Diccionario Del Agua

  • May 2020
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A Acid rain (noun) Lluvia ácida rain containing acids that form in the atmosphere when industrial gas emissions (especially sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides) combine with water The statue was deteriorated by the acid rain.

Acequia (noun) Acequia (1) An irrigation canal; an irrigation ditch or channel, a term commonly used in northern New Mexico. (2) A Spanish word used in the Southwestern United States in referring to a community irrigation ditch or canal. (3) Community-run irrigation ditches and/or the community-run organizations that manage them. These systems of water management are rooted in ancient Spanish custom and many still operate in northern New Mexico.

Carmen and Trini fell into the acequia while they were riding their bikes.

Aquatic (adj) Acuático (1) Consisting of, relating to, or being in water; living or growing in, on, or near the water. (2) Taking place in or on the water. (3) An organism that lives in, on, or near the water.

Shark is an aquatic animal.

B Bath (noun) Baño The act of soaking or cleansing a body, as in water or steam. Also, the water used for such cleansing.

We took a bath in Budapest’s terms.


Bay (noun) Bahía A part of a sea or lake, indenting the shoreline; a wide inlet not so large as a Gulf.

I’ll spend my holidays in a camping in a bay.

C Canal (noun) Canal A constructed open channel for transporting water from the source of supply tothe point of distribution.

We have visited the Canal of Castilla.

Cascade (noun) Cascada A short, steep drop in stream bed elevation often marked by boulders and agitated white water.

I’d love to visit the longest cascade in the world.

D Deep-water (noun) Aguas profundas. Of, relating to, or carried on in waters of a relatively great depth, for example, a deep-water port or a deep-water drilling for oil; Of, relating to, or characterized by water of considerable depth, especially water able to accommodate oceangoing vessels.

Be careful, you can fall in deep water! Diffusion (noun) Difusión. The movement of a substance from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. Turbulent diffusion results from atmospheric motions diffusing water, vapor, heat, and other gaseous components by exchanging parcels called eddies between regions in space in apparent random fashion. We have studied what diffusion is in Biology.


E Evaporation (noun) Evaporación (1) The physical process by which a liquid (or a solid) is transformed to the gaseous state. (2) The process by which water is changed from a liquid to a vapor. In Hydrology, evaporation is vaporization that takes place at a temperature below the boiling point. When water passes from liquid to gas is called evaporation. Estuary (noun) Estuario (1) An area where fresh water meets salt water; for example, bays, mouths of rivers, salt marshes, and lagoons. (2) That portion of a coastal stream influenced by the tide of the body of water into which it flows, for example, a bay or mount of a river, where the tide meets the river current; an area where fresh and marine waters mix. The Coastal Zone Management Act of 1972 defines an estuary as “that part of a river or stream or other body of water having unimpaired connection with the open sea, where the sea-water is measurably diluted with freshwater derived from land drainage.” These brackish water ecosystems shelter and feed marine life, birds, andwildlife.

It was beautiful to see Tajo’s estuary. Eutrophication (noun) Purificación. The degradation of water quality due to enrichment by nutrients, primarily nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), which results in excessive plant (principally algae) growth and decay. When levels of N:P are about 7:1, algae will thrive. Low dissoved oxygen (DO) in the water is a common consequence.

We saw the process of eutrophication in our last trip.

F Faucet (noun) Grifo Any device for controlling the flow of liquid from a pipe or the like by opening or closing an orifice; tap; cock. I have called the plumber in order that he arranges the faucet of the kitchen.


Fish (noun) pez, peces, pescado An aquatic animal I have been given a fish for my birthday.

Flood (verb) Inundar To inundate with water; cover or overspread with water; deluge.

The river flooded the village. Fountain (noun) Fuente It is an ornamental feature in a pool or lake which consists of a long narrow stream of water that is forced up into the air by a pump.

Yesterday I drank water of the fountain of my neighbourhood.

