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I. Demographic Variables a. Family Heads • Wilma Salazar • Michael Arjente • Charry Antazo • Analiza Cabling • Francis Fernandez • Juanito Opiana • b. Age and Sex Distribution (Population Pyramid)

Interpretation: The total population, which is 34, is composed most of females, which is 62% (21), and males, which is 38% (13). The highest percentage, which is 18% (6), comes from the range of 1-4 years of age. It is followed by 15% (5), which is composed of ranges 25-29 and 45-49 years of age. Next comes from ranges 10-14 and 15-19 years of age which have a percentage of 12% (4) in the total population. 6% (2) comes from the range 50-54 years of age. Lastly, 3% (1) comes from the ranges 0-11 months old, 5-9, 20-24, 30-34, 35-39, 55-59, 60-64, and 65-69 years of age. Basically based on the interpretation there are more females in the population than males. c. Status of Residence Interpretation The data above shows that families of Brgy Sabang have already been residing within the community for quite sometime. Out of 8 families there are 3 families who stated they have been living within the community between 11 – 20 years. Those who were residing for almost 3 decades or more, is 2 out of 8 families in quantity, same as those who were living within the community within 21 – 30 years. A few have stated they are new in the community. d. Civil status Interpretation The data shows that out of 33 populations, 54.5% are single or do not have yet partners in life while 45.4% are already married, 0.03% or only 1 is separated and 0.03% or 1 is widowed.

e. Family Structure

Interpretation Based on our data of Family structure, collated from the members of the group, there are three emerging family structure types that exist in the families that we have handled. These are the nuclear type, the simplest type; the extended type, most common among Filipino family settings; and the Step family type, this type is defined as a family composed of a child with non-biological parents. In our case, this type of family emerged in our group because one of the families is a cohabitation of a granddaughter and his grandparents living as a nuclear family. In the graph above, it has shown that the most existing family structure is the nuclear type. Among the population of families in the area, there is 50% percent or half of the families we’ve handled are Nuclear in structure. 37% of the family structures existing are then extended in structure. This type of family structure is gaining most in population of the families in the area same as the nuclear type. The most less of the structures is the Step family type, which is only 13% of the population, due only to its being uncommon among the population. Analysis Based on the interpretation of data above we have analyzed the following. On the population of Gender by age, there are more females than males in the total population. Due to the fact that it is the males who work rather than their wives, it affects the health of the males that may cause them illness because of fatigue. The highest data collated are toddlers, which is there are 6 of them, because of disregarding the use of family planning. But over all, there are more adults in the community than children. Also we have observed that the community has been existing for quite a long time now based on the longest year of residency of the families we have handled. This is enough to say that the community is already present for a long time but has slow type of improvement. Also the population is concession of single people- children and teenagers. They do not establish their own family yet meaning they are dependent people. The reason why there are more single than other civil status is that every married couple is in the stage of Family with teenagers and adults and every couple have 2 or more son or daughter aged 14 to 20. Therefore the ratio in some family when it comes to the number of single to a family is 2:1 or 3:1. Thus single people have fewer problems especially when it comes to health than married people or other civil status. Also we have said that 3 structures are common among our collected data; the nuclear, the extended and the stepfamily type. The nuclear and the extended type, having the most numbers in the

