éng tåi tµn nµy lµ nguyªn nh©n chñ yÕu g©y ra tai n¹n lao ®éng trong khi lµm viÖc vµ c¸c BNN.  The main cause of labour accidents and occupational disease is poor working condition. 5. Trong nh÷ng n¨m qua, chÝnh phñ vµ c«ng ®oµn VN ®· u tiªn cho viÖc c¶i thiÖn ®iÒu kiÖn lµm viÖc.  During the past few years, the Government and Trade Union of VN have given priority to the improvement of the working condition. 6. ChÝnh phñ ViÖt Nam ®· ban hµnh nhiÒu luËt ®Ó x¸c ®Þnh nh÷ng vÊn ®Ò cô thÓ liªn quan ®Õn BHL§.  The Government of VN has also promulgated many laws and regulations in order to define detail problems concerning labour protection. 7. BHL§ lµ 1 trong nh÷ng nhiÖm vô quan träng trong sù ph¸t triÓn kinh tÕ – x· héi cña VN.  Labour protection is one of the important tasks in the socio-economic development of VN. 8. BHL§ lµ 1 trong nh÷ng chÝnh s¸ch kinh tÕ cña §CS vµ chÝnh phñ VN.  Labour protection is one of the major economic policies of the Communist Party and Government of VN. 9. ViÖn BHL§ Quèc gia ®îc giao nhiÖm vô nghiªn cøu c¸c vÊn ®Ò cô thÓ vÒ ®iÒu kiÖn lµm viÖc vµ ®iÒu kiÖn khÝ hËu.

 The National Institute of LP is assigned to research specific questions about working and climate condition in VN. 10. ViÖc thùc hiÖn thµnh c«ng nh÷ng dù ¸n ®· t¨ng cêng kh¶ n¨ng cña viÖn BHL§ QG trong viÖc kiÓm tra, gi¸m s¸t vµ thùc hiÖn c¸c nhiÖm vô kü thuËt.  The successful implementation of the project has strengthened the national institute LP ability in inspecting supervising and carrying out technical services. 11. §Ó cã nh÷ng chuyªn viªn vÒ BHL§, viÖc ®µo t¹o hä ®îc coi lµ quan träng vµ cÇn thiÕt.  In order to have more experts of LP, training them are important and essential problem. 12. C¸c phong trµo quÇn chóng vÒ BHL§ ph¶i ®îc chó träng trong thêi kú CNH, ®Êt níc.  The public movements of LP need to be attention in processing of modernization industrialization of country.

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13. Sù hîp t¸c Quèc tÕ vÒ BHL§ cÇn ®îc më réng vµ thóc ®Èy nh»m sö dông 1 c¸ch cã hiÖu qu¶ sù gióp ®ì vµ kh¶ n¨ng cña c¸c níc vµ c¸c tæ chøc Quèc tÕ.  International cooperate in LP need to be expanded and to pushed in order to use effective the helps and experiences of other coutries and international organizations. 14. Trong suèt nh÷ng n¨m qua, viÖn BHL§ Quèc gia ®· ph¸t triÓn vµ ®¹t ®îc nh÷ng thµnh tùu ®¸ng kÓ trong c¸c ho¹t ®éng nghiªn cøu khoa häc trong ch¬ng tr×nh BHL§.  During the past few years, NILP has been developing and has achived considerable achievements in researching scientific and LP programs. 15. C¸c ®¬n vÞ, ngµnh, ®Þa ph¬ng cÇn hîp t¸c trong viÖc thèng kª, ph©n tÝch TNL§ vµ BNN nh»m t¹o ra c¸c c¬ së cho chÝnh s¸ch ®óng ®¾n vµ c¸c biÖn ph¸p ng¨n ngõa cã hiÖu qu¶.  The Units, branches and localities need to cooperate in statistic, analysing data about accidents and Occupational disease in order to issue installaion to right policies and methods preventions to have effect. 16. Nh÷ng kÕt qu¶ nµy còng thóc ®Èy m¹nh mÏ vµ ph¸t triÓn sù hîp t¸c Quèc tÕ cña ViÖn BHL§ QG víi c¸c níc trªn thÕ giíi.  These results have pushed strengly and developed international cooperation of NILP with other countries in the world.

