Dialux Direct3d Information

  • Uploaded by: Yordan Morales Acero
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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 175
  • Pages: 2
Direct3D Information DIALux 4.13 -----------------------------AdapterCount 0X1 Adapter 0 Driver nvldumd.dll Description NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB DeviceName \\.\DISPLAY1 DriverVersionLowPart 0XE069E DriverVersionHighPart 0X190015 VendorId 0X10DE DeviceId 0X1C03 SubSysId 0X37161458 Revision 0XA1 DeviceIdentifier {D7B71E3E-5F43-11CF-7671-18171BC2D435} WHQLLevel 0 Caps Adapter 0 DeviceType 0X1 AdapterOrdinal 0 Caps 0X20000 Caps2 0XE0020000 Caps3 0X3A0 PresentationIntervals 0X8000000F CursorCaps 0X1 DevCaps 0X1BBEF0 PrimitiveMiscCaps 0X2FCEF2 RasterCaps 0X7732191 ZCmpCaps 0XFF SrcBlendCaps 0X3FFF DestBlendCaps 0X3FFF AlphaCmpCaps 0XFF ShadeCaps 0X84208 TextureCaps 0X1ECC5 TextureFilterCaps 0X3030700 CubeTextureFilterCaps 0X3030300 VolumeTextureFilterCaps 0X3030300 TextureAddressCaps 0X3F VolumeTextureAddressCaps 0X3F LineCaps 0X1F MaxTextureWidth 0X4000 MaxTextureHeight 0X4000 MaxVolumeExtent 0X800 MaxTextureRepeat 0X2000 MaxTextureAspectRatio 0X4000 MaxAnisotropy 0X10 MaxVertexW 1E+010 GuardBandLeft -1E+008 GuardBandTop -1E+008 GuardBandRight 1E+008 GuardBandBottom 1E+008 ExtentsAdjust 0 StencilCaps 0X1FF FVFCaps 0X180008 TextureOpCaps 0X3FEFFFF MaxTextureBlendStages 0X8 MaxSimultaneousTextures 0X8 VertexProcessingCaps 0X13B MaxActiveLights 0X8 MaxUserClipPlanes 0X8

MaxVertexBlendMatrices 0X4 MaxVertexBlendMatrixIndex 0 MaxPointSize 8192 MaxPrimitiveCount 0XFFFFFF MaxVertexIndex 0XFFFFFF MaxStreams 0X10 MaxStreamStride 0XFF VertexShaderVersion 0XFFFE0300 MaxVertexShaderConst 0X100 PixelShaderVersion 0XFFFF0300 PixelShader1xMaxValue 65504 DevCaps2 0X51 MaxNpatchTessellationLevel 0 Reserved5 0 MasterAdapterOrdinal 0 AdapterOrdinalInGroup 0 NumberOfAdaptersInGroup 0X1 DeclTypes 0X30F NumSimultaneousRTs 0X4 StretchRectFilterCaps 0X3000300 VS20Caps 0X1 PS20Caps 0X1F VertexTextureFilterCaps 0X3030700 MaxVShaderInstructionsExecuted 0XFFFF MaxPShaderInstructionsExecuted 0XFFFF MaxVertexShader30InstructionSlots 0X1000 MaxPixelShader30InstructionSlots 0X1000

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