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Douglas High Alumni News Letter


Publisher Ed Grensky

Volume No. I

Issue No. 10

Date 8/29/09

Good News We have located three more classmates, and have two email address changes for you; so get out your reunion booklets and keep up with the changes.

First, two email changes: 1. Change the name of Estelle Abel to Estella Hazen Woody, and change her email address to: [email protected] . 2. Margaret Day Hammer, change to: [email protected] .

Classmates Found:

3. Kathy Story Wagner [email protected] .

Newsletter Information I know I’ve asked for the past two weeks if anyone would like to write a column for this newsletter, or submit a periodic post, to contact Ed at: [email protected] I’ll try not to mention it again, but keep it in mind; I have had only two willing soles so far.

1. Linda or Lynn Mann Morris [email protected] .

Terry Woodall Sept. 2nd Happy Birthday Terry from all of your classmates.

NO PHOTO 2. Connie Smith White [email protected] .

If I’m missing anybody’s Birthday, it’s due to you not filling in your birth date on your web page.


Web Site Information Something new that’s been added to the web site is the convenience of reading current, and past newsletters anytime you want. To find it go to the main page of the web site, and scroll down looking on the right side until you see “Featured Links” and click on the newsletter you want to read. When you’re on the web site don’t forget to look at the message board for information from classmates, also check the “family news summary”, recipes, and more. On the main page of the web site, there are three areas you can go to, to check your classmates; I find the best place to go is “View Class Directory” under the world glob. Why? It’s easy to find, and with just a glance it shows those that are missing, diseased, and for those found it shows the city they live in right off the bat; from there you can go to their biography.

I’m still looking for photos from some of you that took photos at the reunion, you can send me via email, if of course they were digital. [email protected] The most important photo I’m looking for is a close up of the group in the gym.

Reunion Poll Stats Two weeks ago I posted a poll on our web site asking you to vote on what you wanted to do for our future reunions; the response was okay. What do you want for the next ten years? Picnic every year w/ 50th reunion. (9)


Picnic's + Reunion in 5 years w/ Big 50th. (11)


Total Votes: 20 The actual vote count on picnics each year with a reunion in 5 years and a BIG 50th is 14 instead of 11; there were two that couldn’t vote on the computer and one that made a mistake in voting. I received an email from Marilyn Grass’ she made a great observation; I put picnics will be held each summer on Aug. 1st, NOT! They will be held on the first Saturday in August every year accept for what is planed for the 45th and 50th.

A POST By: Jeanette Gardner (Harty) [email protected] I liked this, it reminds me that no matter how old we are, we still have that opportunity to sing the song we came to sing, If we just will. Tagore did not really begin to share is poetry until in his 50’s. I believe as long as we are willing to put forth and try something new, we will stay young. And I for one do not want to grow old , I do not want to spend my days rocking in my rocking chair, I want to sing my songs, even if they are out of key.. . 2

Oliver Wendell Homes said: Many people die with their music still in them , Why is this so? To often it is because they are always getting ready to live, before they know it, time runs out. Tagore expressed a similar thought in these words. “ I have spent my days stringing and unstringing my instrument, while the song I came to sing remains unsung .”

Just For Laughs A little girl, dressed in her Sunday best, was running as fast as she could, trying not to be late for Bible class. As she ran she prayed, 'Dear Lord, please don't let me be late! Dear Lord, please don't let me be late!' While she was running and praying, she tripped on a curb and fell, getting her clothes dirty and tearing her dress. She got up, brushed herself off, and started running again! As she ran she once again began to pray, 'Dear Lord, please don't let me be late...but please don't shove me either!'

I felt I should run this Memorial for Joan one more time.

Joan’s husband Bob sent this email for her classmates. Thanks, Ed, and others, for your postings remembering Joan. Over the past year there has been a tremendous outpouring of love from our own community and beyond. Choral and Bible theater performances, donation of Bible books to our local library, and memorial funds have all been dedicated in her memory. I share, and invite you to share, Joan's strong faith and belief in eternal life. Joan loved our home and family, including daughters Amy and Kim. She loved our community, serving for many years as a lay representative to the Shepherdstown Ministerial Association. Joan treasured our community's Vacation Bible School, which she taught and helped direct for many years. She loved teaching adults and especially children about the Bible. And she documented her methods in a book, a wonderful labor of love entitled "That Ye May Teach the Children" I still have copies of her book for sale if anyone is interested. Joan termed the last few years, when we toured the country for her Bible talks, "the peak of her career." It was a wonderful time. Joan had fond memories of Oregon, including Winston, and Douglas High School in particular. We had the privilege of making a couple of quick visits over the years and she was in touch with a few of your classmates. Joan really enjoyed her high school years and I know she was blessed by all of you who knew her. If you have any special stories or comments about Joan, I'd be glad to receive them via email at: [email protected] Wishing you and your classmates all the best,


Bob Snipes Shepherdstown, West Virginia

"Behold the Lamb of God, which takes away the sin of the world"

If anyone has Judy Swift Mendenhall’s contact information, would you please email it to me?