17. ViÖc thùc hiÖn thµnh c«ng c¸c dù ¸n mang tÝnh céng t¸c ®ã ®· x¸c ®Þnh sù ph¸t triÓn cña ViÖn BHL§ QG nãi chung vµ vai trßn nghiªn cøu cña viÑn nãi riªng.  The successful implementaton of cooperative projects have defined the development of NILP in general and its role in researching inparticular. 18. C¸c tæ chøc vµ c¸ nh©n g©y ra c¸c TN vµ BNN hoÆc g©y ra ¤NMT nghiªm träng cÇn ph¶i bÞ trõng ph¹t nghiªm träng.  Organizations and individuals who have caused accidents and occupational diseases or seriously environmental pollution need to be strictly punished. 19. C¸c tæ chøc vµ c¸ nh©n lµm tèt c¸c nhiÖm vô vÒ an toµn søc khoÎ nghÒ nghiÖp cÇn ®îc ®éng viªn vµ khen thëng.  Organizations and individuals who have done well tasks of occupational safety and health should be encouraged and rewarded. 20. ViÖn BHL§ QG ®· t¹o ®îc sù ph¸t triÓn cña riªng m×nh vµ t¹o ra nh÷ng thµnh tùu ®¸ng khÝch lÖ trong viÖc b¶o vÖ an toµn, søc kháe vµ cuéc sèng cña nh©n d©n VN.  NILP has also created development of myself and encouraging achivements in protecting safety and health and VNese people life. 21. ViÖc nghiªn cøu KH-KT vÒ BHL§ cÇn ®îc ®Èy m¹nh vµ ph¶i ®îc coi lµ biÖn ph¸p ®Ó c¶i thiÖn ®iÒu kiÖn lµm viÖc, ng¨n ngõa tai n¹n vµ BNN.  The techinology and science studying about LP need to be boosted and regarded as an active solutions to improve working conditions and accident prevention and occupational diseases. 22. Cïng víi viÖc c¶i tæ tæ chøc, ph¶i chó träng ®Õn viÖc ®µo t¹o vµ ®µo t¹o l¹i ®éi ngò nh©n viªn, nh÷ng ngêi chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm vÒ BHL§.  Not only strengthening organization but also paying attention to train and retrain staffs who are responsible for LP. 23. An toµn lµ 1 yÕu tè v« cïng quan träng. V× vËy ta cÇn quan t©m ®Õn vÊn ®Ò an toµn trong trêng häc nh»m gióp häc sinh nhËn ra ®îc vai trß cña c«ng t¸c an toµn trong x· héi.  Safety is a very important element. So we must pay attention to school safety in order to help the students recorgize the role of safety in society.


c«ng t¸c an toµn ®îc tæ chøc tèt ë nhµ m¸y, xÝ nghiÖp, trêng häc th× hµng n¨m tû lÖ TNL§ vµ BNN sÏ gi¶m ®i rÊt