population is the most common in Brgy. Sabang, alone. This is because many of the Filipino families are structured by this nature through history. Nuclear families are really very common because this is what we have described as the simplest and basic type of family. This has shown that Filipinos especially in this small community prefer a structure of a family that has been pre-existing since time. The other type of family that is also very common among the vicinity is the extended type, a structure defined as a combination of a nuclear type of family with an extended part of the family; a grandparent, a niece, a nephew or in-laws. This type of family is now the most common among Filipino families, mainly because many of the Filipinos prefer that extended family members can live with them, until time comes. Most of this extended types, especially in Brgy. Sabang, a grandparent, a niece or nephew, or a combination of 3 families is the most common. One of the families is composed of the nuclear type of family with a grandmother living with them. This is mainly because Filipinos believed that taking care of their parents till their aging stage is a family and a son/daughter’s responsibility. This is very different among the western culture where they send the old ones to either a retiring house or a day care for elderly. Also grandparents help in their grandchildren’s growth and development. Also because Filipino families believe in the extended family ties, often a family of 2 lives together. Or sometimes some parents relay their responsibility of their child, either to a brother/ sister or to an in-law making the child a part of the family. The culture therefore of Brgy. Sabang’s population is based on the communities’ families branching out almost on the community itself. For example, a family like family A had their daughter married to family B, their neighbour. Then their children are married to the other families in the community. The only family structure, not common in the area but is existing is the step family type that co-existed because of the modern change in family beliefs. Mostly because many parents are taking their responsibility to their child and pass to them to a family member or worst a neighbour. In our group, the family with this type of structure is composed of grandparents acting as parents to their granddaughter who’s only young. They become a nuclear in concern of a pseudo relationship made for the child but the original relationship itself is considered not nuclear but a combination of an extended type but without the nuclear type existing. A new structure exists because many families are already influenced by other western cultures. Through the outcome of the analysis we have concluded that Brgy. Sabang’s population has the capability to improve in terms of health and status for a better community.


II. Socio-Economic Variables a. Education Attainment

Interpretation The educational attainment of our families in barangay Sabang is mixed. There are 7 people or 21% of the population entered college. 15 or 44% of the population are in high school among these 15 are teenagers. 3 or 9% of the population are in grade school, which all of them are children and 9 or 26% of the population consist have no schooling. 8 of them are still too young to study and 1 of them is a special child. The analysis is that majority of the families have the capability or they have the some knowledge on health. But we can still see that some of them lack the understanding about health but this due because they are still young. Though they have capability to understand problems about health, we still need to teach them about health because they have a number of children which needs to be taken care of. b. Employment Status


Based on the graph above 41 % of the population of Brgy Sabang are Self- Employed. This are mostly through owning of stores or business related in small manufacturing or agricultural while on the other hand 35 % are Unemployed, a large number of dependents. While saddening is that only 24% are Employed. c. Types of Occupation

Interpretation The data showed that generally the occupations in Brgy. Sabang were store owner, driver, a farmer, jueteng kubrador, and OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker) which had 13.33% each. While other member of the community had 6.67% each like being a barangay kagawad, ambulant vendor, security guard, swine owner and poultry owner. d. Monthly Income Interpretation The Monthly income of our families varies from 5000 to 15000 and above and there is also with a no specific income. There are 3 or 37% of the population who earns money which has a monthly income of 5000 to 9000. There are also 3 or 37% who earns money with a monthly income of 10000 to 14000. There is only 1 or 13% of the population who earns money with a monthly income of 15000 and above. There is also 1 or 13% of the population who has no specific income because they have different daily wages and monthly income. e. Housing •


Interpretation In this graph presentation of House types, houses in Brgy. Sabang are categorized between; Strong, Light, Mixed, and Others. Based on the data collected, these are the percentages of the house types of Brgy. Sabang. Strong houses, those made of concrete and can face harsh disasters are of 25% percent in the community. A quarter of the whole data, as shown in the graph. Light houses, those categorized as huts made of wood, nipa or common “bahay kubo”, are 25 % of the population. It is a quarter of the whole and same as Strong type houses. A mixed

type, or those of combination between strong and light types, is 50% of the whole data from the community. Almost half of the whole data. •


Interpretation From the expressed data in the right, the ventilation of houses is characterized between poor and well. Well ventilated houses are of houses with windows with good number of windows that can facilitate proper ventilation. Number of houses with this type of ventilation are 62% of the total number of houses observed. This percentage represents almost the number of houses with windows that are 5 or 3. Poor ventilated houses are 38% percent of the houses with observed. •


