
  • October 2019
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  • Words: 985
  • Pages: 4
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!!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! Dieses File dient nur zur Information und Aufklaerung! Die Sysops erklaeren sich NICHT VERANTWORTLICH f�r Rechtsverstoesse, die durch diese Informationen entstehen. !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! ACHTUNG !!! H/P/A/V/M/C/I/D/P/!/L/F/O/! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.Introduction DIC-GEN is a dictionary generator for the use of Password Guessing Programs. Easy to use, fast to build the dictionaries. .What does DIC-GEN DIC-GEN is a dictionary creator with 2 different modes. The GUESSING or also called SENSITIVE MODE fills up '?' in a given word with Characters of a Charset. So if the word is 'Tes?' and the Charset is all lowcase characters, an OutputFile with 29 possiblities is created. From 'Tesa' to 'Tesz' plus 'Tes' and 'Tes?', cause also the possibility of leaving the search character away and that it may really be the `?` char is assumed. The BRUTE FORCE MODE just generates every possiblity of the Charset from the specified FROM and TO Word Length. So if From:1 To:2 and Charset:Upcase+Lowcase everything is created : A,B...Z,a,b...z,AA,AB..AZ,Aa,Ab...zz etc. The output is one word per line with carraige return and linefeed at the end. .The Commandline Options To get a onlinehelp, just type dic-gen, or dic-gen -?, or DIC-GEN ? and so on. Syntax : DIC-GEN.EXE Options : [Variable] [-Fx] [-Tx] Parameters :

The file to write the generated words to The Character Set to generate the words with. You use the following : A Upcase letters (Ascii 64 to 90) a Lowcase letters (Ascii 97 to 122) 1 Numbers (Ascii 48 to 57) $ Extendes Characters like !"$-. (many ;-) ^ Control Character (Ascii Chars 1 to 26) in any combination or just the word ALL to generate with the WHOLE ascii set from 1 to 255 ! Examples : 1Aa A ^$a aLl

Optional Parameters : If only 3 Parameters a specified, it's automatically the GUESSING or SENSITIVE Mode. For any '?' you put into this variable, it will be substituted with the Charset specified AND left out AND with the '?' as Character. Examples : Pa??wor? Tes? Illumi?ati M???



If 4 Parameters a specified it's automatically the BRUTE FORCE MODE. You must specify both, the -F(rom) and -T(o) Parameter for the word length. Valid Numbers are 1 to 12 Examples : -F1 -T8 -T4 -F4

Options mentioned with the `-` sign : you may also use a `/` ... Examples : (all these examples are valid!) DIC-GEN test.txt a Pa??wor? (would be DIC-GEN numbers.dic 1 -F1 -T4 (would be DIC-GEN lowbrute.dic a -F1 -T4 (would be DIC-GEN lowbrute.5 a -F5 -T5 (would be

a 215 KB File) a 65 KB file) a 2.3 MB file) a 80 MB file !!!)

IMPORTANT : If you specify a big range with many possiblities in the Charset the outputfile gets easy many 100 MBs big in size ! Never ever create a file with more then 7 characters in Brute Force Mode until you have at least 10 GIG space left ...

.Conclusion That's something to help you. Get this and be happy with it. .famous words You can you defeat your foes if you don't know who they are? .some infos Did you encounter Bugs, have questions or want/give the/a sourcecode? To contact, call L.O.R.E. BBS or email to [email protected] ++49-69-823282 login:THC pw:THC You want the New User Password of L.O.R.E. BBS? Ask c00l hackers & phreakers! Remember, we've got H/P/A/V/M/C/I/P/!/L/F/O/! stuff, which means Hacking, Phreaking, Anarchy, Virii, Magazines, Cryptology, Internet, Professionals and ! LAMERS FUCK OFF ! .Greetings The whole internet society except the goverment of all states. All the users on my bbs ;-) .History Version 1.0� released 10 October 95 1st public release .Future If there is the demand for it i'll put in these options : - Unix Output Format - (Birthday) Date Generator - Calculates the harddisk space needed before beginning to write the file ;) - Leave away critical characters like ^Z which is the end of a File in Text Mode, or ^M and ^J ...

- Specify an other Character for the Sensitive/Guessing Option then the '?' - Amiga Version, ST Version ... So tell me if ya want these features, or if you want any others ... Have PHUN! Ciao... van Hauser #