G Gargle (verb) Hacer gárgaras If you you wash your mouth and throat by filling your mouth with a liquid, tipping your head back and using your throat to blow bubbles through the liquid, and finally spitting it out.

The doctor sent me to do gargles for the sore throat.

Gull (noun) Gaviota Any of numerous long-winged, web-toed, aquatic birds of the family Laridae, having usually white plumage with a gray back and wings. Walking through the port saw a flying gull.


H Hail (noun) Granizo It consists of small balls of ice that fall like rain from the sky.

The hail spoilt the crop.

Hydraulic (adj) Hidráulico / Hidráulica Operated, moved, or effected by means of water.

In that hydraulic central electrical energy is produced.

I Ice (noun) Hielo It is frozen water. Give me a glass of water with ice, please.

Island (noun) Isla A tract of land surrounded by water and smaller than a continent.

I would like to go on holidays to an island.

J Jellyfish (noun) Medusa A free-swimming marine animal with a soft bell- or saucer-shaped body that has stinging tentacles around the edge. When I was bathing in the sea it punctured a jellyfish.


Jug (noun) Jarra It is a glass container that is used for storing liquid.

Yesterday I broke the jug of water.

K Keel (noun) Quilla Piece of wood or iron, which goes from stern to bow at the bottom of the boat that sits across your frame. I see the keel of a Colon’s ship. Kitchen sink (noun) Fregadero Wash basin. My grandmother washes the dishes in a kitchen sink. Knee-deep (noun) Hasta la rodilla Water reaching your knee. This river is knee-deep.

L Lachrymose (adj) Lacrimoso Tending to cause tears. This cleaning product has lachrymose effects.

Lagoon (noun) Laguna Natural reservoir of water, usually fresh and the smaller lake. Near my house, there is a lagoon.


Lake (noun) Lago Great mass of water stored in depressions in the ground. The lake has a lot of animals.

Lake District (noun) Región de los lagos al norte de Inglaterra. Lakes region in the north of England. We always go on holidays to the Lake District.

Landing (noun) Desembarco To reach land when sailing or flying. The landing in the port is very common.

Lather (noun) Espuma

Set of bubbles that form on the surface of liquid and stick together more or less consistent.

I love the sea lather.

Launch (noun) Bote Small boat and covered with cross planks that serve as row seat. It is used to transport people and baggage to large vessels, and to all traffic at the ports.

My launch is sinking.


Launch (noun) Lancha Big boat sailing, rowing, or steam or motor itself to assist in the operation of force that run on ships, and to transport passengers and cargo within the ports or between points near the coast.

My grandfather has a launch.

Launder (verb) Lavar Clean or wash something with water or other liquid.

The hotel staff launders and folds the bed linen.

Launderette (noun) Lavandería The place to wash clothes My mother washes her clothes in a launderette.

Lavatory = Loo (noun) Wáter Belonging or related to hygiene facilities of a house, a building, etc. My father built a lavatory/loo for my grandfather.

Leak (noun) Gotera Seepage of water through a roof. My house has leak in roof.

Leakage (noun) Fuga Out of gas or liquid by a hole or opening caused by an accident. My pipe has a leakage. 9

Leaking (adj) Con goteras with water seepage in the roof . The bricklayer is arranged my leaking roof. Let up (verb) Amainar

When the sea is becoming calm. The sea is letting up.

Lido (noun) Piscina, alberga

Pond for bathing, swimming or to the other exercises and sports. In summer, I always swim in a lido. Lifeboat (noun) Bote de socorro

Small boat and marine salvage specialist cover. The survivors were saved in lifeboat. Life-buoy (noun) Boya Body floating under the bottom of the sea, a lake, a river, etc.., which is positioned as a signal, especially to indicate a dangerous place or a submerged object. My brother has used a life-buoy until he learned to swim. Life jacket (noun) Chaleco salvavidas Sleeveless garment that covers the torso to the waist and is usually put over the shirt or blouse to be able to float in water. On board of aircrafts, they provide life jackets in case of landing on water.