Interpretation Another way of categorizing houses is how it is owned, it could be either Rented or Owned, or on other ways. Houses that are rented are 25% or ¼ of the total number of houses observed. Houses then that are owned are 50% or half of the number observed. Houses which is neither owned or rented, or based on our group, houses that families care takes, is 25% or ¼ of the houses observed. •

Lighting Source

Interpretation Based on our data expressed, 100% of the houses have well light source. Needed for a good house condition. Almost all of the houses we have observed are into good light source, this are of light bulbs and not oiled lamps or candles. Also from the other figure, 100% of the houses have electricity. Analysis The occupations of the member of the community in Brgy. Sabang, Naic, Cavite was commonly being a store owner, a driver, a farmer, jueteng kubrador, and OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker). These are type of occupation that is in demand like being an OFW and a store owner and

because of the resources that can be seen around the community which are being a driver, a farmer and jueteng kubrador. Occupations like this types suggest that the families are not capable of giving a possible healthy life to the whole members. There would be Lack of social, physical, emotional and spiritual development other than health. We can say that all of the families have a source of income. We can see that they have a monthly income. Based from the life and crisis going on in this country, we can say that the income is not enough. They are having a hard time in trying to budget the money for their daily lives. Therefore they have less funds of their health. We also see that some of them have a poor foundation in houses. It is also because of the low monthly income. They cannot afford to have repairs because of the low income. Their budget for food will also be affected because of the low income. They could be trying to conserve food because of the price hikes and more. Schooling is also affected because of the low income. Since they have a low income, it is very hard to budget their money for their daily expenses. We have categorized the houses into 4 types. Strong types, are those made of concrete, is one of the common types in the community. Basically, houses in the community during our stay were really made of concrete. This is a fact that in rural areas, houses are made of concrete types already. It is a sign of modernization in the community and also rise of economical state. Also during our stay I have observed the presence of a subdivision in the vicinity of the community. Light houses, the most common on rural areas since time, are still present in the area. The population and number of these houses which is equal to number of strong houses is a sign that this rural community are still in the stage of development. Also it is a sign that Filipino families in the area are not yet in, terms of financial status, unable to finance and members of the Filipinos with jobs in the agricultural sector. Mixed types are those of combination of concrete walls with nipa or not strong roofs; or a combination of the two types of houses, described above. These types of houses are now the most common types in rural areas around the country. This is because families now prefer the stability and characteristics of concrete houses but is still not able to provide good roofs or good windows and doors for their houses. Also some concrete walled houses are in combination with wood-made walls or metal roofs still in combination with nipa types. Ventilation is one of the most needed to be observed in houses because it facilitates respiration and circulation of the human body. Also it is a factor for health condition. Ventilation dictates the condition if the house is good for dwelling or not. Absence of ventilation contributes to poor quality for health. Based on the data expressed, there are better ventilated houses than those of poor ventilated ones. This is a great sign that the community can have a good quality of living. Families will live in good condition. Houses that we have handled in the community are mostly owned. This is very common in rural areas, where lands are already owned by the community dwellers, either inherited or bought. That is why most of the

houses are already owned by the family. Also some of the houses are rented because some of the families are those that were migrates in the community. Also families that have rented houses are those new families who have separated with their extended families within the area. Another type is that houses were some families live is care taken by the family from a boss or a family member who owns the land. This categorization of ownership defines how long this community has already been present. As analyzed, all of the houses we have observed have good light source. Also the availability of electricity in the community shows that the community itself is in good development and services and public utilities are soon available to the whole people. Presence of these two sources is an advantage to a family. Housing, then in this community is considered to be safe, as they are in good terms and are met in Maslow’s 2 nd need of Security Through the following analyzed graphs we have seen the socioeconomic side of Barangay Sabang. We have described the community as a still developing community. Based on status, the population do not really have the much level of education yet they thrive to survive through the presence of almost honest jobs. This type of status in employment defines a family’s capability to provide a healthy life to the family. This is very same to the types of houses that the families own. Overall, we say that this community as before, is in the status of development. Mainly, because economic wise jobs are vocational and income is not that high.