nhiÒu, ®iÒu nµy sÏ gióp cho ®Êt níc vµ mäi gia ®×nh tiÕt kiÖm ®îc rÊt nhiÒu tiÒn.  If safety movement are organized well in factorices and enterprises and schools; accident and occupational disease rate will be reduced. It will save much money for country and every family. 25. BHL§ lµ 1 trong nh÷ng nhiÖm vô quan träng trong sù ph¸t triÓn kinh tÕ x· héi cña VN. Tuy nhiªn VN vÉn thiÕu c¸c chuyªn gia ®ã. V× vËy viÖc ®µo t¹o c¸c kü s vÒ BHL§ lµ cÇn thiÕt.  Labour protection is one of the important tasks in the socio-economic development of VN. Hower, VN has lacked of experts so it’s very necessary to train LP engineers. 26. Ch¬ng tr×nh ®µo t¹o kü s BHL§ ®îc Bé GD chÊp nhËn vµo 1/2/1993. Vµ 50 SV khãa I tèt nghiÖp vµo n¨m 1997.  Training LP engineers program was accepted by ministry of education on 1/2/93. There were 50 students of the first course had graduated in 1997. 27. Sau khi tèt nghiÖp c¸c kü s cã thÓ tæ chøc qu¶n lý c«ng t¸c BHL§ trong c¸c xÝ nghiÖp.  After leaving university, engineers will be able to organize and manage LP movements in enterprises and manufactories. 28. C¸c SV tiÕn hµnh thÝ nghiÖm vµ lµm nghiªn cøu khoa häc t¹i c¸c trung t©m nghiªn cøu cña §HC§, ViÖn BHL§ vµ viÖn nghiªn cøu kh¸c.  Students carry out experiments and scientific research at the research centers at Trade Union University and NILP and orther in stitutes. 29. B¶o vÖ c«ng nh©n khái TNL§, BNN, c¶i thiÖn ®iÒu kiÖn lµm viÖc cho hä chÝnh lµ môc tiªu cña c¸c tæ chøc C§ trong nhµ m¸y, xÝ nghiÖp.  Protecting workers out of accident and occupational diseases, improving their codition are object of Trade Union in factories and enterprises. 30. Trong qu¸ tr×nh CNH, H§H ®Êt níc, viÖc quan t©m ®Èy m¹nh c¸c phong trµo vÒ BHL§ lµ 1 nhu cÇu bøc xóc cña c¸c tæ chøc C§.  In the processing of modernization and industrialization of country, It’s necessary for Trade Union organizations to improve and concern about public movements of LP. 31. Cã 1 vµi lo¹i thiÕt bÞ b¶o vÖ c¸ nh©n vÉn cßn thiÕu vµ chÊt lîng kÐm.  Some kinds of personal protective equipments have been lacked and low quality.

32. M«i trêng lµm viÖc bÞ ¶nh hëng bëi c¸c chÊt ®éc h¹i nh khÝ ®éc, h¬i ®éc, tiÕng ån.  Working condition is affected by toxic elements such as gases, gases vapour vibration, high level noise. 33. C§ VN còng ®· ban hµnh nhiÒu luËt ®Ó x¸c ®Þnh nh÷ng vÊn ®Ò cô thÓ liªn quan ®Õn BHL§.  Trade Union of VN has also promulgated many laws and regulations in order to define specific questions concerning about labour protection.

34. ChÝnh phñ ViÖt Nam ®· dµnh nh÷ng quÜ phï hîp cho c¸c ho¹t ®éng KHKT trong lÜnh vùc BHL§.  Government of VN has contributed many adequitable funds for scientific technical activities in LP field. 35. ViÖn BHL§ ®îc thµnh lËp vµo 1/5/1971 díi sù qu¶n lý trùc tiÕp cña Tæng L§L§ ViÖt Nam.  NILP was established on 1/5/71 under the direct adminitration on VGCL. 36. Trô së chÝnh cña ViÖn BHL§ ®îc ®Æt ë HN vµ 2 chi nh¸nh ë TP HCM vµ §N.  The head office of institute of LP is located in HN and two sub-institute of LP in HCM and DN city. 37. ViÖn BHL§ ®îc ph©n c«ng nghiªn cøu nh÷ng vÊn ®Ò c¬ b¶n vÒ ®iÒu kiÖn tù nhiªn vµ khÝ hËu ë VN.  The National Institute of LP is assigned to research basic problems about natural and climate condition in VN. 38. Do thiÕu c¸c trang bÞ BHL§, rÊt nhiÒu TNL§ th¬ng tiÕc trong qu¸ tr×nh lao ®éng trong nhµ m¸y, xÝ nghiÖp ®· x¶y ra.  Many regretful accidents have been happened because of lacking LP equipments in enterprises. 39. NSDL§ ph¶i chÞu tr¸ch nhiÖm cho c«ng nh©n bÞ tæn th¬ng do hä g©y ra cho ngêi lao ®éng.  It’s employees who are responsible for the injuries to their worker and the injuries caused by them to the others. 40. Trong qu¸ tr×nh ph¸t triÓn kinh tÕ x· héi ë VN, cïng víi n¨ng suÊt, chÊt lîng vµ hiÖu qu¶, BHL§ cÇn ®îc coi lµ nhiÖm vô quan träng nhÊt.