Life-saver (noun) Salvavidas Floating ring used to rescue people in the sea. My sister was saved by a life-saver. Liter =litre (noun) Litro Unit capacity metric equivalent to the volume of a cubic decimetre. My mother drinks two litres of water a day. Lobster = locust (noun) Langosta Macruro decapod crustacean, which reaches up to five decimeters long, with all its legs ending in small tongs, four antennas, two central and two lateral short very long and strong, prominent eyes, almost cylindrical body, and tail long and thick. Fusco is light that turns red by boiling. He lives at sea, and their meat is delicate dish is. Last night, we ate lobster/locust for dinner. Lobster pot (noun) Langostero Boat used for the purpose of collecting lobsters. When I was in holidays, I saw a lobster pot.

M Machine washable (adj) Lavable a máquina Clothes or fabric that can be washed in the washing machine. My sister washes her machine washable clothes in the washing machine.


Mariner (noun) Marinero Person who works in a boat. I met a mariner in my summer holidays.

Maudlin (adj) Llorón/a Person who cries easily. We saw a maudlin girl in the park. Merchantman (noun) Mercante Person who sells goods. My grandfather worked as a merchantman.

Merchant marine (noun) Marina mercante Ships which contain goods to sell. These ships belong to the merchant marine. Mermaid (noun) Sirena Sea nymph with a bust of a woman and body of bird, which led sailors attract with the sweetness of his song. Some artists represent inappropriately with a woman's torso and bottom fish. In Amsterdam there is a mermaid. Milliliter (noun) Mililitro Thousandth of a liter, or cubic centimeter. My pitcher measures in millilitres.


Moist (adj) Húmedo Objects slightly impregnated with water or other liquid. My dog always has a moist nose. Moisten (verb) Humedecer Action of impregnating with water or some other liquid. I moistened my skin with essence oil. Moisture (noun) Humedad Wetness, dampness. I like smelling the moisture of the grass. Moisturize (verb) Hidratar Restore the normal moisture in the skin or other tissues. I always moisturize my skin after having a shower. Mollusc (noun) Molusco It is said of the metazoans teguments with soft, non-segmented body in adults, naked or covered with a shell, and with bilateral symmetry, are not always perfect. I like eating molluscs.

Morass (noun) Pantano Hollow to show and of course stop the water, with more or less muddy bottom. In my region there is a morass.


Motor launch (noun) Lancha a motor Big sailing boat, rowing with engine. I hate my friend’s motor launch. Mourn (verb) Llorar Request action of a liquid eye. I mourned because I lost a friend in a fire.

Mussel (noun) Mejillón Lamellibranch marine mollusk with a shell formed by two symmetrical shells, convex, almost triangular, bluish-black color on the outside, something anacaradas inside, and about four centimeters long. Has adductor muscles to close the shell, but the above is rudimentary. Lives hanging from the rocks through the byssus filaments. It is greatly appreciated as edible. My mother loves mussels.

N Nautical (adj) marítimo Belonging or related to navigation. The nautical boat is my favourite ship. Nautical mile (noun) Milla marina Measure length of route, which takes different values depending on the practice. A nautical mile is 1,609344 kilómetres.


Navigate (verb) Navegar Travelling by a ship or other vessel, usually by sea. I love to navigate. Navigation (noun) Navegación Related to sailing. My friend dislikes navigation. Navigator (noun) Navegante Person who navigates the sea. The navigators were always in the sea. Neap tide (noun) Marea muerta Regular and alternate movement of ascent and descent of the waters of the sea is calm. The neap tide is frequent in the Dead Sea.

O Ocean (noun) Océano Big and long sea that covers most of the land surface. In the ocean, there are a lot animals and plants.

Ocean bed (noun) Fondo del océano The bottom of the ocean. The submarines reached the ocean bed.