III.Cultural Variables a. Religious Affiliation

Interpretation The graph only shows that 100% of the families are Roman Catholic. Or almost 8 out 0f 8 families are baptized as Catholics. But surprisingly, a small Unida church is newly risen from the barangay that signals other types of religion is soon to spread to the community.

b. Beliefs and Practices (health)

Interpretation The graph shows that of the 8 families surveyed, 100% prefer the modern technique or they go to the doctors for checkups and treatment

when they get sick. But at the same time, 87.5% of them still use herbal medicine and 75% of them still believe in traditional medicines. Analysis The reason is basically tradition. Because they were born to Catholic families and because their relatives are also Catholics. Well, that is why we are known as a Catholic community. Filipinos basic characteristic is to stick into what they believe in so much that is why many Filipinos from generations are Catholics. This indicates that when it comes to health, the modern way is the priority of all families because of the modern technology and treatment used in treating or detecting sickness. Although there are those who believe in herbal medicine, used alongside with modern facilities, the reason is that it is cheaper and readily available, examples are garlic and guava. The families who prefer traditional medicines, like going to “albularyos”, they do so because they believe that some sickness are caused by “out of this world” elements. The spiritual aspect of life is a part of investigation. As WHO had incorporated it with the meaning of Health.


IV.Environmental Indicators a. Water Supply

Interpretation The water supply of the families in Brgy. Sabang mainly came from a deep well which showed from the data that it has 30.77%. It was followed by water supply from refilling station that has roughly 26.92%. 23.08% were coming from a communal type. The data showed that 15.38% were owned and 3.85% was from distance from the house. None or 0% of the family from the community has a water supply from water district house. b. Storage

Interpretation Based on the data collected from the group there are 2 emerging storage types in our group, these are covered type of storage and the uncovered type of storage. On the above figure, 6 out of 8 families or 75 % uses covered storage type while 2 out of 8 families or 25 uses the uncovered type. On the other hand, datas have showed that 50% of the community population uses containers fro water refilling stations as storage of water and another 50% uses drums as their containers. c. Excreta Disposal

Interpretation Brgy Sabang as a community is still a developing community. Based on the figure above we have gained this results. Out of 8 families there are 7 families who own a toilet facility that is water sealed in type. On the other hand a family is jot blessed to own such good facility. d. Drainage System

Interpretation Data showed that 75% of the house in Brgy. Sabang has an open type of drainage system while 25% has a good kind of blind type drainage system. This showed that almost all of the houses in this barangay have an open type of drainage system. e.

Animal Raised

Interpretation Based on the presence of animals in the vicinity, we have plotted them into domestic and strays. Primarily the domestic ones are those owned by the family or found near their area. Stray ones are those that roam the vicinity. By the numbers, Chickens, which were domesticated or owned by the family, maybe either for business, are owned by 6 out of 8 families. Next are the domesticated cats that are owned by 5 out of 8 families. Dogs which are highly favourable at times as pets are only owned by 2 of the families. And in each of the family, one family owns either a pigeon or a pig. Also 2 out of 8 families say stray dogs are present in their area, this is same as 2 out of 8 families say stray cats are also visible. Analysis The environment is one of the best indicators of health, therefore as we have conducted an investigation to the area we have interpreted it into graphs and therefore we have analyzed it through the following. Through the type and kind of storage used there is this type of ratio that shows that families are aware that storage is important because most of the families use covered storage that decrease health risk factors in the community and types of storage that are better for the daily needs. The water supply in Brgy. Sabang in majority came from deep well and followed by from water refilling station then by communal water supply. It was followed by owned and then distance from the house and none came from the water district. This can be because supply of water from deep