 In the process of development social-economic in VN, With power, quality and effect, LP is considered the best important task. 41. Nguyªn nh©n chñ yÕu g©y ra c¸c TNL§ trong khi lµm viÖc vµ BNN lµ do ®iÒu kiÖn lao ®éng tåi tµn, nh÷ng thiÕt bÞ l¹c hËu, vµ sù cÈu th¶ cña NL§.  Esential cause for accident at work and occupational diseases are the bad working conditions, antiquated and worn out equipment and careless of worker. 42. ThËt khã tëng tîng lµm sao chóng ta cã thÓ ®i tõ n¬i nµy ®Õn n¬i kh¸c trong 1 thêi gian rÊt ng¾n hay liªn hÖ víi nhau qua m¹ng mµ kh«ng cã sù gióp ®ì cña KHKT.  It is hard to imagine that we can move from one place to another place in a very short time or keep in touch with each other without the helping of science and technology. 43. Ph¸t minh vÜ ®¹i cña Thamles ®ãng vai trß rÊt quan träng ®èi víi cuéc sèng cña chóng ta. §iÖn ®îc sö dông trong hÇu hÕt mäi ho¹t ®éng vµ kh«ng cã g× cã thÓ thay thÕ ®îc ®iÖn trong cuéc sèng hiÖn ®¹i ngµy nay.  Thale’s great discovery has played an very important role in our life . Electricity is used in the most of activities and there is nothing that can replace it in modern life. 44. ChuyÖn kÓ r»ng 1 ngµy nä, chµng hoµng tö ®i vµo rõng vµ nh×n thÊy 1 c« g¸i ®ang ngñ, hoµng tö n¾m tay c« g¸i vµ v« cïng ng¹c nhiªn v× c« g¸i chÝnh lµ ngêi vî mµ chµng ®ang t×m kiÕm.  The story goes that one day, the prince went into the forest and saw a sleeping girl. The prince hold her hands and found to his great supprise that she was the wife that he was looking for. 45. Sau nhiÒu lÇn thÝ nghiÖm, nhµ b¸c häc Êy ®· ph¸t minh ra ®iÖn. Ph¸t minh cña c«ng gióp cho cuéc sèng cña chóng ta ngµy cµng tiÖn lîi h¬n.  After many experiment, that great scientist discovered electricity. This discovery has helped ourlife becomes more and more comfortable. 46. Nhê sù cè g¾ng cña gi¸m ®èc mµ tÊt c¶ c¸c c«ng nh©n ®Òu cã l¬ng cao vµ c«ng viÖc æn ®Þnh. V× thÕ mµ hä ®· cè g¾ng hÕt søc ®Ó lµm viÖc tèt h¬n.  Thanks to diretor’s effort, all the workers have got high salary and stable job, so they try their best to work better.

47. Cha bao giê t«i thÊy 1 tßa th¸p ®Ñp nh vËy. Nã cao kho¶ng 50m vµ lµ ®iÓm ®Õn cña hÇu hÕt kh¸ch du lÞch khi hä ®Õn thµnh phè.  I have never seen such a beautiful tower like that in my life. It’s high 50m and becomes the destination of almost tourists when they come that city. 48. Trong sè c¸c c©u hái: where, when, how, what, why. NhiÒu ngêi cho rµng why lµ c©u hái quan träng nhÊt.  Among these questions where, when, how, what, why, may people think that why is the most important question but I think how is. 49. TÝnh kiªn tr× lµ 1 trong nh÷ng ®øc tÝnh mµ chóng ta cÇn ph¶i cã ®Ó cã ®îc nh÷ng thµnh c«ng trong cuéc sèng còng nh trong c«ng viÖc.  Patient is one of the character which we need to have to succeed in the life as well as in the work. 50. Nhê vµo nh÷ng cè g¾ng cña c¸c nhµ sö häc mµ chóng ta biÕt ®îc nhiÒu vÒ lÞch sö anh hïng cña ®Êt níc. LÞch sö anh hïng nµy lu«n lµm cho tÊt c¶ ngêi VN tù hµo vÒ ®Êt níc cña m×nh.  Thanks to the efforts of historical, we know much about our history’s country. It always makes us who are Vnese people are proud of our country.


