Dialog Box

  • November 2019
  • PDF

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  • Words: 448
  • Pages: 5
//dialog box #include <windows.h> #include "resource.h" #include hmenu hmenu; lresult callback wndproc(hwnd,uint,wparam,lparam); bool callback dlgproc1(hwnd ,uint ,wparam ,lparam ); // dialog box procedure bool callback dlgproc(hwnd,uint,wparam,lparam); hwnd hdlgmodeless ; char arr[20][10]; hwnd hwnd; fstream file; int winapi winmain(hinstance hinst,hinstance hpinst, pstr szcmdline,int icmdshow) { static char appname[] = text ("hello"); msg msg; wndclass wndcls; wndcls.style = cs_hredraw | cs_vredraw; // window style wndcls.lpfnwndproc = wndproc; // window procedure name wndcls.cbclsextra = 0; // no of extra bytes to allocate following the window-class structure wndcls.cbwndextra = 0; // no of extra bytes to allocate following the window instance wndcls.hinstance = hinst; // handle to the instance that the window procedure of this class is within wndcls.hicon = loadicon(hinst,makeintresource(idi_icon1)); //handle to the class icon wndcls.hcursor= loadcursor(hinst,makeintresource(idc_cursor1)); //handle to the class cursor wndcls.hbrbackground = (hbrush) getstockobject(white_brush); //background wndcls.lpszmenuname = appname; //resource name of the class menu wndcls.lpszclassname = appname; //application name if(!registerclass(&wndcls)) { messagebox(null,text("not ok"),appname,mb_iconerror); return 0; } file.open("a.txt",ios::in|ios::out, filebuf::openprot);

//load menu created through resources hmenu = loadmenu(hinst,makeintresource(idr_menu1)); hwnd = createwindow( appname //application name ,text("title of the window") // title of window ,ws_overlappedwindow | ws_hscroll | ws_vscroll// style of window ,0 // horizontal position of window ,0 // vertical position of window ,cw_usedefault // width ,cw_usedefault // height ,null // handle to parent or owner window ,hmenu // handle to menu or child-window identifier ,hinst // handle to application instance ,null); // pointer to window-creation data showwindow(hwnd,icmdshow); updatewindow(hwnd); //modeless dialogbox // hdlgmodeless = createdialog(hinst,makeintresource(idd_student),hwnd,dlgproc); while (getmessage(&msg,null,0,0)) { if (hdlgmodeless == 0 || !isdialogmessage(hdlgmodeless,&msg)) { translatemessage(&msg);//required in case of keyboard handling dispatchmessage(&msg); } } return msg.wparam; }

lresult callback wndproc(hwnd hwnd,uint message,wparam wparam,lparam lparam) { static hinstance hinstance; static hicon hicon; static hwnd hwnd1,hwnd2; switch(message) { hdc hdc; hmenu hmenu,hmenupopup; case wm_create: hinstance = ((lpcreatestruct)lparam)->hinstance; hwnd1 = createwindow(text("editbox"),null,ws_child | ws_visible | ws_border ,100,0,20,0,hwnd


ws_visible |bs_pushbutton

hwnd2 = createwindow(text("button"),"ok",ws_child | ,200,10,20,0,hwnd ,(hmenu)2,hinstance,null); return 0; //sendmessage(hwnd1,wm_gettext,20,(lparam)buff);

case wm_command: //modal dialog box switch(loword(wparam)) { case idm_student: dialogbox(hinstance,makeintresource(idd_student),hwnd,dlgproc); //dialogbox(hinstance,text("idd_student"),hwnd,dlgproc); break; case idm_staff: dialogbox(hinstance,makeintresource(idd_staff),hwnd,dlgproc1);


break; } return 0; case wm_destroy: postquitmessage(0); return 0;

return defwindowproc(hwnd,message,wparam,lparam); } bool callback dlgproc(hwnd hdlg,uint message,wparam wparam,lparam lparam) { tchar buff[10],szbuffer[20]; hdc hdc; hdc=getdc(hwnd); switch(message) { case wm_initdialog: return true; case wm_command: switch(loword(wparam)) { case idc_save: getdlgitemtext(

hdlg, // handle of dialog box idc_edit1, // identifier of control szbuffer, // address of buffer for text 20 // maximum size of string ); textout(hdc,200,200,szbuffer,lstrlen(szbuffer)); file<<szbuffer; break; case idc_add_to_list: break; case idc_ok: messagebox(null,buff,"dialog box",mb_iconerror); break; case idc_cancel: enddialog(hdlg,0); return true;

} return false;

} break;

} bool callback dlgproc1(hwnd hdlg,uint message,wparam wparam,lparam lparam) { char buff[10]; switch(message) { case wm_initdialog: return true; case wm_command: switch(loword(wparam)) { case idc_ok: messagebox(null,buff,"dialog box",mb_iconerror); break;

case idc_cancel: enddialog(hdlg,0); return true;

} return false;

} break;


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