well is more abundant and cheap. It is also a native practice and is convenient to get because it is commonly near to the houses. They usually used the water from it for laundry purposes, for washing the dishes and for the toilet. The fact that the community uses or gets water from the refilling station means that they are concern of having a safe drinking water for everyday even they need to pay for it. The drainage systems in the community are roughly open type. This is not a very good thing because many diseases can be obtained from it. It could also be a breeding site for mosquitoes that could cause or lead to diseases that are related to mosquito bites like dengue. Contaminated water could also be acquired from an open drainage system which could be a source of diarrhea. Accidents are also possible to happen in this type of drainage system. The local government of Brgy. Sabang, Naic, Cavite should do some action about this and the community could participate in maintaining the drainage system clean. On the other hand we have also observed the number of animals present in the community. Animals are big factors of health, other than they become vectors of diseases they are also the cause of death or accidents in the area. Based on the interpretation, the number of strays are surprisingly low this means that possibility of any rabies accident is not merely possible. Also most owned animals are for business and domesticated pets are impossible to become vectors because of the families take care of the pets.


V. Health Related Variables a. Morbidity and Mortality Causes

Interpretation Based on the graph above, 9 diseases are present in the community. These are Hypertension, Glaucoma, Rheumatism, Cough and Colds, Influenza, Heart Disease, Asthma, LBM, and lastly bone dislocation. On the list, there emerge top 4 most cause of the disease, cough and colds both on the top 1 and 2 are the most common cause of illness in the barangay. Colds which 6 out of the 8 families say they have, and cough that 5 out of 8 families say they experience. Non-communicable disease, Hypetension, occur on the other hand to 3 out of 8 families. And next by the same level as the hypertension is Influenza that ranked last and also 3

out of 8 families experienced the disease. On same levels, or 1 out of 8 families experience the other 5 diseases. There are no incidence of death in the community within the last year and the present making the mortality rates to 0. b. Health Care Facilities and Manpower Resources

Interpretation In this graph, we have plotted the extent of Health Care facilities and manpower present in the vicinity. Hospitals are present by 50% in the community, through the words of community dwellers themselves that avail hospital service in near cities and towns. A Health Centre is also present through the presumption of the dwellers saying they avail Health centre care. c. Nutritional Status of Children (0-6 years old)

Interpretation The Nutritional status of these children whose ages are 6 yrs old and below are mixed, it is divided to nourished and malnourished. Out of the 7 children, 3 of them or 43% are nourished. 4 out of the 7 children or 57% are malnourished. d. Food Preference

Interpretation Based on the chart above, many of the families in our community prefer Fish in their daily meal. There is 7 out of 8 families do eat fish with meals. Vegetables on the other hand, are preferred by 6 out of 8 families that eat it with their meals. Pork is preferred by 4 out of 8 families while Chicken on the other hand is preferred by 3 out of 8 families. And lastly 1 only out of 8 families prefers to eat Beef in their daily diet.

Interpretation Based on the expressed graph on the right, 8 out of 8 families eat 3 x a day.

Interpretation Through data on the right, we also observed the no. of snacks families eat a day. 3 out of 8 families eat snacks once a day while 5 of 8 families eat snacks twice a day. None of the families eat snacks 3 or more in a day.

Interpretation Graph above interprets the no. of glasses the families consumed to the different liquids they drink a day. Juice is drank by almost 7 out of 8 families, 2 of the families say they drink it always in accordance with their meals while 5 of the families, they drink it sometimes. Water on the other hand is drank daily by 100% by the family, 85% or 7 out of the families drink water a day with their meals and only 25% or 1 of the families seldom drink water. Soft drinks or carbonated liquids on the other hand, are preferred by 7 out of 8 families, 6 of it saying they drink soft drinks seldom while 1 says they drink almost always. Coffee, on the other hand is preferred by 6 out of 8 families. Almost 75% or 6 of the families drink it always. Wine, on the other hand is not a preferred drink in the community making it 0 out of 8 families who don’t drink it. e. Ways and Means of Food preparation