sÜ TrÇn HiÕu ®· cèng hiÕn c¶ cuéc ®êi cho nghÖ thuËt. ¤ng s¸ng t¸c nhiÒu bµi h¸t næi tiÕng. ¤ng ®· ®ãng vai trß rÊt quan träng trong sù thµnh c«ng cña lÔ khai m¹c SEAGAMES.  Tran Hieu musican devoted his life to art. He wrote many famous songs. He had played an important role in success of SEAGAMES opening ceremony. 52. NÕu b¹n lµ 1 ngêi khiªm tèn, b¹n ph¶i lu«n cã ®ñ dòng c¶m ®Ó nãi víi chÝnh m×nh lµ “T«i kh«ng biÕt”.  If you ‘re a modest person, you always have enough bravery to say “I don’t know”. 53. Dï kiÕn thøc cña b¹n cã tèt thÕ nµo ®i n÷a, b¹n vÉn ph¶i cè g¾ng häc ®Ó më réng sù hiÓu biÕt cña m×nh.  Although how good your knowledge is, you must try to study to improve it. 54. KHKT ®· thay ®æi cuéc sèng cña con ngêi trong suèt 100 n¨m qua. Sù thay ®æi nµy ®ang diÔn ra víi tèc ®é ngµy cµng t¨ng.

 Technique science have changed so much the our life during 100 years ago. This change have been continuing with speed in creasingly. 55. Khi cßn lµ 1 SV anh Êy ph¶i chÞu mäi khã kh¨n, nhng anh Êy ®· cè g¾ng hÕt m×nh ®Ó trë thµnh 1 SV giái. B©y giê, anh Êy ®· lµ 1 doanh nh©n thµnh ®¹t.  When he was a student, he had to put up with may difficulties, but he had tried his best to become a good student. Now, he is a successful bussiness man. 56. Sau khi tèt nghiÖp ®¹i häc, hä lÊy nhau vµ c«ng t¸c trong cïng 1 c¬ quan.  After greduading university, they got married and have worked in the same office. 57. Marie Curie kh«ng thÓ häc ®¹i häc v× lý do bµ lµ phô n÷.  Marie Curie couldn’t study an toµn the university for the reason that she was a woman. 58. Nhê cã tiÕn bé cña KHKT chóng ta ®· cã 1 cuéc sèng hiÖn ®¹i vµ tiÖn nghi h¬n.  Thanks to development of science and technology, we have had a more convenient and modern life. 59. §ång chÝ M ®· bá thuèc l¸ tõ l©u v× thÊy rÊt h¹i cho søc kháe.  Mr M have given up smoking for a long time because he relized that it’s harmful for health. 60. C¸c chiÕn sÜ c¸ch m¹ng ®· ph¶i chÞu mäi khã kh¨n thiÕu thèn, nhng hä quyÕt kh«ng tõ bá cuéc ®Êu tranh chèng kÎ thï.  Revolutionary soldiers had many diffculties but thay didn’t give up the battle for enmy. 61. M hy väng ®îc tham dù c¸c bµi gi¶ng vÒ khoa häc ë trêng §¹i häc.  M hoped to attend the science lectures at the university. 62. Trong thÕ kû nµy ®· chøng kiÕn nh÷ng thay ®æi to lín trong cuéc sèng vµ ®iÒu kiÖn sèng cña mäi ngêi.  In this century we have seen great changed in the life and living conditions of people. 63. ChuyÖn kÓ r»ng 1 ngµy nä Thales s¸t 1 mÈu hæ ph¸ch vµo èng tay ¸o vµ ng¹c nhiªn thÊy r»ng mÈu hæ ph¸ch hót ®îc nhøng mÈu l¸ kh« nhá.  The story goes that one day Thales rubbed a prieces of amber gainst his sleeve and found surprisely that it attracted small bits of dried leaves. 64. Khi c¸c nguyªn tö chuyÓn ®éng theo 1 híng th× dßng ®iÖn ®îc gäi lµ dßng ®iÖn 1 chiÒu.

 When electrons flow in one direction only, the current is called a direct current. 65. Tõ nhiÒu thÕ kû tríc ngêi ta biÕt r»ng nh÷ng hßn ®¸ nÆng mµu ®en cã thÓ hót s¾t vµ kh¶ n¨ng nµy ®îc gäi lµ tõ tÝnh.  It has been known for centuries that black hevavy stones have the property of attracting iron, this property being called magnetism.

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