John’s announcement that Jesus was the prophetic Lamb of God formally set into motion the progression of events that would culminate in the fulfillment of all the prophecies concerning the Passover Lamb and the redemption of humanity.

[email protected]

Jesus was going to come, and yet He suffered rejection by his own people.

The following massage is so very important; I hope each one of you will take the time to read it. I want to explain to you the direct comparison between the Old Testament people and the New Testament people, yes us, as to the knowledge we have been given about Jesus coming and on our choice.

The Old Testament people had Moses and the prophets told them all along their King was coming. Now what are we being told, as to the knowledge of His coming? The Revelation of Jesus Christ, this is found in the first three verses of the book of Revelation. 1

I know there are those reading this that already understands this important truth. For those of you that need more information, convincing information if you will, in making a choice, I want you to discover what the Old Testament people were told and what we are being told. Old Testament people being told, their King was coming. God, through the prophet Zechariah wrote in 9:9 Rejoice, O daughter of Zion! Shout in triumph, O daughter of Jerusalem! Behold your King is coming to you; He is just and endowed with salvation, Humble, and mounted on a donkey. Even on a colt, the foal of a donkey. Old Testament people being told, this is Jesus. John the Baptist in Jn.1:29. As John the Baptist was preaching the coming of the Messiah and baptizing those who were repentant, he saw Jesus coming and said,

The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to (B)show to His bondservants, (C)the things which must soon take place; and He sent and communicated it (D) by His angel to His bond-servant (E)John, 2 who testified to (F)the word of God and to (G) the testimony of Jesus Christ, even to all that he saw. 3(H) Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and heed the things which are written in it; (I) for the time is near. In case you read over it without pondering its meaning, (Revelation), disclosure: the (A)

revealing of something previously hidden or secret.

Now under the New Covenant which is the (New Testament), we have been told Jesus is coming; we all understand He is coming. God turned his face from His people in the Old Testament and still does today, because His people rejected Him, but soon that will change.


You know He is coming, so why do you wait to make the commitment to follow Jesus? The list below is a compilation I have come to understand as the way to salvation, through my study of God’s inspired Word. 1. Believe in Him. Jn. 3: 16-18 2. Repent of your sins. Lk.13:3 3. Ask God for forgiveness. Acts 2:38 4. Be Baptized in the name of the, Father, the son, and the Holly Spirit. Mk. 16:16 5. Keep His commandments. Matt.19:16-17 And the greatest of these is “Love thy neighbor as thy self. Put on the Whole Armour of God, (study His Word). The verses below are a short list of additional verses that coincide. See Acts 4:10-12; 17:30; Rom.10:13-15. "For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost [humanity]" (Matt.18:11 KJV). After this message above, I want you to know there are three cinereous, one of which you do fall under, no ifs ands or buts.

Hot, Cold, and Luke warm.


These are the people filled with the Holy Spirit that believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior, they have repented of their sins, asked God for forgiveness, and doing there best to follow Gods commandments.


Those that have not heard the Good News, and or do not believe in God even after hearing the Good News.


Now remember, I told you above there are three cinereous, one of which you do fall under, no ifs ands or buts. THE LUKEWARM CHRISTIAN "And to the angel of the church of the Laodiceans write: These things says the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God; I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot: I would that you were cold or hot. So then because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will [am about to] spue you out of my mouth. Because you say you are rich, and increased in goods, and have need of nothing; and know you not that you are wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind and naked: I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that you may be rich; and white raiment, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness does not appear; and anoint your eyes with eye-salve, that you may see. As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten: be zealous therefore, and repent" (Rev.3:14-19 KJV). There are many lessons a Christian can learn from this warning to the Laodiceans, and one of the most important is that God does not tolerate minimum performance. Those who have been called to be a Son of God must endeavor to be zealous in their commitment to God. Jesus Christ says if one is doing the minimum that is required, he is unprofitable, and if one is lukewarm in his commitment to God, he is in grave danger of being cast out of the body of Christ I have covered a lot of information here, in an abbreviated topical study. My endeavor here was to give an important message; you know as did the people in the Old Testament Jesus was coming, now you also know He is coming, the message here is choice. All our lives we make choices, right 5

or wrong we make them. Why wouldn’t you want to seek the information needed to make an informed choice, which will affect your eternal destiny? You can’t just sit back and hope that God will accept you because you have been a good person, but we are all sinners and fall short of the Glory of God. The only way to the Father is through Jesus, which is by His Grace. Time is short, don’t waist it.

NOTE: Do you have a question about anything the Bible teaches that you would like further understanding on? I will do my best to answer your question directly via email, or I can add it to our newsletter; there may be others that wonder about the same question.

NOTE: There is a book coming out on Oct. 31st by the name “If Christians Were Really Christian” by John Killinger.

Web site address below. About the book: Description: In the world today, churches and church members are often diverted from their central mission of loving others and interpreting life through the vision of Jesus Christ. If Christians Were Really Christian shows that with the message we have been given and the spirit of God to lead us we should have led everyone to the kingdom of God. About this edition: ISBN13: 9780827216259 ISBN: 0827216254

http://www.classreport.org/usa/or/winston/d hs/1969/

Ed’s email below. [email protected]


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