Interpretation The graph shows that 100% of the 8 families surveyed prefer to have home-cooked foods. None of them wants to buy street foods or instant foods. Though, 75% of them still buy cooked foods from small carinderias. f. Preferred Medicines

Interpretation Based on collected data to what type of medicines these families prefer, 6 out of 8 or 33% of the families prefer OTC or Over-the-counter drugs. 6 out of 8 or 33% of the families prefer prescribed medicines while 6 out of 8 or 33% of the families prefer Herbal medicines. It is also very relevant that all of the types of medicines are equally preferred by the families.

g. Family Planning Acceptor

Interpretation Based on the collation of data, families that accept family planning are 38 % or only 3 out of 8 families believe in it while 5 out of 8 or 62 % of the families don’t believe in family planning. Making rise to the large population of children. h. Immunization Status

Interpretation The data showed that 85.71% of the babies in the community have a complete immunization while the remaining 14.29% has a defaulter immunization. This shows that majority of the babies in Brgy. Sabang received a complete immunization and almost all of the babies are resistant to some diseases. i. Personal Habits

Data Interpretation Based on the data gathered, only 38% in the total population smoke cigarettes and 62% drinks alcoholic beverage. j. Exercise

Interpretation Among all the people in the population, only 7% play sports as an exercise to have a healthy living. 43% of them in the population jog or walk as a form of exercise. But the most in the population consider their work as a form of exercise. k. Membership to Organization Only one is a member, the kagawad. This can be considered as an advantage for his family. He knows all the updates, projects and problems of the barangay. This can be benefit for him but also this can be a disadvantage. His duty could get in the way for prioritizing health. But, since he is a Kagawad in the barangay, he will know if there is a budget or update in the barangay for health.

l. Usual Source of Medical Care

Analysis Moreover other than the demographic, socio-economic, cultural, environmental factors, the most health related factors should be observed. And as we have investigated the factors that can be vectors of any disease or that can affect health badly or better. We have analyzed the following Morbidity cases in the community as interpreted above gave us the 4 most common disease occurring in the community. This type of diseases are really possible to be present around the barangay due to the environmental factors also analyzed above and vices that would be later analyzed. This is not a surprise since each of the family are not informed to the most common cause of this diseases. On the analysis of nutrition to toddlers, aged 6 and below, there are children that are lacking proper nutrition. This is not a surprise because majority of the families have a low income that is not enough for their expenses. In this case these children are more vulnerable to diseases because they have no proper nutrition; they have no enough energy to fight diseases. Also based on preparation of food the families prefer homecooked foods for economical and safety reasons. They believe that food preparation has something to do with the health of the people. Of course when they cook their own food, they can ensure its cleanliness and safety. Aside from that they can also make sure that their children are eating nutritious foods. They have also the possibilities to acquire diseases. But for some who do not have time because of work, they have no choice but to buy already cooked foods. Almost all the babies in Brgy. Sabang have complete immunization. This immunization or vaccination is composed of. This result also shows that these babies could have immunity and quick response to diseases. They have less chance to acquire harmful diseases. This is a good response to health by mothers. This data could also show that the mother or parents’ of these babies have enough information about the importance of immunization and maybe because of the work and effort local health unit of Sabang have informed the community about immunization. Results show that more people in the community drink alcohol than smoking cigarette. People in the community drink alcohol than smoke cigarette because drinking alcohol is one way of having social bonding with their neighbours. It is better to drink alcohol with friends than smoke with them. This indicators show that there could be a big probability that the families have greater chance to acquire alcohol related diseases but also smoking is not conducive to health. In this analysis we say that

reasons why people in this barangay experience such diseases is through this vices that affect health. On the other hand, results show that people in the community acquire exercise more from work than from normal exercise. This is because they have no time for a proper exercise. They give their time to work for their families rather than do some exercises which do not help in earning money for their daily living. Only some acquire exercise by walking or jogging. Those who have time for walking or jogging may possibly have more time for exercise than the others. Only less people are active in sports as a means of exercise because there is no enough time for it. Nonetheless, though such interpretation of data above that shows that the barangay uis susceptible to disease due to vices, hereditary diseases and other health factors. The people themselves are aware of any health care services. Most of the families prefer hospital care in times of accidental or dangerous case. Also the families believe that preventive care is important also due to acquiring services in RHU or if not financially capable to health alternatives like herbal.