Ocean-going (adj) De alta mar Situation at sea, away from the coast. In the Pacific Ocean, there are a lot of ocean-going sharks. Ocean liner (noun) Buque Decked boat that size, solidity and strength, is suitable for sailing or maritime companies of importance. My sister loves Jack Sparrow’s ocean liner. Ofwat (office of water services) (noun) Agencia que controla el agua en Reino Unido Agency that controls the water supply companies in England and Wales. The Ofwat is the most important companies in UK.

Oilskins (noun) Impermeable Piece of cloth Impervious to water or other fluid. My oilskins jacket protects me from heavy rains. Osmosis (noun) Osmosis Passage of solvent but not solute between two solutions of different concentrations are separated by a semipermeable membrane. I study the osmosis in Science. Overcast (adj) Encapotado When it is about to rain. When overcast sky is dark, it is very likely to rain.


Oyster (noun) Ostra Lamellibranch marine mollusk with a shell valves unequal, rough, greyish color on the outside and white inside anacarado, most of which is convex and the other is attached to rocks. My grandmother loves oysters.

P Percolating water (adj) Agua filtrada Water that passes through rocks or soil under the force of gravity.

Ground water is percolating before going to the surface. Permeability (noun) Permeabilidad The ability of a medium to pass a fluid under pressure. Neither the reactive oxygen species nor the mitochondrial permeability transition appears to play an important role in this process. Product water (noun) Producto de agua Water that has passed through a water treatment plant and is ready to be delivered to consumers.

The water that comes to our homes is product water that comes from the treatment plants.

Q Quicksilver water (noun) Agua con mercurio. A solution of mercury nitrate used in gilding.

The river water contains a lot of Quicksilver.


R Receiver water (noun) Recibidor de aguas A river, lake, ocean, stream or other watercourse into which waste water or treated effluent is discharged. This river gets its water from streams near the receiver water.

S Safe water (noun) Agua potable Water that does not contain harmful bacteria, toxic materials, or chemicals, and is considered safe for drinking. The water in our homes is safe water.

Sewage (noun) Aguas residuales Waste fluid in a sewer system The water that we discharge to the rivers Is sewage.

Shipping Lane (noun) Ruta marina Sea route.

Many boats are still the lane shipping. Soft water (noun) Agua suave Any water that does not contain large concentrations of the dissolved minerals calcium or magnesium.

This is soft water safe for consumption.


Spring (noun) Manantial Ground water seeping out of the earth where the water table exceeds the ground surface.

This landscape there is a beautiful spring of water that you can take water. Surface water (noun) Aguas superficiales All water naturally open to the atmosphere, concerning rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, seas, estuaries and wetlands.

Surface waters are generally contaminated. Swimming Pool (noun) Piscina An artificial pool for swimming in. A swimming pool with sun terrace, a sauna, and a private treatment room ensure your relaxation.

T Transpiration (noun) Transpiración The process by which water vapour is released into the atmosphere after transpiring of living plants. The plants transpire through their leaves, ejecting water vapor.

U Undercurrent (noun) Corriente submarina, Resaca. A current below the surface of a fluid Colin tried to swim after him but the strong undercurrent swept them apart.


V Vaporize (verb) Vaporizar Turn into gas The substance vaporized. Vapour / Vapor (noun) Vaho A visible suspension in the air of particles of some substance. The plants transpire through their leaves, ejecting water vapor.

W Water (noun) Agua A fluid necessary for the life of most animals and plants. He asked for a drink of water.

Water (verb) Regar Supply with water, as with channels or ditches or streams. If you water those fields, vegetables will grow.

Y Yacht (noun) Yate An expensive vessel propelled by sail or power and used for cruising or racing. The King of Spain owns a yacht called Fortuna.

Z Zooplankton (noun) Animal constituent of plankton; mainly small crustaceans and fish larvae. Zooplankton includes salps, ctenophores, jellyfish, beroes and pteropods.


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