Political and Leadership Variables

VI.Political and Leadership Variables Brgy. Sabang situated in Naic, Cavite, is only a small barangay from the rural areas, headed by Brgy Chairman Sisracon. To our advantage one of the families we have handled is a member of the barangay. The father who is a kagawad, gave us the following political agenda of the new regime. For the current Brgy Chairman is just been held position earlier this year. He then discussed to us the following programs already happening in the barangay same as those that are in the process of planning.


VII.Over All Analysis Interpretation of Data Barangay Sabang is a small rural community. Still away from the modernization of the urban areas of Cavite, we have considered to observe the vicinity to find out if it is a healthy community. Through research and survey of demographic, socio-economic, cultural, environmental and health related variables, we have come up with this over all analysis and interpretation of data. Based on the demographic variables observed the population of the Barangay is enough to say that it is a small community. There is no big inflation same as in urban areas but the barangay is the common basic rural community with families raging from extended to nuclear and a great number of population of children and old. The community has already been long existing and that through the stage of family life, most of the families are already living with independent children outnumbering most of dependents. By the early analysis of socio-economic variables, the community is described to be in the level of the low-wage earners. White collared jobs are impossible to happen in the area since it is far from the urban area making occupations agricultural or sometimes illegal. Since modernization, OFW’s are already present in 2 of the families. Economically, the community is slow in developing since financially, they are incapable due to sometimes job has sudden changes. This is primarily based also to the overall analysis of the range of income a family can have in a month in the community. It is enough already to give physiological needs that a family need. But because of the current existing worldwide economic crisis, we cannot say that economically and financially families can live harmoniously. Religion and beliefs in terms of medicine are also observed for it is a part of the cultural and traditional aspect of the community. Almost all of the families are baptized Roman Catholic for almost all of the Filipino population are Catholics. Mainly because no pilgrimage of any faith has invaded the community and that religion was mainly influenced by

generation. Culturally, we have observed that families in this community are into herbal or traditional medicine. This is very common to rural areas since medical and modern health services are unavailable. Environment in the barangay, by overall analysis is described to be in the bracket of 5 over 10. This is because of the variables which were uncertain and can be a big cause of disease. Water is owned and are from deep well source yet uncertainty of the source also makes it a big factor. A lot of the families have already said that in some deep well areas, water is not potable due to foul smell. Though storage is considered good, drinking water is uncertain due to some families who cannot afford distilled ones. Other than that there is positive response to toilet facilities due to most of the families have water sealed toilets. But the drainage system in the vicinity is considered to be unhealthy because it is open that can cause disease to any of the family, either dengue or diarrhea. Also the open drainage is on the front of most of the families houses. Morbidity cases on the other hand is rated to be not serious because common diseases are those that can be treated easily. Food preferences, preparation, eating habits and water drinking habits is good, making the grade of nutrition to the barangay 8 over 10 in score. Nutrition is given importance making every member of the population the possibility to be resistant to any disease. Immunization is also given to all children of the barangay. Politically, officials of the barangay do really think of the development of its community and this include health. Overall we say that Barangay Sabang is a small rural community with a healthy population due to good nutrition but is susceptible to disease due to a unhealthy environment.

De La Salle University – Health Sciences Institute Dasmariñas, Cavite

Community Diagnosis of Barangay Sabang, Naic, Cavite

March 19, 2009

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